Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 216 The Divine Spear, A Genius Understands It

Chapter 216 The Divine Spear, A Genius Understands It

"Okay, okay, come together, I will only demonstrate it once, so watch it!"

As Li Shuwen said, he stepped forward and drew a circle on the sea surface. Around this circle, he sometimes turned forward and sometimes reversed, giving people a feeling of embracing yin and yang.

"Cultivating one way, many things are the same. Bajiquan method, 'Baji' means Yin and Yang, and 'Ji' means clever changes tend to go far. The name of Bajiquan method is based on its meaning!"

"The Japanese pirates only knew that I was the master of Baji, and even gave me the title of 'Gangquan Wuer Da', but how did they know that what I am best at is not fists, but spears, Baji Liuhe spears , Bajiquan and guns are not separated, what I want to demonstrate today is marksmanship!"

Li Shuwen stretched out his hand to grab it empty, and he swallowed vigorously in his palm, and the sea water rolled up, forming a big gun made of water in his hand.

Li Shuwen held up the big spear: "Baji Liuhe gun, heart and mind, mind and energy, energy and strength, internal three, hands and feet, elbows and knees, shoulders and hips, external three. Together, this is Liuhe."

"Liuhe has the power to twist into one strand, and within one stab, everything can be pierced. Of course, if you can't penetrate it with one stab, then you can stab it a second time, a third time, and countless times!"

While speaking, Li Shuwen's eyes fell on the tip of his gun. In his eyes, it seemed that there was only the tip of this water gun left in the world.

"The tip of the gun is a point. When you focus all your energy on the tip of the gun, let your body adjust to the most suitable position for shooting the gun. Pay attention to my figure at the moment!"

Li Shuwen's body trembled slightly, and the shaking was very small. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't even be able to notice these subtle changes.

But Zhang Zhiwei could see very clearly that during the extremely fine adjustments just now, Li Shuwen's wrists, elbows, waist and legs began to approach the most perfect shooting posture.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shuwen fired his gun, a ray of blue light rose sharply, and the gun head came out like a dragon hole. Li Shuwen and his gun seemed to be integrated into one body, and the blow was full of domineering and bloody.

The water gun actually drew meteor-like light marks in mid-air. The shadow of the gun was like a silver bottle being broken, and the water slurry poured out, splashing towards the crowd. This is Li Shuwen showing the power of the gun to everyone.

Wang Ai didn't dare to move, as if he was suppressed by something invisible. It was Li Shuwen's gun. Under this gun, he couldn't even escape, let alone resist.

Lu Jin trembled all over, feeling as if ten thousand and ten thousand long needles were piercing every part of his body. He felt trembling, but excited at the same time.

Lu Ci felt the same way as him, a breath rushed out from every pore of his body, as if he heard the echo from the bottom of his heart.

This made him feel uncomfortable, and his eyes became as sharp as knives. Coupled with his unruly hair, he really looked like a hedgehog.

As for Zhang Zhiwei, he was unmoved in the slightest, looking at Li Shuwen's magical spear, he seemed to have disappeared.

"It's said that I'm the best at punching, but in fact, I'm the best at continuous punching!"

Li Shuwen held the water gun with his right hand, and pressed down with the thumb of his left hand. After the magical gun shot just now, the water gun clanged violently, and the continuous gunfire burst out again. Gunflowers bloom.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment. Just now he wanted to say, is the sharp gun Li Shuwen's unique skill just the one shot just now?
Although he admitted that the magic shot just now was really extraordinary, but that's all. Some were not worthy of the title of Li Shuwen's magic gun, but he didn't expect that that shot was just an appetizer.

After that shot, there were countless guns of magic coming out.

No wonder he said before that if you encounter an enemy, you will shoot once, if you can't kill yourself with one shot, you will shoot again, two shots, three shots... countless shots.

One shot is easy to block, but dozens of shots, hundreds of shots are pierced in the same position to break the face, then it is unstoppable.

In the blink of an eye, Li Shuwen fired dozens of guns in a row. The guns were like collapsing clouds, tearing countless silvery gun marks in the air, causing the air to turbulent.

At the time of the No.80 shot, Li Shuwen stopped his movements, retracted his wrists, and let the gun marks disappear like slush claws.

These eighty guns were only for drills, so there was not much movement. Compared with Zhang Zhiwei's previous tiger and leopard thunderstorm, it is not worth mentioning. However, the things contained in this eighty guns are a little Not less.

