Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 203 Collect 1 Altar and Lower Altar Heavenly Soldiers

Chapter 203 Collecting Heavenly Soldiers from One Altar and Lower Altar

The great priest was killed by me, and half of the mahogany sword was stuck in his head...

Zhang Zhiwei was taken aback, this thing can also kill people?This is really unexpected, after all, he didn't aim at the great priest.

The reason why he hit the master last time was purely because a blind cat ran into a dead mouse, and the sword came from the sky, so it was inconvenient to dodge.

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Huaiyi practiced Lei Fa.

But this time is different.

Although the sword still came from the sky.

But before coming, a building and four floors of underground space were blasted.

Anyone with a normal mind should not be stabbed to death!
Zhang Zhiwei walked in. Compared with the first four floors, this floor has a large space. It was built like an underground shrine, and various sacrificial objects were placed around it.

The ground is covered with tatami mats, enshrining some messy shrines or Buddha statues, and some unknown gods are sitting in the shrines.

There is also a Ukiyo-e painting inside the shrine.

The painting is a monster with a red face and a long nose. The monster spread its wings and flew in the flowing clouds and flames. Under it, there are many other monsters of all kinds.

"Senior Brother Zhang, come and take a look, this old bastard is such an idiot, he actually courted his own death!"

Lu Jin waved his hands and shouted, beside him, Lu Ci, Wang Ai, Li Shuwen, and Liu Wei were all standing here.

Zhang Zhiwei walked towards them and came to the center of the shrine.

I saw that there were piles of corpses here. There were male and female corpses. The males were dressed in priestly costumes, and the females were dressed in priestess costumes. They were all priests of the shrine. They died in different ways.

The scorched corpses should have been blasted to death by his own Feilei sword, and the battered ones should have been beaten to death by Li Shuwen.

Among the many corpses, there is a charred corpse wearing a purple priest costume that is particularly eye-catching.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, this charred corpse was like a sculpture. The upper body was pitch black, and the pitch-black part was oozing blood plasma like dry and cracked land.

At the position of the heavenly spirit above his head, there was still a half-burned black wooden sword inserted. His hands were facing the sky, as if he wanted to resist the sword falling from the sky, but he couldn't resist it.

Around the scorched corpse, there was a circle of white paper talismans, and the talismans were connected into one piece. From time to time, there were flames rising, circling around him, forming an enchantment.

Liu Wei said: "This is the great priest Watanabe who stayed in Bincheng. He is very powerful. We originally thought that there would be a fierce battle after we came down."

"But I never thought that he had already died under your methods, little celestial master. Judging from the appearance of his death, he should have planted a barrier to protect the sanctuary of the shrine. As for the result..."

Liu Wei pointed to the small piece of black and incomplete mahogany sword stuck on the head of the great priest:

"After all, it is no match for your supernatural power, little celestial master!"

"What a pity, I didn't expect this old devil to seek his own death!" Li Shuwen sighed.

This time he didn't enjoy himself very much, he just killed a bunch of Japanese pirates' war spirits. He wanted to have a good fight with this priest Watanabe, but he never wanted to be robbed of his head by the little celestial master.

"Speaking of which, isn't this old dog a villain? He couldn't think about blocking Senior Brother Zhang and Fei Leijian. It's really a no-brainer!" Lu Jin said.

Zhang Zhiwei said in a deep voice: "Maybe he is not stupid, but overestimated his own strength, or there is something here that he needs to risk his life to protect!"

"Little Celestial Master is right, there is still a layer of space underneath," Liu Wei said, "This high priest Watanabe probably ended up in this way to prevent your Feilei Sword from penetrating the sixth floor!!"

"Really?" While speaking, Zhang Zhiwei explored his mind to feel the movement below.

When killing those ninjas before, he used a heaven and earth audio-visual talisman, and the effect has not disappeared yet.

The infusion of consciousness penetrated the ground, and the world's audio-visual talisman, which was omnipotent, was deflated this time and could not get a glimpse of the whole picture below.

It's just that there is an extremely dense cloud of dark black air lingering below, like the color of indissoluble ink in a deep pool, bottomless.

"Does shopkeeper Liu know what's down there?" Zhang Zhiwei asked with his mind back.

Liu Wei said: "Before you came down, Uncle Li and I went to explore the sixth floor of the basement, and it was exactly as we had guessed before."

