Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 188 The General's Super Strength

Chapter 188 The General's Super Strength

Fujita pinched the Cheka agent's neck and covered the opponent's body with flames.

After burning for nearly 20 seconds, the agent did not die.

It is conceivable how high the physique of this agent is, and it is also conceivable how tortured this person has been.

"As expected of a Cheka person, in terms of physical fitness, those wastes in the special high school are completely inferior!"

General Fujita said with a smirk, thinking of his daughter's tragic situation before her death and the inhuman torture she suffered, he felt a fire in his heart, an inexhaustible fire.

But at this moment, there was a "bang" gunshot.

Warm and wet flesh and blood splashed General Fujita's body. A large brass bullet with a diameter of 12.7 mm and a length of 99 mm penetrated the agent's body and hit his forehead.

The brass bullet rotated at a high speed, and the powerful kinetic energy was vented against his body shield.

But just half an inch into the Qi shield, it was unable to fall down, making a crisp sound of "ding".

General Fujita grinned and smiled.

The sniper rifle wanted his life, so naive.

It's a pity that the agent in hand died a little too early.

General Fujita let go of his hand, and was knocked to the ground by the Cheka agent he was holding like a torch.

I saw that the agent was completely unrecognizable, the skin on his face was burned away, exposing the scorched tendon and gums, and a blood hole the size of a skull was blasted out in his chest. The ruptured blood vessels twitched, and blood spots sprayed everywhere. splash.

He raised his head, and with his scorched hands, which were scorched to the bone, he firmly grasped General Fujita's trousers, and opened and closed his mouth, as if he was about to shout a slogan.

But there was a big mouthful of blood in his throat, and he didn't cry out in the end, his eyes lost their luster, and he didn't move.

General Fujita kicked the agent's body away, and looked in the direction where the sniper bullets came from just now.

Although he didn't see anyone, he heard messy footsteps and felt a special qi moving away.

"There's no point in running!"

General Fujita stepped on his feet, his body flew into the air, and rushed towards the sniper.

At this moment, the agents in the dark seized the opportunity of General Fujita jumping into the air and was inconvenient to move, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang..."

The firing pin hits the primer, flames and kinetic energy are released in the chamber, and the fireworks push the cartridge case out of the gun.

The rotating brass bullets came from all directions, and hit General Fujita, who was unable to dodge in the air, blasting out circles of air waves.

Although he still didn't penetrate General Fujita's body shield, the huge resistance still briefly blocked his pursuit.

Moreover, the bullets of the sniper rifle are very powerful, and every time you resist a shot, it will consume a lot of energy, which is also a huge burden for General Fujita.

After all, he is not Zhang Zhiwei, he does not know how to turn his qi, and defends with four or two strokes of a thousand catties.

Therefore, after eating a few large bullets, General Fujita stopped taking them hard, and began to rush left and right in the staggered rain of bullets, using the wall to approach the target.

"Bang bang bang!"

The rain of metal bullets followed like a shadow, and even the cement wall was blasted out of a hole the size of a human head, and the debris was stirred up in midair.

"Damn it, I underestimated his strength, fire, fire continuously, Fujita's qi is not infinite, as long as we shoot a few more rounds, he can't resist..."

A Cheka agent was talking. Suddenly, there was a chill behind his back, and he turned his head to look, only to find that four black babies with empty expressions climbed onto his back.

Suddenly, a cold and obscure feeling spread all over his body, he felt like a heavy weight was placed on his back, which made him unable to straighten up.

Immediately afterwards, a cat-like monster with a black body and two green flames shining in its eyes, which was about the size of a calf, jumped out and swallowed him in one gulp.

This is the secret onmyoji shot.

General Fujita brought people to encircle and suppress the Cheka agents. Of course, he brought not only some ordinary soldiers, but also some powerful aliens.

These Cheka agents also took it by surprise.

After a while, the aliens on the Japanese pirates side came back to their senses, the offense and defense immediately switched, and the killing officially began.

The foreigner from one's own side made a move, and the obstacles that General Fujita encountered naturally became smaller.

He stomped on his feet, and with a "chuckle", he jumped up from the ground and jumped in front of a tall white man who was running away.

Facing General Fujita, the man was not afraid at all, and threw the sniper rifle in his hand at Fujita.

Then he smoothly pulled out the sharp dagger at his waist, the qi of his whole body circulated crazily, attached to the sharp blade, shouted Ula, and rushed towards General Fujita.

However, his insignificant power is not worth mentioning in front of General Fujita.

After a face-to-face meeting, General Fujita punched his head and made his brains and blood stains explode.

The agent who was killed was actually an ace agent. He was also a ruthless character who killed people like hemp and had completed many missions. But in front of General Fujita, he died cleanly. This is the difference in strength.

On the other side, in a private house on both sides of the street.

The captain of the Cheka agent held a hatchet and cooperated with the vice-captain wearing glasses to kill several ninjas who rushed over.

"Igor, we miscalculated. I didn't expect the ninja under Fujita to react so quickly and find us first."

"Furthermore, Fujita is much stronger than we imagined. After becoming a general, he had so few fights that I miscalculated his strength."

"The failure of this operation is my responsibility. I will break through, you break through!"

The deputy captain of the secret service team gritted his teeth and said.

