Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 186 General Fujita's Revenge

Chapter 186 General Fujita's Revenge

"The character of the Lu family is admirable, and Mr. Lu is also someone I admire. It's a pity that I had something urgent to do at the birthday party last time, so I didn't have the chance to meet him!"

While Li Shuwen was talking, there was a roar in the air, and several fighter planes flew by, heading east.

The flying altitude of the fighter plane was very low, and the noise was so loud that even Wang Ai, who had some tinnitus, could hear it clearly. He said with a surprised face:

"These fighters, don't be attracted by the movement you made just now?"

"It shouldn't be, I have arrangements before the sparring!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, several silent talismans flew over from afar and landed in his hand.

As soon as Li Shuwen's tiger and leopard thundered, he knew that there might be a lot of noise later.

Before the fight, they played a few silent talismans, forming a silent area within a radius of [-] meters.

So don't look at the big commotion just now, but if it spreads outside, it may not be as loud as the engine of an airplane.

"Bold and careful, reliable in handling things!"

Li Shuwen sighed in admiration, looked at the direction the fighter plane was flying, and said:

"It's in the direction of Tiger Beach. If there is no accident, the Japanese pirates are going to attack the Cheka agents lurking there!"

"Take action against the Cheka agents?" Lu Jin looked surprised, "Didn't Senior Brother Zhang just pretend to be this? Could it be that there really is one in Bincheng?"

Not only him, Lu Ci and Wang Ai were also very surprised, and they all looked at Zhang Zhiwei. Brother Zhang is really so strategizing and predicting things like a god?
Zhang Zhiwei folded his hands and said nothing, with an inscrutable look on his face. In fact, he himself was a little confused. Pretending to be a Cheka agent was just a random move of his, just to splash some dirty water on Mao Zi, and he didn't expect much. If it’s okay, it’s fine, if it’s not, it’s down, it’s not a loss anyway.

But now, there are actually Cheka agents, and they really poured dirty water on them. Is it true that Japanese pirates are just like this?
Zhang Zhiwei was wondering when he heard Li Shuwen explain:

"Bencheng has always had Cheka agents lurking. After all, it used to be Maozi's territory. Although it was later defeated by Japanese pirates, there are still many remnants left behind."

"In these years, although the Japanese pirates have been wiped out many times, they have never been eradicated. As for why you can pour dirty water on the Cheka, it is because the commander made some arrangements, and Fujita's daughter died. I was dazzled by anger, so I made it like this!"

After hearing Li Shuwen's explanation, several people were still a little confused. It turned out that Marshal Zhang also got involved, and they also knew about Fujita.

When tortured Kameda Ichiro, Kameda Ichiro did everything, and the general Fujita and the commander were no exception.

However, Kameda Ichiro's status is not high enough, and little is known about Fujita, not even his strength, let alone information about his family.

"By the way, how did his daughter die!"

Zhang Zhiwei touched his nose, and instinctively told him that it might have something to do with him.

"Blown to death by unknown means!"

Li Shuwen took a deep look at them. Even he didn't know how these little guys in front of him bombed the Japanese pirates' headquarters in Bincheng.

Although the headquarters of the Japanese pirates is in the same place as the ammunition depot, it is not only guarded by heavy soldiers, but also has such extraordinary experts as General Fujita.

Although Li Shuwen thought he could defeat Fujita, he was not arrogant enough to rush into the headquarters and kill him.

Not to mention detonating the ammunition depot in front of Fujita and killing his daughter.

It's not an exaggeration to say that this kind of deed is murderous. Thinking about it differently, if he were Fujita, he would probably go crazy.

"It turns out that the daughter of the Japanese pirate commander was killed by us, hahaha, it's the bad luck of that dog named Fujita!"

Hearing that the last time they took action, they achieved such a result and killed the commander's daughter, Lu Jin didn't hold back for a while, and sweared directly.

These days, Lu Jin has let himself go a little too much and is full of swear words. Today, when she met Li Shuwen, a senior, she restrained herself a bit, but when she got excited just now, she immediately revealed her true colors.

Li Shuwen looked at Lu Jin with some surprise, and thought to himself, just now this kid looked like a nobleman with fluttering white hair, why did he suddenly become a... white-haired reckless?
However, Li Shuwen didn't underestimate Lu Jin because of this. On the contrary, he felt that Lu Jin was a genuine character, and he was more pleasing to the eye.

Noticing this scene, Lu Ci and Wang Ai looked at each other.

Wang Ai covered his face to hold back his laughter, and let out a "Kukuku" barbell-like laugh.

Lu Ci, a bad friend, seized the opportunity and said badly:
"What do you want to do, I said, Lao Lu, whether you are a family or a gangster, the atmosphere of our four families has been distorted by you!"

Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, knowing that he had lost his composure, and glanced at Li Wenshu, a little at a loss.

But Li Wenshu said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, old man, I was born in a bunch of reckless people. I was not used to your gentle and gentle look before, so it's good and refreshing!"

