Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 208 The Pattern of the Future Year

Chapter 208 The Pattern of the Next Hundred Years
"The leading party?"

Liu Wei smacked his lips and said, "Little Tianshi is really a wonderful person. This word is quite appropriate. You are right. Prince Su is indeed a leading party. He has plotted several times to split the country. He is also the one who brought the Japanese pirates to Changbai Mountain and tore up his family's ancestral grave."

Erwuzai is the incision of "Yiwuzi". This word has a long history and has been popular since the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. It means an informer, a traitor, and a traitor who betrays the organization.

"Prince Su brought Japanese pirates to lift up his family's ancestral grave?" Zhang Zhiwei frowned, "What does shopkeeper Liu mean is that his ancestral grave is buried on the dragon vein?"

"Indeed!" Liu Wei nodded, and said: "The little celestial master was born in the Taoist sect. He once taught the genius who mastered Wuhou's Qimen in the competition in the Lu family courtyard. He must have a deep understanding of Fengshui. He must know a lot of secrets of dragon veins!"

Fengshui Kanyu, I know a fart, pointing to Zhuge Yunhui, it is all about sharpening the gun, learning and selling, do you think I have shown too many skills, so you think I am an all-rounder... I complained in my heart, Zhang Zhiwei did not show it, and said in a deep voice:
"I only know a little bit about it. I'd better ask Shopkeeper Liu to tell you about Prince Su's ancestral tomb and dragon veins first!"

Liu Wei didn't give a shit, and said: "According to what the sorcerer said, the dragon's veins follow the law of the distribution of the stars in the sky, swimming back and forth across the land of Huaxia. Wherever they pass, there will be spring with dead trees, nectar will fall from the sky, and all kinds of strange people will emerge in large numbers, rich and honorable."

"Since the first emperor, many warlocks, especially those who practice Taiyi's divine number, have pursued obtaining dragon veins all their lives. Throughout the dynasties, there have been many bloody disputes over dragon veins."

Liu Wei continued: "But even Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu, no one can really last forever. The reason is that, as I said before, the dragon's veins are not fixed. It swims back and forth across the land of China, blessing all parties."

"People who are favored by the dragon's veins often have great luck. Some of them become kings and ancestors, and some even conquer the world, so some emperors came up with an idea to fix the dragon's veins and prevent them from wandering, and build graves on the dragon's veins."

"In this way, with the blessing of the dragon's veins, the descendants of the owner of the tomb can rule the world, and the descendants will be born with a wealthy and compelling royal fate, and the country will stretch endlessly."

"This is a crazy plan. Many people have done it before. This method is indeed feasible in a short period of time, but there are no dragon veins patrolling the earth for a long time. Slowly, new dragon veins will grow."

"The new dragon patrols the land and is full of vitality. The old dragon has been trapped for a long time and is lifeless. Naturally, it is invincible. In this way, the change of dynasty begins."

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a feng shui man who was proficient in Taiyi's magic number discovered that the dragon veins appeared in Changbai Mountain, and Changbai Mountain was the ancestral land of the Qing Dynasty. After some deduction, this person found Nurhachi, who was most blessed by the dragon veins, and began to assist him!"

"This person suggested that Nurhachi built a mausoleum deep in Changbai Mountain to suppress the dragon veins and prevent them from escaping."

"It is also conclusive, saying that Nurhachi will definitely win the world in the future, and as long as he is buried in this tomb in the future, he will become a figure like Tang Zong and Song Zu."

"This man is very loud, but he is indeed very capable. Although Nurhachi died before he could win the world, after his death, Nurhachi's real body was buried in the tomb of Changbai Mountain."

"Later, as the man expected, Nurhachi's son, Huang Taiji, conquered the world and established the Qing Dynasty."

"Prince Su is a hereditary title. The first Prince Su was Huang Taiji's eldest son Hauge. This person also participated in the construction of the Changbai Mountain Mausoleum. Naturally, he also knew the location of the dragon's veins and passed it down from generation to generation. Therefore, this generation of Prince Su can be the leader!"

