Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 191 Master wants me to Zhangshan?

Chapter 191 Master wants me to go back to the mountain?

Zhang Zhiwei lowered his eyes, looked at the information given by shopkeeper Liu, his face was livid, he raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Wei, but said nothing.

They are only doing intelligence, not fighting and killing, and the only one who sneaked in is a human skin clone.

He has seen the strength of the human skin avatar before. It is no problem to beat a few ordinary people, but as long as there are some strangers with a little skill, they can easily deal with them.

In that case, even if Liu Wei wanted to make a move, there was nothing he could do about it. If he made a forceful move, not only would he not be able to save people, but he would also scare the snake and expose himself.

So, the best way is to hold back, then gather more intelligence, and bring it back safely.

As for fighting and killing, there is a specialization in the art industry, so leave it to professional people to do it!
Who are the professionals?

I am very professional.

Zhang Zhiwei said something silently in his heart, and continued to read.

According to the records, the pregnant woman began to struggle violently after being injected with the black reagent.

Black lines began to appear on her high swollen abdomen, where the needle had been pricked.

These weird lines, like the root system of a plant, spread out in a net shape and spread to the whole body, looking very scary.

And as these black lines spread to the whole body, the pain of pregnant women is also increasing.

Her howling and roaring became more and more exaggerated, blood began to overflow from the seven orifices, and her body twitched even more.

But because the limbs were all fixed, it formed a weird and twisted posture, like a humanoid twist.

And during this process, those wearing protective clothing, including me, watched this scene with a calm face, as if they were watching an insignificant bug struggling.

The whole process lasted about 5 minutes.

In the end, the violently struggling pregnant woman suddenly lost all her strength, and her whole body fell into a stillness in a grotesquely distorted posture.

She was unwilling to die in extreme pain and torture. When she died, her neck was stretched out and her eyes were fixed on her abdomen, where her child was.

Then, the chief surgeon in protective clothing took out a knife, gently cut open the pregnant woman's abdomen, and pulled out a baby that was not much bigger than an adult's palm.

The whole body of the baby was a strange blue-black color, without pupils, its eyes were pitch black, and snake-like blood vessels were beating on its face, making it look very hideous.

The baby is not dead, but in this state, it is obviously not considered alive.

The baby made a snake-like hissing sound and struggled violently.

Afterwards, the baby was brought into the laboratory hall and handed over to a priest in hunting clothes.

The priest took the baby with a smile on his face and walked to the innermost part of the laboratory.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Wei's human-skinned avatar, as an assistant, conducted the same experiment five times before. A total of five pregnant women were dissected and five babies were taken out.

Two of them are in a weird state of immortality like the previous baby.

The other three are dead babies, looking very miserable, just like big frogs that have been skinned.

Those two weird babies were also handed over to the priest.

The dead baby was packed into a containment bag, which seemed to have no other purpose.

After doing six "experiments" in a row, the experimenters present were a little tired, so they proposed to play something to decompress.

As the human skin clone who participated in the whole process, he was naturally called to decompress together.

At first, Liu Wei thought that the so-called decompression was to find a woman to relax, but he never thought that it was another experiment.

They grabbed a few skinny men from prison-like compartments and brought them to a laboratory.

There is a device similar to a cold storage in this laboratory. There are several holes in the cold storage, and the size of the holes is just enough for a human hand to reach in.

They laughed and stuffed the hands of the men into the holes.

After a few minutes, one of the men's hands was pulled out.

I saw that his hands were frozen, covered with frost, almost white.

Two experimenters in protective suits held him together and put his hands in a pool filled with boiling water.

The next moment, his hands melted little by little like hot butter, and after a while, only a pair of white bones remained.

Looking at the bone-like arms, the experimenters in protective clothing laughed, feeling extremely relieved.

And the man who was being held watched the whole scene with fear that penetrated to the marrow of his face.



Zhang Zhiwei looked at all kinds of information on the information, with a blank face, and quickly turned the pages.

During the few days of lurking, the human skin avatar also participated in some limb connection experiments, that is, to cut off the hands and feet of two people with intact limbs, then exchange hands and feet with each other, and reconnect them to see if they can be connected well.

This kind of thing is almost common sense in later generations, but in this era, it is being carried out in a serious manner.

The final result of the experiment, of course, was a failure without accident.

The original intention of this kind of research project was actually to consider those Japanese pirate soldiers who were injured and disabled on the battlefield.

What they thought was that if the limbs of other healthy people could be replaced, then these disabled soldiers could also be used as waste.

After that, some inhuman experiments were also recorded, but Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to read it again, so he skipped this part and turned to the back.

The following content does not introduce the sinful business of the railway company.

Instead, it records the route to the railway company.

In Liu Wei's words, this so-called real railway company was arranged a Fengshui bureau by the Shinto priests, forming a closed and fixed pattern.

Once a foreign object invades, it will be affected by the Feng Shui Qi Bureau, the light one will be impacted, and the severe one will die.

