Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 210 The Lord of Demons Falling from the Sky, the God of Taisui on Earth

Chapter 210 The Lord of Demons Falling from the Sky, the God of Taisui on Earth

"Since everyone wants to go!" Zhang Zhiwei grinned, his face became extremely dark and solemn: "Then go!"

Lu Ci said excitedly: "Then when shall we set off?"

"What are you panicking about? Do things from the beginning to the end. First deal with the pirates in Bincheng, and then we will go to Changbai Mountain." Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Stable!" Lu Ci gave a thumbs up.

At this time, Lu Jin said: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, the Japanese pirate railway guards who were attacked by ghosts were defeated all the way, and now they are about to return to Bincheng. What if they hide in private houses and fight in the streets?"

"What should I do?" Zhang Zhiwei squeezed a formula in his hand, and continued to control the ghosts to disperse and outflank the fleeing Japanese pirates, "That's naturally a great deal!"

"It's a big deal?" Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he wanted to laugh, but also worried, and said, "These ghosts are very powerful, and they are not invisible ghosts, especially their poisonous blood, which is very corrosive. If we go straight into the city, I'm afraid it will hurt innocent people."

"Fake prudence, don't be a mother-in-law all the time, you should never stop being disturbed by it, just listen to Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci said.

Lu Ci is not kind, and compared to Lu Jin, his heart is much more ruthless. In his opinion, when killing Japanese pirates, even if a few unlucky ones suffer, that is understandable.

"It's okay, don't worry, I will restrain the actions of these ghosts, and we can make some arrangements in advance!"

The confidence brought by strong strength made Zhang Zhiwei confident that he could hold the audience.

"What arrangement?" Lu Jin asked puzzled.

"Follow it!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei moved and flew out.

Lu Jin and Lu Cidi quickly followed.



"Attention all residents, most of the terrorists who caused the riots have been cleared, but a small number are still roaming the streets. It is only a matter of time before the situation completely subsides. Please do not worry, but in order to prevent terrorists from escaping, the military will block At all intersections, everyone is at home, not allowed to go out, it is best to hide in the cellar..."

There are many horns hanging on the telephone poles along the street in Bincheng. From these horns, there are magnetic male voices speaking in Mandarin.

On the street, sporadic gunfire sounded from time to time, and the sky gradually darkened.

Residents living in Bincheng, worried about being injured by stray bullets outside, hid in the safest place at home.

For such incidents, they were not too panicked, especially the older generation of Bincheng people, who had experience in Bincheng changing hands several times.

As early as the beginning of the war, he brought enough daily necessities and hid with his family in the cellar where sweet potatoes, potatoes, and cabbage were stored.

In a cellar, a family is whispering.

"Isn't it over yet?"

"No, I heard an explosion just now."

"Who called again? I haven't lived a stable life for a few years, and I won't be able to work tomorrow. I still have a few children to support!"

"Going to work is more important than life, so stay away. This incident seems to be a big one. You didn't watch it in the afternoon. So many planes were dispatched in the sky, and within a few minutes, they were all blown up. , I heard that one plane costs ten thousand oceans, and in such a short period of time, twelve planes were directly blown up, how much does it cost!"

"Tell me if the people from the south called back!" The voice was full of surprise.

"Fuck me, I even feel like I believe it's someone from Maozi's side!"



"Repeat, all residents..."

In the broadcasting room of the Bincheng Broadcasting Bureau, several people were lying in a mess. Zhang Zhiwei was sitting in front of a microphone, reading seriously.

Behind him, Lu Ci, Lu Jin and others looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhiwei's so-called arrangement was to rush to the broadcasting room of the Bincheng Broadcasting Bureau one step ahead of time, and evacuate the crowd through the loudspeakers hung by Japanese pirates in the streets and alleys.

"Little Heavenly Master's idea is good. Almost every household here has a cellar, so you don't have to worry about hurting innocent people if you hide in it!" Liu Wei exclaimed.

"As expected of a master of heaven, he is thoughtful in thinking about problems!" Li Shuwen also praised.

"Brother Zhang has great wisdom!" Lu Ci said.

"Brother Zhang is both wise and brave!" Wang Ai said.

"Why didn't I think of it?" Lu Jin said.

Repeated several times in a row, Zhang Zhiwei turned off the radio and walked out of the radio room.

This is the building of the Bincheng Broadcasting Bureau. It is a European and American modern eclectic style building. Standing on the top of the building, you can overlook the scene below.

Below, a terrifying ghost with a height of two feet, with blood red eyes, carrying two three-wheeled motorcycles in both hands, waving them left and right.

This demon has a wide face, long fangs, and a round belly. You can tell by looking at it that it has eaten a lot of people.

"Fire it, don't let it get close, kill it!"

On the other side of the street, a team of Japanese pirates fleeing was fighting stubbornly, and the interlaced rain of bullets hit the ghosts.
Dozens of tongues of flame pierced through the demon ghost, together with a dozen grenades that exploded immediately, directly covering the demon ghost with firepower.

