Chapter 201
Fighters like a flock of wild geese pierced the sky and came into Zhang Zhiwei's eyes. There were about a dozen of them in front and behind, and they came straight to where Zhang Zhiwei was.

Zhang Zhiwei was in the forest in the suburbs. Because of the previous battle with General Fujita, a fire was ignited here, with thick smoke billowing.

Those fighters did not find Zhang Zhiwei in the raging flames, they were attracted by the flames and thick smoke.

Seeing the fighter plane getting closer and closer, Zhang Zhiwei visually measured the height and frowned. This height is too high!
"It's really troublesome!"

Stretching out his hand, the strength in his palm froze, and the great Dongfeng sword stuck in the distance flew into his hand.

He took out a talisman, slapped it on the big sword, moved his hands together, and struck a few bursts of heart fire qi and lung gold qi at an extremely fast speed.

This time it was just flying, not blasting any target, so Zhang Zhiwei didn't add much heart fire qi and lung gold qi, and it was done very quickly.

With a swipe of the sword body, the two qi reacted with lightning, and the great sword was blazing, flying across the sky
"Go, kill the devil!"

With a wave of his hand, in an instant, there was a roar in the burning forest, and a long wind roared like mountains and seas.

A silver light soared into the sky, and swept past the fighter jets flying high in the sky.


A series of explosions sounded, and wherever the silver light passed, all fighters were invincible.

The violent explosion in the sky attracted everyone's attention. The people in the city, the Japanese pirates who rushed over, the second devil who was working for the tiger, and people from other forces all looked up at the sky.

In an instant, a series of fireballs bloomed at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

Then it turned into a shower of fire and fell, like a grand firework, but unfortunately it was not at night.

"This flying sword is easy to use, but it is a bit troublesome to recover the sword after flying!"

Zhang Zhiwei muttered, and played out another five ghost carrying talisman, and sent the five ghosts to pick up the sword for him.

Before setting off, he made five five ghost carrying talismans. So far, he has used three of them, and there are not many flying sword talismans left.

After this incident, take some time to do some more...

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head to look back, there was a rustling sound, General Fujita's strange subordinates finally arrived.

He stretched out his hand, caught the great Dongfeng sword handed over by the five ghosts, and slashed back with his backhand.

In the back wind, the air surged, and a black-clothed ninja suddenly appeared, holding a Japanese sword and a big Dongfeng sword colliding with each other, and then the sword destroyed everyone, and was split in two by a sword.

At this time, in the grass burning with raging flames, there were many figures, several warriors wearing prajna masks and scarlet body armor, with red light all over their bodies, formed a battle formation and rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei.

At the same time, the ninjas dormant in the dark are also acting. They spread a tough net of unknown material, covering the sky and covering the sky.

The poisonous purple gas also spread over.

In the poisonous gas, countless hidden weapons attacked from all directions.

"Little trick, then, let's play some technical work this time!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked indifferent, pulled out a few sword flowers casually, and tore open the big net covering him at the same time.


Sparks sputtered like flowers, blooming in front of him, and a bunch of messy hidden weapons clanged to the ground.

The Dongfeng sword spun in Zhang Zhiwei's hand, blocking the stormy attack for an instant.

Then, he swung his sword, and an extremely sharp sword energy flew forward and cut it violently.

This is sword energy, extremely compressed and extremely sharp sword energy, causing very little movement, even the group of samurai warriors charging towards him are still intact, still maintaining a charging posture.

It's just that the movement stopped, as if it had turned into a pile of sculptures.

But after a while, a thin line of blood appeared on the necks of the pirate warriors.

The blood line is like a slow motion, gradually expanding and lengthening.

Then, blood spurted out like a fountain, and the heads were tilted and shifted, rolling down from the neck in rows.

"So weak and vulnerable!"

The Dongfeng sword was flipped in his hands, Zhang Zhiwei moved his body, raised the sword, and provoked a ninja hiding in the dark.

The blade flipped, and the ninja was instantly torn apart.

Facing the Japanese pirates who came to besieged and killed, Zhang Zhiwei ran into the herd like a tiger.



And when Zhang Zhiwei was holding his retreat.


The iron door of the laboratory was torn open by Lu Ci, and he walked in slowly with a devilish smile on his lips.

When entering, Lu Ci ignored the screaming skull, but looked at the big glass cover in the room.

At this moment, the inside was full of people. They closed the hatch tightly and looked at him in horror, as if this layer of glass would give them a sense of security.

Lu Ci stared at them, then moved his eyes down, looking at the puddle of flesh under their feet.

It's really disrespectful to the dead, as punishment, I'll make you like this too... Lu Ci walked towards the ballast.

At this time, it seemed that this was an excellent opportunity to escape. Two Japanese pirate experimenters yelled to embolden themselves and rushed towards the door, wanting to escape.

For these people, Lu Ci didn't even look at them, just ignored them, and continued to go to the de-ballasting cabin, that was his goal.

Seeing this situation, several escaped pirate experimenters breathed a sigh of relief, ran all the way to the door, touched the door, poked their heads out of the door, everything went smoothly, the devil-like guy didn't stop them, they were about to escape.

