Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 200 Mere gravel, not half as good as me

Chapter 200 Mere gravel, not half as good as me
And when Lu Ci smashed the door and turned into a shining spirit.

on the ground.

General Fujita, who was covered in flames, had bleeding from his mouth and nose, and was lifted up into the air by his neck.

Zhang Zhiwei's body was surrounded by a layer of flowing golden light, although it was as thin as a cicada's wing, it gave people an indestructible feeling.

Just as he was about to crush General Fujita's neck with little force with his hand, General Fujita raised his head suddenly, and the flames all over his body exploded.

Originally, the flames surrounding him were only burning on the surface.

But at this moment, the flame started to burn from the inside.

The flames from the inside out reflected his flesh and bones into a transparent color.

At first glance, his whole person seems to be cast from golden chalcedony.

At the moment of life and death, General Fujita used the karate flame piercing fist, similar to the trick of heaven and earth, to ignite his internal organs, and at the cost of burning everything in himself, he gained great power for a short time.

"You! Damn it! Hohohoho!"

General Fujita roared and broke free from Zhang Zhiwei's shackles.

Immediately afterwards, the flames that rose from the sky, as thick as magma, gushed out, rushing towards Zhang Zhiwei overwhelmingly.


The flames hit the ground, causing an explosion and billowing smoke.

The woods in the suburbs were ignited, and a raging fire broke out.

Zhang Zhiwei stood in the fire, with a thin layer of golden light flowing all over his body.

These golden lights are inherently indestructible, and they circulated on his body in the way of Tai Chi circles, unloading the force.

Therefore, even after General Fujita was killed by Krypton, the flames covered the sky and covered the sky, but he didn't hurt him at all, and even the suit on his body was not damaged.

"In order to gain strength for a short time, you burned through the next few decades of life in one breath, and blocked the second half of your ordinary life. Do you want to show me what is called instant youth?"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head to look at General Fujita not far away.

After using the Desperate Technique, General Fujita exudes an inaccessible high temperature, and has turned into a half-skeleton man like Ghost Rider.

The flesh and blood on his body was burning every minute and every second. If it continued to burn like this, it would take about three to five minutes before it would be completely wiped out.

At this time, the most sensible decision should be to temporarily avoid his edge, delaying the time, and let him burn himself to death.

However, sometimes Zhang Zhiwei is not so sensible, and he wants to head-on.

"It's really a clumsy method. The potential of the human body is infinite. You can use a little bit to achieve this effect, but you destroy the Great Wall yourself."

"Oh, no, I am the Great Wall, and you are just a pile of sand and gravel. Now, let me show you the methods of the Great Wall!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei's thought moved, and the Shangqu acupoint in the body's large acupoint beat violently.

This is the method that master Zhang Jingqing taught him after he knew that he had broken the body structure and could see gods after the Lu family compound last time.

Zhang Jingqing said that Shangqu acupoint is the blood gate of the human body, corresponding to the God of Big Dipper Zhenwu in the small world of the human body, representing force, and also the core terminal of Qi and blood circulation.

Once activated, it can unleash unprecedented potential, except that it will consume a little more energy, and there are basically no side effects.

As for the high consumption of physical strength...isn't it a matter of course to exert more strength and consume more physical strength?
Zhang Zhiwei has never used this method since he learned it. It's not that he looks down on it, but that he has no opponent.

However, now General Fujita is desperately launching the trick of burning himself. In order to ensure absolute suppression, Zhang Zhiwei used the power of the God of True Martial Arts in the acupoints for the first time.

At the moment of activation, he only felt the blood galloping in the blood vessels, the muscles trembled, and the magma-like fiery energy permeated his whole body.

If you look inside at this time, you will see that this acupuncture point is glowing, and there seems to be a heroic figure dancing inside with a long sword in hand.

This shadow is the God of True Martial Arts in the human body, and its sword dance is actually moving Qi and blood faster.

Sensing that Zhang Zhiwei's already powerful aura was still surging, General Fujita naturally wouldn't sit still, took a deep breath, and punched hundreds of punches in succession.


The sound of hammering iron kept ringing, and the flames burned his body. He turned the pain into motivation, and punched desperately. The power of the fist tore through the air and rolled up high-speed airflow.

