Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 220 Discovering the Traces of the World's No. 1 Shit Stirring Stick

Chapter 220 Discovering the traces of the world's number one shit stirrer
Under the dim setting sun, four paper horses flew over mountains and mountains, like four white lightning bolts.

"Brother Zhang's paper horse is really easy to use. It doesn't need a road to run. It's even better than a real horse!"

Lu Jin felt very happy, the only fly in the ointment was that there was no saddle and rein.

"Brother Zhang's product must be a high-quality product, which is much more exciting than riding a train or running around on a horse."

Lu Ci said: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, why do all the world only know about armored horses and not this thing?"

"Prejudice, Er Bi, you are pure prejudice!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Although this paper horse is convenient, it can only be used for traveling, and it has no other use!"

"The armored horse is an invisible thing. It is blessed on the legs. It can not only be used for traveling, but also play a great role in fighting, and has wider applicability."

"So that's the case, think about it carefully, it's really the case!" Lu Ci said.

The three of them hurried on their way while talking.

On the other hand, Wang Ai leaned down on the horse's back, holding the horse's mane tightly with both hands, without saying a word.

This paper horse has neither a rein nor a saddle, and it is still a bit too difficult for him. It has already exhausted all his strength to keep on the horse's back without falling, and he has no energy to talk and laugh.

The four of them did not take the usual path, and traveled all the way across the mountains, but when they passed an official road, the four of them pulled their horses to a stop in unison.

Ahead, several military vehicles with the flag of the sun rolled over, half of the official road was stained red with blood, sticky blood flowed on the road like a stream, and a pile of corpses of Japanese pirates lay in a pool of blood.

"Which strong man did this?" Zhang Zhiwei smiled, "Er Bi, you are more professional, go over and see what's going on!"

Lu Ci got off his horse, went over to the corpses, and checked their cause of death.

"I just counted the corpses. There are 57 in total. Except for 3 whose necks were twisted, all the others were shot to death, and they were shot at roughly the same location. It should be shot by the same person."

Lu Ci dunked a bullet from the forehead of a corpse, held it in front of his eyes for a while, and said:

"The caliber of the bullet is 7.63 mm. This kind of bullet is usually used by the shell gun. The one nicknamed the box gun. This murderer should be a person who is proficient in marksmanship."

"I also saw an overturned carriage and a horse that was shot to death across the road."

"I guess, it should be that the people on the carriage met the Japanese pirates' military vehicle on a narrow road, and the Japanese pirates took the lead and attacked the carriage, so this incident happened!"

"I also noticed that there were many mottled bloodstains on the carriage. The blood did not come from the same person, at least three or four people."

"Judging from the amount of bleeding, several of them were seriously injured or died directly, and the remaining one killed all these Japanese pirates!"

Lu Ci continued: "Judging from the weapons on the corpses of these Japanese pirate soldiers, this should be a well-equipped Japanese pirate team."

"A Japanese pirate team is generally composed of a 7-man team head, three 13-man teams, and an 8-man grenadier team. This kind of team has a clear division of labor and a high combat effectiveness, but is killed by one person. There is a high probability that this person is a A stranger."

"As for the means of this alien, I can't figure it out. I can see that there are some traces of being scorched by fire on the ground. It doesn't look like it was bombarded. This should be the means of an alien."

"But the strange thing is that those Japanese pirate soldiers were not burned to death, but shot to death by guns. They can manipulate flames, so why use guns?"

"The flames were set by the Japanese pirates!" Zhang Zhiwei looked thoughtfully at the scorched black marks on the ground.

He noticed that the distribution of these scorched black marks was very strange. The flames that were supposed to sway the sky suddenly dissipated at a certain dividing line, giving people a very abrupt feeling.

Has the person who released the flames accepted it?
No, even if it is to accept the move, it is impossible to accept it so simply, unless the opponent is comparable to him in the control of qi.

But the chances of this are pitifully small.

Zhang Zhiwei's self-awareness is very sufficient. In this world, there are not many people who can be compared with him.

He didn't think that if he met someone casually, he could be compared with him in terms of control over qi.

He was more inclined to say that the flame was blocked by the other party by unknown means.

What means?


But if it is cold air, there should be a process of confrontation when it comes into contact with flames, rather than simply dissipating.

he was thinking.

"Look what I found on the side of the road!"

At this time, Lu Jin waved a white talisman and said, "This seems to be the talisman of Shintoism!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the white talisman and looked at it, frowned and said: "The talisman paper is complete, and the mantra is complete, but after being activated, it has no effect!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Jin didn't understand why it didn't work after being activated. Was it a mistake in the drawing?

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "The talismans of Shintoism and the talismans of Taoism are actually similar things. They use Qi inside the talisman paper to outline a ritual that can command the power of ghosts and gods. When this ritual is stimulated, it will be able to exert its power." Now, this talisman is complete and the ritual has not been destroyed, but the qi that built the ritual has escaped!"

"This situation," Lu Ci thought for a while, looked at Lu Jin, and said, "Is it the same as when I performed martial arts at your house last time?"

"What's the same?" Lu Jin asked puzzled.

