Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 202 Heavenly Taoist's Heaven-reaching Swordsmanship

Chapter 202 Heavenly Taoist's Heaven-reaching Swordsmanship
"Senior Brother Zhang, what's going on with you? Just now we got really angry and killed all the Japanese pirate experimenters in that underground laboratory."

"The prudence dragged an iron chair and smashed a group of experimenters into a pulp. The smashing was quite hard. Some of them were almost turned into mud, and they were still twitching."

"Hedgehogs are also quite ruthless. They directly treated them in the same way as others, and crushed those guys into meatloaf!"

"As for me, it's even more powerful. I drew a bunch of ghosts and directly swallowed those guys alive. How about it? Do you feel relieved?"

On the way to the fifth underground floor, Wang Ai took the yin and yang paper and couldn't wait to report the results to Zhang Zhiwei.

After all, Wang Ai is a chicken thief. Lu Jin and Lu Ci are still reminiscing about the killing just now, and he is already claiming credit.

After reacting, Lu Jin and Lu Ci looked at each other without any communication. With just one glance, the two enemies united, looked at Wang Ai together, and grabbed his shoulders from left to right.

"Okay, fat thief, are you a traitor?!"

"That's right, why didn't I find out before, you are quite good at flattering people!"

Wang Ai shuddered, feeling bad, and quickly raised the yin-yang paper in his hand:
"Look, Senior Brother Zhang has replied!"

You're lucky...the two looked away from him and looked at their respective yin and yang papers, only to see what was written on it.

Zhang Zhiwei: "Too fucking relieved!"

Lu Jin: "Senior Brother Zhang, how is the battle going?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Kill randomly!"

This time he was alone, and there was no quack beside him.

Lu Ci: "Indiscriminate killing? It seems that Brother Zhang is really getting good news?!"

Li Shuwen: "By the way, did Little Heavenly Master and Fujita fight?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "It's already done. Take its head, like picking something out of a bag, and killed several alien teams of Japanese pirates."

Wang Ai: "Senior Brother Zhang is mighty, you deserve to be Senior Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Basic exercises don't be six!"

Li Shuwen: "Fujita is a rare master in Japan. It is not easy for the little celestial master to win the opponent in such a short period of time. It seems that the last time I competed with me was too restrained!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Although Fujita is not weak, compared to Senior Li, he is still far behind."

Liu Wei: "Since Fujita is dead, little celestial master, please come down here. The situation here is a bit complicated. Uncle Li and I are a little confused. You Zhengyijiao are experts in exorcising ghosts and ghosts. You really have to do this kind of thing!"

Li Shuwen: "That's right, I'm a martial artist, I'm good at fighting and killing, but I'm not good at anything else!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Okay, then I will clean up the people here and come down soon!"

Exorcising gods and ghosts, who are you trying to drive away... Zhang Zhiwei muttered in his heart, put away the yin and yang paper, held the big sword in one hand, and looked around the entire battlefield.

I saw that the place that was originally a forest had been burned bare, and there were a large number of corpses lying on the ground.

He guards here with one man and one sword, and has killed several waves of alien teams of Japanese pirates.

As for the fighter jets in the sky... Ever since he shot twelve of them with his flying thunder sword, no plane has ever taken off. I don't know if he knocked down all the fighter planes in Bingcheng, or they were afraid.

Whether the Japanese pirate pilots are afraid or not, Zhang Zhiwei doesn't know yet, but the aliens on the Japanese pirate side are not afraid anyway, they are still coming, and assassinate Zhang Zhiwei from time to time.

But compared to before, they were more cautious. With the corpses lying all over the ground as a warning, they no longer dared to surround and kill them like before.

Instead, he was dormant in the dark, wanting to wait for Zhang Zhiwei to show his flaws before launching a thunder attack.

This is the usual method of ninjas. In order to find the target's flaws and kill them with one blow, they can even lurk for months or even years.

Now, they are eyeing Zhang Zhiwei, waiting for the lion to take a nap.

However, this is obviously in vain. They don't know what kind of opponent they are facing. They claim to be a perfect concealment. In front of Zhang Zhiwei who uses the world audio-visual talisman, they have no defense at all and are easily discovered.

"Since shopkeeper Liu has something to do, let's use some unique skills to solve it quickly!"

Zhang Zhiwei said something to himself, and then, very rarely, he used swordsmanship, the profound swordsmanship from Longhushan True Inheritance.

The most talked about in Longhu Mountain are the Golden Light Curse and Thunder Art, but few people know that Longhu Mountain's swordsmanship is also unique. After all, the magic weapon of Zhang Daoling, the founder of Longhu Mountain, is the sword.

As the chief disciple of No. 60 Five Generations of Longhushan, Zhang Zhiwei is naturally proficient in swordsmanship.

It's just that because his personal force is too prominent, beating people and ghosts is a slap, so to a large extent, it has affected Zhang Zhiwei's other methods.

In fact, that slap is only the lower limit, as for the upper limit, Leifa counts as one, and swordsmanship counts as one.

Currently, Zhang Zhiwei uses the Qingping swordsmanship, which was created by the real Yuan Gui of the Tianshi Mansion in the late Ming Dynasty to visualize Lingbao Tianzun. There are six ways, 360 and five moves.

