Chapter 204
"Treasurer Liu wants to refine demons like me into Heavenly Soldiers?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the tall figures among the corpses everywhere, frowned and said:

"These things are not fun to raise. You should know that the soldiers and horses under the altar are also called the five rampant soldiers and horses. They are goblins and ghosts subdued by the Taoist sect. They are called 'rampant' because they are stubborn and unruly."

"Our Celestial Master's Mansion only has heavenly soldiers from the upper altar. Although the disciples are not prohibited from subduing goblins and ghosts to get the heavenly soldiers from the lower altar, they still have to choose. Not everything can be used as soldiers and horses."

"If there are white immortals, Hu immortals and the like, I will accept them as soon as I accept them. Even ghosts, I can barely accept them, but the resentment of these ghosts is too deep."

"Looking at the corpses all over the floor, you can tell that they were fed with human flesh, and even devoured their close relatives. This kind of murderous thing is not a problem that is hard to change. It is that they are full of extreme resentment and malice towards everything in the world."

"This kind of soldiers and horses will be very troublesome, and if you are not careful, it will cause a big mess."

Zhang Zhiwei is not interested in raising the altar soldiers.

The power is far inferior to the Heavenly Soldiers on the altar, and this kind of demons with real bodies have to find food for them, he doesn't have the time to spare.

"The little celestial masters are in good shape, so they don't need to be specially raised. They are just temporarily taken in as soldiers and horses, driving them to vent their grievances where they should be vented, and let them perish in revenge!" Liu Wei said.

"Shopkeeper Liu, needless to say so euphemistically, I understand what you mean, isn't it just to let them explode to kill Japanese pirates?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Liu Wei froze, thinking to himself, isn't he afraid that you will have a burden in your heart?

Then Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, "You can do it!"

Before setting off for Liaodong, he had carefully studied the Daoist maintenance method of soldiers and horses, and focused on understanding the heavenly soldiers on the upper altar, but he did not deliberately learn from the heavenly soldiers on the lower altar.

However, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?
When practicing the Heavenly Armament of the Upper Altar, the knowledge of the Heavenly Armament of the Lower Altar is more or less involved.

Moreover, during the battle in the Lu family's compound, he also saw Feng Tian's servants dispatching heavenly soldiers from the altar, so if he wanted to take over these ghosts, it would not be a big problem.

But it takes a little preparation.

Just about to take action, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly felt that the situation had changed, and Zhang Zhiwei looked towards Liu Wei.

I saw the ghost whose veil was lifted by Liu Wei just moved his fingers slightly, and quietly broke away from the banner wrapped around his body. Two ferocious and strange hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed Liu Wei's head.

This scene was not only witnessed by Zhang Zhiwei, but also by Li Shuwen, Lu Ci and others.

However, everyone just watched and didn't make a sound to remind them. Only Lu Jin shouted anxiously:
"Shopkeeper Liu, little..."

Before the word "heart" could be uttered, Liu Wei's body was slowly dissipating like smoke and illusion, and the terrifying ghost caught nothing.

"Brother Lu, what's the hurry?" Zhang Zhiwei smiled, "The lightness kung fu of shopkeeper Liu is one of the best in the world, how could he fall under this mere demon!"

Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, it was just a subconscious reaction of his desperation, and he didn't think too much about it.

Thinking back now, I was really overwhelmed. How could shopkeeper Liu, such a peerless existence, not be aware of the threat that was so close at hand?
"Little celestial master is absurd, my lightness kung fu is indeed good, but I dare not be the best!" Liu Wei's figure appeared on the other side, and said: "But these seals are not strong, I am afraid they will not last long!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "It's really not strong. Even if you didn't lift the veil just now, the seal wouldn't last too long!"

He explained: "These ghosts are the shikigami of the priest above, with a spell cast in their bodies, and they obey the orders of the priest."

"However, as I said before, soldiers and horses in the lower altar are hard to change and difficult to control, and these demons with deep hatred are even more so."

"Even if there are shikigami spells, they can't completely restrain them. It is probably to prevent them from making trouble, so another layer of seal is laid."

"This seal is not strong. It only exists to cooperate with Shikigami's spell. Now that the priest is dead, they have changed from Shikigami to ghosts without owners."

"Without the suppression of Shikigami's spell, the seal formed by these veils and banners is still too fragile, and they will break free from the seal soon!"

Quickly breaking free from the seal, everyone's hearts trembled, there are hundreds of ghosts here, if they break free together...

Liu Wei hurriedly said: "The little celestial master should hurry up and take them away. Judging from my feeling just now, these tangible ghosts are much more powerful than the Japanese war spirits I encountered before. If I really want to break free, it will not be easy to catch them again."

Zhang Zhiwei said: "If you want to take in an altar of soldiers and horses, you have to start the altar first. Although I can simplify some steps, I still have to have some basic things. I'm going to the shrine above to find some tools. You stay here and watch, don't let them run away."

After all, Zhang Zhiwei turned around and went to the fifth floor.

And not long after Zhang Zhiwei walked by, the ghost that Liu Wei lifted the veil earlier broke free from the seal, tore off the veil, tore off the banner, and revealed his real body.

