Chapter 190 Top Secret Information
In the basement, I heard Zhang Zhiwei's conversation with the middle-aged man who smelled of alcohol.

The three of them, Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai, reacted belatedly, and looked at the middle-aged man one after another.

Wang Ai: "Hey! ~ Who is this person?"

Lu Jin: "When did it appear?"

Lu Ci: "We didn't even find out!"

The three of them were very surprised, and looked at Zhang Zhiwei with puzzled expressions.

"Brother Zhang knows this senior?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "I didn't know each other before, but now I do. If there are no accidents, this senior should be the No. 1 intelligence organization in the Jianghu, the head of the Jianghu small inn, the No. Shopkeeper Liu of the city!"

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.

"No. 1 lightness kung fu in the world?"

"Treasurer Liu of Jianghu Inn,"

"'Should penetrate the city in a moment' Liu Wei, shopkeeper Liu?"

As the children of the four families, they naturally knew about Jianghu Xiaozhan.

Jianghu Xiaozhan, although it sounds like an unpopular feeling, it is actually the opposite.

This is a gigantic organization with spies all over the country, as long as you can afford it, they will get information.

In later generations, due to the existence of the company, the power of Xiaozhan has shrunk a lot, but it is still very large. Its shopkeeper, Mu You, is still one of the ten people. teacher's one.

Although this proposal was vetoed by the furious Lu Ci, but Mu You dared to propose it. If nothing else, it would be terrible just because of his courage.

Where does this courage come from?Undoubtedly it was given by Jianghu Inn.

And the current Liu Wei, in the troubled times, can make the rumors of small inns in the rivers and lakes arouse, and even put his eyeliner in the homeland of the Japanese pirates, his ability is much stronger than that of Mu You in the later generations.

This point can be seen from his nickname, "In an instant, the city penetrates", and in an instant, it penetrates the entire city. The gold content of this nickname is not low.

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's introduction, Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai looked at Liu Wei in shock, completely unable to combine this guy like a rotten alcoholic with the legendary "In a moment, the whole city".

This is nothing like it at all!
Shouldn't the legendary figure who can infiltrate the entire city in an instant and hunt for information be a Lushan Lunjin, like Zhuge Wuhou?
What's the matter with this rotten drunk?

It's better to be famous than to meet!
For a moment, the three of them felt a little unimaginable.

"The little celestial master is absurd!"

Liu Wei shook his head with a smile, and unscrewed the wine gourd. Suddenly, a strong aroma of wine filled the entire basement. Obviously, his wine was not simple. He took a sip of the wine and said:
"I don't dare to be number one in lightness kung fu in the world, I'm just good at hiding it!"

"Shopkeeper Liu is modest. By the way, I don't know why Shopkeeper Liu is in Liaodong? He couldn't have come here just for me!"

Zhang Zhiwei said.

He felt that the affairs of Gao's action should be more important than his own.

But I never thought that Liu Wei would say: "Speaking of which, I really came here for you, the face of the Celestial Master and the future Celestial Master, I naturally have to give it to you, for this sake, what information do you want to know?" , I can tell you, but only limited to Liaodong!"

"Then thank you Shopkeeper Liu!"

Zhang Zhiwei was overjoyed. Although Liaodong was messed up by him, he never found the real target.

"Where is the real railway company of the Japanese pirates!" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

This trip did not eradicate the cancer, he was unwilling.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "I knew you would ask this. The location of the real headquarters of the Japanese pirate railway company is not really hidden, but there is a qi bureau shrouded there, so it is difficult to infiltrate."

"Even I took a lot of effort to get in and get some information, but, alas, I regret going in."

Liu Wei sighed, and continued: "It's in the suburbs of the city, under the banner of Bincheng Compound Fertilizer Company, and there is a six-story building."

"On the surface, it is a small industry under the fake railway company. It is doing some business that is beneficial to people's livelihood. In addition, it is of little value, so no matter which side it is, there is not much hostility towards him."

"However, compared to the surface, what he does secretly is very shady. I can't say more about the specifics. You should see for yourself!"

As Liu Wei said, he found a thick stack of materials from nowhere and threw them to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei reached out to take it, and immediately flipped through it.