When it is used, it is like a green duckweed floating, with both rigidity and softness, and alternating speed and slowness.

As the saying goes, the gossip fairy clothes fly purple air, the three sharp swords are Qingping, subduing the tiger and subduing the dragon is the first, and capturing monsters and binding monsters is free.

"Tian Taoist uses the sword technique of Master Tong Tian, ​​it's reasonable, right!"

Zhang Zhiwei swept across the edge of the sword with his fingers, and in an instant, the sword body was filled with a layer of blue light, especially at the tip of the sword.

Then with a flick of the wrist, the cyan light on the tip of the sword scatter into dots of star dust, like duckweed floating and falling all over the dense forest.

These sword lights seemed to be extremely slow, but after flying out of the sword tip, they rose sharply, and the speed became more and more intense.

In just an instant, it changed from a speck of stardust to a curtain of swords blooming all over the sky.

Strands of cyan sword energy criss-crossed and formed nets, blowing through the dense forest like the wind from the nine heavens.

The ninjas, samurai, and even the shikigami of the Onmyoji hidden in it, under this storm of blades, are as powerless as a mantis holding a cart.

Ling Lie's sword qi blew past them, and they were crushed in a split second, their flesh and blood dissipated like dust, and their bones turned into dust.

During this period, some people wanted to resist and escape, but in the end it was futile, and they were all swallowed up by the sword energy in the end.

Far away, several dormant onmyojis watched that scene with horror on their faces.

"Nani, what kind of monster is that? Our shikigami are all dead, and the alien team is also completely wiped out, turning into dust in an instant!"

"Master, that is a kendo master who is extremely good at using swords. I have only experienced that kind of extreme sword aura from the head of Xinyinliu, Yagyu Tamaru!"

There are three major swordsmanship families in Japan, namely the Ishikawa family, the Mochizuki family, and the Yagyu family.

Among these three families, Yagyu Xinyinliu is the best at killing. Nathan Island Chapter, the successor of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Aiko once made a short shot, and between drawing a knife, she crushed the enemy like a meat grinder. Legend has it that she is expected to become the new Yagyu family's Tajima Mamoru.

But Ma Shou is not a name, but a title, but Ma is a place name, a fief of the Yagyu family, and Shou is a position similar to a prefect, so every Yagyu patriarch is called Yagyu Dan Ma Shou.

The current Yagyu Tanmamoru is a great master of kendo in Japan, known as the sword master. This onmyoji has a high evaluation of Zhang Zhiwei.

"This ghost is actually comparable to Patriarch Yagyu. In this way, General Fujita's death is not wronged. Do we still want to go up?"

"What, go up to die? A master of this level, relying on our strength alone, is useless. Let's go to the army. A master of swordsmanship is good at attacking but not good at defending. He killed General Fujita, shot down the plane with strange tricks, and killed so many strangers. I don't believe that the qi in his body is infinite. Use the army to crush him to death!"

During the conversation, these onmyojis distanced themselves again with horror on their faces, and retreated back into the city.

In fact, they were far away from Zhang Zhiwei, and they were fortunate enough to see Zhang Zhiwei's shot through the information sent by the shikigami.

For these guys, Zhang Zhiwei is actually aware of them. When the shikigami is killed by him, there will be a trace of connection with the onmyoji. If he wants to follow the clues to find them, it will not be difficult.

But now that there is something going on with Liu Wei, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Moreover, as those onmyojis thought, the qi in his body disappeared a lot.

Zhang Zhiwei moved, entered the basement, and followed the previous route of Lu Ci and others.

When they came to the fourth floor, they stopped for a while at the door of the laboratory with several pregnant women's corpses.

Then attracted by a strong smell of blood, Zhang Zhiwei came to the de-ballasting laboratory.

At the door of the laboratory, red blood gushed out from the lower edge of the door, soaking his leather shoes. The floor of the room was blood red, the walls were also blood red, and the roof was red and white.

There used to be at least twenty people in this room, but now they are all dead, there is not a single body, and blood has accumulated on the ground in a layer several centimeters thick.

And the big glass case in the room was even more horrifying, dripping blood, sticky red, slowly flowing down the glass wall, it was like pouring buckets of red paint on it.

"Good guy, they are all ruthless people, and I have nothing to do with it!"

Zhang Zhiwei muttered, turned around and entered the fifth floor.

Immediately, a scent of burning joss sticks rushed over.

The style of the fifth floor is different from the first four floors, here is a slightly shiny passage.

Red candles are lit on both sides of the passage, and entering it is like entering a tomb passage.

When you first enter, the passage is quite narrow, but as you get deeper, you will feel suddenly enlightened.

At the end of the passage is a place that somewhat resembles a temple.

And before the end, there is a torii gate more than three meters high.

Torii refers to the ancillary buildings of Japanese shrines. It is actually a red broken wooden frame. The main structure is built by two horizontal and vertical pillars.

"The meaning of torii is the entrance to the realm of the gods, and Shintoism is the national religion of Japan. Most of the things enshrined in their shrines are demons and ghosts, so there are ghosts ahead!"

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking.

There was a voice ahead.

"Senior Brother Zhang, come and take a look, there is still half of your mahogany sword stuck in the head of that great priest!"

The person calling him was Lu Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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