Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 219: Finding the Dragon Compass

Chapter 219: Finding the Dragon Compass
Li Shuwen stepped on the sea, and the aftermath was still there. The light gray sea was undulating, as if a huge sea beast was about to break out of the water, and the waves were sometimes rough.

"There is always a banquet in the world. Since Uncle Li is gone, I will stay soon!" Liu Wei, who was floating on the sea, said suddenly.

"Isn't shopkeeper Liu going to Changbai Mountain?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Little Heavenly Master was joking. Changbai Mountain is a place where different people show their supernatural powers. For a person like me who is only good at a little light work, it doesn't matter if I go or not!" Liu Wei said.

"However, Changbai Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. If shopkeeper Liu doesn't point out the way, wouldn't it be like looking for a needle in a haystack? How can we find the dragon vein?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Please rest assured, little celestial master, naturally there are means to guide the way!"

As Liu Wei said, he took out a palm-sized golden compass from his pocket and said:
"I said before that the imperial mausoleum where the dragon veins are located is surrounded by a very powerful Qi Bureau."

"This qi bureau has covered up everything there. For ordinary people, even if they search Changbai Mountain all over, they still won't be able to find it."

"The reason why the Japanese pirates were able to find it was because Prince Su, the hereditary Iron Hat King, led the way."

"And I found it based on the whereabouts of the Japanese pirates. In order to facilitate future travel, I made some compass and recorded the coordinates of the location of the dragon vein on the compass."

After all, Liu Wei threw the compass into Zhang Zhiwei's hands.


Zhang Zhiwei flicked his thumb, opened the compass, and saw that the pointer inside was spinning rapidly, and after spinning a few times, it finally pointed to somewhere in the north.

"Shopkeeper Liu, is the direction pointed by the pointer the same as the direction where the dragon's veins are located?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Liu Wei nodded: "That's right, you just need to follow the pointer all the way to find the location."

"Then thank you shopkeeper Liu!" Zhang Zhiwei put away the compass and clasped his hands.

"Little Celestial Master, you are too polite!"

Liu Wei also clasped his hands and said, "Little Heavenly Master went to Changbai Mountain here for the sake of the country and the people, to eradicate Japanese pirates, and for the righteousness of the world. I should be the one to say thank you!"

Along the way, no matter whether it was wiping Zhang Zhiwei's ass, news to Fujita, news from the railway company, news from Admiral Takeshita Yujiro, news from Changbai Mountain, etc., Liu Wei never talked about a single word of money.

A big man does something and doesn't. From the standpoint of the country's righteousness, he has always been unambiguous.

For the entire operation in Liaodong this time, except for the sum of money he collected from Dashuai Zhang, all other operations, manpower and material resources mobilized were all borne by Jianghu Xiaozhan.

Zhang Zhiwei also had a tacit understanding and didn't talk about money. He was full of loyalty and came to help you, but you used money to insult?

What's more, he doesn't have any money at all. Doesn't it seem hypocritical to say these things based on his family assets of dozens of oceans?
Therefore, Zhang Zhiwei did not mention this matter.

"When are you going to do it?" Liu Wei said, "Is there anything else I need to arrange? Just tell me!"

"It's not too late, let's leave immediately. As for the arrangements..." Zhang Zhiwei raised the compass in his hand, "This is enough!"

"That's good," Liu Wei clasped his hands together: "There is always a feast in the world, the rivers and lakes are far away, we will see you in the future!"

"The road is far away, see you in the future!"

"The road is far away, see you in the future!"


Zhang Zhiwei and his party also clasped their hands together and said.

Afterwards, Liu Wei smiled, and his figure was erratic, like a piece of weightless paper, flying away on the sea breeze.

On the surface of the sea, there were only four people left.

"Shopkeeper Liu's lightness skill is really chic," Lu Ci sighed, and asked impatiently, "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, how do we go to Changbai Mountain?"

"Let's take the train. It's hundreds of kilometers to Changbai Mountain!" Wang Ai said hastily.

"Take the train again, are you still not tired of sitting? I am tired of it anyway!" Lu Jin said: "Besides, the speed of that thing is not as fast as I can run!"

"Brother Lu is right!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Besides, we have killed all the railway guards of the Japanese pirates, and there is no other way to sit."

"Then how do we go?" Lu Ci asked.

"Didn't Brother Lu say that?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, "Run!"

"Run... run?"

"Really... want to run? How many hundred kilometers away?"

After all, Lu Ci and Wang Ai glared at Lu Jin, crow's mouth, which pot is not open and which pot to lift!
"I... I'm just joking!" Lu Jin's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Senior brother Zhang, you really don't want to run!"

"Don't worry!" Zhang Zhiwei patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I will help you all, just like when I first set off!"

Just like when we started...

The three of them froze for a moment, then recalled that that night, the three of them ran along the mountain road with the god-shaped armored horse talisman attached, while Senior Brother Zhang was riding a crane, flying leisurely in the sky.