After a set of drills was completed, Li Shuwen took a step back, and the chilling atmosphere suddenly dissipated. The long spear made of condensed sea water made a clear sound, then collapsed and merged into the sea.

"This trick is called Eighty Dozens of Sharpshooters. How about it? Do you understand?" Li Shuwen asked.

Wang Ai nodded, and then shook his head again. He felt that he understood, just hold a gun, point it at a point, and stab it hard, it couldn't be easier.However, he couldn't do it, so he shook his head again.

Lu Jin: "I understand a little bit!"

Lu Ci: "I understand the general idea!"

The two said in unison.

"Are you all enlightened?" Li Shuwen glanced at Zhang Zhiwei who was still in deep thought, turned to look at Lu Jin and Lu Ci, and said with great interest, "Then...show me?"

Lu Ci and Lu Jin looked at each other.

"Who goes first?" Lu Jin asked.

Lu Ci pointed at him: "The weak come first!"

"What kind of bird fart, who are you calling weak?"

"Whoever is defeated, the heart of anger collapses, crying and screaming, whoever is weak!"

"Fart, whoever is being carried and beaten like a chicken is the weak one!"

As the instigator of the two black materials, Zhang Zhiwei scratched his head, watching the two men who were in a state of arrogance to expose each other's background and expose the black materials, and suddenly fell silent.

In the end, Wang Ai, who grew up as two people, couldn't stand it anymore, and suggested that the two should decide by guessing fists like they did when they were young.

The quarrel suddenly stopped, and the two looked solemn, staring into each other's eyes, and made moves together.

One person produces scissors.

One out of stone.

Lu Ci raised her eyebrows: "I told you it was you first!"

"Hmph, I'll go first!"

Lu Jin snorted coldly, restrained his expression, turned around, clasped his hands to Li Shuwen solemnly, and said:
"Thank you Senior Li for passing on the skills. The kid has a little understanding. However, the kid has only learned some boxing skills since he was a child, and he is not proficient in marksmanship. Therefore, on a whim, he integrated Senior Li's sharp gun into his hand skills. , I also ask the seniors to give pointers!"

"Integrate into martial arts?" Li Shuwen's eyes lit up, "Hurry up and make moves, let this old man open his eyes!"

"The junior will show his shame!"

After all, Lu Jin Yun Qi directly activated the reverse life state.

Under the sea breeze, countless white light arcs overflowed and flickered from his body, light and gorgeous, setting him off like a banished fairy.

Zhang Zhiwei saw the shadow of Zuo Ruotong from Lu Jin who was in the reverse life state. Lu Jin's state was somewhat similar to Zuo Ruotong in normal state.

Lu Jin let out a high-pitched roar, and pointed like a sword, his hands flashed with platinum light.

Immediately afterwards, the pace changed, and powerful qi gushed out like a gate.

"Crash, crash, crash, crash..."

A series of bows erupted from the body like a thunderbolt, it was the sound of muscles and bones.

Before Zhang Zhiwei practiced the tiger and leopard thunder sound, although Lu Jin didn't understand it thoroughly, he also gained something. The sound of muscles and bones is the gain.

As the muscles and bones in his body exploded, Lu Jin began to adjust his body shape and pace to make it fit the trend of heaven and earth.

Then, his hands were like two short spears, thrusting out, tearing apart the air, causing white air shock waves.

One shot after another, the faster the speed, the greater the power.

This is exactly the method learned from Li Shuwen's eighty strikes of sharp guns.

Lu Jin knew that his spear skills were not good, if he used a big gun in his hand, it would be full of loopholes.

So he wanted to learn from each other's strengths, and use his good business cards instead of big guns to display them.

Although his actions seemed a bit nondescript, he learned some essence and charm.

Although it was a little unfamiliar when it was first performed, it quickly became proficient.

With every movement of his hands and feet, he looked like a dragon showing fierce claws and claws on the sea, and his power was quite extraordinary.

Li Shuwen was very excited when he read it. Even if he was a direct disciple, he only learned one or two things.

But he didn't expect that after practicing Zhang Zhiwei's teaching method, this kid from the Lu family actually learned the charm, and even used his magic spear power on the business card.

Such a talent is so amazing, why didn't it be discovered before? !

Thinking of this, Li Shuwen glanced at Zhang Zhiwei next to him, wondering if it was because the light on the little celestial master was too bright that it covered up the other two geniuses?
Since the kid from the Lu family can perform like this, what can the little celestial master do?

(End of this chapter)

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