Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 222 Rootless Zhang Zhiwei Gathered at the Foot of Changbai Mountain

Chapter 222 Rootless Zhang Zhiwei Gathered at the Foot of Changbai Mountain
The so-called power of faith is actually the spiritual power revealed by people when they worship God, also called the power of belief.

In other words, although these guys are laughing and laughing on the surface, they actually respect me like a god in their hearts?
Lu Ci still respects me a little bit, but Lao Lu is getting out of shape day by day, not like it...

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head, stopped thinking about it, got off his horse, and said:
"Let's go, let's enter the market town!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pinched a magic formula, the tall and handsome white horse twisted for a while, turned into a yellow paper talisman and flew to his hand.

After a glance, the paper horse talisman was covered with scorched black marks, far less bright than before. This is a sign of overuse, and it is estimated that it will not be used a few times.

Zhang Zhiwei took back the paper horses of Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai one by one, which were similar to his and were on the verge of being scrapped.

"These talisman horses won't last long, I'll draw a few more tonight!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Hiss... Sure enough, it is a wise decision to come here to rest. If you enter the mountain overnight, you may be on the way, and this horse will not be able to hold on!" Wang Ai said with a big nose.

"No problem, I can draw a few pictures of this kind of horse at any time!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"..." Wang Ai sucked for a while, but didn't move, and broke off the ice skate hanging from his nose: "Brother Zhang is awesome, let's go to the market town!"

Several people walked and talked.

"Senior Brother Zhang, are we still pretending to be Cheka agents here?" Lu Jin asked.

"What are you doing pretending to be a Cheka agent?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "I learned from Shopkeeper Liu that although the Japanese pirates have extended their tentacles to Changbai Mountain, they are only disguised as visitors and some mining personnel and geological prospecting personnel. This place should be 'horse' Pretending to be the home of my family will only make me feel uncomfortable."

"Then we won't pretend?" Lu Jin said.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Yes, stop pretending, it's a showdown, you are the first young master of the Lu family, you are the second young master of the Lu family, and you are the... big baby of the Wang family!"

"It's not the Second Young Master!" Lu Ci corrected, "I'm the Seventh!"

Although Lu Ci is the second son of the head of the Lu family, he ranks seventh in the Lu family's generation. The elders and brothers and sisters in the family all call him Xiao Qi.

The Lu family has a big family concept. As long as there is a blood relationship, what is valued is ability. It doesn't pay much attention to the descendants of the concubine and the concubine. Therefore, generally speaking, Lu Ci never calls himself the second young master. They are both the seventh and the seventh young masters.

On the contrary is the Wang family, the old ideas of the Wang family are still very heavy, and they especially value the son-in-law. The son-in-law of this generation is Wang Ai. Since he was a child, he can be said to be admired by the stars, and he is the big baby of the family.

In the past, Wang Ai would even be complacent when he heard the word "big baby", but now, he feels an indescribable feeling, anyway, he just doesn't like it.

Walking into the gathering place, unlike the European-style Bencheng, most of the people here wear fur coats and glossy hats on their heads.

It was getting dark now, people who went to the mountain to beg for a living came back one after another, and the gathering place was bustling with activity.

A group of people carried some mountain goods from Changbai Mountain in their hands, wandering back and forth in the gathering place, wondering if they could find a good buyer and make more money.

Although there are many people here, when Zhang Zhiwei and his party came in, they still attracted the attention of many people.

"Look, look, there are a few idiots with two tigers talking about it, it's snowing heavily, they don't wear cotton jackets, they wear a suit, they are not afraid of the cold!!"

"Why are you not afraid of the cold, Biaobai, look at that fat man with big ears, he is as cold as a grandson!"

"It's not just the fat guy, the other two are not much better. They're putting on a stern face. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are trying to hold on!"

"By the way, did you notice that there is something wrong with the ring and bracelet on that fat man's hand? The authentic emeralds are a flock of fat sheep. Do you want to find a chance to make a vote?"

"Be a head! You old man, let's go to Qianqian, don't keep staring at those idiots behind, look at the disheveled guy in front, who is as tall as a blind man!"

"Damn it, it's snowing heavily, and he doesn't even get a piece of snow on his body. He's a ruthless person. It makes me shudder, so I'd better not mess with it."


There was a lot of discussion among the people around, and many people even communicated in quack jargon.

When they saw Wang Ai, Lu Jin and others, most of them had bad thoughts, but after seeing Zhang Zhiwei, they all put away their thoughts.

Those who can make trouble here are not stupid young people who don't understand anything. They know what kind of people they can mess with and what kind of people they can't mess with.

"Why do I feel that these people look at us like idiots?" Lu Jin muttered.

"Your feeling is not wrong," Lu Ci said coldly, "I also feel like we are fools!"

Coming here in a suit, he felt like a conspicuous bag, yes, conspicuous bag, this is a word he learned from Senior Brother Zhang.

"It's not just fools, it's prey, it's livestock, it's goods, it's not human anyway, but after they stared at Senior Brother Zhang for a moment, we all became human again!"

Wang Ai said in a low voice with a gloomy face.

He grew up under the care of his family, and he has never been stared at like this before, and he feels insulted.

This kind of insult is not comparable to calling him fat, scolding him for being a dick, or laughing at him for unrequited love. It is an insult that ignores his life and personality.

