Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 199 Panic Boiling, The Shining Lu Ci Edition

Chapter 199 Panic Boiling, The Shining Lu Ci Edition
"What are you going to do?" Lu Jin asked.

"Things don't overwhelm people, but emotions can overwhelm a person. If you just break into it, how boring it is!"

Lu Ci said with a grim expression: "I feel the uneasiness of the people here, they are afraid, it's ridiculous, they will be afraid too!"

"If you go straight in and beat them to death, wouldn't it mean that the short-term pain is worse than the long-term pain, and send them out?"

"Prudish, you have a good heart, don't worry about this matter, my heart is vicious and ruthless, let me concoct them!"

"Then you..." Lu Jin was planning to ask Lu Ci how to prepare it.

I saw Lu Ci raised his ribs, and slashed on the iron door of the laboratory with a knife, making a loud "clang".

"In the words of Senior Brother Zhang, this trick is to let their fear fly for a while longer!"

After saying that, Lu Ci slashed at the door again.

When splitting the door, Lu Ci didn't use Ruyi Jin, and didn't even use much force. He only used the strength of an ordinary person.

With this level of strength, even if the ribs are specially used to break armor, it still takes a lot of effort to split the iron door.

And this is exactly what Lu Ci wanted.

He needs the executioner inside to brew up the fear and brew it into a bowl of delicious soup, a soup that can eliminate the stagnation of his coming here.



At this moment, in the decompression laboratory, dozens of experimenters in protective suits were huddled inside.

Before that they were working as usual.

Suddenly, there was an explosive sound like shaking the mountains.

Immediately afterwards, three consecutive powerful shock waves swept over.

Some experimenters who were close to the explosion site were shocked to death on the spot.

Those who were far away were more or less injured.

The successive bombardments, coupled with the huge movement caused when the building above them collapsed, frightened them into panic and panic.

Although they were all executioners with blood on their hands, they were all civil servants after all, so they would be useless in such emergencies.

But at this moment, an unknown experimental assistant stood up and told them that there might be an enemy coming in. In order to survive, everyone should gather and hide in a safe place.

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that it made sense, so they followed the assistant and hid in the de-ballasting laboratory.

This laboratory is very large, as big as a basketball court, and there are many seats in it.

Directly in front of the seat is a huge glass container.

The shape of the glass container is a bit like a shower room with dry and wet separation in a hotel. There are some dense lines inside, which are connected to a huge metal device outside.

At this moment, in this glass container, there is a large pool of rotten flesh and white bones covered with prison uniforms, dense blood spots splashed on the glass, which is a bit dazzling.


"Bang Dang" came a loud bang.

The whole laboratory seemed to tremble.

Inside the glass container, in the puddle of minced meat, a broken eyeball seemed to be affected by the shock just now, and rolled down to the edge of the container, staring at the group of experimenters in protective suits. personnel.



"Bang, bang, bang!"

A muffled sound came into the laboratory, and the people hiding inside turned pale with fright.

Their necks seemed to have become stiff, and they turned their heads a little bit with difficulty, and looked out the door with horrified eyes.

"What...what to do, there...someone is knocking on the door?"

An experimenter in a protective suit whispered in horror.

"What to do, what should we do, we have no way out!" One person said in a crying voice.

"Bang dang... bang dang... bang dang..."

The sound of slamming the door kept ringing, and the iron door of the laboratory bulged from time to time, giving people a feeling that it might be split open at any time, which made people feel hairy.

Looking at the continuously protruding knife marks on the door, these experimenters felt that every time they slammed on the door, it was like hitting their hearts.

Stress and anxiety suddenly increased, and panic was boiling.

No wonder they had this reaction, think about it, in a dark environment, in an underground closed place where many people died.

You suddenly encountered an unknown attack, and you didn't even know the enemy, so many of your companions died. In panic, you hid and hid in a laboratory with no way out.

Moreover, this laboratory did a cruel experiment not long ago.

You locked a little girl who just turned eight years old into the decompression chamber, and then decompressed little by little, admiring her death.

And now, inside the laboratory, the little girl's broken eyeballs are staring at you, and outside the laboratory, something is knocking on the door desperately.

The combination of the two instantly magnified the fear in my heart by more than ten times.

"What...what to do? I...we have nowhere to escape!"

Someone said in a crying voice that he didn't dare to look at the door, nor did he dare to look at the decompression chamber they used to have fun and decompress. He could only bury his head on the ground and tremble.

"Where are the guards, where are the guards, I am a top student in the Faculty of Medicine of Kyoto University, I have completed great medical research here, and can make our country's medical progress for ten years, no, 20 years, what about the guards, why don't they come to protect us? "

One of the experimenters wearing protective clothing, perhaps unable to bear the tremendous pressure and fear, pushed down the experimenter next to him, tore off the other's hood, and said angrily:

"Baga, you said it's safe here, you said it, you said it, but now? It's all your fault, you brought us to a dead end, we should flee, you damn guy!!"

