Chapter 187 The Real Cheka Agent

Bencheng, Tiger Beach neighborhood, in a Japanese-style courtyard, eight people are having a meeting.

Among the eight people, most of them have a typical Slavic appearance, tall and sturdy, muscular, and they are hairy at first glance.

They are the real Cheka agents lurking in Bencheng.

These people sat around a round table.

Everyone sat upright, like a javelin, without a sound, even breathing and heartbeat seemed to have stopped.

At first glance, I thought they were lifelike wax figures.

"Victor, Andre, Boris, and Anton's whereabouts are unknown. The pirates have surrounded this area again. I suspect that they were caught by the pirates and gave us our location!"

said a tall white man.

Another person said: "But even if we confessed our location, the Japanese pirates didn't need to go to war like this, and they surrounded this place. Don't they know what this place is? They hurt the enemy eight hundred, and they hurt themselves a thousand?"

"Speaking of which, I do know some information. Not long ago, two unknown weapons with strong lethality flew out of a freighter flying our country's flag and bombed the headquarters of the Japanese pirates and the railway company. Fujita His daughter was completely unrecognizable in the bombing, so he started a crazy revenge, and this time, he came in person!" Someone explained.

"A cargo ship flying our country's flag? Did our people do it? Why didn't we get any news?" Someone asked with a look of confusion.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

A white man wearing glasses knocked on the table with his hand and said:
"It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. The important thing is that we have been involved. What should we do? Break through, or just follow the plan and kill Fujita?"

At this time, the person sitting at the head of the conference table asked:
"If you break through, what is the success rate?"

Unlike most of the Slavs present here, this person is yellow-skinned and looks like a Mongol in terms of body shape and appearance.

When it comes to Maozi, most people immediately think of the blond-haired and blue-eyed Eastern Slavs, but in fact Maozi is also a multi-racial country.

During Genghis Khan's expedition to Europe in the past, the Mongols on pony horses rushed all the way to the Danube area, and included the Maozi Kingdom into the Golden Horde.

For a long time, the people who ruled this territory were actually yellow-skinned and brown-eyed Mongols, who were called Tatars.

Later, the blood of the Tatars has been circulating in Maozi. Among the famous generals who have served as the tsars, many have the blood of the Tatars, and some of them look like Mongols.

The captain of the Cheka team in front of him is a Tatar, and he is a Tatar with extremely noble blood.

His mother was an Eastern Slav, and his father was from the Golden Family of Inner Mongolia. Therefore, he also inherited a trace of Genghis Khan's golden blood.

Although this bloodline has been extremely thin so far, it still brought him great strength.

Therefore, he is the captain of this special agent team.

In Biyou Village in the plot, among the Twelve Root Vessels, the one named Harichagai also has this bloodline.

And unlike the current thin blood of this person, Harichagai is a very pure direct blood of the Inner Mongolian Golden Family.

Relying on the blessing of this bloodline, Harichagai just felt the existence of qi, and after only about ten days of practice, he defeated his master who had practiced for decades. It can be said that he stood at the end of many people since he was born.

However, relying on the power bestowed on him by his blood, this person scoffed at the techniques and skills. He was gifted with instincts. Although his starting point was high, he was blinded by his blood.

The white man wearing glasses said: "According to the information, the mad dog Fujita has transferred the railway garrison team back, and there are still some strangers cooperating with the army. If we forcefully break through, the probability of escaping is less than [-]%. You, if you activate the golden blood, there may be a [-]% chance of successfully breaking through!"

"Seventy percent?" The captain of the special agent team pondered for a moment, and then said: "What if we don't retreat but advance, and go to surround and kill Fujita?"

The white man with glasses pondered for a moment and said:
"According to the available information, Fujita is very powerful. He practiced the Flame Crucifix Fist in karate, and he has a remarkable record."

"In 1990, in the karate competition of the younger generation in Japan, Fujita won the championship."

"In [-], Fujita defeated the old master of Japanese karate, known as the heavy gunner Brontosaurus."

"From [-] to [-], he joined the army to go to the Far East. In the battle with our empire, at least a thousand people died at his hands, and many of them were military masters."

"Fujita has many nicknames, such as meat grinder, steel man, robot, iron man, devil muscle man..."

"However, we have a few mortars in our hands, which are set up on the windows and fired suddenly. Coupled with some heavy machine guns, even Fujita's so-called robots cannot stop them."

"First cover the firepower, and then the captain will shoot with us. If they catch them by surprise, there is at least a [-]% chance of killing him!"

After listening to the team members' analysis, the special agent captain patted the table and said:

"Since there is such a high probability of killing Fujita, then we won't run away. Let's kill him first. We all came from the Cheka, and each of us passed a series of devilish tests and survived. Elite, there's no reason why you can't take down a little Fujita, let's make a battle plan!"

