Chapter 212

"Senior Brother Zhang, why don't we strike while the iron is hot and kill the Japanese pirate navy at Shizikou? I think these ghosts are very useful!"

The night of killing made Lu Jin feel a little overwhelmed. While talking, he waved the Japanese sword in his hand and chopped the surrounding vegetation casually.

"I also think it's a good idea to be prudish!" Lu Ci was also on top.

"Why don't you just forget it, it's been a night, everyone is a little tired, let's take a rest first!" Wang Ai said.

"Shopkeeper Liu!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei: "Didn't you say that Liu Kunsheng was attacking the lion's mouth? How is the battle? If we go over, can we beat the dog in the water?"

"I'm afraid I can't!" Liu Wei said: "According to the report from my spies at Shizikou, Liu Kunsheng attacked the military port last night, but he was already defeated. Not to mention he suffered serious injuries, and several generals died. Not too small!"

"Of course, the Japanese pirates also suffered losses. However, Youdao insists on repeating things again and again. Liu Kunsheng has already attacked Shizikou Military Port twice. Now the security there is very tight. If you go in rashly, you are afraid that you will fall into the net of heaven and earth. middle."

"Is Liu Kunsheng injured?" Zhang Zhiwei said in a low voice, he didn't care about what Liu Wei said about the spies' return.

Although Liu Wei was with them all the time, no spies appeared during this period.

But he guessed that an intelligence organization like Jianghu Xiaozhan should have communication methods similar to yin and yang papers.

He was more concerned about the fact that Liu Kunsheng was injured and lost.

Although he only met Liu Kunsheng at first sight, he recognized Liu Kunsheng's strength very much.

The Luo Tian Dajiao of the later generations dared to challenge the elderly Lu Jin just by coming down with the body of a disciple on horseback. This time, the one who attacked the lion's mouth was the real body, and his strength was undoubtedly stronger.

Moreover, it also brought its subordinates, and snakes had a home field advantage in the sea, so they suffered huge losses.

This result was a bit beyond Zhang Zhiwei's expectations.

"Fatty, something happened to your uncle, do you want to get back the place?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai.

Wang Ai shrunk his head, and turned his head straight: "When the horse fairy has something to do, he always asks the uncle. Now that the uncle has an accident, when is it our turn? Let's withdraw quickly!"

"You guys are very clear!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Liu Wei again and asked curiously, "Shopkeeper Liu, how did the pirates repel Liu Kunsheng?"

"One person restrains them head-on, and then attacks with heavy artillery!" Liu Wei said slowly.

"It turned out that there was a heavy artillery attack!" Lu Jin let out a long breath, "I was taken aback, I thought there was really someone from the Japanese pirates who could defeat that giant snake!"

On the bridge that day, Liu Kunsheng left a deep impression on Lu Jin. In his perception, such a colossal monster was almost unstoppable by manpower.

"It's extraordinary to be able to restrain it," Zhang Zhiwei asked, "Who is the person who restrained it?"

"Commander of the United Fleet, Admiral Takeshita Yujiro!" Liu Wei said.

"There is a general here?" Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised.

He didn't know the details of this Yujiro Takeshita, but he knew the gold content of the rank of general.

A general, no matter which country he is in, is an important figure, and it is especially important for the Japanese pirates.

On the Japanese side, the highest command of the army is the Generalissimo of the three armies, and the Generalissimo is naturally the Emperor.

Under Grand Marshal, there is Field Marshal, but this is only an honorary title, and it is not divided into a separate military rank. The difficulty of getting it is the same as personal first-class merit, and it is usually received by family members.

Therefore, the general is basically over. A Japanese pirate general can often mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses to fight. This is definitely a super big fish.

"Can actually block Liu Kunsheng, what is the origin of this Yujiro Takeshita?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously.