After hearing what Liu Wei said, Zhang Zhiwei paused and said:
"Take the Japanese pirates to find the dragon's veins and dig out the graves of your own ancestors. This is really a filial son!"

"I'll do it, just dig out my ancestral grave, and get my hands on the dragon's veins. Damn it, this is really a piece of shit!" Lu Jin yelled, "If I were Nurhachi, I would have to jump out of the mausoleum and eat this unworthy descendant alive!"

Not only did this guy dig out his own ancestral grave, he also gave his young daughter and wife as playthings to an old Japanese pirate... Zhang Zhiwei said:
"By the way, shopkeeper Liu, who is the person you just mentioned assisting Nurhachi to fix the dragon's veins?"

Liu Wei said: "This person is the seventeenth grandson of Fan Zhongyan, the famous Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, Fan Wencheng. He is better than his ancestors in the practice of magicians. After Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, he assisted Shunzhi and Kangxi, and finally died well!"

"Damn, this is also an unfilial son!" Lu Jin yelled again: "If I were Fan Zhongyan, I would have to kill him if I met this ugly grandson underground!"

After coming to the Northeast, Lao Lu's speech has a bit of a naughty taste.

"Brother Lu, look at you, you are in a hurry!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted Lu Jin and looked at Liu Wei: "Master Liu, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for some years now, has a new dragon vein been born?"

Liu Wei pondered for a moment, and said, "The little celestial master knows that I am engaged in intelligence, so I am naturally concerned about such a major event of great changes in the world."

"However, I have asked many master warlocks, and even Master Hutu, the master of the Shuzi Sect, has done divination several times, trying to calculate a new dragon vein, but they have not been able to find it."

"According to them, the new dragon veins have not yet appeared. The Qing Dynasty should not have died just like this. It was just forcibly defeated by the powers of various countries. It has encountered unprecedented changes. It should have some strength."

"This is also the reason why Prince Su and others have been trying every means to restore the country."

There is still some vitality... Zhang Zhiwei thought of the later Puppet Manchukuo, if it counts, it does have a little vitality.

At this time, Lu Jin, who was filled with righteous indignation, spoke again:

"Is this Prince Su an idiot? If he wants to restore the country, he can do it with the Japanese pirates? The Japanese pirates control the dragon's veins. Isn't that a meat bun beating a dog, and it will never return?"

Liu Wei said: "Mr. Lu is right. This is indeed meat buns beating dogs. The old and cunning Prince Su must know this, but the dragon veins in Changbai Mountain are very large, and the Japanese pirates are just a tiny place."

"In other words, this dog is too stuffed to eat this meat bun. What Prince Su wants is the leftovers from this dog's food. He wants to use these leftovers to restore the country."

After listening to Liu Wei's explanation, Zhang Zhiwei said: "No wonder shopkeeper Liu said before that the Japanese pirates' move is to swallow a dragon. They want to steal part of China's luck, and then use the remaining to support a puppet regime, so as to control this land!"

Hearing this, Lu Jin cursed again: "Fuck, this is simply a wolf's ambition, and it is the kind of Sima Zhaozhi's heart that everyone knows. That brainless Prince Su wants to be a dog for the Japanese pirates?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is the temptation of power. If he succeeds, he only needs to be a dog for the pirates, and he can continue to dominate thousands of people!"

"It's exactly as the little celestial master said!" Liu Wei sighed and said, "After I investigated these things, I knew that something was going to happen, so I passed the information on."

"The Gao family among the four major families was the first to stand up and prepare to smash the conspiracy of the Japanese pirates to swallow the dragon, so they began to unite with many different forces and gathered in Changbai Mountain to fight against the Japanese pirates."

"And the Japanese pirates also knew the seriousness of the problem, so they pulled away a regiment of soldiers and horses, and then dispatched a large number of aliens to Changbai Mountain to encircle and suppress the righteous soldiers who came over."

"It's just that the Japanese pirates have calculated thousands of times. They didn't expect that you, a little celestial master, stole Longhu Mountain and took a few stunned young men with them. Taking advantage of their emptiness, they took their lair away."

