Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 195 Entering the Railway Company

Chapter 195 Entering the Railway Company

"Those shadows just now seem to be the five warriors. The whole city of Bincheng knows this method. I'm afraid it's only the little celestial master. Why, he is worried about us and wants to open the way for us?" Li Shuwen said.

As an old Jianghu, Li Shuwen had dealt with the Taoist priests of the Zhengyi Sect, and he knew some of their methods, but not much. For example, he couldn't tell the difference between the five warriors and the five ghosts.

However, Liu Wei, who is the head of Xiaozhan's family, knew about it and explained:
"It's not the five warriors. The five warriors are powerful and heavy, and their strength lies in attack rather than speed. The five shadows just now are as fast as lightning and can hardly be seen with the naked eye. They are five ghosts. It should be the five ghosts sent by the little celestial master to get the sword." gone."

"Come on, let's go in with the five ghosts. If the five ghosts can get the sword smoothly, it means that the energy trap inside has completely dissipated. If the five ghosts go in and are trapped, it means that the energy trap has not completely dissipated."

Liu Wei's lightness kung fu was strong, and his figure was erratic. With a dodge, he rushed into the ruins like a teleportation, and disappeared into the huge hole blasted by Zhang Zhiwei with the Feilei sword.

Li Shuwen's body skills were not weak, he grabbed the ground with his toes, exerted all his strength, jumped out, and followed closely.

Seeing the two rushing into the underground area one after another, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai were even a little dazed, because the speed of the five ghosts was too fast, they only saw a few blurred black shadows flashing by, and they didn't see clearly at all. However, from Liu Wei's mouth, they still roughly knew the situation.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Senior Brother Zhang plowed first and killed most of the Japanese pirates, now the two seniors rushed in again, we are slow, I am afraid we can only go sightseeing!"

Lu Ci was a little anxious. After reading yesterday's experiment log, he was full of anger. It would be very uncomfortable if he went in and ran for nothing.

"Don't talk, call Ula, don't forget our current identities!" Lu Jin quickly reminded.

Then, the three guys "Ula Ula" rushed in.



And when everyone raided the railway company, the Bincheng Temporary Headquarters.

"You have four other accomplices. Did you instigate the bombing of the Bencheng headquarters and the railway company?"

"Whether the members of several squadrons at the Yamato Hotel were killed by your people, please tell me!"

General Fujita took a red-hot soldering iron and stamped it hard on the face of the almost unrecognizable Cheka agent captain Igor. The sound of crackling grease made people shudder.

Yesterday, he had just finished the siege of the Cheka agents and captured the captain with the golden blood alive. Before he had time to be happy, he listened to his subordinates' report.

Previously, due to the melee, a salvo of guns and artillery caused the death of a large number of civilians in the community. Many of the dead were family members of soldiers, and most of them died at the hands of their own people. Now the people under their hands are in civil strife. Some soldiers who had lost their families clamored to avenge their families.

He was about to preside over the overall situation, and another soldier reported that several squadrons that went to besiege the Yamato Hotel were killed, and the corpses were piled up in several streets. Overwhelmed.

One after another of bad news bombarded General Fujita's mind. Even though his will was as strong as iron, he couldn't help but feel a sense of blackness in front of his eyes.

It was too big, and the loss was too big. Since the war with Maozi, the empire has not seen such a big loss.

Now, in his jurisdiction, so many imperial soldiers and their family members have died, and the death is so unclear, even if there is support behind him, it will be difficult to end. Is seppuku really necessary?
Although Fujita issued a military order, he didn't really want to die, so he vented all his anger on Igor, the captain of the Cheka agent.

He desperately wanted to know the whereabouts of the other four Cheka agents from Igor, who destroyed the squadrons that surrounded the Yamato Hotel, and who bombed his headquarters and the railway company on the surface. What is the method, so that he can make up for his mistakes.

However, as we all know, Maozi is mostly a tough person who is not afraid of death. Maozi who was born as a Cheka agent is not an exaggeration to say that he is a dead soldier.

General Fujita tortured him all night, and served him with various tortures, almost torturing Igor, but he got nothing.

"Damn it, you damn bitch!"

Furious, General Fujita took away the cooled soldering iron and was about to reheat it in the stove.

Suddenly, he paused, and there was a tingling pain between his brows, and an extremely depressed feeling appeared in his heart.

This feeling... He is very familiar with it. He had this feeling when Keiko died last time. Although the feeling this time was far less intense than last time, he still felt it immediately.

He hurried to the window, and as soon as he looked up, he saw three silver meteors cut through the sky and passed across the clouds.