For a moment, something called hope rose in their hearts.

However, just after this thing appeared, it was ruthlessly crushed again. The cold reality drove them into despair again.

It turned out that at the door, there was a young ghost and a fat, bald, middle-aged ghost. They held hands, tilted their heads, and looked at them jokingly.


With ferocious expressions on their faces, they roared angrily, and rushed over fiercely, trying to forcefully break through.

But this idea is really a little naive, they are just weak clerks, even Wang Ai, a guy who doesn't cultivate his life very much, it is easy to deal with them.

Sure enough, after just a face-to-face meeting, these Japanese pirate experimenters were slapped away by Lu Jin and Wang Ai, and rolled back to the laboratory.

How fast you rushed just now, is how fast you rolled back.

When one of them rolled, he bumped into the skull who was sitting on the ground and screaming, and the two of them bumped into each other.

The four eyes met, and there was still some flesh and blood on the bone-like face of the skull, which looked disgusting and terrifying, and the man fainted from fright.

Immediately afterwards, following Lu Ci, Lu Jin also walked into the laboratory. Lu Ci felt suffocated, so why not him?
Moreover, compared to Lu Ci, Lu Jin is a more emotional person.

Seeing Lu Ci killing all directions and venting crazily, can he bear it?
You know, even the elderly Lu Jin, who has been cultivating himself for nearly a hundred years, is still a grumpy old man.

Not to mention at this young age, if he could hold back, he wouldn't be Lu Jin.

What kind of morals do you want to talk about with Japanese pirates... Lu Jin didn't have any expression on his face. He grabbed an iron chair and walked towards the Japanese pirate experimenters who had been kicked away by him just now.

"Blah, blah, blah!"

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, mixed with the friction sound of dragging an iron chair, has a clear rhythm, forming a reminder.

Seeing this scene, several Japanese pirate experimenters were immediately frightened and wanted to stay away.

However, how could their speed be as fast as Lu Jin's?
"Run? Break the dog legs of you dog days"

Lu Jin grinned, walked over quickly, and swung a big iron chair weighing dozens of kilograms, hitting their legs.


There was a jaw-dropping sound of bones breaking, and the leg bones of several people were smashed to pieces by the chair, and twisted out irregularly.

After smashing their leg bones, Lu Jin didn't say anything harsh.

At this time, saying anything is pale and powerless.

He just silently held up the iron chair, and under the terrified eyes of the other party, he slapped it down heavily.

"Puff... Kacha..."

The sound of flesh and blood breaking, mixed with the sound of bones breaking, sounded continuously, and the iron chairs were slapped on the Japanese pirates, and every blow was heavy enough to break bones and blood.

The other party let out a heart-piercing scream. Lu Jin didn't like to hear this sound. He is not the kind of person who likes to torture and kill. This time he just vented, so he crushed the other party's vocal cords with a chair leg.

Then continue to raise the chair high, avoid those vital points that can kill people on the spot, and smash them randomly.

He raised and lowered the chair again and again, until the Japanese pirate under his feet almost lost his human form, and the iron chair with blood stains on his hands was twisted and deformed in his eyes, then he stopped.

"Fuck it, it's disgusting!"

Lu Jin threw away the iron chair, and through the venting just now, after entering here, the accumulated negative emotions got some venting.

He turned his head to look at Wang Ai, and was taken aback by the scene he saw.

I saw that Wang Ai drew a lot of hideous and terrifying painting spirits. These painting spirits lay on the Japanese pirate experimenters, and they just gnawed wildly. The sound of flesh and blood tearing made people shudder.

I'm still too restrained. Although Fatty seems to be afraid of this and that, it's just an appearance. When something really happens, he's really ruthless... Lu Jin looked at Lu Ci again.

This guy has already finished the operation, sealed the glass door, and quietly watched the reaction of the people inside.

Those Japanese pirates who hid inside showed extremely painful expressions, wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound, their eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and blood overflowed from their mouths and noses.

"Where are Senior Li and Shopkeeper Liu?" Seeing Lu Jin's eyes, Lu Ci turned his head and asked expressionlessly.

"They have gone to the next floor, and I am going to go down too. How about you, stay here and watch?" Lu Jin said.

"What is there to see in this thing? I just let the perpetrator stand in the perspective of the victim and feel it personally. I am not interested in killing and appreciating the death of others. Let's go, let's go down too!"

As Lu Ci said, without looking at the Japanese pirate experimenters in the glass cover who were struggling in pain and with distorted faces, they followed Lu Jin out of the laboratory.

The two older brothers left, and Wang Ai naturally left too, with a malicious smile on his lips when he left, because he didn't take those painting spirits back.

And not long after they left, a paste-like thick bloody smell gushed out from inside the glass cover, like a rain of blood, the bones and internal organs were smashed to pieces, and the viscous blood sprayed the glass cover into blood red.

The bloody mud stained on the glass cover slipped and dripped onto the broken eyeball in the corner, and the unwilling eyeball finally died in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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