Chapter 207

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's operation and directly refining and separating the reagents, Liu Wei almost dropped his jaw in shock.

what's the situation?Just as you said you would take it back to a professional organization for testing, you just separated it with your bare hands.

And the separation is so clean and neat, you have this means, you still have to test a fart, those testing agencies are not as good as you...

Liu Wei is convinced that no matter how high-end the laboratory is, it can only identify some of the ingredients. It is absolutely impossible to separate the fused liquid like this.

But it was this kind of almost impossible thing that Zhang Zhiwei did, and it was easy to do.

What kind of monster is this little celestial master... Liu Wei had thousands of words in his heart, but in the end, he just said dryly:
"Little Heavenly Master, what a trick!"

Li Shuwen also sighed and said: "To be able to perform such fine manipulations, the little celestial master's control over qi is something I have never seen in my life!"

He is a pure martial artist, with a very high cultivation level in terms of fate, but a very ordinary cultivation level in terms of sexuality. For him, the method Zhang Zhiwei showed just now is not an exaggeration.

Lu Ci, on the other hand, turned into a little fanboy, watching this scene with burning eyes, lamenting that he still has a lot to learn from Senior Brother Zhang.

If I had this kind of control ability, I'm afraid I would have integrated Zhenjin and Bengjin into Ruyijin long ago!After this incident, you must ask Senior Brother Zhang for advice.

Lu Jin and Wang Ai also looked at Zhang Zhiwei with admiration on their faces. If they had this means, they would surely be able to go one step further.

I wonder if Brother Zhang has any special exercise tips?They couldn't help thinking.

Looking at the amazed crowd, Zhang Zhiwei said calmly:

"Without him, only familiar with you!"

After all, with a wave of his hand, the bloody liquid and blue liquid that had been stripped away were aside, leaving only the black liquid that was steaming black.

"This black liquid exudes demon and ghost aura, and it is very powerful. If there is no accident, it should be the blood of a ghost. As for what kind of ghost it is..."

Zhang Zhiwei paused, stared at his eyes that were shining with golden flames, and stretched out his consciousness to touch the blood.

The moment he touched it, an extremely violent will in his blood counterattacked, and some bizarre scenes began to appear in front of his eyes.

In the continuous torrential rain, a huge red figure with a pair of horns on its head stood.The flames on his body steamed the heavy rain, turning countless raindrops into white mist, which was blown away by the wind and then condensed again.

This red figure seemed to be fighting fiercely with someone, waving its huge claws, and making fierce and short knocking sounds with its opponent, in the heavy rain, it looked like two evil dragons, one black and one red, fighting each other.

After each strike, an exploding spark would burst out in midair.

The battle didn't last long, and with a huge head flying up, the battle ended.

The head weeping with blood in both eyes slowly flew over an arc, and roared unwillingly before it died:

"I am the ghost king of Dajiang Mountain!!"

Immediately, the picture dissipated and consciousness returned.

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes flickered, and he was thoughtful. There was a lot of resentment in the drop of blood just now, and he read the information in it with the magical power of the god mask.

Dajiangshan Ghost King... Zhang Zhiwei murmured to himself, thinking about the meaning behind these five words.

Many people don’t know about Oeyama Ghost King, but its other name, Shuten-douji, is very famous. It is one of the three major monsters in Japan and also the demon king in the Heian period.

The Heian period was a period when Japanese aliens exploded, and Seimei Abe, known as the strongest onmyoji, was from this period.

Shuten-douji was able to be the demon king at that time, and its gold content was still very high, but it was designed by an extremely powerful alien warrior at the time, and he was poisoned and besieged to death.

Tsuchimikado Shinto is the orthodox system created by Abe Seimei, and he is the leader of Onmyoji.

Later, when the Tang clan ambushed and killed Biheshan Rentou, among the accompanying people was an onmyoji from the Tuyumen Shinto.

This person summoned nine shikigami including Shuten Doji, and once drove the people of Tang Sect to a corner.

