Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 217 Let you practice, you will be overwhelmed

Chapter 217 Let you practice, you will be overwhelmed
After the rehearsal, Lu Jin let out a long breath, put away the inverse state, and bowed to Li Shuwen:
"Please advise Senior Li!"

Li Shuwen praised: "Sure enough, a hero comes out of a youth. As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. I will practice it once, and you will be able to comprehend some of the essence of it and derive your own understanding. This does not need too much advice. Now, the Tao is only under your feet, maybe my opinion is not a good thing for you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shuwen looked at Lu Ci: "Boy of the Lu family, it's your turn!"

"Then I'll be ugly!"

Lu Ci didn't have as many rules as Lu Jin, he took two steps sideways, his figure flashed, and his hands were shot like the head of a big gun. The technique was so fast that only a series of afterimages could be seen.

Ordinary people may not be able to tell which is real and which is fake.

After all, they are enemies. Lu Ci's approach is similar to that of Lu Jin. They both borrow the charm of Li Shuwen's big gun, and then use his fists to hit the gun.

However, compared to Lu Jin's opening and closing, Lu Ci is more elegant and agile.

In other words, although it is not as powerful as Lu Jin, it is more technical.

Because, although Lu Ci's shot looked as mighty as a big spear piercing someone, his fingers were wobbling, beating again and again, clanging and cracking the air, as if ten bows and crossbows were fired from his hands.

Especially when he was exerting energy, the big tendons on his body vibrated and buzzed like bowstrings.

Look at that, his fingers are probably aimed at the opponent's meridians and acupoints at any time, which is in line with Ruyi Jin's characteristic of destroying meridians.

Both Li Shuwen and Zhang Zhiwei can clearly see the difference in the methods used by Lu Jin and Lu Ci.

If you want Zhang Zhiwei to describe it.

Lu Jin's attack is like an AK47, it's a continuous shot with fast speed and strong penetrating power.

Lu Ci is like a shotgun. When he shot, the tip of the gun was pierced, and he fired with ten fingers in succession, all bursting with force.

In fact, from the way a person does things, you can roughly see the person's character.

Although both Lu Jin and Lu Ci were a bit reckless, if you compare them carefully, you will find that Lu Ci is rough but subtle, and Lu Jin is a pure iron reckless man.

This point can also be seen from the revenge of the two of them.

In order to avenge his elder brother, Lu Ci knew that the people of Bihe Mountain were difficult to deal with, so he tried every means to find the people of Tangmen to take advantage of them, and finally got revenge.

Although he never knew the news of Eita's death, this revenge was actually avenged.

However, in order to avenge his master, Lu Jin turned out to be the real one. Through the eyeliner of the various factions, he found the trace of Wu Gensheng, and then he took only a few brothers from the Trinity Sect to take revenge.

As for the result... all the brothers and sisters died, and I was seriously injured and near death, and the Trinity School completely fell.

Such a good opportunity was wasted, if he had a thicker skin then, lowered his face, and contacted Senior Brother Zhang who was looking for juniors all over the world like a headless chicken.

It is said that the culprit has been found, and if he is caught, the junior brother can be found, so can the senior brother Zhang come over without bumping?Can rootless students run away?
In the final analysis, Old Lu was too upright and honest.



After finishing the set, Lu Ci exhaled and collected his strength, jumped to Lu Jin's side, clasped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Li, for teaching me!"

"You're welcome," Li Shuwen said with a big laugh, "The perception of one way of practice is often like that antelope with horns, no trace to be found, and money is hard to find. I said before that you are people with all three of talent, hard work, and luck." , You are really right!"

"By the way," Li Shuwen looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Little Heavenly Master, what do you say, come and show your hands?!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Sure enough, there are only wrong names in this world, and there is no wrong nickname. The name of the old man's sharp gun really deserves his reputation! I have also benefited a lot, so let's show off?"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei's body trembled violently, and God-sent violence poured into his whole body.

Almost in an instant, a muffled thunder-like sound erupted from his body.

As soon as his footsteps seemed to be withdrawn at random, he fully unfolded his fist.

His posture almost blinded Lu Jin, Lu Ci and the others, as if they were alone, facing the vast black sea of ​​clouds on the top of Kunlun Mountain, continuous thunder, countless lightning, overwhelming the sky, simply Submerge yourself between heaven and earth.

Did you use Tiger Leopard?

This momentum is amazing!

Several people quickly calmed down and looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

I saw that he had already made a move, wrapping the strong wind with his palm, like swallowing the blade of a big gun, with force like collapsing clouds, continuous and continuous, like overwhelming mountains and seas in one go.

Coupled with the tiger leopard thunder sound in the body, at this moment, it feels like a thousand guns are being fired. This kind of power, let alone a head-on confrontation, just hearing the sound, there is a feeling that the mountain collapsed before. feel.

For this feeling, Wang Ai has a very right to speak.

At this moment, he was enduring this kind of pain, his face wrinkled into a ball, and he covered his ears, the thunder sound like a thousand guns fired so loudly that he was deaf and tinnitus.

Damn it, I'm going to practice martial arts too, I need to improve my "fate" skills, otherwise, I won't be deaf if this happens a few more times?
Wang Ai felt bad luck in his heart, last time he was knocked out by Senior Brother Zhang, this time it happened again, and it was even more ruthless than last time.

Originally, Wang Ai was still hesitant about whether to practice life skills, but now, Zhang Zhiwei's thunder sound woke him up.

It must be practiced. I don't want to achieve much in life, but I just want to stop suffering from unreasonable disasters like this.