"Appears again!"

General Fujita watched the three silver lights go away, thinking of all the things during this period, his face suddenly became grim.

All the chaos in Bincheng started from the appearance of the two fireballs that night, and now, it has appeared again.

"We must seize this opportunity and catch the troublemakers. By the way, the direction just now... is the headquarters of the railway company, damn it!"

General Fujita cursed, turned his head and told his staff to gather his troops and go to the Bincheng Compound Fertilizer Factory in the suburbs.

After all, he stepped hard and rushed, his shoulders smashed through the window that was as high as a person, and he jumped up. When he rushed into the air, his latissimus dorsi ripped through his clothes, and he slammed like a pair of fleshy wings. Opening it, it flew across the sky like a falcon.

With the help of the ability of the crane's flashing wings, General Fujita was actually gliding, like a wingsuit pilot, he jumped over several buildings in an instant.

However, the crane-shaped flashing wings can only allow him to fly and glide for a short period of time, and cannot allow him to soar freely in the sky like a crane. After gliding for a certain distance, the height is getting lower and lower.

Seeing that he was about to hit the house, General Fujita stretched out his hand, grabbed the eaves of a building, and then pushed up hard.

Because of the excessive force, the entire eaves were pulled down by him, but he also took advantage of this support to fly again and quickly headed towards the railway company.



at the same time.

Li Shuwen, Lu Jin and Lu Ci's group also entered the ground, where there were scattered and charred corpses lying all over the ground. They all died under Zhang Zhiwei's Feilei sword.

"Wula, it seems that the qi bureau is completely gone, it's really cheap!" Lu Jin said.

"Wula, don't all the people here die?!" Lu Ci said.

Liu Wei glanced at the two guys who came and went, but didn't say anything. They were willing to yell, so let's do it. It sounds very interesting, and it can synthesize the depressive atmosphere here.

"It won't die. There are six floors underground, and there are still a lot of survivors at the bottom. We can even rescue a group of innocent people!" Liu Wei said.

At this time, Li Shuwen dragged open a collapsed cabinet, and the things inside were scattered all over the place, most of which were animal ceramic toys, and some tablets with Japanese writing on them.

"By the way, here are some signs with messy words, are they the ancestral tablets of Japanese pirates?" Li Shuwen asked.

"Let me take a look," Lu Ci stretched out his hand, stretched out his wishful energy, rolled up a tablet, glanced at it, frowned and said:
"This is not the tablet of the ancestors of the Japanese pirates. It is a tablet they made for some kittens and puppies who were doing experiments. The Japanese meaning on the sign is to commemorate these small animals who sacrificed their lives for the empire. I hope they can enter Gao Tianyuan after death and take a bath. Under the radiance of God Amaterasu."

Li Shuwen glanced at Lu Ci in surprise: "Do you understand Japanese pirates' language?"

Lu Ci explained: "Back then when Japanese pirates invaded Liaodong, the Gao family was at odds with the Japanese pirates. Our four families often cooperated in order to better deal with the Japanese pirates. Therefore, most of the members of our four families can speak the Japanese pirate language!"

Lu Jin added: "It's true, and I will too!"

Wang Ai remained silent, he was one of those few people who didn't know how, because he skipped class.

"So that's how it is," Li Shuwen sneered, "These Japanese pirates are hypocritical. They arrested people to do inhumane experiments, and now they come to pay homage. It's really hypocritical and disgusting!"

"It's really hypocritical!" Lu Ci nodded.

"No, they are not hypocritical!" Liu Wei suddenly said: "Uncle Li, you have misunderstood. Japanese pirates only set up plaques for small animals, but they will not set up plaques for those innocent people who have been arrested!"

"Why?" Li Shuwen was puzzled.

Liu Wei said expressionlessly, "Because in the eyes of Japanese pirates, the people on our side are even worse than animals."

"My human skin avatar is responsible for destroying the corpses, and the victims can't even keep the ashes!"

Hearing this, everyone's faces turned black, and they all clenched their fists, revealing a murderous look.

Liu Wei glanced at everyone, and said: "I understand what you mean, but I'm actually holding back my breath, let's go, let's vent it now, advance the laboratory, and get rid of those experimenters!"

"Shopkeeper Liu knows that these bastards are still alive?" Lu Jin asked quickly.

Liu Wei adjusted his glasses: "My human skin clone has always been inside. They were all guided by me and hid in a laboratory. It is a very cruel laboratory. Let's go, let's go." Give them a good experience!"

 I have been delayed by something today, Chapter 2 is a bit late, sorry sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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