In the end, everyone in the Tang Sect relied on the beheading tactic to destroy the Onmyoji who was manipulating the shikigami dangerously, and finally resolved the crisis.

Zhang Zhiwei is aware of the Onmyoji system, which is somewhat similar to Chumaxian. The upper limit of the strength of the summoned Shikigami is the Shikigami itself, and the lower limit depends on the strength of the Onmyoji.

Even if Shuten-douji is in the form of a soul body, his strength is still not weak. However, since Shuten-douji is a spirit ghost, why is there blood?
Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while, and asked Liu Wei: "Master Liu, do you know the source of these reagents?"

"The specific source is not clear yet. Knowing that it was brought by the priests of Shintoism, did the little celestial master find anything?!" Liu Wei asked.

Zhang Zhiwei told Liu Wei what he saw from the blood.

After listening, Liu Wei thought for a moment, and said, "What does the little celestial master mean, that the black liquid that Japanese pirates make of ghosts comes from a monster that has been dead for nearly a thousand years?"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"But this monster has been dead for nearly a thousand years, how can we still extract its blood to make monsters in batches?" Liu Wei asked with a puzzled expression.

"Maybe the physique of the monster is different? Maybe the body of the thousand-year-old Shuten-douji has been preserved!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "By the way, shopkeeper Liu, speaking of the thousand-year-old monster, I met Liu Kunsheng before, and it seemed to go straight to the lion's mouth. Does shopkeeper Liu know the reason?"

Liu Wei nodded, and said, "Little Celestial Master should know where Liu Kunsheng's dojo is!"

"I know, Changbai Mountain!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "This time the actions of the Gao family also revolve around Changbai Mountain, right? Shopkeeper Liu, tell me?"

About the Gao family's actions, Zhang Zhiwei asked Liu Wei when he was drinking last night.

At that time, Liu Wei didn't say anything, but said that he would talk about this matter after the matter with the railway company was over.

So Zhang Zhiwei didn't ask any more questions. Now the matter of the railway company has basically been settled, so Zhang Zhiwei brought it up again.

Liu Wei said: "Speaking of this matter, Marshal Zhang notified me. Marshal Zhang told me that the Japanese pirates have dispatched a lot of people to carry out frequent activities in the Changbai Mountain area over the years, saying that they want to dig up wild ginseng for thousands of years and give it to the Emperor as a congratulatory gift."

"At that time, he didn't take it seriously, but for several years, the Japanese pirates sent a large number of people to Changbai Mountain every year, and they never returned. Recently, they even repeatedly asked him for the right to mine in Changbai Mountain."

"He felt that the Japanese pirates' behavior was a little abnormal, so he asked me to investigate. This investigation really went wrong!"

Jianghu Xiaozhan is the largest intelligence organization in the alien world. It has paid attention to and recorded many major events in the Jianghu, but they will not seek trouble for nothing.

If no one bought information, they would not spend a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate some secret matters. For example, the Changbai Mountain incident this time was paid by Zhang Dashuai to investigate.

"Then what did you find out?" Zhang Zhiwei had some guesses in his heart.

He remembered the guy named Kameda Ichiro who was arrested before, and this person was in charge of asking Dashuai Zhang for a mining approval.

The area he wanted was the area around Changbai Mountain, but at that time his mind was full of the railway company that killed the Japanese pirates, so he didn't care about mining approvals.

"It's the dragon vein!" Liu Wei said: "Before Nurhachi raised his troops, he found the dragon vein point and fixed it, so he won the world. The frequent actions of the Japanese pirates in Changbai Mountain these years are all for the dragon vein that the Manqing once settled. They want the python to swallow the dragon and take away my luck in the land of China!"

"Dragon pulse!" Zhang Zhiwei murmured, his mind suddenly brightened, and said: "I wanted to eliminate the remnants of Prince Su before, but I was in vain and learned that Prince Su had gone to Changbai Mountain. Now that I think about it, this second-five boy must be a leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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