Chapter 193 Very Special Clothes

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei spoke.

Lu Ci was the first to respond: "Understood!"

Lu Jin was the second to respond: "Just do it!"

Wang Ai felt a little out of place, could this really be considered a strategy?Isn't this just rushing in and killing people?
"By the way, the little celestial master said just now that he wanted to set up an altar to destroy the Qi Bureau. Could it be that this is the method you used to blow up the Fujita headquarters and the railway company on the bright side?" Liu Wei asked quickly.

Even though Liu Wei is the head of Jianghu Xiaozhan, he still doesn't know anything about Zhang Zhiwei's Fei Lei Sword method.

The main reason is that this method was only recently developed by Zhang Zhiwei, and besides the pirates in Bincheng, only the celestial master Zhang Jingqing has been taught, so even if he has good hands and eyes, there is no way to find out.

At first, Liu Wei thought that this should be a powerful one-time magic weapon from Longhu Mountain, which is very precious and should not be used much, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Hearing this, Li Shuwen also looked over. He was also very curious about Zhang Zhiwei's method of getting rid of the Fujita headquarters. The reason why he didn't ask before was mainly to avoid suspicion.

After all, if we met by chance, wouldn't it be presumptuous to ask the other party about his unique skills at the bottom of the box? !
But it's different now, we're going to do things together, so naturally we need to know some specific foundations.

Zhang Zhiwei held the Dongfeng Great Sword, held a sword flower in his hand, and said:
"That's right, that's the one. Although it's just a trivial trick, it shouldn't be a big problem to break the qi situation played by the Japanese pirates!"

When everyone heard it, they were speechless.

They all slandered in their hearts that once you came, the headquarters of the Japanese pirates and the railway company on the bright side would flourish.

It's as powerful as a naval gun!

You call this a trick?
Still insignificant?

People say no?
"I know that just by opening the altar, the people of the Zhengyi sect can arouse the great power of heaven and earth and display many supernatural powers. However, some powerful altars are more cumbersome and require the cooperation of many people. It is difficult for one person to open it. Is this altar , did you four cooperate to open it?" Li Shuwen asked.

After many years of travelling, Li Shuwen had some understanding of Zhengyijiao's methods. In the early years, there was a severe drought and famine in Sichuan, and the people were in dire straits. He had seen the Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain pray for rain.

It is said that it was a big funeral, and the Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain almost came out in full force. A total of more than 500 people came, and they walked together, prayed and prayed. It took three days and three nights to change the situation and let the sky fall. The heavy rain relieved the disaster of a county.

Although a destructive altar is different from a functional altar such as praying for rain, Li Shuwen expected that such a powerful altar would definitely not be handled by one person.

But never thinking about it, Lu Jin said: "No, it doesn't need the four of us, and it's not troublesome at all. Senior Brother Zhang picked up a sword and slapped it with his hands to get it done!"

Liu Wei: "..."

Li Shuwen: "..."

"It's done with... patting... with your hands?"

Li Shuwen had experienced a lot of wind and waves, but he was shocked when he heard the news suddenly.

"It's... so simple?" Liu Wei also felt a little unbelievable.

"No no!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and explained, "That's how I opened the altar in advance, and sealed the divine power of the edict on the talisman, so I can use it as soon as I shoot it."

"Besides, there are some other means to be added. In short, it is very energy-intensive. Even if it is me, I can send at most... five or six shots in one breath!"

Zhang Zhiwei went conservative.

Hearing this, even Li Shuwen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and couldn't help but slander in his heart, hearing your tone, five or six shots are too little?
This kind of trump card-like method, anyone who doesn't use all his strength can launch a blow. You can hit five or six shots in one breath, and you are not satisfied.

Even Liu Wei couldn't help but said: "It's scary to shoot five or six times. By the way, little celestial master, if you don't use the talismans prepared in advance, how long will it take to use this trick directly by opening the altar?" time?"

As an intelligence officer, he asked subconsciously.

"About eight or nine minutes!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hide it either. Even if this kind of thing got out, it wouldn't hurt him seriously. Whose Taoist priests don't prepare talismans in advance when they go out.

Moreover, the Feilei Sword is only powerful and has a long range, and far is not his trump card. To trouble him at this time is undoubtedly asking for death.

"Eight nine minutes?" Liu Wei sighed, "You are faster than making cannonballs. I thought this operation would be risky before. After all, I didn't find out the situation in the deepest part of the laboratory. There are variables, but with your means, I think this time it will be sure."

"Shopkeeper Liu is absurd. My method can't compare to the efficiency of artillery shells, and I can hit the target with precision. It's really going to be a battlefield where tens of thousands of people are fighting each other. I'm afraid it won't have a big impact on the battle situation!"

This is indeed true. In the subsequent battle of Shangganling, the artillery fire of the U.S. army flattened the entire mountain of Shangganling by a few meters, but it could not change the situation of the battle. battle.