"Fuck, Brother Zhang, you can't treat them differently. We don't want to run away, we have to ride cranes!" Lu Jin said quickly.

At that time, he was not very familiar with him, so he didn't have the nerve to mention it, but now, with the wind and the rain, and life and death for so long, the familiarity can't be more familiar, of course he dared to protest.

"Senior brother Zhang, you can't eat alone!" Lu Ci also said.

"That's right, Brother Zhang, you are riding a crane by yourself. That's not good. Let those Japanese pirates see you and think you can't afford to draw it. Why don't you draw another one, one for each person!" Wang Ai also said.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"One for each person, how beautiful do you think!" Zhang Zhiwei said angrily, "Do you really think this thing is so easy to make?"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't get Fuhe for them, not because he was stingy, but because he couldn't get it out.

It is not too difficult to draw the talisman of the crane, but the difficulty is to make it last forever.

This requires good-quality talisman paper, and only good-quality talisman paper can carry more power.

If it is ordinary yellow paper, the crane will fall apart after flying for three to five minutes. If it flies high and falls from a thousand meters, it will be a big game.

The reason why his paper crane can fly thousands of miles.

One is because he often warms it up.

Another reason is that the paper used by this paper crane is of an unusual material. After he shot his master with the flying thunder sword, he secretly slipped it from the master's desk when he went to the Dashang Qing Palace to plead guilty.

How can there be extra characters for them?

"By the way, Fatty, can't you paint a lot of things?" Zhang Zhiwei suggested: "How about you draw four big birds and carry us there?"

Wang Ai shook his head straightly: "What are you thinking, Senior Brother Zhang? What I draw is essentially driven by my qi. If I draw four birds carrying you to Changbai Mountain, what is the difference between me and me carrying you to Changbai Mountain?"

Hearing that they were carrying them to Changbai Mountain, Lu Jin and Lu Ci were eager to try, Wang Ai's mouth twitched, and he quickly suggested:
"Brother Zhang, let's run!"

Lu Jin: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Sure enough, Lu Xun said it well, if you want to open a window, you need to tear down the roof first!
Zhang Zhiwei looked at the constipated crowd, waved his hands, and said:
"Look at how stupid you are, since you don't want to run away, then we can make a compromise!"

"Have a compromise?" The three of them were taken aback, "How about a compromise?"

"Go back to the base first, and take the package left there!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Before they came out to perform martial arts, they didn't know that they would break up so soon, so they didn't bring their luggage, and the pile of talismans and Dongfeng sword were still in the stronghold.

"Why bother?" Lu Jin said, "Senior Brother Zhang, you just use the five ghosts to carry the talismans, wouldn't it be enough to move them here?"

"Five ghosts don't need talismans to carry talismans?!"

Zhang Zhiwei said in a bad mood, this kid hasn't learned the Tongtian talisman yet, so he just acted like this. After learning the Tongtian talisman, why don't he scatter the talisman as beans?

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei tapped lightly on the sea surface, the qi movement circulated, and his figure rose into the air as if he had no weight.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai hurriedly followed.

The four rushed back to the stronghold, cleaned up a bit, and came out of the drain pipe to the seaside of Bincheng.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what is our compromise method?" Lu Jin asked quickly.

"it is this!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't give a damn, took out four yellow talismans, and recited a few spells.

As soon as he threw his hand, the talisman paper rose in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into four tall horses.

"This is a compromise between riding a crane and running with legs, are you satisfied?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Fuck, satisfied, satisfied, so fucking satisfied!"

Lu Jin was dumbfounded, and hurried over, touched the horse's legs, then touched the horse's buttocks, and sighed:
"Senior Brother Zhang is amazing, this texture is no different from a real horse except that it is too white!"

Lu Ci also went over to touch it: "It's true, and besides, this horse is too much!"

Wang Ai hugged the horse's head and said, "Yes, yes, my great-grandfather has a hard-earned BMW, but it doesn't look like this horse!"

"Basic exercises don't be six!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said, "After all, I painted this. I must have painted it for those legendary BMWs that got Qi."

"Compared to your ordinary hard-earned BMW, it is not only more brave, but also more practical. You don't need to eat and drink, and you can consume a mouthful of energy and a charm for a thousand miles!"

Thousands of miles of fuel consumes one mouthful of energy and one talisman. Everyone was stunned, and immediately realized that this is a comparison with a car, and they all laughed.

"Let's laugh slowly on the road, let's go!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't do anything special anymore, got on his horse, gave a "drive", and rode out.

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and the others immediately got on their horses, and followed behind.

After running for a while, Lu Jin suddenly said, "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, what are we riding on paper horses?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Wang Ai: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."

I know a hammer. Didn’t I learn this from Master?Zhang Zhiwei shouted in his heart, Master misunderstood me!
(End of this chapter)

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