Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 211 The Admiral and the Destruction of the Flower of the Japanese Pirates

Chapter 211 The Admiral and the Destruction of the Flower of the Japanese Pirates (4K)

A half-round waning moon hangs over Bincheng.

Under the stern moonlight, the black mist centered on Zhang Zhiwei and spread in all directions.

Those ordinary people who took refuge in the cellar felt a sudden chill.

Then came the sound of footsteps shaking the earth, the sound of suona, sporadic gunfire and screams...

"It's so cold, has the weather changed? Why did it suddenly become so cold!"

"What's going on outside? Didn't it say that terrorists are rioting? This doesn't look like it. Whose charge horn is Suona!"

Curiosity is the nature of human beings. Some people couldn't bear it, and secretly opened a corner of the cellar to look out.

Seeing this, everyone's heart beat violently, their hair stood on end, and their faces were almost pale.

I saw black mist rolling on Bincheng Street, and the mist was as black as a deep lake.

And in the depths of the lake, under the bleak moonlight, there are huge and terrifying figures.

What is this, Yin soldiers borrow the way, Lord Hades travels, wronged souls claim their lives, hell descends, ghosts walk at night...

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts appeared in their minds. These thoughts were various, but there was no such thing as rioters.

At the same time, driven by curiosity, they suppressed their fear, stared wide-eyed, and continued to look over, wondering what happened.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an ink-colored luxurious carriage slowly emerging from the black mist.

Not far from the front of the car, a hundred Japanese pirate soldiers were fleeing in embarrassment, and a group of vicious ghosts were chasing and killing them.

The fleeing Japanese pirate soldiers raised their guns and shot back from time to time.

However, the impact of bullets on these ghosts is very limited, and they cannot stop their pace.

Soon, the ghosts approached, waving their green and black ghost claws vertically and horizontally, tearing the air with their fingertips, forming a meat grinder.

And the Japanese pirates are the meat in the meat grinder, after a sound of bones breaking, they turned into bones and blood and smashed to pieces on the ground.

This bloody and terrifying scene frightened the onlookers. Some of them hid in the cellar again, some trembled, and some kowtowed on the spot...

And the instigator of this incident, Zhang Zhiwei, sat on the chasing car like a golden knife, berated Fang Qiu, and killed the Japanese pirates.

Suddenly, he felt a very faint wave of energy.

This energy fluctuation did not originate from himself, but from all around. It was very weak, very scattered, and very mottled, full of impurities.

"This is... the Godhead Mask. There are people who believe in me, and there are a lot of them."

Zhang Zhiwei looked around, and then, he found many figures emerged in his mind.

These people are old and young, men and women, but they all have one thing in common, they are praying.

The objects they pray to have different images. Some have towering crowns and belts, solemn expressions, and look like gods.Some have wide robes with long sleeves, wearing Haechi crowns on their heads, and look like the king of Hades in the underworld.Some have blue faces and long fangs, looking like ghosts...

But Zhang Zhiwei knew in his heart that these were all himself, his image in the imagination of others.

Although these images are all underworld, they have almost nothing to do with his own appearance.

But in the dark, there is a thread that connects him with these images.

Through this line, he harvested their faith and heard their prayers.

"Bless you, General, I have been self-sufficient in my life, and I have worked with my conscience for most of my life. Although I have accomplished nothing, I have never done anything wicked!"

"Lord Yan, please forgive me. I followed the Japanese pirates as an interpreter. Although I did many bad things, I never took the initiative to harm anyone. I did all this just to survive!"

"My pregnant daughter-in-law was forcibly taken away by pirates, and there has been no news for several months. If you are alive, this ghost uncle, kill all these utterly devoid of conscience!"

Accompanied by these thoughts, there is also a power of faith far beyond the past.

When Zhang Zhiwei's consciousness diverged, he discovered the source of these powers of belief, which was as complicated as a big net, and he was the center of this big net.

Consciousness went all the way back along the big net, he even saw the end of the big net and saw those praying people.

These people are ordinary people and have not acquired qi. The innate qi in their bodies is overflowing all the time.

But when they were praying, these overflowing innate qi were engulfed by a spiritual force, coming from all directions along the big net, collected into his body, and attached to the qi all over his body.

Because the power of faith contains all kinds of thoughts of believers, it is colorful and looks very gorgeous.

This is the power of faith collected by the cultivators of the Godhead Mask.

