Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 197 Zhang Zhiwei vs General Fujita

Chapter 197 Zhang Zhiwei vs General Fujita
The wind in the air roared, and a shirtless man swooped down to the ground.

There was a loud bang, the ground trembled, a wave of earth and rocks was set off, and dust was flying all over the sky.

The bare-chested man's feet were deeply inserted into the ground, and his body was covered with a layer of blue qi. The thick qi rippling passionately swept the surroundings like invisible ripples.

He shook his head, raised his head sharply, and his fierce eyes fell on the ghost holding a big sword in front of him.

He participated in the Russo-Japanese War more than ten years ago and killed many people, so he recognized at a glance that this was an Eastern Slav.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the big sword in the hands of the Eastern Slavs. It was shaped like a straight sword, and the cut surface of the sword body was an octagonal prism. It was an eight-sided Han sword.

Although he was a little surprised why this Maozi would use the Han sword, but at the moment he didn't care about these things.

"You killed my daughter, right?" Fujita asked coldly.

"Which one is your daughter? I've never seen her before!" Zhang Zhiwei grinned.

"She died in the explosion at the Penang Headquarters!" General Fujita said in Russian.

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and said in Japanese: "Oh, so, although I bombed the Bincheng Command and the True and False Railway Company, but don't get me wrong, I didn't actually want to kill your daughter. You all killed!"

Hearing these provocative words, Fujita, whose anger was like a volcano about to erupt, could no longer keep calm.

Outside the blue qi hood, red-tongued flames rose from the sky.

General Fujita looked ferocious, his eyes were bloodshot, and the picture of his daughter before her death flashed in his mind.

"The blood debt will be paid in blood!" Fujita shouted angrily, punching out from the air, and the flames surged towards him.

He practiced the flame piercing boxing in karate, and he has already cultivated the flame, and he has a high degree of control, even if it is violently burned, it can ensure that the clothes are intact.

Facing Fujita's attack, Zhang Zhiwei did not dodge or dodge, a white wave shot up from the position of his celestial spirit, directly collided with Fujita's flames, triggering a series of airflow explosions.

Zhang Zhiwei did not choose to emit golden light, but used Lei Fa's qi, but he took a trick.

Yang Wulei comes from the reaction of lung metal qi and heart fire qi, but since the five internal organs and five elements of the human body have been sorted out by the heart ape, it has achieved the effect of gold flourishing and fire, and it can be used as a vessel.

He can then freely control the Qi of the Heart Fire and the Qi of the Lung Gold, and choose whether to germinate into Leifa or merge into a new Qi.

Although this newly fused Qi is far less violent than Lei Fa, it is not difficult to block Fujita's flames, after all, its quality lies there.

The white qi and Lie Yan entangled fiercely, and it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

"It's quite a good ability, but if it's nothing more than that, then you will die miserably. You still have accomplices. They are all in the railway company, right? You think you can stop..."

General Fujita sneered, just now he made a tentative blow, and he had a little idea in his mind, his back muscles squirmed, and he was ready to fight close to the body, and hit the opponent directly.

However, before he could finish his sentence, the tall ghost in front of him made a sudden movement, and he was in front of him in an instant. A pair of big star-like eyes, which seemed to be able to burn people, suddenly pressed down on the top of his head. , His chin almost hit his forehead.

And it was Zhang Zhiwei's big slap that hit the person one step before the chin.

With the strong wind blowing in his face, General Fujita only felt a terrifying pressure, oppressing from all directions, almost instinctively, his qi cover covering his whole body began to work crazily.


There was a loud noise, and General Fujita was stunned, and his whole body was thrown away by a powerful force.

When he flew out, he instinctively stretched his wing-like latissimus dorsi, trying to stabilize his figure, but after a strange swing in mid-air, he fell heavily into the forest, smashing a big pit.

"That's it?!"

"I can't stop you?!"

"You pretended to be your mother with me!"

Zhang Zhiwei stuck the Dongfeng Great Sword on the ground, and walked into the forest just like that. The opponent was empty-handed, and he didn't plan to use the sword, but slapped the opponent to death with a big slap.

With a "boom", the flames in the forest exploded, and General Fujita, whose face was half bloody, crawled out of the pit with a grim expression.


General Fujita choked out a mouthful of blood.

When the slap fell on his face just now, the blood in his whole body seemed to stop flowing, and he felt like he was in a life-and-death crisis.

This shocked him beyond measure. Since he became a general, coupled with his strength, he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Even in the face of the siege of Cheka agents yesterday, he was able to handle it with ease, and took down the opponent without much effort.

But today, he was slapped away by a moron.

"Among the Cheka agents in Bincheng, it is impossible to have such a powerful existence. Who are you?"

Fujita was naturally not a fool to be able to sit in the general's position, so he immediately guessed that there was something wrong with this guy's identity.

Reminiscent of when I saw this Maozi for the first time, this Maozi was holding an Eight-faced Han Sword in his hand.

The Han sword, a weapon from 2000 years ago, is really too old, not to mention Maozi, which is rarely used by people in this country.