"If it weren't for preventing the Japanese pirates from retaliating wildly and pouring dirty water on Maozi, this matter needs to be kept secret, and you guys will definitely be famous all over the world!"

Hearing what Liu Wei said, Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's just a false name. I don't care. Besides, the initiator of this trip to Liaodong is Erbi. He is the organizer and the biggest contributor!"

Hearing this, Lu Ci scratched his head and said: "Senior Brother Zhang, don't say that, I didn't think about it at all at the time, I just thought that my father and brother would go to Liaodong to kill Japanese pirates, and I would go too."

"Then I saw that Senior Brother Zhang didn't go, so I encouraged Senior Brother Zhang...ah no...I was invited, and I never expected to achieve such a great result. Speaking of which, all of this is due to Senior Brother Zhang!"

Lu Jin also nodded approvingly: "Although the hedgehog is the initiator of this trip to Liaodong, in fact, we are all following Senior Brother Zhang. The reason why we were able to take over the pirates' lair is mostly due to Senior Brother Zhang!"

Wang Ai glanced at Lu Ci, then at Lu Jin, and finally at Zhang Zhiwei, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Although it was indeed Lu Ci who brought up this matter first, he always felt it was weird!

"Stop talking about these empty words!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei: "By the way, shopkeeper Liu knows how many years it has been since the Japanese pirates got their hands on the dragon's veins?"

"Since Prince Su took refuge in Japanese pirates..." Liu Wei pondered for a moment, and said, "It should have been ten years!"

Lu Jin was shocked: "That is to say, the Japanese pirates have absorbed our luck for more than ten years?"

Liu Wei nodded with a heavy face.

Lu Jin asked again: "What will happen to the two parties who have absorbed their luck?"

Liu Wei said: "It is natural that one party's national fortune is prosperous, and the other party's disasters and disasters!"

"The Japanese pirates swallowed our luck for ten years. Doesn't it mean that we will have ten years of bad luck, and the Japanese pirates will have ten years of luck?" Lu Jin said.

"Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case!" Liu Wei said.

"It's so serious!" Lu Jin paused, and continued: "I was thinking, the Japanese pirates are small, even if they swallowed some luck, it's nothing compared to us, and they should be able to defeat them!"

"What do you mean should be prudish, can you speak?" Lu Ci said with a serious face, "That's definitely no problem!"

"Boy Lu is right, and the old man thinks so too, that is, the domestic situation has not been good in the past few years. After a good master is found and all parties are integrated, defeating the Japanese pirates will be as easy as pie!" Li Shuwen said with determination.

Liu Wei did not speak, and he also agreed with Li Shuwen's point of view, but the battle of luck is mysterious and mysterious. It is like a fortune-telling, with only the result. As for the specific outcome, how hard and cruel the process is, it is unknown.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say a word, he was familiar with some future events, although the details were very different, but in terms of major events, they were pretty much the same.

If there are no mistakes in the future, the operation organized by the Gao family this time should have failed, and the conspiracy of Prince Su and the pirates has succeeded.

Because, in a few years, the Puppet Manchukuo was really established and existed for more than ten years.

In other words, push forward ten years until the defeat of the Japanese pirates. During this period, the Japanese pirates have been eroding the luck of our country.

Afterwards, he thought of what Liu Wei said just now, the two sides whose luck has been swallowed up, one side will have a prosperous country, and the other side will be in trouble.

This seems to have also been reflected. Even though the Japanese pirates were destroyed by the country of America, which was at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, it took only a decade or so to transform from a ruin to one of the most developed countries in the world, as if with the help of a god.

And it has been developing rapidly into the world's second economy. It was not until the end of the 90s that they declined and started the lost decade, 20 years, 30 years... countless years.

If you compare the time from their rapid rise to decline after the war with the time when they invaded China, you will be surprised to find that they are almost the same.

On the other hand, Huaxia, on the other hand, was full of disasters and difficulties, and it was not until the end of the 90s, when the Japanese pirates began to decline, that they began to develop at a high speed, and gradually regained what they had lost.

(End of this chapter)

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