Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 194 Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached

Chapter 194 Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached
"I'll go, Boss Liu, you are so clever!"

After listening to Liu Wei's introduction, everyone called them experts. No wonder they were able to infiltrate the entire city in an instant. Not to mention other means, just this technique of human skin avatar is a must.

"It's just a small trick. Compared with the trivial tricks that the little celestial master said, it's really nothing!"

Liu Wei said while peeling the skin.

"You two are really enough. By the way, there are only four corpses here. How should I hide them?" Li Shuwen said.

Liu Wei said without raising his head, "Uncle Li, this is not easy to handle. Who knew that you would not be able to enjoy your life at home when you are old, so you have to do something like this!"

Lu Ci grinned and offered his own suggestion:
"It's simple. I see that this place is near the pier. There are so many boats coming and going. I'll go across the water and find a boat with the Maozi flag. Based on Senior Li's figure, wouldn't it be all right to grab one?"

"Hedgehog, I'm afraid it's not good to hurt innocent people like this!" Lu Jin still had a bottom line, and said hastily.

"The ancients said that the feet and teeth of the car and boat shop should be killed if they are innocent. From my experience, there are few good people among these boat runners. If you kill them casually, you deserve what you deserve!" Lu Ci quoted the scriptures. .

The feet and teeth of a cart and boat shop should be killed if they are innocent. This is actually an old saying, which refers to the five occupations in ancient times, which refer to the coachman, boatman, shopkeeper, porter, and tooth dealer.

The meaning of this sentence is not to say that these industries are all the source of evil, but that in ancient times, there were basically few good people who were engaged in these industries.

Just like what a big brother in the cross talk world said, shooting those experts who jumped out to make suggestions one by one may be wronged by three or two, but if they are killed every other, there must be some who slipped through the net.

As for the reason, among other things, we can see one or two from "Water Margin". A large part of the Liangshan heroes in it are engaged in these industries.

Like that dwarf tiger Wang Ying who likes to eat people's hearts, he was born in the Che family. Because he often ransacked guests for money, he was forced to go to Liangshan by the government after the incident.

And almost all the captains of the water army were former boatmen, and they all did the trick of dragging guests into the middle of the river, killing people and robbing money.

Needless to say, the store owners, Zhang Qing, the vegetable gardener, and Sun Erniang, the dominatrix, opened a black shop to sell human meat buns. No matter whether it is good or bad, if they go in, it will be hell on earth.

Porters are also porters, and they are the unemployed people who form gangs. The most famous porter organization in modern times is the Cao Gang. It can be said that they do all kinds of evil, more than other occupations.

Yaxing, also called Yaji, is similar to brokerage houses, exchanges, brokers, and intermediaries.It can also be extended to human traffickers and matchmakers.

Of course, this is just an old saying. In the end, the only ones who should be killed should be human traffickers!

"Your words are outdated. If we don't talk about them now, we still have to do something and not do something!" Lu Jin said.

Seeing that the two bad friends started again, Zhang Zhiwei quickly pulled them away:

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, this kind of matter, listen to the opinion of Shopkeeper Liu!"


Shopkeeper Liu went down with the scissors, cut a gap big enough, then stretched his hand in and pulled it, and a complete piece of human skin came off. While shaking the human skin, he said:

"This is the pier, a place where the three religions and the nine streams gather, and there are many pickled things. Brother Lu, come, come, you put on this clothes."

Liu Wei handed the human skin to Lu Ci, and said, "After wearing it, please go out through the secret passage, where it is connected to the port drainage pipe."

"Then walk on the water and go to the seventh boat moored on the sea. It is a thief boat that pretends to recruit overseas workers, but is actually engaged in human trafficking."

"The captain of the thief ship has been turned into a human skin clone by me, and he is about to sail the ship to Fengtian Marshal Zhang's territory. But I didn't move the other people on the ship, so you go and arrest the first officer on the ship! "

"His figure is very similar to Uncle Li, and he is also a hairy boy. It is suitable for making clothes for Uncle Li."

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Liu Wei in surprise.

Sure enough, although shopkeeper Liu said that he was engaged in intelligence rather than trouble, he did a lot of things secretly.

Later, in the battle between Tangmen and Biheshan in the Toutian Cave, he was the one who did business at a loss and provided all kinds of information.