You know, whether it's Senior Brother Zhang, Prudence or Hedgehog, they are all making progress. If you don't change, you don't know if you will be yelled to death someday.

As soon as Wang Aigang thought about it, suddenly, a huge wave hit and overturned the boat under his feet directly. The force scattered in all directions, engulfed by the turbulent sea water, enveloped him in an instant.

"Damn it... gurgling..."


Not only Wang Ai, but also Lu Jin was hit by a sudden wave and sank into the sea.

"Fuck, what's going on, why is this wave getting bigger and bigger? Wave after wave, it's like a tsunami!"

Lu Jin only felt that the turbulent current in the sea was surging, the waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the impact contained in them was getting bigger and bigger.

Relying on his own qi, it was very difficult for him to stabilize his figure in the sea.

"What happened to the others, it can't be just me!"

With a secret thought, Lu Jin turned to look at the others.

I saw Lu Ci stepping on the waves, his figure undulating with the waves, just like a vigorous tide-rider.

Some time ago, the reason why Lu Ci was able to integrate Die Jin into Ruyi Jin was because he practiced boxing in big rivers. He has long been used to boxing in turbulent currents and waves.

Although the waves are big now, they are not beyond his ability, so he can deal with them with ease.

Looking at Li Shuwen again, he stood on the surface of the water like a big gun, those several-meter-high waves collapsed under the pressure of his fierce aura before they rushed in front of him.

As for Liu Wei, good guy, he is even more powerful. He directly uses unknown means to ride the wind, floating in mid-air, and is not affected by the waves at all.

"No wonder Senior Brother Zhang said Shopkeeper Liu is the No. 1 Qinggong in the world. This is really extraordinary!"

Lu Jin sighed, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, as if he had forgotten something, and quickly looked around.

I saw that the sea and the sky almost formed a line, with the sound of the wind whistling in my ears, big waves rushing, and waves came one after another.

Some waves are taller than people, like mountains, carrying the power of thunder and thunder, rolling over mountains and seas.

The previously calm sea looked as if a devil was roaring, and the violent waves swept across, the power and power were thrilling.

"Damn it, Senior Brother Zhang, I asked you to rehearse, and you're overwhelmed?"

Lu Jin complained, and his mind was agitated, and he finally remembered what was wrong.

"Fatty, by the way, where is Fatty, why didn't you see Fatty?"

"No, no, this level of turbulent waves, not to mention people, is a big steel ship, and it might be overturned and swept away."

"How could Fatty block the boat that Fatty drew with God's paint? He shouldn't be swept into the bottom of the sea, right?"

Lu Jin became anxious all of a sudden, and quickly called Senior Brother Zhang, Hedgehog, Senior Li, Shopkeeper Liu, wanting them to save someone.

As a result, these people were fascinated by Zhang Zhiwei's punching, coupled with the continuous tsunami and thunder, his shouts were drowned out, and no one paid attention to him at all.

"Fuck, did he really fuck!"

Lu Jin cursed secretly, plunged into the water, looking for Wang Ai's trace.

But he underestimated the power of the turbulence in the sea.

In the water, he couldn't take advantage of his strength, and these turbulent currents were generated by the aftermath of Zhang Zhiwei's fist strength.

They are so close to Zhang Zhiwei at this moment, the power contained in these aftermath can be imagined.

As soon as Lu Jin plunged into the sea, his whole body was affected by the sea water. There were only huge waves one after another in front of him, and he couldn't see anything, let alone find someone.

the other side.


A series of seawater choked into his mouth, and Wang Ai felt it was astringent and salty. He struggled hard, but it didn't help. He was soon dragged by the undercurrent to the deep sea.

"Ahhh... I'm done today. Brother Zhang said before when he killed the Japanese pirates that many Japanese pirates died because of his random unknown AOE. At that time, I didn't quite understand what AOE is. Now I understand it. , I am a living example!"

Wang Ai's heart was full of despair. Seeing the surroundings getting darker and the light above his head getting smaller and smaller, he couldn't help but think of his grandfather, his father, and those loved ones who loved him.

They have always thought that they are the big treasures of the Wang family, and they will become great weapons in the future!
But if I let them know that I died under the unknown aftermath of the rehearsal while watching others rehearse, I think it would be embarrassing!

For a moment, Wang Ai burst into tears, his heart was full of bitterness, and he couldn't help regretting. There were many opportunities to practice in front of him, but he didn't cherish them. He regretted it when he was about to die of an unintentional AOE.

If he can be given another chance, he must practice hard, no longer just know how to eat, drink and have fun, he must work hard, not only must he cultivate his family's unique skills, but also practice martial arts well to improve his life.


But at this moment, a bright golden light cut through the deep darkness and enveloped him.

This golden light is very thin, but it is extremely tenacious, no matter how strong the surrounding undercurrents are, it will not be able to impact in the slightest.

Enveloped by this golden light, he began to rise rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he broke through the water and came to the surface of the sea.

The sun above his head shone on his face, and as soon as the pressure around him eased, Wang Ai immediately took a deep breath.

A feeling of surviving after a catastrophe rose spontaneously from my heart.

He suddenly felt relieved, tears streamed down his face, but he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, while laughing, he choked up and said:

"I must practice hard in the future, I want to cultivate 'sex', I also want to cultivate 'fate', I will catch up step by step, I don't want to..."

Originally, Wang Ai was just whimpering to encourage himself, but because of the ringing in his ears, he was not sure about his own voice. The voice was a bit loud, so loud that people around could hear it.

For a moment, everyone looked at him in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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