The information contains the specific location of the company, and there are some illustrations showing that it is an old six-story red brick building.

Continue to scroll down, and the business carried out here is written inside.

The railway company has a wide range of businesses. In addition to railways, its business tentacles also extend to seaports, shipping, hotel services, coal mines...

They even established many schools along the railway line, intending to train talents for the long-term colonial rule in the future, and opened many hospitals along the road, each of which has the function of a field hospital.

Moreover, when expanding, they also arranged a lot of eyeliner.

These can be used as intelligence personnel to collect information, and when he is really let go, the tentacles of the super high class can be extended again.

For the above information, Zhang Zhiwei had expected it, and his reaction was normal, but when he reached the next page, he frowned.

The page says that the railway company also has a laboratory.

The experimental content is very wide, including analytical chemistry, applied chemistry, silk making, dyeing and weaving, kiln industry, brewing, electrical, and sanitation.

In the information, there are not many introductions to the first seven major departments, but there are many introductions to the last health department.

Zhang Zhiwei opened the information of the health department, and only took a look, and immediately felt a rush of blood rushing straight to the top of his head.

However, his self-awareness sits high above the spiritual platform and is not affected by delusions, so he quickly calmed down, and then looked back expressionlessly.

The name of this last department is the Institute of Railway Hygiene. Of course, the so-called hygiene of the Japanese pirates is naturally a cover.

In fact, they used living people to conduct experiments on biological and chemical weapons under the guise of researching disease prevention and drinking water purification.

It is worth mentioning that this institute will be taken over by an extremely notorious army in the near future, and will be independent from the railway company. It will be renamed the Bencheng Institute of Health and become an important part of the germ warfare system.

But this is just a nominal statement. In fact, whether to take over or not is one thing.

Because that notorious troop was formerly one of the garrison teams under the railway company. The so-called takeover was just independent and promoted to one level.

In other words, those horrible killing experiments are already starting now.

In this regard, Liu Wei's materials have recorded some details.

However, there are no illustrations, only some text, written by Liu Wei, recording what he saw and heard in the form of a diary.

——On the night of the [-]th, after squatting for several days, I caught an experimenter, skinned him, made him into a human skin clone, and sneaked into the laboratory.

This laboratory is like a prison cell, with many small compartments.

The compartment was sealed by an iron door, and screams could be heard from time to time, so it should be closed.

The identity of my human skin clone is an experimental assistant.

So as soon as I entered, I was asked to participate in an experiment.

With the mentality of gathering information, I naturally followed.

The subject of the experiment was a pregnant woman, who was tied to an experimental bed and kept screaming.

Judging from her accent, she should be a native of Bincheng. She was crying and begging for mercy, but those people wearing chemical protective suits around the experimental bed were not moved at all.

Before the experiment started, all the experimenters had no communication, as if this kind of thing was already very routine for them, so there was no need to say anything, everything was done step by step.

When the experiment started, I was asked by the chief surgeon to go to the safe in the room and take out a tube of reagents.

I did as I did, and opened the safe, which contained a lot of reagents the size of needle tubes.

The reagent contained an unknown black liquid, which looked like ink and blood.

Restricted by the ability of the human skin avatar, I can't tell what it is, I only know that when I hold it in my hand, there is a coldness that chills my bones.

The last time I felt this way was when I came into contact with a ghost weapon dug out of an ancient tomb.

I walked over with the reagent, and the chief surgeon took the reagent and pierced it through the pregnant woman's high swollen belly, slowly injecting the reagent into the pregnant woman's body like an intravenous drip.

During this process, I watched the pregnant woman's body and began to twitch wildly.

The pregnant woman's expression was extremely painful. She kept trying to raise her head, wanting to see her belly and her child.

At the same time, her blood vessels were constantly thickening, and her veins were exposed, as if they were about to burst.

The whole scene was a bit cruel, but I just stood quietly and watched with cold eyes.

As an intelligence officer, I have seen too many tragedies in my life, and I have long since lost my compassion.

And, as I always say, I'm nothing but frivolous and evasive.

And this human skin clone is even more contemptible.

So I, like everyone else, listened to the hysterical screams of the pregnant woman, and was beside me, holding the form and quietly making records.

(End of this chapter)

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