Lu Ci said: "At that time, you drove towards Senior Brother Zhang in the reverse life state. The reverse life state was the effect you built through rituals, but when you rushed to the front, Senior Brother Zhang slapped the reverse life state. It’s gone, the constructed ritual has become the original qi returning to the dantian, isn’t this the same as the current situation?”

"Dog hedgehog, which pot you don't open and which pot you carry, right?" Lu Jin glared at Lu Ci, "How could this be the same? I am a human being with a very solid skin. Even if I am knocked out of that state, I will be fine, but this talisman The imperial edict is very fragile, if the rituals in it are destroyed by violence, how can the edict be intact?"

"For example, don't worry!" Lu Ci said, "For details, let's listen to Senior Brother Zhang!"

"The hedgehog is right. It's really the same in essence. However, it's not pure violence. It should be a special ability, an ability that can turn art into primitive qi."

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the talisman in his hand and said.

Before, he was still wondering about Huo Huo, but after seeing the talisman, he already had the answer in his heart.

If it is simply to disintegrate the rituals of the Fu Zhao, many methods can be used.

If it is simply to stop the flames, there are also many ways to do it.

But these two completely different things are disintegrated at the same time, and those who can do it must have advanced cultivation, just like him.

And judge others by oneself, a person like him doesn't need a gun to kill people at all.

Moreover, even if you do it, there is no need to engage in such delicate operations, just kill it directly.

All kinds of additions, one person jumps into mind.


Only his divine spirit can cause this effect.

Moreover, he also has a motive for coming here.

This guy is nicknamed the number one shit stirrer in the world. How could he not come to stir up such a big matter here in Liaodong.

"How is it possible to disintegrate the means and turn the technique into primitive qi?" Lu Jin asked in disbelief.

Zhang Zhiwei said lightly: "Nothing is impossible, people's physiques are different, and some strange people possess all kinds of unpredictable abilities when they are born!"

Lu Ci also said: "Senior Brother Zhang means a congenital alien, which is quite reasonable. I have seen a congenital alien. His ability is to control the flow of time by controlling the solar terms around him."

"It sounds invincible, doesn't it, but the range he can affect is too small, only a radius of one meter, and the speed of time flow that he can control is also limited."

"If he can practice the acquired skills, this ability has great potential, but the trajectories of his own qi are often innately fixed."

"This makes it difficult for them to practice acquired skills, so the progress is very small. I think this strange person still has to use a gun, which is probably the case!"

For Lu Ci's analysis, Zhang Zhiwei agrees, this is indeed the disadvantage of most congenital aliens.

This is the case of Feng Shayan who has the ability of space in the later generations. Not to mention the practice of exercises, she can't even learn the spirit of dispatching generals.

However, it is a pity that Wu Gensheng is an exception. This guy has innate and extraordinary abilities, and he can practice quickly the day after tomorrow. The reason why he likes to use guns is purely because he doesn't want Bilian.

"It turned out to be a different person!" Lu Jin sighed, "Brother Zhang, with such a powerful ability, if he can practice some acquired skills, how strong it would be!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Then he will become the number one shit stirrer in the world!"

"The number one shit-stirring stick in the world?" Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and said, "Senior Brother Zhang, your metaphor is wrong. He is the number one shit-stirring stick in the world, so we are not shit!"


Before Lu Jin finished speaking, Zhang Zhiwei gave Zhang Zhiwei a headache: "What are you talking about, old Lu, you actually treat us like pickles!"

After the fight, before Lu Jin could react, he moved, got on his horse, and rode away.

Lao Lu was quite out of touch this way, and he wanted to beat him a long time ago.

When passing by, Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the overturned carriage on the side of the road, and he already knew about the whole incident.

If he wants, he can even use the Chonglong Jade Talisman to intercept a trace of breath, and then follow the clues to find it.

However, Zhang Zhiwei did not do so.

As Zhang Jingqing, the celestial master, said, he is like a lion standing on the top of a mountain, his eyes are higher than the top. What are you looking for?
"Ahh... black hand!" Lu Jin covered his head, his face was all wrinkled, "Senior brother Zhang doesn't talk about martial arts, but black hand!"

"Who told you to compare us to shit, come on, let me show you how it goes?"

Lu Ci took Lu Jin's hand away, leaned over with a 'kind heart' expression, saw a bump protruding from the top of his head, and said:

"Senior brother Zhang is a little bit ignorant of martial arts!"

After saying that, he slapped his head on Lu Jin's bag, not to mention expanding the bag above his head, and even raised a small bag on top of the bag.

Like Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci ran away after beating, making barbell-like laughter while running.


After being beaten twice, Lu Jin's ancestral blush became angry, and he got on his horse and chased after him.

Can't beat Senior Brother Zhang, can't beat you?If I don't hit you with blue eyes, today is endless.

Wang Ai followed behind while laughing "Kukuku".

Looking at the two bags, one big and one small, on Lu Jin's head, she was eager to try.

But in order not to be beaten into black eyes, he could only hold down his mind over and over again.

At the same time, I reminded myself that I had to start cultivating both life and body as soon as possible, and it was best to find a way to improve quickly and catch up with their pace, so as to knock their brains out.

(End of this chapter)

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