Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 218 Ask the Little Celestial Master for Advice

Chapter 218 Ask the Little Celestial Master for Advice
"I must practice hard in the future, I want to cultivate 'sex', I also want to cultivate 'fate', I will catch up step by step, I don't want to..."

Wang Ai choked up halfway through his speech, when he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Everyone was staring at him with surprised faces.

He wasn't stupid, and he immediately realized that the words he had just expressed were heard by them.

What a shame, he immediately shut his mouth and stopped talking, with a shy brow and shrugged eyes.

"What do you want?"

Zhang Zhiwei asked with a smile, and at the same time waved away the golden light that wrapped Wang Ai.

As Zhang Jingqing said, Zhang Zhiwei seldom casts his eyes on others. Wang Ai was drowning, but he really didn't notice.

Just now, after watching Li Shuwen practice eighty-dozen sharpshooters, he was inspired and thought of some interesting tricks, so he practiced it.

Because it was just a whim, I didn't expect that Wang Ai, the future top ten in the alien world, would be affected, after all, the aftermath could kill people?

He didn't react until Lu Jin threw a ball of Gang Qi at him and yelled at him that something happened to the fat man.

Immediately pasted a heaven and earth audio-visual talisman, locked Wang Ai's position, shot a golden light, and pulled him up.

"Nothing is nothing!"

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei's question, Wang Ai shook his head, wrinkled his face, and spit out the seawater in his stomach.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiwei didn't ask any more questions, and looked at Li Shuwen: "How is it, old man?"

Li Shuwen stood on the surface of the sea, looked at the overwhelming waves, and after a while, sighed:

"The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones. If the Lu family boy and the Lu family boy gave me surprises, then you, little celestial master, will surprise me!"

"The Eighty Dozens of sharp spears I used just now were born out of Bajiquan. It is an integration and improvement of my understanding of Bajiquan."

"But I never expected that you would do the opposite, Little Heavenly Master, and you could strip out the charm of my "Eighty Dozens of Magic Spears" and integrate it into Bajiquan again, so that it can be recreated. Further, the power is even greater than before!"

"Such a savvy, such an ability to understand, really opened the eyes of this old man. This old man is a bit out of hand. I am ashamed of myself!"

"Using martial arts to make friends, the old man is serious," Zhang Zhiwei said: "Besides, my method is only a little better than your sharp gun, old man, eighty dozen!"

Be a little stronger... The conversation between the two of them stunned the friends next to them.

Is it really appropriate to say such words, Senior Brother Zhang, you really are not humble at all!

"Little Heavenly Master is still humble." Li Shuwen said: "This is not just a little bit strong, I saw clearly just now, you are stepping on the momentum of heaven and earth, and you have punched hundreds of punches in a row, and the strength of each punch is at its peak. .”

"Every punch is accompanied by the thunder of tigers and leopards. It can be said that once a strike is made, it is like rolling thunder, continuous and unstoppable."

"Although I also know Tiger Leopard, and the speed of my spear is not slower than your punching speed, but there is a difference between the two."

"Because my tiger and leopard thunder sound exploded with my breath, and when I used eighty dozen sharp guns, it was difficult for my thunder sound to keep up with the rhythm because the speed of the gun was too fast. "

"So, not every blow I hit has the power of the tiger and leopard Leiyin. Usually, only the first shot, the middle shot and the ending shot can attach the force of Leiyin."

"But you are different. I can see it clearly. Every move you make is accompanied by tiger and leopard thunder."

"The rhythm of your thunder sounds is too fast. It gives me the feeling that your thunder sounds are not based on the rhythm of your breathing, but based on the rhythm of your shots!"

Li Shuwen sighed and said: "This is too scary. Out of my eighty dozens, only three dozen have the momentum of thunder, but among your hundred moves, all of them have the momentum of thunder."

"Compared individually, my three strikes with the momentum of thunder are not inferior to yours, but quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Compared with the whole, there is a big gap."

"Tsk tsk tsk... a hundred moves in a row, the moves are like thunder shaking the ground, one thunder sound has not disappeared, another thunder sound explodes, rolling thunder and thunder overlap, plus Baji's shocking force."

"It's no wonder that you can create such a big storm on the surface of the sea. What you have done is really beyond the limit of manpower. Little Heavenly Master, if your cultivation level goes further, I'm afraid it will really turn into a natural disaster!"

Senior Brother Zhang will go one step further and it will be a natural disaster... Lu Ci next to him was stunned for a moment. He still remembered that when Zhang Zhiwei was performing martial arts in the Lu Family Courtyard, Zhang Zhiwei told him to use his ruyi strength, straightness, ruyi, and changeable characteristics to simulate natural disasters , to simulate the most violent force in the world.

During this period of time, he has been crossing the river like a blind man, a little confused, and can only take one step at a time according to his own ideas. Although he has made some achievements, his future is still uncertain.

But now, he is no longer confused. The natural disaster is far away and hard to touch, but Senior Brother Zhang is right in front of him. He can touch this human-shaped natural disaster with his hand, why bother to look far away?
Lu Jin also looked surprised, but he didn't think so much about Lu Ci, he just made a secret decision in his heart to keep up with Senior Brother Zhang and live up to his youth.