The pride bestowed on him by the golden blood made him ashamed to run away.



On the other side, General Fujita sat quietly in the military vehicle in the middle, with his eyes closed, as if he was recuperating.

However, his spirit has already spread out, covering the surroundings, and he is always on guard for the slightest movement.

Many breathing sounds, footsteps, and faint conversations that are difficult for ordinary people to hear were all perceived by him.

When the military vehicle was halfway to the destination of the trip, General Fujita suddenly felt a thorn in his back.


General Fujita opened his eyes sharply. His eyes were wide open. Before the driver could stop, his wide latissimus dorsi spread out like wings, and he slammed into the car door.

The moment he flashed out.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

In a dark house next to the road, fire snakes spewed out, and several shells came with howling noises, bombarding the military vehicle Fujita was sitting on.

At the same time, in order to be safe, the Cheka agents in the dark also threw a large number of grenades and launched intensive fire coverage.

All of a sudden, there was a big explosion on the street, and the air wave caused the two cars in front and behind to be thrown into the air.

This is one of the strongholds that Cheka has operated in Bencheng for many years, and many weapons have been brought in in batches.

Accumulated over the years, the amount is quite considerable, almost equivalent to a small ammunition depot.

At this moment, it exploded in the hands of these well-trained agents, and directly caught Fujita by surprise.

Seeing the flames gushing all over the sky, even Fujita didn't expect that the enemy had hidden so many ruthless guys under his nose, some of which were better equipped than those in his army.

"The special high class is really a bunch of trash!"

General Fujita gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly. He kept on stepping, dodging and turning in the fierce artillery fire.

On the roofs on both sides of the street, a Cheka agent carried Gatlin on his shoulders, gritted his teeth, and shot wildly at Fujita who jumped out.

"Da da da……"

The brass ammunition chain swayed in the air, and hundreds of bullets poured down like a storm.

General Fujita was unarmed, covered in a dark blue qi, and didn't even dodge at all, facing the heavy machine gun fire, rushed to the roof like a cannonball, and came in front of the agent.


The agent's eyes were bloodshot, and with a roar, he raised the huge Gatling and slammed it at General Fujita.

It was only halfway through Gatling's flight that it fell apart, and a sparking fist protruded from it, and it became bigger and bigger, occupying his entire sight in an instant.


General Fujita punched the agent across the head, pierced through the front door, and pierced through the back of the head, so that when he pulled out his right hand, there were sticky black blood.

General Fujita is a master of karate. In one person's world view, karate is not a simple hand-to-hand combat technique, but a very powerful ability.

In the chapter of Tangmen, during the Battle of Mianshan, Li Ding, who was good at using Wushaojia, could charge against the firepower of a Japanese pirate team, but died under the fire of a karate master.

At that time, that karate master was holding a wooden stick and holding Qi on the wooden stick, crushing Li Ding in both attack and defense.

Li Ding's life-saving blow was able to break through the opponent's body protection energy, and caused a pinhole-sized injury to the opponent. It can be seen that a stranger who practices karate has a strong defense.

Of course, when Li Ding died, he also commented on that foreigner who practiced karate. His defense was strong, but compared to the damned little Taoist who defeated him many years ago, it was nothing worth mentioning. .

And that damned little Taoist priest was only about 13 years old when he defeated him that year.



General Fujita's strength is much stronger than that karate alien, and a mere heavy machine gun can't help him.

"Assault on me? Look down on whom?"

General Fujita smiled grimly, tilted his head, and blasted a mortar over his forehead, blowing down a Japanese-style attic behind him.

Afterwards, General Fujita dashed off the roof. After two vertical leaps, he disappeared among the buildings shrouded in smoke and flames, and went straight to the guy who fired at him.

After General Fujita left, there was no leader in the group, and the scene here was in chaos in an instant. The Japanese pirate soldiers he led were frightened, and they raised their guns to shoot at both sides of the street.

Suddenly, the flying shrapnel destroyed most of the windows along the street, and the people living inside were attacked by their own people.

For a while, screams came one after another.

At this moment, General Fujita had appeared in another place, holding a tall man in his hand.

This Maozi was much taller than General Fujita, but General Fujita grabbed him by the neck and held it in his hand, just like an eagle holding a chicken.

"Ula, why isn't it called Ula? Cheka, you dare to bombard me with a mortar in front of me, no wonder you dare to blow up my ammunition depot!"

Thinking of his daughter's death, General Fujita gritted his teeth with hatred.

He pinched the agent's neck and lifted him up. Flames spread from his palms, gushing up, and the Cheka agent in his hand burned into a huge torch.

The sound of grease crackling was chilling.

General Fujita did not take his life directly, but burned and tortured him bit by bit.

The Cheka agent screamed and struggled violently, but it didn't help.

(End of this chapter)

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