Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 221 United Front Work Minister Xiao Lu

Chapter 221 United Front Work Minister Xiao Lu
Changbai Mountain, also known as "the first mountain in Guandong", was called the holy place where ancestors were born in the previous dynasty, so Changbai Mountain was sealed off, and people were prohibited from entering the mountain to graze, hunt and gather ginseng.

However, with the weakening and collapse of the previous dynasty, the number of people here began to increase. As the saying goes, you rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to eat water. The incomparably rich natural resources in Changbai Mountain naturally attract a large number of people.

Gradually, a large gathering place was formed here, bringing together all kinds of forces, such as tourists, fur dealers, medicine merchants, and some bandits, anyway, there are all kinds of sects and nine streams.

Those who dare to come to this place to hang out are some capable people. After all, they don't have any real things under their hands. If they come to this place outside the law, they will not be blacked out.

In the area of ​​Changbai Mountain, the climate has become more and more weird these years. Before the middle of winter, it has started to snow heavily one after another, and the temperature has dropped sharply. Put a bucket of water outside the house, and it will not be long before it is designated to freeze into ice lumps.

In the middle of the night, snowflakes danced and fluttered, paving layer after layer on the ground.

On the dirt road outside the gathering place, four tall horses broke through the wind and snow and swooped down from the steep mountains beside the road.

It was Zhang Zhiwei and his party of four who came.

They planned to rest at this gathering place for one night, prepare some things, and then go into the mountains.

After driving for nearly three days in a row, Zhang Zhiwei acted like a normal person.

But Lu Jin and Lu Ci were overwhelmed, especially Wang Ai, who almost collapsed.

The reason for this is not that Wang Ai is playing with the temper of a young master, but that these three reckless men are really not human!

As soon as they left Bincheng, they encountered heavy snow and blocked the mountains.

In this situation, these three reckless men don't add any clothes, relying on a mouthful of innate qi, they ride into the snow on tall horses.

In order to take a shortcut, they go wherever the danger is.

Therefore, the itinerary for the past few days can be described as tigers and bears roaming the road, and flying snow kills people.

In the old woodland in the northeast, they encountered those vicious beasts almost all over the place.

Just for the big wild boar of five or six hundred catties, they met several of them, and when they met, they rushed like a tank, and in the end they were all shocked to death by Lu Ci with Ruyi Strength.

On the way, they also encountered a Northeast Dajin gradually, which was nearly four meters long and full of evil spirits.

However, this golden layer seems to have got qi, which is very human. When seeing these four people, with their tails between their legs, they threw themselves into the mountains in a desperate manner, and disappeared in an instant.

This made Wang Ai, who was shivering from the cold, no longer tremble with anger. He wanted to kill the golden gradient and use its fur to keep warm, but he never thought that the other party would turn into a sick cat and run away after seeing them. up.

This matter made Wang Ai think about it for two full days, not because he was rambling, but because during the past two days, the snow never stopped, the wind was like a knife blowing, and his nose was so cold that he didn’t even dry his nose. His face was cracked from the cold, he naturally regretted letting the other party go, otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a mess if he was wrapped in tiger skin.

Seeing Wang Ai in such a mess, the three of them made up their minds and came to this gathering place under Changbai Mountain.

"Changbai Mountain is very big. Even if there is a compass to guide the way, it will take a lot of time to find the specific location. Let's take a good rest and then do a big job!" Zhang Zhiwei said with great enthusiasm.

"Take a break, I'm finally going to take a rest, alas, I'm dying, I'm going to buy some military coats to wear!"

In the bitter cold wind, Wang Ai trembled and moaned weakly. As soon as he spoke, his exhaled breath immediately turned into frost.

Although he wrapped the clothes of the four of them, it was still too cold. In order to come to this broken Changbai Mountain, he really gave up his life to accompany the gentleman, and went all out.

"I said Fatty, can you speak more calmly, and your voice can be sharper, and you can go babbling and singing big dramas!"

Lu Jin seemed to be relaxed and said, but in fact, he was also very cold, wearing a suit, he was almost frozen into a grandson, but if he didn't show it, it was important to save face.

If he didn't show it, Lu Ci would naturally have to hold on. He knew that whenever he showed any signs of fatigue, Lu Jin would find the right time to start taunting. Of course, he also stared at Lu Jin the whole time.

"Hiss... Prudence... Hiss... You know how to make sarcastic remarks, right... You... You talk about... The big dinner later, no... You don't have a share!"

Wang Ai stood up, folded his arms, and showed Lu Jin his ability.

Lao Lu immediately stopped beeping. If he is rich, he is an uncle. He ran away for nearly three days, and if he said he didn't want to eat big meals, it must be a lie.

Talk when you are full, and curse when you are full.

Lu Ci was speechless the whole time, not because he stopped, but because he was so cold that he didn't want to talk anymore.

He glanced at Lu Jin, who was covered in snow and whose ancestral blush was frozen, and who was still pretending to be calm with a sullen face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he cursed in his heart that old Lu was just like a silly roe deer.

As soon as he finished cursing, he felt a little heavy on his neck.

As soon as he raised his head, large flakes of snow fell from the top of his head.

It turned out that like Lu Jin, his head was covered with snow.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the hairstyle must not be messed up. Lu Ci quickly pawed and pulled the snow off his head.

The snow fell too much, and his branch-like hedgehog head was able to bear more weight. A lot of snow accumulated, and his unruly hairstyle was flattened by him.

He was restoring his hairstyle, and Lu Jin, who was always staring at him, naturally began to shake the snow off his head.

After the two cleaned up, they looked at each other, and there seemed to be lightning in the air.

Afterwards, the two sneered and looked at Zhang Zhiwei together.

But Zhang Zhiwei looked as usual, with a ruddy complexion, just like a normal person.

Heavy snow fell in torrents from the sky, but whenever it was about to fall on his head, it would be captured by a gust of qi, and naturally drift away to both sides, so there was not a single snowflake on his body.

After driving for nearly three days, he still had enough energy to protect his body. The qi in Senior Brother Zhang's body is really unfathomable... Lu Ci sighed inwardly.

Lu Jin also noticed this scene, with a look of envy on his face, if only he could be as chic as Senior Brother Zhang!

As for Wang Ai next to him, he has been looking at Zhang Zhiwei with envy for almost three days. Every time he looks at it, he has to strengthen his determination to practice hard.

At the same time, Zhang Zhiwei discovered that a wave of weak energy was transmitted from Lu Ci, Lu Jin and Wang Ai to him.

This energy was so weak that the three of them didn't notice it, but Zhang Zhiwei was keenly aware of it.

This is the power of faith, and it is this thing that the advocates who practice the mask of the godhead want to act everywhere, absorb it.

The level of trust these three guys have in me has actually reached the stage of faith, especially Erbi, whose level is almost equal to that of my propaganda director Xiaotian...

Zhang Zhiwei was surprised, and at the same time, he was thinking in his heart, Xiao Tian is the Minister of Propaganda, what kind of minister is Er Bi after?Minister of United Front Work, Minister of Blame...

In fact, the reason for this effect is that Lu Ci admired Zhang Zhiwei the most and regarded him as an idol.

Especially after seeing Zhang Zhiwei practicing boxing at sea, the power of the boxing was astonishing, the strength shocked all directions, and even set off a small tsunami, I was even more shocked.

After all, isn't this kind of natural disaster-like ability what he is after?

After this period of fermenting on the road, Lu Ci's admiration for Zhang Zhiwei, like the surging river, is endless, and the power of faith is naturally born.

(End of this chapter)

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