"Shopkeeper Liu, don't worry, I'm a professional!"

Lu Jin next to Lu Cichong winked, took the human skin, and looked at it, feeling a bit at a loss:

"By the way, shopkeeper Liu, how do you wear this stuff?"

Liu Wei said: "You take off your clothes, put them on from the beginning, and then circulate the qi in your body to match the qi left on the human skin, and then they will fit together automatically!"

Lu Ci took the human skin and walked into a small compartment in the basement.

After a while, a man with a hooked nose came out, touched his nose and said:
"It's a bit awkward to put on this thing. The surface of the body seems to be covered with a thin film, especially the nose, which always feels a little empty."

As he said that, he couldn't help pinching the tip of his nose, which collapsed directly.

Lu Ci: "..."

Although this human skin named Anton is similar in shape to him, there are still big differences in details, and it is impossible to fit it perfectly, and these places with differences are all filled with qi, so naturally they cannot withstand such a situation. pinch.

However, just because it is filled with qi, even if it collapses, it will recover as soon as you let go.

"Scared me, I thought it wouldn't recover, everyone, wait a moment, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ci turned and left.

After about 5 minutes, Liu Wei had just finished skinning everyone, and Lu Ci came back carrying someone. He was a middle-aged man, about the same size as Li Shuwen, and had already been knocked unconscious.

"It's done!"

Lu Ci pinched the back of the strong man's neck, and the man woke up. Seeing himself in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by people, he panicked and yelled:

"No...no...don't kill me"

"Actually, you don't need to wake up!"

After Liu Wei said something, a pair of scissors pierced the top of the strong man's head, cutting off the two souls and six souls of the other party. The strong man died without a sound.

Then the scissors inserted on the top of the head cut down, like a hob cutting butter, and cut directly to the chest. After a while, a piece of human skin was peeled off.

"Come on, try to see if it fits?" Liu Wei handed the human skin to Li Shuwen.

Li Shuwen took the human skin and said: "Shopkeeper Liu, you have such a treacherous method. If I don't know the inside story and suddenly see it, I'm afraid I'll think you are a painted-skinned evil spirit!"

"Hehe, Uncle Li guessed it right. This magic weapon was really taken from a painted-skinned evil spirit!" Liu Wei laughed.

"By the way, when do we make a move?" Li Shuwen held the human skin and said impatiently.

"When does the little celestial master think it's appropriate to do it?"

Liu Wei asked Zhang Zhiwei's opinion, after all, he was the one who made great efforts.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment and said: "It's getting dark now, I'm afraid many people in the railway company are off work, let's do it tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, they should all be at their posts at this time, so that they can get on the road neatly ah!"

Moreover, Zhang Zhiwei had another consideration. Lu Ci's previous injury was not serious, but his qi was consumed too much. After the breath adjustment just now, he has almost recovered.

But Lu Jin was different. This guy was seriously injured and exhausted, so he needed to rest.

"The time that the little celestial master said is not bad, it is an auspicious time!" Li Shuwen sighed.

Liu Wei also nodded and said: "It is indeed an auspicious time. At this time, the yang energy is at its peak, and the yin energy dissipates immediately. The person who was killed can't even be a ghost!"

"Senior Brother Zhang, it's a bit too ruthless. Then you won't be able to overdo it?" Lu Ci grinned and said with a serious smile.

"This kind of heartless bastard is even better than his old mother. It would be kindness not to tear their corpses into pieces!"

When Lu Jin thought of seeing the experiment log earlier, his eyes turned red, and he couldn't help but curse.

"Brother Lu's words are wrong, we still need to be superseded!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed, "Physical superseding is also superseded!"

Physical transcendence...

Several people were surprised when they heard this new word for the first time, and they all looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise.

After a while.

Liu Wei laughed and said, "Little Heavenly Master is a wonderful person!"

Li Shuwen also sighed: "I have seen many disciples from famous families, but there is no one like Little Heavenly Master who impresses me so much!"

"The two seniors are not bad, it's really a pity for the younger generation to meet them today!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

After all, several people looked at each other and smiled.

"In the evening, I will prepare some side dishes and drink two cups?" Liu Wei laughed.