Their original plan was for the team members to use artillery fire to launch the first round of attack, injuring General Fujita.

Then the captain and the deputy captain used their abilities to assassinate at close quarters together.

Other team members use sniper rifles to assist, and must kill Fujita in the first time.

This plan is very simple, but simple plans are often very effective.

But in the end they lost all games because they misjudged Fujita's strength.

The first artillery attack failed to hurt him.

There was also a mistake in the second step. It was supposed to be the teammates and the vice-captain who activated their abilities to fight Fujita to the death.

But before they rushed up, Fujita's ninjas found them and launched an attack first, so it failed at the beginning.

Captain Igor shook his head and said: "A large number of aliens have already surrounded us. We are already the turtles in the urn. There is no chance to escape. Whoever escapes will be targeted by Fujita."

"At this point, in Chinese terms, we can only go to the bottom of the boat. Fujita is quite arrogant and out of touch with the aliens under him. This is the only chance for the two of us to fight. If you don't succeed, you will die!"

The vice-captain was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth: "It's done!"

After all, Captain Igor began to use the secret method to burn the golden blood in his body, and launched a desperate blow.

I saw strands of golden flames emanating from his body, the flames boiled and turned into a golden wolf shape, enveloping his whole body.

The wolf is the totem of Genghis Khan and the embodiment of the golden blood.

In an instant, the breath in Igor's body soared, becoming a little scary.

At this time, General Fujita was attracted by the qi emitted by Igor, and gave up chasing a sniper who was halfway through, turned around and came towards them.

The two looked at Fujita who was rushing straight overhead.

"I'll go first, I'll find you a chance!"

The vice-captain let out a long whistle, agitating the qi in his body, turning into a ferocious wind, and heading towards him. His tall body was full of explosive power, and he attacked Fujita like a bowstring volley.

But his sudden blow was easily parried by General Fujita.

General Fujita was a man who had charged tens of thousands of people on the battlefield and survived to make contributions. How could he be attacked so easily.

"This level can't beat me!"

General Fujita grinned, showing his thick white teeth, then grabbed the head of the vice-captain, smashed it into the ground, and held it tightly.

"You have four more..."

General Fujita was about to speak.

Suddenly, Igor's calf bent, and he lay on the ground, turning into a golden lone wolf.

The next moment, the golden lone wolf darted out, sprinted and bumped into Fujita's waist.

There was a loud "boom", and Fujita, who was holding down the vice captain, felt a sharp pain in his waist, and he was thrown flying, knocking down a Japanese-style courtyard behind him.

In the ruins, General Fujita frowned and turned his head to look.

I saw a golden giant wolf pounced on him, trying to bite him.

"Oh, it's interesting!"

General Fujita sneered, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the golden giant wolf's upper and lower jaws.

One person and one wolf, looking at each other, their eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, they are wrestling with each other, without any fancy reckless fight.

This is actually beneficial to Igor. He has burned his blood and strengthened his strength. With this part of his strength, he is still unable to use his fingers. Therefore, this kind of non-skilled competition is more beneficial to him.

However, the final result of the wrestling is that General Fujita is still better.

Flames swept out of his body, and the soaring flames rose infinitely high from behind him, directly tossing the golden giant wolf out.

Looking at Igor who was knocked to the ground by himself and his blood power began to decline, General Fujita grinned:
"The blood on your body is very interesting. I want to send you to the railway company's research institute, so that the people there can 'study and study' you!"

After all, he raised his fist and punched Igor in the abdomen, knocking him out.

Afterwards, General Fujita leaned down, came to the half-disabled deputy captain, grabbed the opponent's head with one hand, and asked in a deep voice:
"According to my information, there are a total of twelve of you, but the number of people who attacked me just now is far from matching. Where are the other four?"

The captured vice-captain froze for a moment, and Fujita didn't know the whereabouts of Victor, Andre, Boris, and Anton?Didn't they get caught, where did they go?

After a moment of silence, he glanced at the fainted captain, gritted his teeth, and yanked the dagger tied to his calf, stabbing at Fujita.

"The trapped beast is still fighting, it's beyond its control!"

General Fujita pressed his head to the ground, then grabbed his forearm, and broke it in the opposite direction.

The deputy captain with blood on the corner of his mouth snorted, and saw his forearm twisted in the opposite direction, revealing deep white bones and broken bone stubble.

"Say, tell, I'll give you a treat!"

After General Fujita asked, he looked into his eyes, noticed the other's eyes, and was taken aback for a moment.

It was a very determined look. He had seen this kind of look many times, from those under him who believed in Bushido.

As soon as he thought of this, General Fujita knew that there was nothing to be asked from the mouths of these guys whose beliefs were greater than their lives.

That being the case, he punched the opponent's calf, sending his flesh and blood flying all over the place.

The severe pain made the agent's face grim. He shouted "Ulla" and cursed at Fujita's daughter.

This completely enraged him, the angry Fujita raised his fist, and bombarded the opponent one after another like a perverted murderer, he didn't stop until the opponent lost his human form and turned into a pool of radioactive minced meat .

At the same time, there is actually a three-story basement under the church by the port of Bencheng.

This is one of Marshal Zhang's strongholds in Bincheng.

At this moment, in the hall of the basement, there were four complete corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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