"You are not from Cheka, you are from China..."

Before he could finish speaking, a savage qi flew across his face, General Fujita's eyes dimmed, and Zhang Zhiwei suddenly rushed to his eyes, and slapped him with his backhand.

General Fujita felt the crisis, and in an instant, the qi in his body was running to the limit, the blood galloped in the blood vessels, the muscles trembled and trembled, and the force like magma spread over the whole body.

This time, he didn't dare to hold it up any longer, relying on the qi shield to defend, but raised his arms, blocking in front of him like a giant tower shield.


Zhang Zhiwei's slap slapped General Fujita's arm with a violent wind, like a sky-shattering seal.

The powerful force tore through General Fujita's qi shield, causing him to take a few steps backwards, slumped and crooked.

Seeing that he was about to fall, General Fujita quickly supported the ground with one hand, flexibly flipped backwards lightly, and at the same time lifted his toes up like a long sword, kicking Zhang Zhiwei's temple.


The sound of violent gold and iron clashing sounded.

Zhang Zhiwei received Fujita's heavy kick hard, but his body didn't even shake.

When he did it just now, although Zhang Zhiwei didn't have a large-scale exposed golden light, his body surface was still covered with a layer of golden light that was invisible to the naked eye, almost as thin as a cicada's wing.

Although he is arrogant, he is by no means stupid. This can be regarded as a battlefield. There may be a lot of snipers around, and there are even aliens like onmyojis who are good at spell killing. If you don't put a defense on your own, you can attack , When he is a fool?
"So tough, so strong defense, is it the golden bell cover, or the iron cloth shirt, or the golden light curse..."

General Fujita was taken aback by the touch of his toes, and thought of some Chinese tricks.

However, now that the situation is critical, he didn't have time to think about it. Relying on his super-high fighting intuition, almost subconsciously, he kicked the ground fiercely, his heart like gunpowder, his fist like a cannon, and he used his whole body strength to burst into a blazing explosion. A torrent of attacks.



In an instant, flames swept across the sky, and terrifying fist shadows bombarded Zhang Zhiwei's body, like forging iron, and the humming of gold and iron kept ringing.

In addition, the punch was too fast, and when the air was torn apart, it made a long and sharp sound like a train whistle, and all kinds of sounds joined together.

In an instant, this area seemed to be a building with dozens of floors being blasted in an instant, and there was no limit to the noise.

Facing General Fujita's stormy attack, Zhang Zhiwei didn't dodge, just stood there without moving, relying on the Golden Light Curse that was running to the extreme, directly resisted.

General Fujita's attack was like a wave, continuous, but at the moment when his aura reached the peak like a rainbow.

Zhang Zhiwei made a move, and just reached out and grabbed his neck. Zhang Zhiwei was more than 1.9 meters tall, and Fujita was only 1.7 meters, so he was easily lifted up.

"With such little strength, why do you come out to earn a living?"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head, grinned, spoke fluent Chinese, exerted a little force on his hands, and had an unruly expression on his face. That smile was vicious no matter how you looked at it.



And when Zhang Zhiwei and General Fujita fought.

The battle in the underground railway company passage is also over.

Facing a group of weak shikigami monsters, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai worked together, and they were almost eliminated in a short time.

Lu Ci brandished the ribs in his hand, and slashed quickly with the flat knife, cutting off the sky cap of the last monster, then stretched it in and violently stirred it, and the monster immediately stopped moving.

"Call it off, done!"

Lu Ci let out a long breath, imitating Zhang Zhiwei and holding a sabre, and said calmly.

But within three seconds, he heard the sound of neat footsteps.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci were taken aback for a moment, and looked up.

In the passage ahead, a group of short soldiers in black European military uniforms suddenly appeared.

These soldiers were short and stocky, holding sabers in their hands, and their blood-red pupils were full of cruelty and ferocity.

"This is……"

The three of them were puzzled when they heard Liu Wei from behind say:

"Just now you were facing a shikigami trap set up by the Onmyoji, but what appeared now should be military souls enshrined in Shinto shrines. Judging from the appearance of these military souls, they should have died at Maozi's hands during the Russo-Japanese War Japanese pirate soldiers."

"The Japanese pirates who died at the hands of Maozi?" Li Shuwen said, "What does shopkeeper Liu mean is that the Japanese pirates will refine the soldiers who died in battle into ghosts and enshrine them in the shrine for later use?"

Liu Wei nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. Shintoism is a witch religion, and it is good at playing with ghosts. The battle souls who die on the battlefield are more hostile and easier to refine into ghosts. Naturally, they will not let them go. Their method of refining ghosts is somewhat similar to that of the Yuanhuang Sect, Lushan Sect, and Meishan Sect's method of refining Wuzang soldiers and horses!"

"I have to serve the emperor before and after death? Tsk tsk tsk... It's really pitiful, and I can't get rid of it after death. In this case, the old man will show mercy and beat them to death... No, no, it should be superseded, physics Exceed!"

Li Shuwen remembered Zhang Zhiwei's previous words, changed his words, then spread his hands and strode forward.

(End of this chapter)

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