While cursing, he clenched his fists and hit the opponent's face heavily.

Under the extreme fear, he almost collapsed, and vented his emotions on the experimental assistant who brought them here.

But then, something happened that made him even more devastated.

I saw that the experimental assistant who had been beaten so badly shriveled up as if he had leaked air, and turned into a complete piece of human skin lying on the ground.

When the human skin was spread out, the facial features were elongated, and the eyes were stretched and deformed, looking at him from a strange angle.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

He was so scared that he sat down on the ground and let out a heart-piercing cry:

"Ghost, there are ghosts, they are the ones asking for their lives, those 'Maluda' are here to take their lives!"

Everyone turned their heads one after another, and when they saw the flat lay of human skin, a chill suddenly rose from the tailbone and went straight to the sky, making their scalps numb.

But there is a saying that blessings never come singly, but misfortunes never come singly, and they haven't waited for them to digest the news.

With a loud bang, the iron door of the laboratory was broken open with a big hole.

Everyone stared blankly at the opening, attacking from both inside and outside. At this moment, extreme fear almost swallowed their hearts.

But at this moment, the slamming sound of the door suddenly stopped, and the world returned to silence, and nothing came in.

For a moment, a trace of desire, a desire to live, was inexplicably born in their almost desperate hearts.

Could it be... that something outside... is gone?
But then, this longing vanished.

I saw the head of a foreign ghost coming in through the crack on the door, a pair of eyes glowing with purple light, extremely fierce, and the corner of the mouth that almost opened to the back of the head, the smile was extraordinarily ferocious.

"Hey Hey……"

In this atmosphere, Lu Ci's appearance, coupled with this smile, does not look like a person.



There are screams one after another, and people behave differently when they are in despair. Some people will have a brain shutdown, limbs will not work, and lose the ability to move, as in horror movies. Some will scream in shock, and some will go crazy...

Of course, some people shouted Long Live the Emperor, raised the experimental scalpel, and chopped at Lu Ci's head.

However, how could they hurt Lu Ci?
I saw Lu Ci protruding a hand from the gap in the huge door, easily deflected the scalpel and grabbed the man's head.

This scene gave people the impression that the Japanese pirates inside shouted and sent their heads to Lu Ci's hands.

Lu Ci grabbed the pirate's head, pulled his entire head out of the door, and then tore off the other's protective mask.

This is an old Japanese pirate, who seems to give people a sense of politeness and respect.

However, the terrified look on his face at this moment destroyed this feeling, making him look like a wrinkled old potato.

Lu Ci tilted his head, glanced at the old Tudou, fixed it with his left hand, and raised his ribs with his right hand. Under Tudou's terrified eyes, the ribs scratched, and the sound of piercing the air could be heard endlessly.
With the sword shining, the old face of the Japanese pirate began to collapse rapidly like a pile of sand pushed down by the sea.

Just like the cook in the New Dragon Gate Inn, Lu Ci chopped this man alive in an instant, plucked off all the flesh from his face, and cut him into a skull.

Then, with a push by Lu Ci, he was pushed into the laboratory and fell to the ground violently.

Just now Lu Ci's saber was too fast, so fast that the old Japanese pirate didn't even realize it.

It wasn't until he was pushed to the ground that the excruciating pain came, and the pirate realized what had happened. He immediately covered his face and let out a heart-piercing roar.

Yes, he can still scream. Although Lu Ci's attack just now was vicious, it was not fatal.

It just shaved off the flesh on the opponent's face and shaved it into a skull, but it didn't hurt his brain.

This horrific scene came into view intuitively and filled the sight, and the Japanese pirates in the laboratory completely collapsed.

The devotion to the empire, the loyalty to the emperor, under the pressure of this kind of horror and blood, are all bullshit, all bullshit, they just need to escape from here.

At this moment, they personally felt the perspective and feeling of those experimental subjects looking at them when they were doing the experiment.

And in comparison, their performance is even worse.

Because the experimental subjects don't know what terrible experiment they will face, but they do know that the screaming skull at the door is an example.

Panic continued to boil, and the laboratory was in chaos.

Some were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

Some leaned against the wall and shivered.

Some just squatted up and cried, mumbling in their mouths without knowing what they were reading.

Some people even hid in the bloody and brutal de-ballast chamber in a panic...

Lu Ci looked at the pirates in the de-ballast chamber, smiled at the broken eyeball on the edge of the de-ballast chamber, then tore open the iron door and stepped in.

The roles have been reversed, he wants to let these bastards know what cruelty is!

(End of this chapter)

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