Liu Wei said: "The Japanese pirates keep his information highly confidential, and the specific information is not clear. I only know that he is a master-level master of the Shinto Wunian style. His strength is quite powerful, and he is one of the generals of the Japanese pirates.

"Before he became an admiral-level officer, he served as a captain and commanded and participated in the war that destroyed Maozi's Pacific First Fleet and Pacific Second Fleet."

"At the same time, he is also the backer behind the Aikido genre. He once extended a helping hand when Aikido declined and made it grow again!"

"Legends say that he once comprehended the strongest swordsmanship of the Japanese pirates, which originated from the lost technique of the sword master Miyamoto Musashi - Nitian first class."

"I don't know whether this matter is true or not, but what is certain is that the other party is definitely one of the few masters in the world of pirates and aliens."

"Moreover, he is holding a flaming long knife in his hand, which is a very powerful magic weapon. Regarding the details of this magic weapon, my people have not found out for the time being..."

After listening to Liu Wei's words, Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment. When he just heard the word Admiral, he really wanted to meet him for a while.

But after Liu Wei's introduction, Zhang Zhiwei temporarily suppressed this thought. Although he regards the heroes of the world as worthless, he is by no means a ignorant person.

It's just that most of the time, super wisdom tells him that using super power is enough, so his behavior is a bit sloppy.

You must know that in the subsequent Battle of Mianshan, the Tang Sect's elite dispatched to raid the Japanese pirate army. The Tang Sect's number one master, laughing at the king of hell, Tang Jiaren, showed the enemy's weakness, and replaced the opponent dangerously and dangerously by relying on Dan Che.

Admiral is not necessarily stronger than Biheshan Nintou, but his gold content is definitely far higher than Nintou. There must be a lot of masters around this kind of person.

I brought three melons and two dates with me, the success rate is too low.

And... even if it is really a fluke, it must be possible through all means and hard work.

In this way, everything arranged in Bincheng before was in vain, and the Japanese pirates would retaliate wildly afterward. Some losses outweighed the gains. What happened in Changbai Mountain was the big deal.

"Little Heavenly Master, take off your clothes and hide your achievements and fame!"

At this time, Li Shuwen also reminded that even he didn't want to go to the muddy water at the Lion's Mouth.

"The old man is right!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, then looked at the ghosts behind him:

"These are made from innocent babies. Although they are very useful, I have no intention of driving them."

"Visual ghosts like them can't be saved."

"But I don't want to get rid of them on the spot."

"In this case, let them burn themselves out in venting their anger and resentment!"

After all, he pinched the formula and gave them the final order to attack the Shizikou military port.



The sun shines on Shizikou Naval Port.

The warship docked, and a small team of marines cleaned up the remaining limbs and arms on the deck, and washed the blood on them with water.

On the surface of the sea, there are many corpses floating, including giant snakes and humans, and several lifeboats are salvaging the corpses.

They hooked the mutilated corpses of their companions with hooks, dragged them back to the lifeboat, took out the iron chains, tied one end to the corpse of the giant snake, and tied the other end to the pulley of the ship, and then dragged the corpse of the giant snake out of the sea. deck.


The iron chain rubbed against the deck, making the sound of gold and stone colliding. Soon, a snake tail covered with blue and black scales was dragged up, followed by a thick body, and then a head.

After the giant snake was dragged up in its entirety, many soldiers came to watch it, amazed.

"It's so big, I'm afraid it will turn into a dragon!" said a pirate soldier.

"Dragon has horns, this should be a snake!"

"By the way, why did these snakes attack us?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because they are Chinese snakes. Chinese people deserve to die, and Chinese snakes deserve to die."

"They killed so many of us. These beasts really deserve to die. It's a pity that many of them ran away, especially the biggest one."

Suddenly, a gust of wind and black mist swept across.

On the deck strewn with corpses, dozens of monsters with big stomachs appeared and rushed at the Japanese pirate soldiers who were salvaging the corpses.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The alarm sounded.