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, Liu Wei looked at Zhang Zhiwei with strange eyes and said:
"Little Heavenly Master, you actually want to dominate a war involving tens of thousands of people by yourself!"

"Huh?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "Did I say that just now?"

"Although you didn't say that, that's exactly what you said!" Liu Wei said.

"Shopkeeper Liu, don't think too much, and you haven't tried it, so you can't jump to conclusions!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

That being said, you really want to try... Liu Wei swears in his heart, the information is indeed true, it seems that the Heavenly Master's evaluation of Zhang Zhiwei is not exaggerated at all!

As the innkeeper, Liu Wei naturally has Zhang Zhiwei's information.

In the data column, there is Zhang Jingqing's evaluation of Zhang Zhiwei.

This evaluation is crazy, arrogant, arrogant, and treats the heroes of the world as worthless...

When meeting Zhang Zhiwei for the first time before, Liu Wei felt that Tianshi's evaluation was a bit too much. Zhang Zhiwei was just a little young and energetic, but now it seems that Tianshi's evaluation is still too restrained.

If you want to control a war with your own power, how strong can a foreigner do it? !
There have been few aliens of this level since ancient times.

The ultimate congenital alien, the overlord Xiang Yu who was born with double pupils... the champion Hou Huo Qubing who sealed the wolf and lived in Xuxu... the Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu who summoned meteorites... Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous and good teacher of the Taiping sect who was at the same time as the ancestor Zhang Daoling... ...the master of Qimen Dunjia, Zhuge Wuhou...Genghis Khan, nicknamed the Whip of God, created the blood of the Golden Family...

The above characters have all left a strong stroke in the thousands of years of history and have become legends.

This little celestial master actually wants to compete with these legends, it is really... Arrogant!



"Since the arrangements have been made, when will we start to act?!"

As Li Shuwen said, he stood up with a gleam in his eyes.

It's been a long time since Mr. Sharpshooter has done a big kill. Today, he was full of anger and drank again. He wanted to kill a few Japanese pirates to add to the fun.

"Don't panic, old man, let me arrange it. After all, these four people can't be killed in vain!"

Liu Wei pointed to the four Cheka agents lying in the middle of the hall, and said:

"This action can't be hasty. After all, destroying the Japanese pirate headquarters, destroying the real and fake railway companies, killing the great priest and a Japanese general, this is a sworn enemy. The Japanese pirates want to settle accounts after autumn. Naturally, they can't Count it on us."

Liu Wei adjusted his glasses, he didn't look like a drunkard before, and there was a creepy smile on his face:

"Didn't the Cheka agents over there always want to do things in Bincheng? Then we will do it for them, and we don't want them to pay any wages. As long as the Japanese pirates are responsible, they will be fine!"

"The hero sees the same thing, dog eats dog, that's a good idea, so what does Shopkeeper Liu plan to do?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Since you want to pretend to be Cheka agents, then pretend to the end. Come on, I'll disguise you for a while, and keep the Japanese pirates in custody. I will use all means to find you!"

As he spoke, Liu Wei took out a pair of quaint and blackened scissors from his robe, walked up to the four corpses, started with the tallest Victor, turned him over, put the scissors against the top of his head, Start from the back of the head and work your way to the end.

Then, just like cutting clothes, three times and five times divided two, and a complete human skin lay on the ground.

That person's skin, eyeballs, hair, mouth and nose are intact, which makes people panic.

And the skinned Victor has turned into a blood man with black and red body, the fascia and muscle texture under the skin are clearly visible.

"How is this possible? The skin is completely peeled off, but the subcutaneous tissue is not damaged at all. Even if Pao Ding is alive, he can't do it!"

Lu Ci muttered to himself, although he could cut off part of Ishikawa Colonel's internal organs without dying, but he couldn't do it so cleanly.

"Er Bi, look carefully, it's not the technique, but the scissors!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"The little celestial master is right!"

Liu Wei explained while peeling the skin: "This scissors is a magical weapon that I got by chance. It can cut the soul, and it can also peel off the skin completely without hurting the flesh and blood."

"The reason why my human skin clone is difficult to be found is because after I skinned the opponent, I would cut off the opponent's two souls and six souls, leaving one soul and the other sealed in the human skin."

"If you do this, the human skin avatar can not only maintain the charm, but also can't be detected by some means of detecting the soul, so it can hide perfectly!"

"If we want Maozi to pay for this operation, we have to rely on it. Before you came, I sealed the souls of these Cheka agents in their human skins. After waiting After a while, after I have finished their human skin clothes, you will act in their skins."

"In this way, even if the Japanese pirates want to settle accounts after the fall, the Shinto side, using some secret techniques such as Qimen divination to speculate and calculate, can only target the souls of these four people, and will not find them. you!"

(End of this chapter)

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