"Old man, I can drink a lot!" Li Shuwen said.

"I am huge, and I will not get drunk after a thousand cups!" Zhang Zhiwei is not modest at all.

"We're coming too!"

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai also wanted to join in the fun, but they were kicked out by Zhang Zhiwei, and asked them to adjust their breath, and those who should recover Qi should recover their Qi, and those who should recover their injuries should recover their injuries!


"I sometimes think that people who like to drink can't be so bad, what do you think?"

As Liu Wei said, he handed Zhang Zhiwei and Li Shuwen a crystal-clear cup respectively.

The moment Zhang Zhiwei took the cup, an extreme cold air spread from his fingertips, trying to invade his body, but his cultivation base was extremely vigorous, this cold air was insignificant, even if he didn't use qi to dispel it, it would not affect him at all.

"Is it made of ice? This cup is interesting!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

Liu Wei said: "Little Celestial Master's cultivation is so good. Most people would not dare to hold this cup empty-handed. It is carved out of thousands of years of ice. It is the coldest drinking utensil. It is the best paired with spirits!"

That's what he said, but he was also holding the cup empty-handed. His slender hands were very stable, and he didn't tremble at all due to the low temperature. It can be seen that Liu Wei is not like what he introduced himself, but he is just a lowly body and good at running away.

"Shopkeeper Liu is very particular about drinking wine. It is very rare for us to have three generations of people gather together and have a good time drinking wine. Come on, come on, old man, I will do it first as a respect!"

Li Shuwen said boldly.

He also held the wine glass empty-handed. Wumen masters practiced the muscles, bones and skin, so the chill naturally couldn't hurt him.

The three of them clink their glasses and drank it all in one go.

While drinking, the incandescent lamp above the head was switched off, enveloping the three of them, and the cup refracted the light, as clear as the most expensive crystal glassware.



The next day, in the basement room, Lu Jin tore off the bandages on his body, and began to wear the human skin of the Cheka agent named Andre.

Last night, he first used the healing talisman given by Zhang Zhiwei, and then circulated the innate Qi to heal his wounds, and now he is alive and well.

Wearing a good human skin, Lu Jin looked at himself in the mirror with blue pupils and short chestnut hair, raised his fist and shouted "Ula!"
This is what Zhang Zhiwei taught them. When you do it next time, if you feel that killing is very enjoyable, you can shout this loudly.

Afterwards, when Lu Jin walked out of the room, he saw a group of blond guys eating breakfast.

Who is who... Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the tallest and fattest ones. They must be Senior Brother Zhang and Fatty.

At this time, a hooked nose said: "Prudish, hurry up, what's the ink?"

As soon as he heard the sound, Lu Jin recognized that it was the hateful hedgehog Lu Ci, and immediately walked to his side, tilted his buttocks, squeezed out a seat, and started to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, a group of "Maozi" went out from the secret passage in the basement.

This secret passage leads to the underground drainage pipeline of Bencheng, and the outlet of the drainage pipeline is in a remote corner of the port.

Because of the martial law and blockade of Bincheng, there were not many people on the crowded pier in the past, and occasionally a few Japanese pirates patrolled past.

In order to go straight to Huanglong, the crowd avoided them all the way, and soon came to the suburbs.

From here, you can already see billowing black smoke rising from the chimney of the Bincheng Compound Fertilizer Company about one or two kilometers away. That is the location of the real railway company.

"Okay, let me do it here. You go first. My Feilei Sword will arrive later. At the same time, this is also the only way to the railway company. If Fujita wants to come to support, he must go here. I will Stay here and kill a way out for you!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he pulled out the cold Dongfeng sword. Last time he cast a spell with a mahogany sword, but this time he was going to be ruthless, and the Dongfeng Po operation officially started.

"Little Celestial Master, I'm afraid there are quite a few people under Fujita's lead. If you are incapable of fighting, don't force it. You should retreat when it's time to retreat!" Liu Wei instructed.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid that he will bring many people, but I'm afraid that he will bring few people. I'm stationed here, so don't worry!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a relaxed face, waving his hands.

"Brother Zhang is here, so we must be at ease!" Lu Jin said.

He still remembered the scene yesterday when Zhang Zhiwei led them to break through and fight a bloody road.

