Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 206 The Origin of Demons and Ghosts

Chapter 206 The Origin of Demons and Ghosts

In the suburbs shrouded in black mist, a fierce battle is going on.

In order to prevent these ghosts from being wiped out by the opponent's concentrated firepower, Zhang Zhiwei secretly manipulated them, breaking them into pieces, minimizing the impact of artillery fire on the ghosts, and then outflanking the Japanese pirates.

This operation is very easy to use, close combat, without the cover of fortifications, the general army can't stop so many ghosts from charging from all directions.

Because, except for a very small number of elite troops, most of the weapons in the hands of Japanese pirates are [-] big caps.

The advantages and disadvantages of this gun are obvious. The advantages are long range, high precision, and strong penetrating power. The disadvantage is that it is low in power and the bullet caliber is only 6.5 mm.

If this shortcoming is beating people, it is not a big problem. After all, as long as you hit a vital point, you will die, but it is not very good for dealing with ghosts.

The ghost has a huge body, rough skin and thick flesh, but there is no harm in it, and some places cannot be pierced at all.

Even if it is pierced through, the 6.5 mm wound is too insignificant, and it is of no great use except to let the ghost bleed a little.

And the more wounds on the demon ghost's body, the more blood it bleeds, and the more blood it splatters while running, the more damage it causes.

Because of the scattered outflanking of the demons and ghosts, the Japanese pirates were unable to form an effective point of fire to snipe, so they were broken through the formation from time to time.

I saw one of the ghosts was like a war fortress covered with a layer of blood and mud. Even though its body was battered and riddled with holes, it was still charging.

Its venomous eyes stared at the Japanese pirates, and kept swinging its arms, splattering poisonous blood wantonly. The Japanese pirates stained by the poisonous blood immediately peeled and rotted their flesh, screaming, and then it rushed past, crushing all the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates' army is notorious for seeing death as home, but seeing such a scene, their scalps felt numb for a while, and the formation quickly collapsed after not holding on for long.

A large number of Japanese pirates discarded their helmets and armor and ran into the city. They have already seen that in such an open place, facing these terrifying monsters, they have no chance of winning at all.

Not far away, Zhang Zhiwei and his party stood on a high place, looking down at the scene below.

As far as I could see, there were deformed warheads everywhere, horrible dead bones, the sun flag was stepped on the ground, full of mud and shoe prints, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

And the poisonous blood that was more corrosive than sulfuric acid flowed on those pitch-black ghost corpses.


One of the corpses, because of being corroded by poisonous blood, has turned into a crisp and brittle bone.

When the wind blew, the dead bones were blown apart directly, and the skull made a scalp-numbing crisp sound and rolled to the ground.

"Fuck, isn't the power of these ghost things a bit too tyrannical? As long as they are used properly, they can really affect the direction of a battle, but the irony is that they are the first to taste what their priests have created," Lu Ci said.

"It's really scary. Although their strength is not as good as the jar-man I investigated before, it is very troublesome to refine the jar-man, and the success rate is only about [-]%, but the success rate of refining this kind of ghost seems to be very high!" Lu Jin said.

Liu Wei said: "It's actually not high. The first round of screening alone has a success rate of less than [-]%. There is also a high probability of failure in subsequent refining. These hundreds of ghosts should have been accumulated by Japanese pirates for many years."

"Accumulated for many years?!" Lu Jin gritted his teeth, "How many families have been ruined? These bastards are really damned!"

"Aren't they dying?" Zhang Zhiwei looked into the distance, and issued several instructions, instructing the ghosts to kill the single, small group of Japanese pirates who are easy to start. "This is an endless war, let's see who finishes it first!"

"Then I bet the Japanese pirates will finish the game first!" Lu Jin said with determination.

"I think so too. We have killed so many aliens in the past few days. There should not be many aliens left in Bincheng!" Lu Ci thought for a while, and said: "By the way, since these demons are so easy to use, I don't know if the Japanese pirates have similar laboratories in other places? They are also making this thing?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment. If he remembered correctly, the Japanese pirates had many similar troops.

Most people in later generations are only familiar with one 731, but in fact there are 100 units, 1855 units, 1644 units, 8604 units and so on.

They are scattered all over the place, and they are all doing human experiment research.

However, the sphere of influence of the Japanese pirates is still in Liaodong, and these troops have not yet spread out. The one that is being wiped out now should be the original laboratory.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they are also conducting such experiments locally.

Liu Wei said: "Probably there are no more. I haven't received any relevant information in my small inn, but it can't be ruled out that there are deeply hidden ones."

"Speaking of this, Shopkeeper Liu, I still have some things I haven't figured out." Zhang Zhiwei said, "I remember that in your experiment log, it was written that they injected a black liquid into the pregnant woman, which caused the baby in the pregnant woman to deform. What is that black liquid?"

"I collected some of that reagent when I went underground, and I'm planning to send it over for testing afterwards. Why don't you take a look at it, the little celestial master, and see if you can see something?"

Liu Wei took out a suitcase from nowhere, and when he opened it, it contained dense black reagents.

The liquid in the reagent was black, but under the sun, it had a hint of blood. Zhang Zhiwei reached out to pick up one, and the moment he got it, he felt a cold feeling, as if he was holding a piece of solid ice.

I glanced at the box containing the reagents. It was just an ordinary safe and did not have a refrigeration function. In other words, the coldness came from the black liquid in the reagent tubes.

Zhang Zhiwei played with the black potion with a little blood color, and his golden flame eyes were reflected in the reagent glass.

"Don't mind if I open one and have a look!"

"Little celestial master, do whatever you want!"

Zhang Zhiwei took out a Chonglong Jade Talisman, blessed it on his body, flicked his fingers again, and an extremely sharp golden light spread from his fingertips, cutting off the mouth of the test tube.

All of a sudden, a fishy and smelly smell hit his nostrils, making Zhang Zhiwei frown involuntarily.

The Chonglong Jade Talisman can strengthen the nose god among the gods of the human body, allowing users to obtain an unparalleled sense of smell.

Even discerning the traces left by the qi in the air is equivalent to a weakened version of Xiaotiangou's supernatural power - the world is boundless, and it can be traced for thousands of miles.

"I smell ghosts, monsters, blood, mercury, and the pungent smell of some modern chemicals from inside... I'll try to peel them off."

With a thought, Zhang Zhiwei lifted up the black liquid in the test tube with the powerful spiritual power from his soul. According to the breath he smelled, he filtered and separated the components in the liquid.

The black blood rolled in the air, and under Zhang Zhiwei's mental intervention, it began to react violently but silently. Part of it turned into a bright red color similar to human arterial blood, part of it turned into a dark blue liquid with unknown composition, and part of it turned into a viscous pure black liquid.

The three-color liquid is entangled with each other and slowly separates, looking like mysterious juice in a witch's potion.


"It can actually do this step!"

Liu Wei, Li Shuwen, Lu Ci, Lu Jin and others all looked at this scene with disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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