Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 198 Drying Experiment and Deballasting Experiment

Chapter 198 Drying Experiment and Deballasting Experiment
"Long live the Emperor!"

In the passage, the war spirit of the Japanese pirates roared wildly, and raised their saber and magic weapon to launch a long live charge, just like they attacked Maozi's fortifications back then.

But standing in front of them is Li Shuwen, who is known as the number one master of the foreign family.

I saw him punching out, like a spear piercing straight, hitting a platinum-gold spear, directly blasting the pile of fighting spirits rushing in front to pieces.

Then one stepped forward and unleashed Bajiquan's signature move, Tie Shan Kao, like a big mountain, rushing towards it with a suffocating breath.

The long live charge launched by the pirate war spirits was instantly torn apart, sabers were broken, and stumps and broken arms were flying all over the sky.

Li Shuwen was like a god of war, rushing back and forth in the shining knife array.

Those Japanese war spirits were not afraid of death in life, and even more so when they became ghosts after death. Even though they were slaughtered like grass, they were not afraid at all. They still shouted long live the emperor, and then charged with their sabers.

It's a pity that their attacks are too weak, and they can't even penetrate Li Shuwen's bodyguard when they hit Li Shuwen.

"Good guy, it's a good thing that Senior Li is here, otherwise we would have killed here, and we might never come back!"

Looking at Li Shuwen who was killing everyone, Lu Jin sighed.

"I hope Senior Li doesn't come, have you forgotten?" Lu Ci said, "Senior brother Zhang said before that he would send us the altar heavenly soldiers to assist us, but Senior Li said that after adding him, this matter will be gone. It's over, what a pity!"

Lu Ci regretted not being able to personally experience the feeling of going to the altar to be blessed by the heavenly soldiers.

"Hedgehog, it's better not to be a pity. The man behind the scene must not be easy to dispatch so many war spirits of Japanese pirates in one go. I'm afraid that even if Brother Zhang blesses us with heavenly soldiers, there will be a fierce battle." Wang Ai said Said with a sigh of relief.

"Isn't it good to fight fiercely? Forget it, this is the end, let's go, don't let Senior Li kill them all, at least leave some for us!"

After that, Lu Ci also rushed over, holding the ribs in his hand, sweeping the qi at the front, pouring Ruyi energy into the blade, and suddenly severed the head of a Japanese war spirit with a single stroke, rushing back and forth among the group of ghosts.

Lu Jin also followed, shot with both hands, shattered the hacked saber, and then followed with one footstep, and for a while, black ghost energy rose one after another, all of which were left behind by the beaten Japanese pirates. the last traces of

The qi energy was shooting out, Li Shuwen rushed to the front, the qi energy rolled all over his body, and the air was blasted like a cannonball.

In the basement of tens of square meters, it was as if a strong wind ripped through my ears.

Wherever they passed, stumps and broken arms flew all over the sky, and Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and the other three followed behind to kill some fish that slipped through the net.

After a fierce battle, there were only five people standing in this area, and none of the Japanese pirates who had been densely packed before remained, all of them were beaten to pieces, and turned into a cloud of ghost energy and shrouded here.

Because of too many fighting spirits, a large amount of ghost qi has accumulated here, and the temperature has almost dropped below zero.

If an ordinary person came in, he would be invaded by Yin Qi in an instant and die on the spot.

But even if it is a foreigner, it is not easy to live here, such as Wang Ai, he was shivering from the cold, his face pale.

Seeing this situation, Lu Ci slapped several palms continuously, and the wishful energy in his palms surged out like waves, rolling in all directions, setting off a violent gust of wind, blowing away the Yin energy here.

Li Shuwen glanced at Lu Ci's method: "Die Jin!"

"Senior Li has good eyesight!" Lu Ci said.

"Stacking strength is good, the offensive is continuous, but the lethality is a bit weak!" Li Shuwen commented.

"Senior Li said that," Lu Ci said, "Actually, I also know that if I can combine Beng Jin and Zhen Jin into it, the power will be greatly increased, but it's so difficult, I can only go from simple to complex, starting from stacking strength one step at a time. One step is coming."

"It's quite an idea, but this path was wrong from the very beginning. Although stacked strength and shock strength are similar, there are essential differences. It's not that after you practice stack strength to a high level, it will turn into shock strength or collapse strength. Yes, no matter how advanced you practice, it's only a deep stacking strength!" Li Shuwen pointed out.

For this point, Zhang Zhiwei is actually not clear, because whether he comprehends stacking strength or shock strength, it is a matter of course and there is no difficulty.

Not to mention converting stacking strength into shocking strength, he can even combine shocking strength and stacking strength to create superimposed shocking strength.

However, people are different. Zhang Zhiwei can do it, but he ignores whether Lu Ci can do it.

Of course, Lu Ci is also a genius. After practicing for a long time, maybe he can succeed, but it will undoubtedly take many detours and waste a lot of time.

However, this detour was pointed out by Li Shuwen, the great master of martial arts.

"Senior Li, please give me some advice!" Lu Ci was a smart person, so he realized it in an instant and asked for advice.

"I think your kid's temper is quite to my liking, so I'll just mention one thing," Li Shuwen said, "If you can comprehend the tiger leopard thunder sound, then it will be much easier to integrate the vibration energy into the wishful energy, and even if you You can also incorporate some other strengths into it.”

"Then Senior Li, how can you comprehend the sound of Tiger Leopard?" Lu Ci asked excitedly.

"How to comprehend the sound of tiger and leopard thunder?" Li Shuwen pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "The sound of tiger and leopard thunder is one of the mysteries of martial arts. Many martial artists can't ask for it. Everything can only be comprehended by ourselves. Even I , I can only mention a few points, and there is no guarantee that anyone can comprehend it."