This power of belief contains too many desires and distracting thoughts, and it is not too much to say that it is poison.

Therefore, practitioners of the mask of the godhead generally dare not put it directly into the body, and can only use external objects to carry it.

But Zhang Zhiwei has no fear. He sits on the altar with consciousness and will not be disturbed by these thoughts. Moreover, he also has ways to deal with these thoughts.

With a thought in his mind, a blue-blue samadhi real fire burst out all over his body.

Under the training of the real fire of Samadhi, the distracting thoughts in the power of faith were burned away.

After the distracting thoughts dissipated, the power of faith changed from colorful to golden yellow, and Zhang Zhiwei took it back into his dantian.

In an instant, his cultivation went a step further.

Although this progress is not big and cannot cause qualitative changes, it is sustainable. As long as this group of people continue to believe, he will continue to harvest this power.

Moreover, he can expand his influence and harvest more of this power for his own use.

"Increasing income and reducing expenditure, this is also a kind of increasing income. Although it is a bit troublesome, it needs to be tempered once by the real fire of Samadhi, but the quantitative change leads to qualitative change. If it continues, it is still very impressive. Moreover, I have a hunch that new supernatural powers are being bred. Among them, it won't be long before it will be born!"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, he didn't pay much attention to the power of Wang's belief, and his own life practice was always the first.

But he still cares about the supernatural power born from the power of faith.

Unlike the scrupulous look at the abilities acquired through practice, this kind of supernatural power is unreasonable.

If the number of people who believe in it is large enough and pious enough, maybe a supernatural power not inferior to the Eight Wonders can be born.

"It seems that the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts this time on a whim is really a wise decision!"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, gathering the scattered demons and ghosts, and continued to chase and kill the fleeing Japanese pirates.

It is not difficult to do this step, ghosts are the most vengeful things, and ghosts are no exception. When fighting with Japanese pirates on the battlefield, the ghosts have already recorded their aura, and now they are just playing hide and seek.

Tonight's Bencheng is destined to be a sleepless night, blood will flow like a river.

at the same time.

Another piece of land in Liaodong, the Shizikou Military Port, which is lined with heavy artillery, is known as "the first port of smoke in the East" because of its geographical location and strategic position.

As early as the previous dynasty, this was an important military port for the Beiyang Navy. At that time, Li Zhongtang attached great importance to this place. He ordered a large number of heavy artillery from the German Empire, one third of which was arranged here to defend the port. warship.

In the war with the Japanese pirates, although the previous dynasty was defeated, the infrastructure here was not damaged, and the heavy artillery was new.

Later, Maozi took advantage of the opportunity of the invasion of the coalition forces of the great powers to occupy this place, and based on Li Zhongtang's foundation, Shizikou Fortress was reinforced.

Later, the Japanese pirates seized this place at the cost of huge casualties, and continued to build it for more than ten years. Now, it is already an extremely modern naval base.

Now the joint fleet of Japanese pirates is stationed here.

The flagship of this fleet is the Mikasa, which has made great achievements in the war with Maozi, destroying the First Pacific Fleet and the Second Pacific Fleet one after another.

At this moment, in the central monitoring room of the Mikasa, the results of the sonar scan were displayed on the big screen, and densely packed light spots began to float up from the bottom of the sea.

Looking at these spots of light, Chief Commander of the Combined Fleet, Yagyu Shio sneered in a low voice:

"The swarm of damn long worms started again! The first time, because they attacked suddenly, we were caught off guard, and many people died."

"This time we are prepared. We have deployed a large number of depth charges and mines underwater. I want to see how many lives they have?"

On the sonar screen, the dots of light rising from the bottom of the sea entered the area of ​​the depth charges.

In an instant, the sea surged, white waves soared into the sky, and the chain blasting began.

People standing on the Mikasa could see lights flickering beneath the surface of the sea, as if a fire was burning from the bottom up.

"Sir, those long worms seem to be very intelligent. They use some insignificant little snakes to go to mine. Those big guys are lurking, with almost no damage. They are going to the sea now!" A Japanese pirate navy looked anxious. shouted.

As soon as the words fell, several blue giant snakes jumped out of the sea amidst the huge waves. When they wagged their tails, they looked like dragons. The part above the water was about five or six meters long. One can imagine They are huge.

And the moment they emerged, the machine guns on many ships began to pour firepower into the sea, and huge bullets hit the giant snake, bursting into clusters of blood.