Only by following the safe route established by the Japanese pirates can we avoid the attack of the Feng Shui Qi Bureau.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the route and quickly skipped it. This so-called route was actually entered according to the normal process. If he deviated from it, he would be attacked by the Qi Bureau.

The following information records the information of some priests. There are 25 priests in total, including a high-ranking priest.

As for the abilities of these priests, the records are unknown, because they seldom do anything.

After flipping through it quickly, Zhang Zhiwei, whose face was as heavy as water, closed the file.

"Brother Zhang, is there any problem with the information?"

Lu Jin found out that Zhang Zhiwei's complexion was getting worse and worse after reading the information, so he immediately asked.

"Is that place a tough nut to crack?"

Lu Ci thought that the railway company was heavily guarded and it was difficult to win, so Zhang Zhiwei's face turned sour.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't explain anything, but just passed the information to Lu Jin.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and the three of them immediately looked together.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei: "Shopkeeper Liu, I have a question, what is the black reagent mentioned in your information, and where are the babies injected with the reagent sent?"

Liu Wei said: "You skipped some information, right? In fact, I have commented on it later!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "I can't bear to look directly at the back!"

Liu Wei said: "Actually, I can understand it very well. Even for a person like me who is used to seeing tragedies in the world, if I go there, my heart will be very heavy. If this is the case, then let me say something."

"Although I have come into contact with that black reagent, I couldn't bring it out due to the limitation of using a human skin avatar, so I can only guess that it should be something used to make ghosts, and it was injected with a black reagent. And those babies who have abnormalities should have turned into ghosts, they may be the embryonic form of refining shikigami!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei came to his senses: "The shopkeeper Liu means that the Japanese pirates are manufacturing Shikigami on a large scale?"

Liu Wei nodded: "That should be the case. The priests and onmyojis on the Japanese pirates' side are all capable of enslaving ghosts and gods. It can be said that whether an onmyoji or priest is strong or not depends entirely on the quality and quantity of the shikigami under his command."

"Most of the shikigami of priests come from the shrines they serve, while most of the shikigami of onmyojis are passed down from generation to generation. The number of both is relatively fixed, which restricts the development of onmyojis and priests."

"Since the Japanese pirates began to expand, Shintoism, as the state religion of the Japanese pirates, naturally began to expand, and they recruited many new priests."

"In order to ensure that these priests have their own shikigami, it is natural to create more ghosts and gods to facilitate their driving."

"So, in addition to some biochemical research, this so-called research institute should also have some research on turning people into shikigami, and those babies are one of the experimental projects!"

"Research on how to turn people into ghosts?" Zhang Zhiwei said in a deep voice, "This kind of place really shouldn't exist!"

Hearing this, Liu Wei looked up at Zhang Zhiwei: "It really shouldn't exist, the little celestial master wants to eradicate this place?"

"Don't shopkeeper Liu want to?" Zhang Zhiwei asked back.

"Think, why don't you want to?" Liu Wei sighed, "But there are some things that can't be done just by thinking about them. As I said first, I'm just a humble person, and I'm good at escaping. I'm not good at fighting and killing. , Besides, you can’t break the rules set by your ancestors, right!”

Zhang Zhiwei grinned: "Then shopkeeper Liu means that I will follow the ancestral rules for you?"

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment, took a sip of his wine, and said slowly:
"Little Celestial Master wants to keep the rules for me. You don't have to. You should consider whether you want to obey the rules. The Celestial Master asked you to take the three little guys from the four families back to the mountain immediately, and don't get involved in the affairs here. gone."

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hesitate at all: "The general is away, and the king's order is not acceptable. On the mountain, I obey the master's orders. On the mountain, I only abide by my own rules. After the matter is over, I will return to the mountain!"

Liu Wei didn't seem to expect Zhang Zhiwei to answer so simply, he was taken aback for a moment, and sighed:

"I wish I could be as chic as you are!"

"Why did you say that?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Liu Wei shook his head, didn't say much, just said:
"Do you want some wine, little celestial master? In this world, it's comfortable to be drunk!"

"You can have some!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "But I won't get drunk after a thousand cups!"

Liu Wei said with a smile: "It's good to not get drunk after a thousand cups, then forget it, don't let down the good wine!"

But after all, Liu Wei still handed the wine gourd to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei took it and smelt it. There was a light and elegant aroma of wine, which was not at all like the smell of wine on Liu Wei. It seemed to be a good wine in his collection, the kind that he was not willing to drink usually.

Shaking the wine gourd, he found that there was not much wine in it, and Zhang Zhiwei was not polite to Liu Wei, so he drank it all for Liu Wei in one gulp.

Liu Wei leaned against the cabinet, not angry, and said with a smile: "Since the little celestial master wants to disobey the rules, then I will talk about another matter, entrusted by Marshal Zhang..."

Liu Wei hadn't finished speaking yet.

The angry roar of Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others came from the side:
"Ahhhh...fuck, damn it!"

"I'm gonna have to fucking cut up these bastards and chop them up!"

(End of this chapter)

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