As for Li Shuwen's words, the victim Wang Ai felt the deepest. He was almost sucked into the bottom of the sea before, and he still has lingering fears about the feeling of strong pressure squeezing his internal organs. Natural disasters must be natural disasters. Confused.

As for Zhang Zhiwei... He readily accepted Li Shuwen's evaluation, isn't that what it should be?
Ding Zhang'an, one of the two heroes of the later generations, when he was pinched by the neck and held up high in the story of the Heavenly Master descending the mountain, he felt that this was a natural disaster-like power.

Li Shuwen looked at Zhang Zhiwei, with a solemn face, clasped his hands and said:
"Little Celestial Master, please teach me how your thunder sounds so fast?"

When asked this question, Li Shuwen was a little embarrassed. After all, he said to teach before, but he didn't expect that he would end up being taught.

Damn, Senior Li actually asked Senior Brother Zhang to teach him... Everyone just felt that their brains were in a daze, and they couldn't turn around.

They have always known that Senior Brother Zhang is very powerful, but they did not expect Senior Brother Zhang to be so powerful.

Not only can he point them out, but he can also point out old seniors like Li Shuwen who have been famous for a long time!
Shopkeeper Liu Wei and Liu, who was in mid-air, adjusted his glasses and looked at this scene with a look of astonishment. He didn't expect this result at all, the pointing party became the pointing party.

Interesting, really interesting, this is important information, write it down, you must write it down, Xiao Zhan still underestimated this little celestial master.

After returning, I must increase the intelligence level of this little celestial master, and it is best not to sell it to the outside world, but I can’t hate the relationship I have built through life and death just for the sake of petty profits...

Liu Wei, who is the shopkeeper of Jianghu Inn, was secretly thinking about it.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Li Shuwen who was holding hands opposite him, pondered for a moment, and said:
"You don't have to be so polite, old man. As I said before, you make friends with martial arts. As for why my Lei Yin can be so fast, it's no secret."

"In my opinion, first of all, there must be a certain foundation of life as a support. You must be in line with this, old man!"

"And then there is the second point. I thought about it just now. It should be caused by the different ways you and I understand Lei Yin."

"Normal comprehension of Leiyin is based on the rhythm of breathing, and then breaks through the surface, from the inside to the outside, from simple to complex, and expands a little bit. Your Leiyin is like this, old man."

"As for my Lei Yin, I took a shortcut. I was born from the complex to the simple, from the outside to the inside. Basically, it is wrapped around the muscles and bones of the whole body. It is not driven by breathing, so there is no need to follow the rules of breathing."

"Maybe the old man can give it a try. Temporarily forget the way Lei Yin used to exert his strength, and try to train from the outside to the inside, reversing the tiger and leopard Lei Yin. Maybe there will be surprises!"

"Reverse practice tiger leopard thunder sound, reverse practice reverse practice..." Li Shuwen murmured to himself for a while, then suddenly became excited, raised his head and laughed loudly:
"Understood, I understand, I understand. If I want to go further, I need to re-practice the tiger and leopard thunder, starting from the fur, running through it step by step, practicing from the outside to the inside, and then blending the inside and the outside. The two kinds of thunder The sound is combined into one, so the hundred-foot railing must go one step further.”

With that said, Li Shuwen suppressed his excitement, looked at Zhang Zhiwei, clasped his hands again and said:
"Thank you, little Heavenly Master, for your guidance. My cultivation base has been stagnant for many years, and I have found a way forward again. Now I am full of inspiration, so I will excuse you first. The road is far away, and we will meet later!"

After all, his body shook, and his whole body fell straight into the sea like a giant iron tuo. He actually punched under the tens of meters of water, exactly what Zhang Zhiwei practiced just now. .

At this depth, ordinary people might not be able to withstand the water pressure, but Li Shuwen is fine.

He walks steadily, turning and moving, without the slightest resistance from the sea water. His movements are open and closed, and there is no suffocation. He is supported by one breath, which shows the strength of his lungs and the strength of his internal organs.

Li Shuwen beat vigorously, his whole body swelled with all his strength, and the water flow was rolled up. One after another, vortices appeared on the sea surface, making the sea surface turbulent again.

After finishing one set, Li Shuwen didn't stop, and played the second set and the third set one after another.

It was so far away that everyone was on the surface of the sea, and they couldn't feel his figure. They only saw a vortex on the surface of the sea from time to time, as if there was a huge sea monster making waves under the water.

"Senior Li!" Lu Jin yelled, worrying about Li Shuwen's accident.

But no reply.

At the same time, the waves on the sea became smaller and smaller, which showed that Li Shuwen was diving deeper and further away.

Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhang, is there something wrong? Shall we go find it?"

"Don't worry about this!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand: "For us practitioners, the epiphany is like an antelope hanging horns, and there is no trace. If you miss it, it will be a lifetime regret. Let's not bother!"

(End of this chapter)

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