Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 214 Zhang Zhiwei's Preaching Exercise

Chapter 214 Zhang Zhiwei's Preaching Exercise

"Give yourself back to yourself, put your time and energy on yourself!" Wang Ai muttered to himself.

Lu Jin also repeated that, in fact, he is somewhat similar to Wang Ai, but he is not interested in any woman, he is just trying to live the life his family expects.

In the Lu Family Courtyard, Zhang Zhiwei slapped him. He obviously wanted to cry, but he had to put on a face and talk about the situation. He cared too much about other people's opinions. That's why Lu Ci Wang Ai and others called him prudish .

After going to the north, the reason why he felt open-minded was because the shackles on his body were gone, he showed his true nature, and became a violent old man who swears at every turn, just like him in his old age.

On the contrary, Lu Ci did not have these messy emotions. He has always been a very pure person and has not been restrained too much.

Back in the Lu family compound, he saw Huodezong's Feng Ping was unhappy, so he shot Fengping, seeing Lu Jin was unhappy, he wanted to confront Lu Jin, said he wanted to beat Zhang Zhiwei, he wanted to beat Zhang Zhiwei, and did everything with his heart.

In the Rusty Iron chapter of the plot, he was also such a person, forcibly breaking into the god-hate Tangmen, capturing Xu Xin, one of the 36 thieves later, with one hand, and finally got the ticket for the battle through the cave.

This is a very good state of mind, which is very beneficial to practice. If he can keep it up, his future is absolutely limitless.

However, the rusty iron chapter is Lu Ci's last self-willedness. He can have this kind of mentality, in fact, it is his elder brother who is carrying the burden for him.

When his elder brother was beheaded by the devil, he also shouldered the burden of the family, smoothed his unruly hedgehog hair, combed it to look like his elder brother, and gradually became the later mad dog Lu Ci who would do anything for the benefit of the family.

But in fact, there is no way to do it. The four major families can last for thousands of years, isn't it because of this? If the members of the Ruomen are all guys who do whatever they want, they may have broken up long ago.

Of course, the current Lu Ci is still very pure. He patted Wang Ai on the shoulder and said with a smile:
"Fatty, are you thinking about it? Why does a man have to worry about not having a wife?"

Wang Ai smiled, but didn't answer. He was actually a little confused, and he had to go to Changbai Mountain to know the details.

Seeing that Wang Ai and Lu Jin were preoccupied, Lu Ci didn't say much, looked at Zhang Zhiwei, and said:
"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Li once pointed out to me that if you want to integrate that vibrating energy into Ruyi Energy, you need to master Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound."

"Otherwise, there is no way to do it by stacking strength alone. According to Senior Li, among all the people who know how to master tiger and leopard thunder, Brother Zhang, you are the fastest at mastering it. Please give me some pointers!"

After the series of incidents were over, Lu Ci took advantage of the break to ask Zhang Zhixiu how to practice.

Hearing Lu Ci asking Zhang Zhiwei about the tiger leopard Lei Yin, Li Shuwen on the side also looked sideways.

Even though Zhang Zhiwei had explained to him why he was able to control Tiger Leopard Leiyin so quickly, Li Shuwen was still a little uneasy.

After all, what I have only comprehended after pursuing for decades, others have already learned in a few breaths, and anyone will be a little bit embarrassed.

"How to master Tiger Leopard Leiyin..." Zhang Zhiwei thought about how to answer.

For him, learning the thunder sound of the tiger and leopard is just to feel the rhythm of Li Shuwen's thunder sound, and then control every bone, muscle, skin, and internal organs of his body to move according to the rhythm of the rhythm. It's easy.

But if you say that directly, it would be too perfunctory, so you have to think of an easy-to-understand way of explaining it, and it's best to let Erbi feel it.

Zhang Zhiwei is not a person who cherishes himself with his broom. He has been through life and death together for so long, so it doesn't hurt to give him some pointers.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Zhiwei decided to practice it for Lu Ci, got up and said:
"Let's go, go outside, go to the sea, this place is a bit difficult to use!"

Lu Ci was overjoyed and hurried to follow, followed closely by Lu Jin and Wang Ai.

"Do you mind if I take a look at the old man?"

Li Shuwen, who was drinking with Liu Wei, said.

"Corrections are welcome!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Afterwards, a group of people walked along the secret road of the stronghold and came to the seaside from the drain.

After the railway garrison in Bincheng was killed, there were still policemen and some second-hand devils here, and the order was not in chaos. There were still ships berthing at the port wharf, and there were huge crowds of people.

Avoiding these crowds, Zhang Zhiwei and his party walked on the water from a remote part of the port, away from the port, and came to the offshore.

Looking back from here, the crowded port can no longer be seen clearly. There are only undulating waves all around, a towering lighthouse not far away, the chirping of falcons and the sound of waves beating.

"Just here, it's not bad here, I'll show you one more time, take a good look!"

Zhang Zhiwei stood on the sea, as if walking on flat ground, he did not use the golden light spell, but simply supported himself with qi.

At this moment, he was nearly 50 meters away from Lu Ci, Lu Jin and the others.