"However, you may be able to ask the little celestial master. He is the fastest person I have ever seen to comprehend the thunder sound of tigers and leopards. He can even be described as unprecedented. Probably not!"

Hearing this, Lu Ci was taken aback for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he was overjoyed, and couldn't help but feel emotional, it turned out that the key to his breakthrough was still in Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Zhang is really a noble person!

At the same time, an inexplicable emotion rose up, it would be great if such a hero came from my Lu family village, I am like a cow and a horse, and I am willing to kneel down and send him off.

This idea has flashed through Lu Ci's mind many times, but he can't help it.

But what the young Lu Ci didn't know was that even after he was more than 100 years old, this idea still appeared in his mind from time to time.

After talking a few words along the way, several people entered the fourth underground floor of the railway company.

This is the floor where the health institute is located.

The next floor is where the pirate priests stayed.

As for what's on the bottom sixth floor, Liu Wei didn't know, the defense there was too tight, even he couldn't get the information inside.

Led by Liu Wei, they came to the laboratory area on the fourth floor.

When the Japanese pirates built this place, they only paid attention to concealment, and did not strengthen their protection ability, so this place was also pierced by the flying thunder sword, causing a mess all over the place.

But because it is relatively deep here, the impact is relatively small. Only a few Japanese pirate experimenters were unlucky and died directly under the aftermath of the Feilei Sword.

Most of the experimenters were in a panic, and were lured by Liu Wei's human skin clone to one of the laboratories to hide.

"Shopkeeper Liu, where are those beasts?"

Lu Ci waved the ribs in his hands, his expression could be described as ferocious and ferocious, and he finally reached the floor of the experiment log he had seen before.

"follow me!"

Liu Wei said lightly.

Several people followed all the way, and they saw a laboratory on the way. Everyone glanced at it, their eyes suddenly widened, their eyes turned red, and there was an urge in their hearts that they couldn't bear to look any more.

Because there were three female corpses tied up on the overturned experimental bed in this laboratory. What they all had in common was that their stomachs had been cut open. If nothing else happened, they should all be pregnant women, and the babies in their wombs had already been taken out.

Several people immediately clenched their fists and clenched their teeth, the previously passionate emotions suddenly became as heavy as water.

In fact, they have all seen this kind of scene in the experiment log, but what they see on paper is too shallow. After seeing it with their own eyes, they will know the cruelty and viciousness.

"Don't stand still, keep going!" Liu Wei said expressionlessly.

Everyone followed silently, and the atmosphere was heavy.

Passing by another laboratory, Lu Jin, who was red-eyed, didn't look at it. He was already an explosive brother, and now his emotions were like a volcano that was about to erupt. He was afraid that he would go berserk after seeing it.

Wang Ai didn't watch it either. He just felt a little scared. If he watched it, it might become a psychological shadow and affect himself.

But Lu Ci went to see it. He is a person who is more angry, crazier, and calmer. He will vent out the anger accumulated now.

Lu Ci walked to a laboratory, put his face on the window of the laboratory, and looked in.

I saw eight people tied up in a small space inside. No, it should be eight mummies with distorted facial features. The hair, skin, and muscles are dry and withered, shrinking and attached to the bones. Their mouths are wide open, even if they are dried. On his face, he could also see the fear and pain that went deep into the bone marrow.

Lu Ci looked at it blankly for a while, then took a step back, and glanced at the signboard hanging in this laboratory that said - Drying Laboratory.

There is also a record sheet hanging on the wall next to the laboratory.

Lu Ci took it out and looked at it, and it said, "This time, the temperature of the hot air was increased. As soon as Ma Luda, who was tied to the chair, entered, he was sweating profusely. drying."

"As time went by, the water in 'Ma Lu Da' was dried up little by little. After about 10 hours, there was no more water in 'Ma Lu Da''s body. It became a dry body. mummy.……"

"The results of the last experiment showed that the mummy of 'Malu Da' was only 22% of its life when it was alive. The preliminary experiment proved that the water contained in the human body is 78%."

"However, this result is not very accurate, and there are differences between individuals. Therefore, a large number of experimental targets are still needed to prove it. I don't know how the eight 'Malu Da' will perform today. I am really looking forward to it!"

Lu Ci finished watching with a blank expression. He is not very proficient in Japanese, but there is absolutely no problem in normal communication.

He also knew the meaning of the word "Maluda", which means "round wood", and the extended meaning is "experimental product".

As Liu Wei said earlier, Japanese pirates would set up memorial archways for kittens and dogs that were used for experiments, but not for people who were caught for experiments, because in their eyes, the people on this land were inferior to pigs and dogs, just like logs that were used to burn fire.

Lu Ci put the record sheet into his pocket, and turned to look in the direction of the crowd.

At this moment, they stopped in front of a laboratory not far away.

The sign on that lab reads - De-Ballastage Lab.

Under Zhang Zhiwei's attack, the surviving experimenters were all guided by Liu Wei's human skin clone, and gathered here to hide.

"Damn it, when these bastards are hiding inside, I smashed the door with one punch and killed them!"

Lu Jinhong focused her eyes, raised her fist and was about to smash it down, but a purple qi entangled her wrist.

Lu Jin turned around and stared, "Hedgehog, what are you doing?"

"Old Lu, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry, you're already caught in the middle, what are you in a hurry for?! I'm a professional in this job!"

Lu Ci laughed silently, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth, the corners of his mouth almost reaching the back of his head, his smile was ferocious and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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