They said it was a breakout, but in the end they killed all the people who surrounded them, and the corpses paved a road of real blood. This time they said they wanted to break out of the back road, so it must be the same.

Lu Jin thought so, and Lu Ci naturally thought so too, so he gave a thumbs up:

"Senior Brother Zhang, be tough!"

"Whether it's hard or not, you'll know when you come out!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei took out two newly consecrated mahogany swords, because he didn't know how strong the feng shui qi pattern arranged by the Japanese pirates was, so Zhang Zhiwei prepared a stud and three swords at once.

With a wave of his hand, three flying sword evil talismans flew out and stuck to the sword body.

In an instant, three swords rose across the sky, ready to go.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei moved his hands together, and applied Yang Wulei's fire qi and golden qi on the three swords, allowing them to spread on the two ends of the sword respectively, so that there would be no thunder reaction for the time being.

When casting the spell, Zhang Zhiwei put as much fire energy and gold energy on the Dongfeng Great Sword as possible, because the limit of thunder it can carry is much higher than the other two mahogany swords.



While he was casting the spell, Li Shuwen and Lu Jin's party had already flew towards the railway company.

"It's only 500 meters away, let's stop first and wait for the little celestial master to make a move!"

As soon as Li Shuwen finished speaking, he heard a huge thunder rolling from above his head.

When everyone looked up, they saw the violent airflow screaming, and the three thunder lights made a deafening noise, tearing the clouds, as if cutting the sky.

"Good guy, is this the flying thunder sword of the little celestial master? Is this really made by manpower?"

Li Shuwen was dumbfounded, he specialized in martial arts, he was a martial artist, although his punches and kicks were powerful, he couldn't make such a movement.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is not a trivial trick, it's too modest, it's just too arrogant!" Liu Wei was also amazed.

"Senior Brother Zhang's shot this time seems to be more powerful than last time!" Lu Jin said.

"Nonsense, don't forget that this operation is called Dongfeng Po. Among the three swords, there is the Dongfeng Great Sword. The power of hitting with that sword must be greater than that of the peach wood sword." Lu Ci said.

Liu Wei said: "Dongfeng Great Sword, this name is well chosen. I didn't understand before why a Taoist Seven Star Sword would have such an unnatural name, but now, I understand! "

"Dongfeng puts thousands of trees on the night, and blows them down, and the stars are like rain. Xin Qiji's words fit perfectly. The little celestial master is quite poetic!"

Liu Wei just finished speaking.

I saw the three lightning bolts piercing the sky. After arriving at the target location, they turned sharply, like the three swords of Damocles, and shot downward.

In an instant, the atmosphere suddenly suppressed, and the shock wave swept through the entire factory.

Everyone in the real railway company felt as if they had been crushed by a big rock and couldn't breathe.

But they didn't have much time to react, they didn't even have time to hear the sound, they saw the thunder light first, saw the lightning pass through the floor, and in the panic, the rolling thunderstorm swallowed them all.


After they turned into dust, the rumbling explosion sounded like the drums of doomsday.

Amidst the violent explosion, the six-story building turned into ruins and collapsed downward.

And when the building collapsed, the three magic swords continued to go straight into the ground.

The feng shui qi pattern that shrouded the surroundings was not worth mentioning under such violence. It was torn apart in just a moment, and then the ground suddenly collapsed inward, and thick black smoke rose and fell.

In the black smoke, a ball of orange-red flames burst out from time to time. It should be that the aftermath brought by the Feilei Sword triggered some organs inside, so various serial explosions occurred.

"Good guy, the security is very strict here, if you don't pay attention, just step in like this, it's enough for us to drink a pot!" Lu Jin said.

"Senior Brother Zhang was more thoughtful and directly blasted the opponent's net into a pile of broken nets with three shots," Lu Ci said.

"Hahaha, have fun, let's go in, let's go in and beat the dog in the water!" Li Shuwen couldn't help it anymore.

"Wait, Uncle Li, the explosion hasn't stopped yet!" Wang Ai said hastily.

"What are you afraid of, those explosions are a salute to welcome us!"

Li Shuwen was about to fly out.

Suddenly, not far above, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

When everyone looked up, they saw five extremely fast black shadows passing by and entering the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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