The giant snakes were almost pushed back into the sea by the rain of bullets.

At the same time, the torpedoes of the United Fleet have been launched, drawing white water marks on the sea surface, and bombarding the snakes, bursting with flames, deafening.

Dazuo Yagyu Shio tightly held the Japanese sword at his waist with both hands, and watched the sea condescendingly. Whenever a giant snake approached the ship, he would draw out a ten-meter-long sword and kill it.

As a samurai of the Yagyu family, although his saber qi is not as large-caliber as a naval gun, every time he makes a move, it is a one-hit kill.

This is a duel between modern weapons and alien methods.

Although the Japanese pirates seized the opportunity, the battle did not show a one-sided trend.

The willow immortals hidden under the water used their qi to control the water flow and turned into a pair of big hands, twisting the barrel of the naval gun, causing the barrel to be blocked, causing the naval gun that was spewing flames to explode, and the gunner was reduced to ashes.

Then, taking advantage of the reduced firepower on the ship, the Liuxians scrambled in the sea, evading the incoming heavy artillery all the way, rushed to the ship under the hail of bullets, and started the massacre.

As animals that have acquired qi, willow celestial beings have wisdom not inferior to that of humans.

They know that they have encountered an ambush, so they often jump into the boat, and after a charge, they immediately escape into the sea.

If this method is used against ordinary people, it is really easy to use, but there are still strange people of Japanese pirates lurking in these ships.

So some willow immortals rushed to the deck, but failed to get out after being besieged.

As for Liu Kunsheng, the head of the willow immortals, he was attacked by the commander of the combined Japanese pirate fleet.

The commander-in-chief of the United Fleet is Yujiro Takeshita, who practices the Shinto Wunian style.

Unlike the commander of Bincheng, Fujita, who is a major general, Takeshita Yujiro is a naval admiral, two ranks higher than Fujita.

At the same time, he also represents the highest rank of the Japanese pirate navy.

In this world where aliens rule, to be able to sit in this position, force is one of the absolutely indispensable conditions, otherwise the hold cannot be held.

Like Zhao Fangxu of the company in the later generations, the reason why he can sit firmly in that position is mainly because it was a peaceful era, and everyone was willing to give the company a face and let you use your means.

And in the war years, it was a life-and-death standpoint. They sent assassins to kill you with all their strength. How could an ordinary person stand up to it?
In the Battle of Mianshan, Biheshan Rentou, who had a high level of self-cultivation and was proficient in assassination techniques, could not stop Tangmen's assassination. How many times would it take for an ordinary person to die?
Therefore, most of the great generals in ancient times were super masters, even some emperors, such as Genghis Khan, and Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, Admiral Takeshita Yujiro and Liu Kunsheng are fighting fiercely.

In his hand is a legendary Japanese weapon, Doji Kiri.

The reason why it is called this name does not mean "a knife used by a boy".

It's because it once beheaded Shuten-douji, the great demon king in the Heian period.

This is a knife with a strong killing intent, not to mention the degree of treachery, in terms of lethality alone, it is even stronger than Hirumaru.

This sword has been kept by the emperor for a long time. The reason why it was sent to Yujiro Takeshita this time is also to allow him to better control the upcoming demon king.

However, Yujiro Takeshita did not expect that the first battle with this knife in his hands was against a big monster in China.

Takeshita Yujiro held the saber in both hands, the simple blade of the saber was glowing crimson red, and Dojiri made a vibrating sound like a howling ghost.

Opposite him, Liu Kunsheng screamed and ran wildly, the dragon and the snake flinched, bursting out at an unimaginable speed.


The air blasted, it broke through the sound barrier, and Yujiro Takeshita shook together. In the thunderous sonic boom, the two sides continued to fight.



The next morning.

The gunpowder smoke in Bincheng cleared, countless people crawled out from the cellar, and Bincheng, which had been haunted by ghosts all night, came back to life again.

It's just that the vitality doesn't belong to the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirate railway garrison in the city, the predecessor of the Japanese pirate's flower, was almost wiped out during the ghost cleaning last night.

But at this moment, in a forest on the outskirts of the city, Zhang Zhiwei looked at the twenty or thirty ghosts that survived behind him, thinking about what to do?
 I finally finished my work, I will resume updating tomorrow, and start saving manuscripts and adding updates, thank you readers for your great support! !
(End of this chapter)

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