At this distance, when performing gong, it will not hurt them.

At the same time, they could see his every move clearly.

What he heard was not as profound as what he saw, so Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much, and suddenly raised his energy.

"Clap clap clap..."

The whole person changed as if reborn, every joint in the whole body exploded with crisp sounds, the muscles slowly tightened and relaxed, the breathing was heavy and powerful, and the body seemed to be pregnant with thunder.

During this period, whether it was Lu Ci, Lu Jin, Wang Ai, or Li Shuwen and Liu Wei, their eyes were always on Zhang Zhiwei, for fear of missing any details.

Lu Ci was so excited, cold sweat shot out from every pore of his body, his hands tightened involuntarily, and his breathing became urgent.

What he practices is wishful strength, and he can feel the change of strength the most. From Zhang Zhiwei's breathing and the rhythm of his muscles and bones, he feels strength, endless strength.

This force contracts when you inhale and explodes when you exhale.

"It's such a powerful force. This force doesn't stop, it doesn't stop, it seems to have no end. If you want to imitate it, you must have a strong cultivation base in life, so that your bones and muscles can withstand the vibration of Lei Yin."

"If the cultivation level is not enough, if you forcefully imitate it, you will suffer fractures and break your meridians."

"Hubao Leiyin strengthens his body. Logically speaking, he shouldn't hurt himself. The reason why he feels this way should be due to the angle of observation."

"Normal practice of tiger and leopard thunder sounds starts from the very subtle sounds bursting out from the meridians and bone marrow. That kind of thunder sound is the one that strengthens the body and enhances the cultivation of 'fate'. This kind of thunder sound does not Way to practice."

"So the Lei Yin that senior brother Zhang is practicing now is the Lei Yin that kills the enemy born after Lei Yin cultivated to a high place."

"If I learn it, it's equivalent to going from complex to simple, starting with the most difficult one, which has advantages and disadvantages!"

"The good thing is that the first thing I came into contact with was advanced methods. As long as I figured it out, I can learn the simple ones later without a teacher. There will be no more difficulties, and everything will come naturally."

"The downside is that this is very demanding on yourself. It not only tests your comprehension ability, but also your 'fate' cultivation. If your cultivation does not meet the standard, training will only ruin you."

"Before I learned to walk, I first learned internal skills. The past ten years of practicing internal skills have not been in vain. The cultivation of 'fate' is enough."

"The next thing that will test me is my comprehension. I must concentrate on capturing the moment when the thunder explodes!"

Lu Ci told himself this in his heart, and he stared at Zhang Zhiwei closely.

After boosting his strength, Zhang Zhiwei started to move. Because it was a special drill, his movements were slow enough for people to see every detail clearly.

While exhaling slowly, a streak of green energy surrounded his whole body, and gradually, that streak of green energy became faster and faster, so fast that it pierced the air and caused a howl.

Lu Ci stared closely at Zhang Zhiwei's figure, he understood that this was brewing, accumulating momentum, accumulating a little bit, raising a little bit, and then bursting out suddenly.

Under the waves, countless silver lightnings overflowed and flickered from Zhang Zhiwei's body. Along with the lightning, a bitter aura gushed out like a gate.

Immediately afterwards, a muffled sound like rolling thunder burst out from Zhang Zhiwei's body. At this time, Zhang Zhiwei was like a god, with his hair raised.

After the thunder, a louder thunder erupted from Zhang Zhiwei's body, just like thousands of troops galloping, the surrounding air slammed violently one after another under the thunder, and waves of sea surged in an instant. surging.

This kind of thunder doesn't seem to come from a human body at all, it's like an ancient brontosaurus standing behind Zhang Zhiwei.

All the spectators were stunned. They felt that a strong wind was blowing in front of them, and it was like a knife in the wind was gouging out their faces.

Zhang Zhiwei stepped forward, and the sea immediately collapsed, sinking a large part, but he himself was not affected in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, he began to exert the shock force that Lu Ci dreamed of.

Terrifying strength surged in his body, and when he slapped his palm, the turbulent air flow overflowed.

The majestic strength set off a strong shock wave, engulfing the surging tide, rushing to all directions.

Lu Ci's body was full of wishful energy, and he tried his best to stand still on the tsunami-like waves, his eyes fixed on Zhang Zhiwei.

Every movement of Zhang Zhiwei is not superfluous, and contains profound truths and principles. Most people can't understand it, and they will only think that this person is so fierce. tsunami.

But at the level of Lu Ci's cultivation, he has a relatively complete understanding of cultivation and strength, and can see some of the mysteries in it.

Zhang Zhiwei inhaled when he received the move, and when he inhaled, the thunder gradually stopped, and when the thunder suddenly started, he exhaled again to make the move, so that the momentum of his whole body climbed to the peak.

In this way, there is no need to rest again and again, which can ensure that every move of oneself is at its peak.

Lu Ci not only observed Zhang Zhiwei's body with his eyes, but also felt it through Ruyi Jin. Gradually, he seemed to understand the trick of Hubao Leiyin.

(End of this chapter)

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