"By the way, you made too much noise at the Yamato Hotel earlier. After Fujita has dealt with the Cheka agents, it's time to deal with the matter here."

"This is not a place to talk, come, come with me, we will go to a stronghold of the commander here, there is everything you want to know!"

Zhang Zhiwei wasn't too surprised about Li Wenshu's stronghold, how could others snore and sleep on the couch, it would be strange if Marshal Zhang didn't arrange anything here.

A group of people followed Li Wenshu.

After avoiding several groups of Japanese pirates all the way, I came to a church next to the pier.

Pushing open the door and entering, you can see a statue of the Virgin standing inside the church, luxurious red and gold, which shows that the paint of the painting is mixed with real gold powder.

Lu Jin sized it up and said, "This church has been around for a while! And the style of the house is not like that of the Japanese pirates."

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This should be the building left by Maozi when he occupied Bincheng!"

Li Shuwen nodded and said: "That's right, it was indeed left by Maozi. There were quite a lot of people who believed in this thing before, but since Maozi was expelled by the Japanese pirates, there are fewer people who believe in this thing!"

With that said, Li Shuwen walked out of the church and found a well in the grass in the back yard, the well head was covered by an old-fashioned cast iron manhole cover.

"This is one of the entrances, and the stronghold is inside!"

Li Shuwen stretched out his hand, and he directly lifted the large iron cover, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, lightly.

Immediately, several people filed in from the mouth of the well.

And when Zhang Zhiwei and his party entered the stronghold.

Laohutan Street, a wealthy area of ​​Bencheng.

This place is different from the European-style architectural style of Bincheng as a whole. It is more Japanese-style, and the decoration is quite luxurious.

All the people living in it are from the Japanese pirates side, and even many families of Japanese pirate soldiers live here.

So these people were not afraid of Japanese pirate soldiers, and even went out of the house to look around.

"Isn't it over yet?"

"I heard an explosion just now."

"There is trouble again. I also saw many fighter jets circling in the sky. Do you think it is Maozi who fought back?"

"How is it possible? If Maozi is really calling, we will definitely remind you in advance. It is estimated that some thieves who are running around have made trouble."

"Didn't you read the previous newspaper, because the railway company and the headquarters did not manage the warehouse properly, an explosion occurred, causing some casualties.

"Thinking about it now, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it. The explosion didn't happen because of poor management. It must have been done by thieves. Now that there is such a panic, it should be looking for thieves who made trouble!"

"I really hope that I can catch these damn guys quickly and let this place settle down quickly!"

These people are talking about it.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire on the street suddenly became irritable.

A Maozi with a beard ran in a panic, but was hit by a bullet within a few steps, and a blood hole exploded in his thick waist, and he fell down.

In fact, the man who was shot on the street was not a Cheka agent, he was just a simple boy.

However, in order to prevent the Cheka agents from escaping in disguise, General Fujita has issued an order to kill all the Maozi here, and he has not let go of any mistakes, so it is his turn to be unlucky.

Soon, heavily armed Japanese pirate soldiers pulled the man's body onto a military truck. When dragging, there was a long bloodstain.

This horrible and bloody scene caused chaos in the community.

But soon, a soft female voice came from the horn hanging on the telephone pole at the street entrance of the community.

"Here in the general broadcasting room of the Bincheng military, we are arresting some terrorists who are trying to launch a bomb attack. Please put down what you are doing immediately, go home, close the doors and windows, and don't go out until the terrorists are solved. We will notify you further.”

"Repeat, here is..."

At this moment, General Fujita's military vehicle had already driven in at the end of Laohutan Street.

General Fujita traveled with neither big nor small ostentation. There was an open military vehicle in front, a broken military vehicle behind, and his vehicle was in the middle.

"General, now our people have three floors inside and three floors outside. They have surrounded this place, and there are still fighter planes patrolling in the sky. Let alone Cheka agents, not even a fly can fly out!"

The staff officer next to General Fujita said that after the death of his daughter Keiko, Fujita changed to a new staff officer, but this time it was a man.

"By the way, General, just now our people beat a guy to death, but after testing, he didn't have cultivated qi, nor did he have any traces of training. He should just be a wealthy businessman who came to invest!"

General Fujita said with a blank expression: "Cheka people are of high quality and are very good at disguising themselves. However, due to their body shape, it is difficult for them to pretend to be ours, they can only pretend to be their own."

"So, all the foreigners in this community will be arrested. If there is any lack of cooperation, they will be killed and attacked immediately. It doesn't matter whether they live or die. The situation must be stabilized before dark!"

While talking, the military vehicle drove in, and General Fujita took out a photo from his arms. The photo showed a five or six-year-old girl in a plain white kimono, looking lively and enthusiastic.

Looking at the photo, a softness flashed in Fujita's eyes: "Keiko, father will avenge you!"

After all, he stuffed the photo in his wallet and put it in the interlayer of his military uniform. When he looked up again, he was extremely indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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