The chain reaction caused by the explosion also detonated the two three-wheeled motorcycles in Yaogui's hands.

A series of explosions blasted the ground into a two-meter crater.

Although the ghost has rough skin and thick flesh, it still can't bear this level of explosion, and the blood and flesh are directly splashed by the explosion.

The pouring black blood splashed out with some pieces of meat.

This team of Japanese pirates knew how powerful this black blood was, and wanted to avoid it.

But here is an alley, and the black blood is overwhelming, there is nowhere to avoid it.

In the end, this team of Japanese pirates and ghosts died together, and they died painfully. Their flesh and blood melted with black blood and turned into hideous and terrifying skeletons.

On the building, Zhang Zhiwei and his party watched the scene quietly.

Liu Wei took a long breath of the air full of gunpowder smoke and stench, took out the wine gourd, took a sip of the wine, and said:

"It's disgusting, this world is like that pile of corpses, it's rotten!"

Li Shuwen snatched Liu Wei's wine gourd, took a sip, and said:
"Although the world is chaotic, the people you see occasionally are shining, and it's not too bad. These shining people will end these disputes, everything will end, and everything will be fine!"

"It won't end!" Liu Wei leaned on the fence on the roof, watching the battle below: "The struggle of people will not end because of the end of anyone or anything."

"Why do you suddenly become sentimental? What shopkeeper Liu said is too far away, I'm only fighting for the day!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked not far away: "The demons have stopped attacking, and there should be few aliens left in Bincheng to attack, let's make a quick decision!"

"Are we going to make a move?" Lu Ci asked enthusiastically.

"Let's put the finishing touches on it!" Zhang Zhiwei stared into the distance, "These ghosts are very resentful, and after seeing the blood, it will become even more serious. If they continue to disperse, even if I am, it will be difficult to ensure that they will not hurt the innocent. Let's clean up together!"

"Sounds very enjoyable, how will Senior Brother Zhang arrange it?" Lu Jin asked excitedly.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "There is a very famous legend in the Japanese pirates, called the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts. Today, we are here in Bincheng, and come to the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts!"

He looked at Wang Ai: "Fatty, use your housekeeping skills to draw us an outfit that is majestic, stylish, and luxurious!"



In the windy night, a group of Japanese pirate soldiers threw away their rifles and ran for their lives.

Behind them, a huge ghost followed closely behind.

The ghost's body was covered with bullet marks, its skin was a strange purple-black color, its fingers had wide knuckles, and it was as fast as a tiger or leopard.

A Japanese pirate couldn't dodge in time, and was caught by the ghost, who gnawed off half of his head.

"Cheep chug!"

The ghost opened its blood-colored eyes, held the Japanese pirate's head and sucked fiercely, and the sound it made made people shudder.


At this time, a samurai wearing a ronin costume suddenly appeared, leaning down and walking almost close to the ground.

He holds the curved long knife at his waist with both hands, and puts it in the "Iai" posture. This move is also known as the sword drawing technique.

Only a "clang" was heard.

The knife light was ten meters across, and the demon who was sucking brains was cut in two, and pouring black blood spurted out violently.

The ronin warrior casually pulled out a few knives.

The length of the sword is close to 1.2 meters. Its thin blade is like the prow of a long boat. This is the Taidao among the Japanese swords.

In the hands of the ronin warrior, the Taidao was like an arm, and as it twirled, it swayed fiercely, cutting off the black blood pouring from the ghost.

Looking at the fallen ghost and the human hands that flowed out from the broken stomach of the ghost, the ronin warrior was shocked and enraged.

He had known for a long time that people in the military were experimenting with living people to create demons and ghosts for use as weapons of war.

But he never thought that the first battle of the ghosts created by the empire would be their own.

"Liver marrow is running wild, demons and ghosts are rampant, not only General Fujita, but also the great priest Watanabe. The enemy who came this time is far more terrifying than imagined. With my strength, if I collide with him, It's like hitting a stone with an egg, and I must leave this place and go to the lion's mouth."

The rogue warrior put the long sword back around his waist, thinking about what to do next.

"Mr. Xiaozaobin, what the hell is this? You can't kill it with a gun, only a grenade can hurt it."

"Could it be that those Chinese people who died unjustly came to ask for their lives?"

Don't do anything wrong in your life, and you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night. In this land, they have done too much evil, so when you see ghosts, the first reaction in your mind is to ask for your life.

"Don't talk nonsense, I heard it was drilled from a compound fertilizer factory on the outskirts of the city!"

Perhaps it was the ronin warriors who brought a sense of security, and several Japanese pirate soldiers were whispering to each other.

However, the ronin samurai named Kobayashi had no intention of meeting them.

He looked towards the end of the long street, where an extremely terrifying atmosphere was spreading.

Immediately afterwards, an eerie silence swept over the surroundings.

This time, not only the ronin warriors, but even the Japanese pirate soldiers felt it.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence, staring at the end of the long street.