He roared like a lion, thinking about how he swore an oath to the emperor when he was young, thinking about the scene when his daughter was born, the scene when his daughter was learning the tongue, thinking about how her daughter traveled across the ocean to come here in order to spend more time with him as a father ...Thinking about the scene when my daughter called me in pain before she died.

"The heart is like gunpowder and the fist is like a cannon. Will you also be afraid and tremble with the punches I brewed with anger and life?"


The air exploded with a bang, and countless substantial flames spread in a ring shape, submerging Zhang Zhiwei in it. The flames of thousands of degrees were burning fiercely, and everything within a radius of [-] meters was turned into a piece of coke!
The flames rose, bringing up a huge air current, and the black ash formed by the burning of the trees was lifted high by these turbulent currents.

After a set was finished, General Fujita, who had been burned into a half-human half-skeleton, panted heavily, half-kneeling on the ground, staring fiercely at the very center of the explosion.

"I tried my best to burn more than half of my life with a set of attacks. This person must be disabled even if he is not dead!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes trembled suddenly, and a strong sense of suffocation came suddenly.

A terrifying strong wind rushed towards his face, and he saw a tall figure nearly two meters tall, flying out of the raging flames, and came to him in an instant, clamping his hands.

Before he could react, he stomped on his chest with lightning speed.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the flesh was torn, the bones were separated, and his two arms were actually pulled off.

"Ahhh...my hand!!"

General Fujita screamed and was kicked flying tens of meters.

He knew that things were irreversible, and taking advantage of this gap, he stretched his latissimus dorsi that had been burned by half, trying to escape by relying on his gliding ability.

After several fights, General Fujita has already figured out the details of the opponent, and he wants to go back and pass on some clues with his last breath.

"It's not the Cheka people who caused trouble this time, but..."

However, some things always backfired. Before he flew very far, a pair of shining golden eyes, shining like stars, pressed close to him.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand with sharp bones grabbed his neck and lifted him up again, just like before.

In a trance, General Fujita even had the illusion that he never broke free from this hand, it was just an illusion.

But the piercing pain caused by burning himself, as well as the disappearing arms, remind him all the time that everything is real.

"The mere gravel is not half as good as mine!"

Zhang Zhiwei pinched General Fujita's neck and lifted him up as if holding a torch.

"Sand, ahahaha... I am Sand, you are Great Wall, but your relatives, your teacher, and your friends can't all be Great Wall!"

General Fujita smiled bitterly: "I underestimated you, a hide-and-seek bastard from China, and I have already guessed your details."

"The thin layer of golden light that flows on your body, among the Yiren sects in China, there are similar methods and such powerful methods, only Niubi from Tianshi Mansion and those bald donkeys from Shaolin Temple!"

"I have dealt with Niubi in the Tianshi Mansion. Their Golden Light Curse spreads out like quicksilver when used. It is very thick, like a wall. You obviously don't meet it."

"You are a bald donkey from Shaolin Temple, right? I have been stationed here for many years, and I have killed not a few bald donkeys, and I have also seen the golden bell jar."

"Although the golden light on your body is not the golden bell cover, it is said that the golden bell cover has a superior ability called Vajra Indestructible Body, so it is on you!"

"Hahaha... You won't be rampant for long, the empire will eventually flatten your country and kill you..."

"It's like I'm the big villain, you're so smart, you talk a lot!"

General Fujita wanted to say something more, but Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to listen any more. He grabbed his neck with one hand and his head with the other, and twisted it suddenly.

With a sound of "puchi", a head with weeping eyes and blood was twisted off.

Let go of the hand, the head and the headless body fell to the ground.

Zhang Zhiwei frowned, looked at General Fujita's body, and said to himself:
"Although I made a mistake, I was still noticed. Sure enough, it's too difficult to even have a little bit of housekeeping skills!"

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei looked up into the distance, only to see the airflow roaring, and a dozen fighter jets surrounded him from all directions.

The lesson learned from the past is that the teacher of the latter seems to know that flying at low altitudes has the risk of being shot down, so this time the fighters are flying very high.

(End of this chapter)

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