In front of everyone's eyes was a monster with a height of eight feet, a head as big as a bucket, eyes like copper bells, a black body, and a one-horned monster on his forehead.

This monster's hostility is very heavy, and it is full of resentment, which makes it have extreme malice towards the living, and kills everyone as soon as it escapes.

Seeing this situation, Li Shuwen was about to go up, but was stopped by Lu Ci.

"Senior Li, let this kind of trivial matter be handled by juniors like us, just keep an eye on it!"

As Lu Ci said, covering Ruyi Jin in his palm, he rushed towards the ghost.

On the opposite side, the ferocious and terrifying ghost also exploded with astonishing speed in an instant, and its black claws grabbed Lu Ci's throat.

Facing the claws with a strong smell of blood, Lu Ci shook directly, and slapped out with a palm, and the wishful energy surged like waves.

"Bang" sound.

The ghost's arm was suddenly broken by Lu Ci's stacked strength.

From the severed arm, gushing out black blood, like black snakes, gushing towards Lu Ci.

Lu Ci stepped on his feet and opened the distance, the black snake-like blood suddenly rushed into the air and fell on the ground, the ground was quickly corroded and pitted.

Lu Ci frowned, this thing is quite difficult to deal with, if you don't have the means to protect your body and fight the opponent in close quarters, you may suffer a big loss if you are caught off guard.

But now that you know the details, it's easy to handle.

Lu Ci covered his whole body with wishful energy, and then rushed over,

On the other side, the ghost rushed over again, and the pain of the broken arm made it even crazier.

As soon as the two came into contact, Lu Ci dodged the demon's claws, took a step forward, grabbed the severed arm with one hand, and held the calf with the other, flipped his palms vigorously, and threw the demon directly to the ground.

There was no such thing as being thrown into a daze, the demon ghost immediately wanted to crawl back, but was crushed to the ground by Lu Ci's foot on his hand and the other on his head.


The demon roared, and the severed arm bulged continuously. The strongly corrosive black blood inside wanted to rush out, but Lu Ci blocked it with Ruyi energy.

"Hedgehog, why are you pressing it on the ground? It's going to blow its head off!" Lu Jin reminded from behind.

"Brother Zhang, isn't he going to take them as soldiers?" Lu Ci said, "If I trample one to death, wouldn't it be a waste?"

As soon as Lu Ci finished speaking, Zhang Zhiwei appeared in front of the passage on the sixth floor.

A gossip was placed there, and five bowls of water were placed around it in turn.

Zhang Zhiwei muttered something, bit his finger, and wrote the talisman with blood as a guide.

Then, put the talisman into five bowls of water and turn it into a talisman.

In an instant, the white water turned into scarlet red water like blood.

Then, he took out another handful of incense sticks, shook his hand, and the incense sticks ignited spontaneously without wind, inserted into the water, and stood upright.

"Start up the altar, close it up!"

Zhang Zhiwei let out a low cry, and the gossip platform glowed with light. Standing in the light, he recited the five mantras of soldiers and horses under the altar, and raised his hand to strike out a talisman.

The talisman pierced through the air and entered the brow of the demon under Lu Ci.

In an instant, the violently struggling demon stopped suddenly, looked in Zhang Zhiwei's direction stupidly, and stopped struggling.

Lu Ci lowered his head and took a look. After confirming that the ghost under him had no resistance, he let go of his hand and said:

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, it was done so quickly!"

"Actually, it's not bad. It will be more troublesome if you catch wild ones." Zhang Zhiwei said: "And these demons are originally shikigami who have been sacrificially refined. It is easier to take over them."

"Actually, there are still some Shinto spells in their bodies. If I read through the Shinto spell books, maybe I can directly take over them."

"However, the means of Shintoism are too low-level and heretical, so it's not worth mentioning. I can directly use the talisman with my mark on them to cover the runes of Shintoism in them, and it will have the same effect!"

As he said that, Zhang Zhiwei in front of the altar stepped on Yu steps, recited the mantra, and took up the talismans one after another, and drove one after another talisman into the bodies of those ghosts who had not broken the seal.

Soon, the hundreds of ghosts in this space became Zhang Zhiwei's guardian soldiers.

Even Zhang Zhiwei felt that the qi in his body was empty for a while after playing the five rampant soldiers and horses talismans of the Hundred Ways Lower Altar in a row, and he was a bit over-consumed.

However, the harvest...

Zhang Zhiwei looked to the depths of the underground space ahead, the densely packed ghosts, and made a trick.

The eerie atmosphere spread, and the ghosts who were sealed by the veil and banners suddenly broke free, opened their big bloodshot eyes, and stared at everyone.

Suddenly, an extremely suffocating breath rushed over.

Everyone was stunned, what's going on, could it be that Zhang Zhiwei's failure to contain the rampage caused the group of ghosts to come out of the cage?
Stared at by hundreds of pairs of ferocious and vicious eyes, they were also very stressed and were about to ask why.

Suddenly, I saw these ferocious and terrifying guys with slightly closed eyes full of resentment, hiding the suppressed roar in their throats, bending their knees, lying on the ground, bowing their heads and ears.

It was as if they were facing a king who was so high up that they had to look up to.

And the direction they kneel down is the direction where Zhang Zhiwei is.

(End of this chapter)

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