But this kind of insult disappeared after those people looked at Senior Brother Zhang, and he looked forward at Zhang Zhiwei's tall back.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't care about the awed, joking, or greedy eyes of the people around him.

What do other people's thoughts have to do with him?

Anyway, he doesn't hide his clumsiness, the aura of his whole body is just here so brightly, whoever wants to find fault, then come and try.

The four wandered around the settlement, and found the largest inn to live in.

It is said to be the largest, but it is not comparable to the Yamato Hotel in Bencheng, and it still looks like the old days.

A two-story building, the upper part is the place to stay, the lower part is the place to eat, and there is a stable outside the inn.

As soon as I entered the inn, my body warmed up immediately, and it was very lively inside. A group of men drank small wine, ordered a few dishes of side dishes, yelled and punched, it was very noisy.

The owner of the inn was wearing a dog fur hat and a coat made of fur, where he was making calculations.

Wang Ai walked quickly to the counter: "Boss, serve me all your delicious and delicious food!"

The boss lowered his head and didn't even look at him. While calculating, he said, "I have a lot of ginseng and deer antler that can't be eaten in ordinary places, and mountain delicacies. The key is can you afford it?"


A big bill was slapped heavily on the counter.

The crackling abacus stopped suddenly, the boss took off the dog fur hat, put it on his chest, bent down and said:
"Masters, please sit down, good wine and good food, come right away."

Immediately, under the leadership of the boss, Zhang Zhiwei and his party took their seats.

In this era, there is no heating in winter. In order to attract customers, the store arranged a heating pit in the lobby.

Put the table on the heated Kang, and spread the mat on the heated Kang, this is the upper seat.

After a few days of tossing around in the wind and snow, the three of them felt that their bones were stiff. Sitting on the warm kang, their tense bodies suddenly loosened. They stretched their bodies without wanting to say a word. He lay on his back so that his cold body could fit onto the kang, and then quietly waited for the big meal to arrive.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't do that, firstly, he was full of energy, and he didn't feel tired at all, and secondly, the kang was too small for him to stretch out.

Glancing upstairs, he withdrew his gaze, sat cross-legged, mobilized the true fire of samadhi in his body, and burned the power of faith he had recently absorbed.

Then I began to temper my life and carry out today's "Three Examinations of Myself".

The King of Dragon and Tiger Mountain is not for nothing.

On the roof, one eye watched everything in the lobby of the inn, especially Zhang Zhiwei and his party stopped for a while.

After a moment, the eyes disappear.

"Although he is not wearing Taoist robes, he matches the portrait. Why does this person appear here? You have to inform the elder sister!"

Upstairs, a half-grown kid, with his hands tied, shaking his head, muttering words, babbling, singing words with strange tones in a low voice.

"Sunset and western mountains darken the sky, the dragon leaves the long sea and the tiger descends to the high mountains, the dragon leaves the long sea to make rain, and the tiger descends to the high mountains to block the road..."



at the same time.

On the edge of the Changbai Mountain gathering place, there is Xiangyang Restaurant.

This wine shop is not big, at the foot of Changbai Mountain, it is a place where hunters who go out to hunt in the forest return to the city at night to drink a sip of coarse wine.

At this moment, in the restaurant, two men in leather jackets were sitting on the kang drinking wine with a plate of salted peanuts.

"Mr. Guangxin, how can you be full with just this? What about the food?" said one of the young men with a cropped head.

"Gensheng-jun, please wait a moment, I will ask the shopkeeper!" Yuan Guangxin said quickly.

It was different from General Ishikawa who was killed by Lu Ci and would not recruit him.

After Yuan Guangxin was captured alive by Wu Gensheng, before Wu Gensheng tortured him to extract a confession, he knew everything, said everything, and answered all Wu Gensheng's questions.

Even after learning that Wu Gensheng wanted to go to Changbai Mountain, he proposed to be a leading party and take Wu Gensheng to Changbai Mountain.

Wu Gensheng knew that the Japanese pirate was harboring evil intentions, and wanted to use the qi trap in the Longmai of Changbai Mountain to get rid of him and even kill him.

But he was not afraid, the two hit it off and came here.

At this time, the shopkeeper brought a plate of pickled vegetables with coarse salt, bent over with a smile on his face and said:

"The hard dishes will be served right away. This is a pickle handed down in our family. It's very suitable for drinking. Let's put it on the bar first, no money will be charged!"

Yuan Guangxin glanced at it, frowned and said, "These pickles are full of big salt particles. If you eat like this, you won't be salted to death?"

The shopkeeper smiled, and said: "There is a plate of water next to it, wash it in white water and eat it, it's not salty."

"By the way, this shop also has ancestral gourd wine. The wine is brewed from the gourd. As the saying goes, the stomach is afraid of devouring each other. I urgently call for good wine to resolve disputes. Would you like some of the guests?"

"Really, if that's the case, let's have another bottle of gourd wine and this delicious pickle!"


The shopkeeper withdrew.

"Hehe, what a mess, if the bullshit doesn't make sense, I said, Mr. Guangxin, you are not making secret signs!"

Wu Gensheng smiled, and suddenly called out to the shopkeeper:

"The boss, add another bowl of beef noodles, I don't want chopped green onion!"

(End of this chapter)

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