Chapter 196
Led by Liu Wei, Lu Jin and Lu Ci and his party headed all the way to the underground laboratory.

The Underground Railroad has six floors.

Originally, they planned to go directly down the gap created by the Feilei Sword, but after entering, they found that the building outside had collapsed and blocked the gap again.

Moreover, it is so tightly blocked that if you want to dig it out, it will be very difficult, just like going outside to find a place to dig.

Therefore, the easiest way to go to the lower floors is to go down the normal passage. If the feng shui qi pattern covering this place is not broken, it would be very dangerous to go directly through the passage, but now it can be described as unimpeded.

Zhang Zhiwei sent down the Thunder Sword three times, and there were almost no living people on the first two floors, and they went all the way unimpeded.

The only troublesome point was that some places had collapsed, and the gravel that blocked the passage needed to be cleaned up. This kind of thing naturally fell on Li Shuwen.

The old man has no objection to this, he is a pure martial artist, and this is what he is best at. He raises his fist, and with the force of a spear, he digs a path all the way.

After passing a corner, a few people had just entered the third floor from the second floor, and what they saw was a whole piece of charred black corpses.

These scorched black corpses are entangled like twisted earthworms, and the scene makes people feel dense phobia.

"Damn it, these Japanese pirates were all chopped up like this by Senior Brother Zhang?" Lu Jin was amazed.

"I still wanted to kill the Quartet, but I didn't see a single ghost. Brother Zhang didn't come in, but he took the lead!"

Lu Ci looked at the horrific charred corpses all over the floor, sighed, and then said in a puzzled way:

"By the way, tell me, why are these corpses gathered together?"

"Let's eat in batches. At 45:[-] p.m., it's [-]:[-] p.m., which happens to be the meal time, so they died so neatly." Liu Wei said.

"So it turns out, Senior Brother Zhang is the one who picks the time!" Lu Ci sighed.

"In this regard, the little celestial master is really good at it!" Liu Wei also said.

Several people walked in the painful passage full of charred corpses, talking and laughing, and saying "Ula" from time to time, but they were not afraid.

"Next, be careful. The first basement is barely considered a normal office location, but when you reach the second basement, there will be many institutions. Although the method of the little celestial master broke the qi trap and detonated many bombs, but There may still be some fish that slipped through the net, so don't fall for it!" Liu Wei reminded.

"Don't worry shopkeeper Liu, I'm good at doing this!"

As Lu Ci said, the purple light in his palm was dense, and he slapped the ground with his palm, his fingers began to rise and fall rhythmically, and Ruyi energy oscillated like water waves.

At the same time, the sound of footsteps was dense like rain, as if there were thousands of people running away in all directions with Lu Ci at the center.

"This method is fine, kid Lu!" Li Shuwen exclaimed.

Lu Ci smiled and said: "Just now I imitated the footsteps with Ruyi Strength, within a radius of tens of feet, I should have triggered all the organs that I violated by footsteps."

"Your idea is good!" Liu Wei nodded, "It was indeed triggered, but the result is not so good!"

Li Shuwen said: "But it's okay, just think about exercising your muscles and bones!"

The two of them sang together, before Lu Ci understood what was going on, suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in the basement.

The Yin wind brought up many white papers with strange incantations drawn on them, swirling in the air.

"What the hell is this, the paper money that the pirates gave themselves?"

While Lu Jin was talking, he suddenly found a face with a venomous expression slowly poking out from the "paper money".

Lu Ci frowned and asked, "What the hell is this? Is it the mechanism that I triggered?"

"Indeed, you don't have much dealings with Japanese pirates, so it's normal if you don't understand them!" Li Shuwen nodded.

These years, he has been in the Northeast, and he has dealt with Japanese pirates a lot, and he also has some understanding of the methods of onmyoji and priests, explaining:
"Although the onmyoji learn more complicated things, the method of summoning shikigami to fight is actually somewhat similar to that of the horse celestial beings in the northeast."

"However, Chumaxian uses his own life as the medium to carry the power of the immortal family, while Onmyoji uses the talisman paper as the medium to carry the power of shikigami."

"Assuming that the Shikigami summoned by the Onmyoji is equal to the strength of the Immortal family invited by the Immortal Immortal, in terms of personal combat ability alone, the Immortal Immortal is much higher than the Onmyoji."

"After all, the horse fairy uses his own life as the medium to carry the power of the fairy family to the maximum. However, subject to this, the horse fairy can only invite one fairy family to play at a time."

"But Onmyoji uses talisman paper as the medium, so he can summon many shikigami to descend in one breath, which is equivalent to one taking the quality route and the other taking the quantity route."

"The traps on this level are not traps in the traditional sense, but a lot of shikigami papers are distributed, which will be triggered when you walk over, thereby drawing out the shikigami. Just now, the sound of your footsteps just caught all of these shikigami. Activated."

Hearing that he was self-defeating, Lu Ci was a little embarrassed and said, "How many?"

"It doesn't matter how much!" Li Shuwen grinned: "The more the better!"

During their conversation, the shikigami emerged completely from the talisman paper, a terrifying humanoid monster with reverse twisted limbs like a spider.

This monster rubbed against the ground and crawled towards the crowd. When crawling, it made a crackling sound. It looked disgusting and terrifying.

"I made it, I will solve it!"

After Lu Ci said something, he slapped his palm tentatively, and the purple wishful energy burst out, and he directly knocked the rushing shikigami away.

Lu Ci was taken aback, a little surprised, so weak?

