Chapter 213 Rootless Means
"Crossing the Guandong? You people from Sichuan and Chongqing are also coming here to break into the Guandong!"

The coachman said that he flicked his whip and drove the pony cart at a gallop, with vast wilderness on both sides of the road.

"Just eat!" The short-haired young man smiled and said, "I heard that the railway is being built here in Liaodong, and the emperor will take care of food and shelter!"


At this time, a thinly dressed man in the carriage sighed and said, "There's nothing wrong with working with them. Why don't we make a living? We don't betray our country, and we don't do anything that is unconscionable. Just make a living with them." Eat, eat for a while!"

Most of the people on this carriage were refugees who had crossed the Guandong. Although their homeland was hard to leave, living on food was the most realistic way of life.

In this year, it is not easy to mix outside the customs. In order to get a bite to eat, they had to come to the land occupied by Japanese pirates. I heard that a large number of laborers were recruited here to repair the railway. The carriage is gone.

At this time, a tall woman in the carriage looked at the short-haired young man and said with a smile:

"I think you are very handsome, especially those eyes, so rare. Isn't it a waste to repair the railway? Obviously, you can rely on your face to make a living. I heard that the Yamato Hotel in Bincheng recruits that. !"

The short-haired young man said: "What's the point of hugging women all day long?"

The tall woman smiled and said: "It's very interesting. It looks like you haven't hugged it before. It tastes delicious. There is a farm in front of you. How can I warm the bed for you?"

The short-haired young man laughed and scolded: "Forget it, you look like this, if you let you get close to your body, you will lose a layer of skin, I dare not."

The tall woman smiled and said: "It seems that you have never tasted a woman, right? We are slippery and don't touch people."

The short-haired young man laughed loudly and said, "Through your flowery jacket, you can see what is wrapped inside, a bird from my hometown!"

Hearing this, everyone in the carriage burst out laughing.

But this kind of laughter and laughter did not last long, and finally ended with a burst of rapid and violent gunshots.

Dozens of flames pierced through the front and back, the galloping horses neighed sadly, the carriage turned over, the corpses fell heavily to the ground, and the blood sprayed out stained the grass red.

At the edge of the horizon, the tire belt rolls across the grass, and the green convoy rushes out of the horizon, followed by an off-road vehicle unhurriedly.

This is the Japanese pirate convoy escorting Yuan Guangxin from Shizikou Military Port to Bincheng. They encountered this carriage. Out of a certain superior mentality, they did not give the carriage a chance to evade, but directly chose to crush it.

In the convoy, Yuan Guangxin looked at this scene with a calm face. It was nothing more than a few Chinese dead. As a priest of Shintoism, he also participated in the incident just like the priest Watanabe who caught the flying thunder sword on his head. A plan to make ghosts out of fetuses.

"Go and clean up the wreckage on the road, don't delay the priest's trip!"

A small group of Japanese pirates got out of the carriage and wanted to push the overturned carriage aside. They would rather do it themselves than give the carriage a chance to move away by itself.

However, before they approached, among the pile of corpses in the overturned carriage, the short-haired young man stood up, raised the black muzzle of his gun, spewed out dazzling tongues of fire, and the gunshots sounded as dense as rain.

The heads of this team of Japanese pirates were smashed to pieces in an instant, the blood burst, and a bit of pale slurry splashed onto the face of the short-haired young man.

The short-haired young man had no expression on his face, wiped off the disgusting things on his face, and threw the empty box cannon on the ground.

On the ground, under his feet, blood was scrambling to spread. He lowered his eyes, glanced at the tall woman who was talking and laughing with him just now, stretched out his hand, and closed her eyes that were dying.

Then, he looked at the Japanese pirate team on the opposite side, picked up two guns, and walked over with a blank expression.

Don't think he was a little weak in the hail of bullets just now, but in fact, he is a different person, a different person between nature and nurture.

This allows him not only to have the innate and unpredictable, unique abilities, but also to practice like an acquired stranger, with high growth potential.

Therefore, he is very strong, very strong, thanks to his natural ability, let alone the younger generation, even many older generations are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of him.

However, he has a specialization in martial arts, he is not good at horizontal training, and he has not learned some body protection skills, so under the hail of bullets, he can only protect himself, not save others.

However, he is not good at saving people, but he is good at killing people.

After a few breaths, the military vehicle rolled over just like the carriage, sticky blood spots dripped from the military vehicle, scattered stumps and broken arms lay in a pool of blood.

Dozens of well-trained Japanese pirate soldiers were killed by him in just a few breaths, and he didn't even have time to let out a miserable cry.

The short-haired young man looked into the car. When he slaughtered the Japanese pirate soldiers, the other party played a white talisman with blood-colored runes outlined on the talisman.