A ghost tore up a Japanese pirate soldier, bared its teeth stuffed with meat, and continued to pounce on the next one, but when it pounced into the air.


It turned into a mass of sparks and exploded, and the powerful corrosive black blood that burst out was also instantly evaporated by the flame.

A dignified and indifferent man appeared on the deck in a neat military uniform with a cropped head. The man held a knife with azure light in his hand.

Looking at the many ghosts, he didn't change his face, without blinking his eyes, he chopped several times. While killing the ghosts, the energy of the knife he swung was still spinning, like a hurricane of flames, killing the ghosts. The last flesh and blood were all rolled in, and finally turned into black ashes and floated down.

"Master General..."

Several soldiers reacted.

"You bastards!"

Takeshita Yujiro cursed coldly, looked at the black ash falling all over the sky, and suddenly fell silent, the cold light reflected by the sun gathered on the long knife.


At this time, a middle-aged man dressed as a priest walked over in a white hunting suit, holding a bat fan, and wearing a black hat.

"Mr. Yuan, the person I arranged in Bincheng sent a letter saying that Fujita was going to launch a big operation to clear up all the rebellions in Bincheng. Now, the demons refined by Watanabe have raided our place. There should be a big incident in Bincheng. Already!" Yujiro Takeshita said.

"Fujita made a big move, didn't he even tell Takeshita-kun to you?" Priest Genguangxin said with a surprised face.

Takeshita Yujiro was expressionless: "Army red deer, a bunch of trash!"

The word "red deer" comes from the allusion of "referring to a deer as a horse" in "Historical Records". It is used in Japanese to refer to confused situations and characters.

Calling someone a "red deer" is equivalent to calling him a bad pen.

Hearing Takeshita Yujiro talking about the army red deer, Genguangxin suddenly remembered the relationship between his own navy and the army, and immediately felt a little headache.

The conflict between the two parties has been going on for a long time, and they even adhere to the creed of "no intermarriage". The son of the navy red deer will never marry the daughter of the army red deer, and the son of the army red deer will not marry the daughter of the navy red deer. .

The two sides use the same words as water and fire to describe it as light.

During World War II, the Navy Red Deer suffered a big defeat. In order not to lose face in front of the Army Red Deer, they even concealed the news of the defeat. Instead, they bragged about this battle as a big victory.

As a result, the Army Red Deer didn't believe it, so it asked its own intelligence department to investigate.

Unexpectedly, these intelligence personnel were all killed by the navy red deer.

Because of the huge contradictions between the two parties, they did not ask for help for everything, and often made a series of ridiculous things.

For example, it is not uncommon for the Army to build aircraft carriers and submarines, and the Navy to build tanks.

Yuan Guangxin sighed: "Takeshita-kun, you continue to stay here, I will go to Bencheng to have a look!"

"There's Lao Gen-kun," Takeshita Yujiro said, "I'll send a team to escort you there!"

Genkoshin shook his head and said: "I am the Lord of the Four Heavenly Kings, a descendant of Minamoto Yorimitsu who killed Shuten-doji, I don't need any escort!"

"Gen-kun, you misunderstood!" Takeshita Yujiro said: "I sent people there, not to protect you, but to see what the army red deer have made of Bincheng."

Yuan Guangxin: "..."



On the official road in Liaodong, a carriage was running unsteadily.

In addition to the driver, there were four other people sitting in the carriage, one of them was a young man with short hair, wearing a gray gown, sitting on the carriage, drinking a tune:

"The boxwood pole is so soft and soft, so my brother, Hariya, pick a pick of white rice and go to Liuzhou, sister, and go to Liuzhou, so my brother, Hariya..."

"Brother, what tune are you playing, it sounds really nice!"

"Folk songs from Sichuan and Chongqing!"

"Are you from Sichuan and Chongqing? Why do you want to go to the northeast?"

"Come and break through the East!" the short-haired young man said nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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