Immediately, he got excited and pulled out a rib, which was Colonel Ishikawa's weapon. Lu Ci thought it was very useful for cutting people, so he kept it all the time.

Now, it came in handy. After reading the experiment log yesterday, he was so angry that he just wanted to vent his anger.

With an excited face, Lu Ci grinned wildly, showing a perverted villain's smile, and rushed towards that shikigami with his ribs in hand.

Seeing this scene, the spider-like monster paused, turned its head suddenly, and ran in the opposite direction of Lu Ci. Although it had no wisdom, it still had the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But obviously, it was not as fast as Lu Ci.

I saw a pair of ribs shining with purple light whizzingly pierced into its body, nailing it to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ci jumped on top of it, pulled out its ribs, and slashed at it head and face.

That scene is very similar to the murderer in some plasma films of later generations.

The sound of "噗嗤噗嗤" was endless, even though this shikigami had stopped moving, Lu Ci didn't stop, hitting again and again.

Lu Ci didn't stop until the shikigami completely dissipated into a ball of ghost energy and turned into a piece of broken talisman paper.

"It's not a real person, it's not fun, it's not fun enough!" Lu Ci shook his head, feeling that he wanted to chop a real person, the kind of blood flying everywhere.

As soon as he thought about it, he heard countless "咔咔咒" sounds, connected together, endlessly, that scene was somewhat similar to walking on a summer field, listening to the sound of frogs, of course, this is very penetrating. many.

Immediately afterwards, countless spider-like distorted figures crawled out from all over the passage, some of them crawled upside down on the roof, some crawled on the wall, densely packed, and the scalp of those who watched it felt numb. They crowded around and rushed towards Lu Ci Come.

"Is this what Senior Li said, the more the better? There really are too many!"

Lu Ci let out a grin, covering his whole body with Ruyi energy as if it were real, holding the ribs in his hand, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed into the dense crowd of monsters, cutting two monsters in half with one knife, today he wants to kill a lot.

Lu Ci rushed to kill, and the little friends behind him naturally wouldn't let him fight alone.

Wang Ai took out the scroll and shook it, and several similarly distorted ink-colored figures flew out, rushed into the crowd of monsters, and shared the firepower for Lu Ci.

Lu Jin also went up. This guy looks gentle, but he swears when he speaks. When he moves his hands, it is even more brutal. He doesn't even use a weapon. He rushes directly in front of him. The monster's mouth pierced through, and the back of its head came out.

Then he drew out his palm and spread his hands, the energy in his palm burst forth, he twisted his waist, and he spun like a whirlwind. Wherever he passed, flesh and blood flew across, and corpses, large and small, fell to the ground, but there was no feeling of flesh and blood. It didn't take long before it turned into ghost energy and dissipated.

"These little guys are full of enthusiasm, it's nice to be young!" Li Shuwen laughed loudly.

"Who said it wasn't?" Liu Wei laughed, "If there is no accident, these little fellows will definitely be the number one in the future!"

"That's true, especially that little celestial master!" Li Shuwen said, "We are all in this scene, I don't know what's going on with the little celestial master? Actually, I should change with him. He came here to deal with that little celestial master." Great Priest, I am stationed outside to stop Fujita!"

Liu Wei said: "Uncle Li's words are wrong. The little celestial master is more suitable to be outside than you. Although you are strong, it is easy to hide the spear and difficult to defend against it. There will be many variables when fighting Fujita. Moreover, your one Zhao Yishi's personal style is too strong, it is easy to be recognized, and you have lived in the Northeast for many years, Fujita must have a plan to deal with you, or play dirty tricks, or besiege, if you go to face him, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot deficit."

"But the little celestial master is very suitable. He has the golden light curse to protect his body, and he is not afraid of evil tricks. Moreover, he rarely travels in the rivers and lakes. When he occasionally makes a move, he can solve the battle with a slap. Don't say that outsiders don't know his tricks." The bottom line, I guess is that Tianshi himself doesn't know much about his methods, and Fujita will definitely be caught blind when he meets him!"

Li Shuwen nodded, saying so, but he still felt a little ashamed as a senior to let a junior face a big enemy outside.

"Uncle Li, do you want to exercise your muscles?" Liu Wei suggested.

"I'll go up after they get rid of these little things that the onmyoji made!" Li Shuwen said.



And when they explored underground.

On the ground, a tall ghost in a straight suit sat cross-legged in the middle of the road.

Suddenly, the air twisted, and five tall figures wearing armor and holding strange weapons suddenly appeared out of thin air. After saluting to the tall ghost, they turned into a cloud of clear air and dissipated.

And on the ground where they disappeared, there was a 1.3-meter-long sword that shone with cold light.

Gui Lao got up, pulled out the big sword, and rubbed it with his hand. Compared with the mahogany sword that would be destroyed in one shot, the texture of this Dongfeng big sword was infinitely finer, and there was almost no wear and tear in one shot of the Feilei sword.

At this time, there was a sound of piercing through the air. On the forest in the distance, a shirtless man, like a falcon, stretched his deformed latissimus dorsi, and glided towards him. The speed was so fast that the excitement he brought Waves swept the forest, and the trees swayed wildly.

"You came alone? Who gave you the confidence?"

The tall ghost grinned. He thought Fujita would bring a few alien teams over, so he sat cross-legged on the ground and took the time to recover.

However, he never expected that the other party, who was so impatient to seek death, rushed over alone.

(End of this chapter)

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