As the runes flickered, a strange shikigami with three times the size of a normal person, a pair of wings and a long nose, and a scarlet mask on his face suddenly emerged from it.

Yatengu, a kind of monster in Hyakki Yakō, is one of the shikigami often summoned by Shinto priests, and is very powerful.


Yatengu spread its wings, its face and the edges of its wings glowed with gleams of flames, rolling the clouds of flames, turning into a vast sea of ​​flames.

On the smooth official road, the flames soared to the sky, surging like a sea tide, carrying a strong shock wave, surging towards the short-haired youth.

The short-haired young man didn't dodge, and faced the terrifying flames, he opened his eyes suddenly, and a dazzling blue light gushed out of them.

In an instant, the fire that surged like a sea tide dimmed, returned to its original form, and dissipated into a cloud of blue-white qi.

Not only the flames, but even the swooping Yatengu, after twisting for a while, completely collapsed and turned into a white talisman to the ground.

" happened? What happened?! What happened just now?"

Yuanguangxin was shocked, this Yatengu was a method he was proud of, few people could deal with it, how could it be broken up in an instant?

He hastily fired several more talismans one after another to summon more shikigami, but like the Yatengu before, these shikigami often dissipate into a ball of primitive qi as soon as they appear, and some of them can't even be summoned.

"You limit my ability, you turned all my methods into primitive qi, how is this possible? With this terrifying ability, you... who are you?"

Before Yuan Guangxin finished speaking, the short-haired young man pinched his neck and pinned him to the ground.

"Who am I? I don't know who I am. I have no beginning in the past, no end in the future, no root and no end!"

The short-haired young man said slowly, a soft blue light flowed in his hand, his muscular forearm exerted force, and it remained motionless like iron clamps.

"It's not just means, my qi, my qi is useless!"

Yuan Guangxin was full of disbelief. Now, not only the power of shikigami can no longer be used, but even his own talisman means have failed.

The qi in his body can no longer construct any means except for normal operation. He is weaker than ever before, and he has become like an ordinary person.

"The inertia brought about by powerful power makes you lose your empathy, start to ignore ordinary people, and treat everything in a cold way. After all, you have never experienced severe beatings, and you lack the necessary sense of awe for everything!"

The short-haired young man shoved the box gun in his hand into Yuan Guangxin's mouth, and stabbed him in the throat:
"You're quite a person, come on, tell me well, what are you doing in such a hurry, rushing to reincarnate!"

the other side.

Next to the port of Bincheng, in Marshal Zhang's secret stronghold.

Zhang Zhiwei is meditating and practicing, and the one-night walk of the ghosts, while cleaning up the Japanese pirate garrison, also allowed Zhang Zhiwei to gain a lot of power of faith.

After being calcined and purified by the real fire of samadhi, these powers of faith turned into gold, and were taken back into his dantian by him, blending into his own qi, making his original blue qi dyed with a touch of brilliant gold.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiwei also keenly felt that some other changes had taken place in his body, but this change was extremely small and had not yet had any effect on him, so even he could hardly tell whether the effect was good or bad.

Zhang Zhiwei attaches great importance to his own life, and this kind of thing that is not known good or bad cannot be ignored.

So he called out his busy "national teacher" and assigned it a glorious but arduous task again, asking him to investigate the effect of the power of faith on life.

Of course, for this kind of thing, he himself is checking himself, checking himself three times a day.

And when Zhang Zhiwei reflected on himself three times a day.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai are chatting.

"Fatty, I'm going to Changbai Mountain next, Guan Shihua should be there, and I'm about to meet the person you miss, are you happy?" Lu Ci teased.

"I'm a little nervous!" Wang Ai thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on, I used to think about Shi Hua'er in my mind, and when I was eating, I thought, this food is so delicious, if I eat it with Shi Hua'er How nice it would be, I would think about it when I saw something beautiful, if only Shi Huaer could see it..."

"But recently, I've been doing big things with Senior Brother Zhang. For some reason, Shi Hua'er appears less and less in my mind. It's not that I don't like her anymore, it's just that I don't think about him anymore. It seems... …like……"

Wang Ai thought for a while, but couldn't find an appropriate adjective.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei, who had finished his body three times, opened his eyes and said for him: "It seems that the focus has been shifted to yourself?"

"That's right, that's the feeling!" Wang Ai nodded quickly and said, "As expected, Senior Brother Zhang knows a lot!"

Zhang Zhiwei said slowly: "This is a good phenomenon. Give yourself back to yourself, put your time and energy on yourself, keep your heart in the sensuality, fame and fortune, and walk forward in the eyes of the world. Only then can you make greater progress!"

(End of this chapter)

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