Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 209 Zhang Zhiwei, Carried to Changbai Mountain

Chapter 209 Zhang Zhiwei, Carried to Changbai Mountain
The human body's innate qi, dragon veins, feng shui qi layout... all these reverberate in the mind.

For a while, Zhang Zhiwei had a lot of thoughts, combined with some strange knowledge, he figured out something, sighed, and said:

"The battle of luck is very cruel!"

"Is there anything the little celestial master would like to teach about geomantic omens such as dragon veins?" Liu Wei said.

"Actually, there is nothing to teach. In my opinion, everything can be a qi bureau. The qi bureau can be the qi bureau itself, and people can also be the qi bureau. In fact, the country can also be regarded as a qi bureau!"

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "The qi bureau in the narrow sense refers to the closed and fixed pattern formed by the qi circulating in a certain terrain within a certain period of time according to a certain law!"

"A person is also a pattern, the most sophisticated and complex pattern, and the essence of the qi pattern and the human body pattern are formed by the circulation of qi within a certain range."

"In the external pattern, if Qi flows according to a certain law, it becomes a Fengshui Qi situation; within the human body, if Qi flows according to a certain law, it becomes a different person."

"And as I said just now, a country is also a pattern, and the dragon veins are the qi in the pattern. The dragon veins follow the law of the distribution of stars in the sky, and swim back and forth on the earth, blessing all parties."

"This process is similar to a different person's practice of luck and qi. The faster the dragon veins spread, the more people and things will be blessed by the dragon veins. The outstanding people will make the country stronger, and vice versa!"

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei's explanation, Lu Ci was surprised and said: "In this case, the problem is very big. The dragon's veins can bring blessings to the earth, and the dragon's veins are fixed. Doesn't it mean that the luck from the general public has been exploited? If things go on like this, won't the development be limited?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at him: "Do you think our side has developed a lot in the past few hundred years?"

Lu Ci was thinking about the changes in the past few hundred years, but Lu Jin said angrily: "There is... a hook, I get angry when I mention this. A few years ago, I went to the United States with my mother and got off the boat. The scene seemed like a lifetime ago."

"There are tens of meters of high-rise buildings everywhere, and four-wheeled vehicles are running all over the place. I even visited the Empire State Building there."

"The building has more than 100 floors. When I went there, it happened to be raining that day, and the roof of the building seemed to be plunged into the dark clouds. Do you know how much it shocked me? There are not many small buildings with ten floors here!"

Listening to Lu Jin's story, Lu Ci remained silent. Compared with the other three of the four families, the Lu family is a little more closed. He has never been to the United States, so he can't imagine what a house with more than 100 floors and a height of several hundred meters would be like.

Built so high, will it really not collapse?If you have a chance, you can go there once.

Lu Ci silently looked at Zhang Zhiwei, thinking about it.

For these, Zhang Zhiwei is very indifferent, let alone a hundred floors, even hundreds of floors, he is not surprised.

However, these things are still very shocking to people of this era.

Liu Wei also said: "I have seen the Empire State Building you mentioned, and it is very extraordinary. As for the development of our side over the past few hundred years, our Jianghu small inn is engaged in intelligence, and we know these things most clearly! One thing to say, one is pitiful."

"There are still a few outrageous things. When the former dynasty fought against the big powers, considering the overall situation, our small inn also contributed. At that time, because the Qing army's combat effectiveness was too weak, there were no decent weapons to use."

"In order to deal with the red-haired ghosts, our people entrusted Hunbu to the governor of Shandong, and dug up more than a dozen red cannons made in the Ming Dynasty and thousands of matching ammunition in Qingzhou, and this solved the urgent need."

"This matter was even reported to the emperor later, and the emperor quickly approved two words 'very good'!"

When everyone heard the news, they were immediately paralyzed.

The Ming Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years, and the wars decades ago are still digging up the weapons left by the Ming Dynasty?
They have always known that the fighting power of the previous army was weak, but they never expected it to be so weak.

Even Zhang Zhiwei felt a little outrageous.

Seeing everyone's surprise, Liu Wei said again: "It's not just that, the war is going to be tight, the firearms left by the Ming Dynasty are not enough, Tuo Hunbu came to us again, and asked us to get him some wild weapons to solve his urgent need."

"Our people took him all the way to find him, and finally dug out a batch of bronze cannons from the Yuan Dynasty for him."

"That cannon is short and thick, and can hit twenty or thirty miles. Later, it was used to deal with the red-haired ghosts in Great Britain. The emperor's reply to this was 'strength defense'!"

"What!" Lu Jin was dumbfounded, "You've got an old antique from the Yuan Dynasty, and you're still fucking strong enough to defend? Can this fucking be strong enough?"

If it wasn't for the shopkeeper Liu of Jianghu Inn, Lu Jin would definitely think it was a fabrication.