The place was filled with black mist, and there were shadows and shadows. When the mist rolled, a sudden and terrifying suona sounded.

The suona sound is getting closer and louder.

Suddenly, an ink-colored ghost blowing a suona came out of the mist, followed by a ghost holding a long streamer, sign, and flag.

Behind them, a large group of ferocious ghosts lined up.

In an instant, the terrifying aura spread wildly.

The black mist in the air is emanating from this group of ghosts, lingering above their heads, dense like a sea of ​​smoke, mighty and mighty, making people's hearts jump with fear and chills down their backs.

It was about to come out... Seeing groups of demons, the ronin samurai clenched the dagger in his hand, feeling a little bitter in his heart, just as he was about to leave, he was being followed.

Then, he saw, in the depths of the black mist, an ink-colored luxury car looming.

In front of the chariot, there are three ghost generals wearing black body armor, wearing a prajna mask, and holding a dagger.

And on the carriage, sat a huge black shadow, covered in heavy armor, with a prajna iron mask on his face, and golden pupils that seemed to be hot, spewing out fine particles like electric light.

"To tell you the truth, when worn on the Japanese pirates, these armors look like jumping beam clowns, but when worn on the little celestial master, they look like thousands of riders with high teeth, looking like a big official in the underworld going on tour. , majestic!"

On the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the street, Liu Wei was amazed and exclaimed.

Beside him, Li Shuwen also admired: "The devil descended from the sky, but the Tai Sui God in the world is nothing more than the same. Who would have thought, who would have dared to think, that this is actually the little celestial master of Longhushan celestial master's mansion?"

"It's really outrageous!" Liu Wei took a sip of his wine, "I know why the Celestial Master is so worried!"

"There's no need to worry about it. Don't be arrogant. What a young man. If I have such strength when I am weak, I will be a hundred times more crazy than him!" Li Shuwen laughed loudly.

Compared with Li Shuwen and Liu Wei's calm, the ronin samurai Kozaobayashi and Japanese pirate soldiers below were not so calm.

Dozens of huge ghosts stand everywhere.

Especially the "ghost king" on the chasing car stood in front of them like a mountain.

The "Ghost King" looked down at them from a high position, and the golden flames in his eyes under the mask fell on them, like an invisible black hand, pinching them in his hand, holding them tighter and tighter. They can barely breathe.

Ronin warrior Xiaozao Lin raised his head, staring at the tall figure on the carriage, "Who are you?"

He couldn't figure out the details of the other party.

These ghosts are obviously the product of the great priest, and are under the control of the great priest, why are they controlled by others?

Is this man a traitor to Shintoism?
Just like the Huaxia side, the aliens on the Japanese pirates' side are not monolithic.

There are alien organizations that advocate aggression and advocating Bushido, like the Shinkenryu who controls the demon sword Hirumaru.

There are alien organizations that oppose war and advocate peace, such as the Ishikawa Buddha Sword Ryu.

There are also god-hate and ghost-hate groups, similar to China's all-natured alien organizations, such as Bihe Mountain Ninja.

But no matter which organization it is, the other party is not kind.


Xiao Zaolin yelled, and suddenly drew his saber, and slashed hundreds of knives in a row. The aura of the sabers and knives surged vertically and horizontally, forming a web of shoes, and covering them fiercely.

He knew that there was no chance of winning, and if he stayed for one more second, he would be closer to the god of death for one more second, so he had to fight.

But the result of the test was disappointing. The overwhelming sword qi was torn apart by the "ghost king" with a single claw, and there was no disturbance at all.

"This is a fart, back off..."

He suppressed the horror in his heart, he didn't care about the team of Japanese pirate soldiers, and ran away without looking back, he only hoped that the team of soldiers could delay him for a while.

Seeing Xiao Zaolin running away first, the Japanese pirate soldiers froze for a moment, and after realizing it, they also wanted to run away.

But it was too late, hordes of demons blocked their way, waving their pitch-black ghost claws and pounced on them.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

In an instant, blood splattered, and limbs flew with flesh and blood. This group of Japanese pirates, dozens of people, were twisted into flesh and blood in an instant.

As for the escaped pirate
The "Ghost King" didn't chase after him, but just stared quietly at the other party. Under the Prajna mask, the golden eyes glistened with lava-colored light.

In an instant, the fleeing ronin warrior spontaneously ignited without wind, and was instantly surrounded by golden flames.

Under the blinding flames, his whole body began to melt rapidly like heated butter.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was transformed into a flaming skeleton, just like Ghost Rider.

And it wasn't until this moment that he felt the extreme pain and let out a desperate scream.

It's just that his mouth, which has turned into a skull, can no longer make a sound, and can only let out a silent cry of despair.

Then, the black mist spread, and the group of ghosts cleared the way, pulling the cart forward, crushing the desperately screaming flaming skeleton into dust, and continued towards the next target.

 Dear readers, my sister got married today, and I owe one update, and I will make it up in two days, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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