"This so-called research institute, in addition to some biochemical research, also has research on turning people into shikigami. The babies who were dug out from the womb of pregnant women in the laboratory before have been refined into terrifying shikigami by Shintoists!"

Although it had been expected, after the news was confirmed, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and the others' faces darkened.

Their methods are already very ruthless, but compared to the Japanese pirates, they are not as good as in case!
"Then Shopkeeper Liu told me to come down because he wanted me to save them!"

After a pause, Zhang Zhiwei added to avoid misunderstandings:

"True transcendence!"

"Extreme..." Liu Wei sighed and said: "Little Celestial Master, let's go down with us to find out, and see if we can overthrow!"

Immediately, a group of people went to the sixth floor underground.

The entrance to the sixth floor underground, at the innermost part of the shrine, is an iron door etched with various talismans and incantations.

The word "Shinto" is written on the top of the iron gate. The handwriting is as red as blood, as if it is about to drip from the pen.

"Shinto, what does this mean?" Wang Ai asked.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The so-called divine way actually means the same thing as ghost way, and it is the way to the grave."

After all, Zhang Zhiwei pushed open the door, and Shi Shiran walked in.

In fact, the iron door was originally locked with an iron lock, but it was torn apart by Li Shuwen earlier, so it opened with a push.

Several people walked in with Zhang Zhiwei.

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei, who was walking in the front, felt a strong smell of blood and rancidity, it exploded in his nasal cavity.

He frowned, held his breath, and looked around. This was a blood-red space. As far as he could see, it was covered with a thick layer of plasma. Even the ground where he stepped on it was covered with a layer, and his feet were even sticky when walking.

That's where the pungent stench came from.

And in a place farther away, the corpses were lying on the pillow, the stumps were scattered, and the heads were rolling around. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a purgatory on earth.

And among these corpses, there are figures two or three meters tall. There are veils hanging on these figures, and white paper ropes are wrapped around their bodies. Judging from the protruding shape under the veil, they look like ferocious and terrifying evil spirits.

In Shintoism, this kind of paper-woven rope is called "banzhuan", which means both sacred and seal. The gods enshrined in Shintoism are all messy things, so as to prevent them from doing evil, the priests use the banners to entangle them.

Reminiscent of what Liu Wei said, Shintoism uses babies to refine shikigami, and Zhang Zhiwei immediately understood:
"Those who are bound are shikigami refined from babies?"

"That's right!" Liu Wei nodded and said, "Little Celestial Master thinks, can you save them?"

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his mind and felt it. The "babies" under the veil had nothing to do with babies anymore. They turned into monsters with horns on their heads, broad-faced fangs, and eyes like copper bells, exuding a ghostly aura all over their bodies.

Moreover, unlike pure ghosts, they have entities, but they cannot be called demons. Zhang Zhiwei calls such ghosts with entities demon ghosts.

Ghosts are somewhat similar to zombies, and they do not have the conditions for transcendence.

"The resentment is deep, and the resentment is stained!" Zhang Zhiwei pulled out the Dongfeng sword, "It can only be overtaken physically!"

"Wait a minute, little celestial master!" Liu Wei hurriedly stopped him.

Zhang Zhiwei held his sword and looked at Liu Wei in confusion.

Liu Wei said: "If the little celestial master just dealt with them like this, it would be too cruel for them!"

It would be cruel to keep it like this... Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei: "What does shopkeeper Liu mean?"

Liu Wei walked to the middle of the pile of corpses stepping on the plasma, and lifted the veil from the head of a figure, revealing the terrifying true face below.

The moment the veil was lifted, the sealed demon suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were bloodshot, vicious and sinister, with extreme malice.

"Did you see the look in his eyes?"

Without the slightest fear, Liu Wei pointed to his eyes and said, "They were tortured before they were born, and they had a lot of resentment that they hadn't vented. How could they be willing to die like this?"

"They have been refined into shikigami, and now, the great priest who manipulated them is dead, little celestial master, what you Zhengyijiao is best at is exorcising gods and ghosts."

"There is a grievance and a debtor. Why not let them take revenge, avenge themselves, and avenge their mother who died tragically? Let them vent their grievances on the Japanese pirates?"

Liu Wei said slowly: "This is not too difficult for you, after all, isn't that the kind of heavenly soldier you received?"

(End of this chapter)

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