"This..." Li Shuwen has been in the rivers and lakes for many years and has never seen anything, but he also felt a little incredible when he heard the news: "The firearms of the previous dynasty were no match for the red-haired ghosts. Why did they even dig out the things from the Yuan Dynasty? Shopkeeper Liu is afraid that he has restrained himself. This is not an improvement, it is a step backward!"

Even Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help rubbing his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

In other countries, weapons are either made, bought, or rented. How did you get here? Just archaeological!
At this time, Lu Ci's face was filled with righteous indignation and said:

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Brother Zhang, let's go to Changbai Mountain, let's kill those Japanese pirates, let the dragon's veins in it be tied up, and the dragon ascend to heaven, and return everyone's luck that belongs to everyone. We can't let the old and the old from the previous dynasty occupy the latrine and stop shitting. Prudence, what do you think?!"

Lu Jin quickly said: "Hedgehog, what you said is so fucking reasonable. Although there are many experts there, it may not be of great use if we go there, but it is always good to be able to contribute!"

"Who said it's useless?" Lu Ci said: "We have Senior Brother Zhang here, have you forgotten that Senior Brother Zhang's east wind is broken? When the time comes, go there and shoot down a few flying swords, and open the situation in an instant, okay?"

"That's right, when you talk about the flying thunder sword, I thought of that evil thing with a mahogany sword stuck in the forehead!" Lu Jin was the vanguard, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zhang, let's go to Changbai Mountain, and put your big sword in the forehead of the Japanese pirates, just like sticking that stupid priest!"

Wang Ai glanced at Lu Ci, then at Lu Jin, and remained silent.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei: "Shopkeeper Liu, let's go back to the previous topic. Liu Kunsheng attacked Shizikou because of the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain?"

"That's true!" Liu Wei nodded and said, "The reason why Liu Kunsheng chose Changbai Mountain as his dojo is because of the aura of dragon veins there."

"More than ten years ago, Liu Kunsheng's real body fell into a deep sleep due to the shedding of its skin. Even if it woke up occasionally, it would only be out of its body, and it would briefly respond to the disciple's outing."

"And during this period, Japanese pirates got their hands on the dragon's veins under its nose, and it wasn't until the people from Gao's family came to Changbai Mountain that they woke up the sleeping one."

"When he realized that the dragon's veins were being touched by Japanese pirates, Liu Kunsheng, who was furious, led his clansmen to attack Shizikou, causing the death of a large number of Japanese pirates."

After listening to Liu Wei's explanation, Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled and said, "If that's the case, why didn't Liu Kunsheng directly attack the Japanese pirates in Changbai Mountain, but went out of his way to attack Shizikou?"

Liu Wei said: "It is said that the Xian family in the Northeast had a series of agreements with Qianlong. The specific content of the agreement is unknown."

"I only know that after Liu Kunsheng woke up, he circled the imperial mausoleum a few times, but he didn't enter, so he turned his head and went straight to the lion's mouth angrily."

Zhang Zhiwei said thoughtfully: "The Five Immortals once agreed with Qianlong not to pass through the Shanhai Pass. It seems that Liu Kunsheng may have another agreement not to enter the imperial tomb, or there may be other reasons."

"By the way, shopkeeper Liu, is there anything that needs to be paid attention to in the imperial tomb? Or what is the biggest obstacle encountered by the Gao family's operation this time?"

"It's the Qi Bureau," Liu Wei said, "Nurhachi. The four generations of emperors, Huang Taiji, Shunzhi, and Kangxi, all built it there, making it shrouded in a rather strong Qi Bureau."

"Only Prince Su knows the rules of this qi bureau. He led the pirates to hide in the qi bureau and fight the righteous men."

"In the past few days, many righteous men have taken turns to fight, trying to break the qi situation, but they have failed every time, and have reached a deadlock."

Zhang Zhiwei listened, nodded, and said, "It's equivalent to the Japanese pirates setting up a formation there, but our people can't break the formation, right!"

"That's almost what it means. In order to break this qi trap, even Master Hutu of the Shuzi School has taken action, but there is still no way, hey..."

Liu Wei sighed heavily, shook his head and said.

"Shopkeeper Liu, master Hutu of Shuzi is not good, but that doesn't mean Senior Brother Zhang is not good, Senior Brother Zhang, Changbai Mountain needs us, let's go, when the time comes, you just fly down with the Thunder Sword, just like blasting the railway company, directly smashing their formation!"

Lu Ci hurriedly urged.

"That's right, senior brother Zhang flew down with the thunder sword, fucked up the ancestral grave, and took away the old rice dumplings and Japanese pirates buried in it!" Lu Jin also urged quickly.

"That's right, come on, Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci said.

"This..." Zhang Zhiwei hesitated for a moment, grinned, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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