Chapter 223 I Don't Eat Beef

"Is there any secret code, Mr. Gensheng was joking," Yuan Guangxin said with a smile: "Besides, isn't my cooperation enough this way?"

"I'll just say that casually, Mr. Guangxin, what are you in a hurry for? Just kidding!"

He picked up a piece of pickled vegetable rootlessly, rinsed it in the dipping water, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

Yuan Guangxin just breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Wu Gensheng say:
"However, Mr. Guangxin, I don't like rules very much. I pay attention to killing mistakes. I don't let them go. Let me play a game with you. If I lose, forget it this time. If I win, you still have this wine shop. Those who are not, will suffer old crimes."

Yuan Guangxin opened his mouth, wanting to say something more, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything, he knew that the nasty guy opposite him cast a spell on him.

Through these two days of getting along, he also has a little understanding of Wugensheng, occasionally funny and amusing, but this is just the surface, in fact it is mysterious, powerful, and frightening.

Especially his ability, which can restore all spells built with qi to the state of qi, and any spell will collapse at the touch of no root.

He can even inject this method into other people's bodies, leaving them with a body of qi, but unable to use it.

At this moment, he is in this state now. Although his dantian has not been abolished and his qi is still there, he just cannot cast spells.

Shintoism does not take the path of dual cultivation of life and soul, and Qi cannot be used, which is basically equivalent to a useless person.

"Gensheng-jun, this feeling of life and death is really too bad!" Yuan Guangxin sighed, and knocked on the table a few times with an irritable expression from time to time.

Soon, Xiao Er began to serve dishes, and the first thing he served was the beef noodles without roots.

"Guest officer, you can eat first. The main dish, chicken stewed with mushrooms, will be ready soon!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Er turned and went to the kitchen.

Yuan Guangxin took a look, there were several big chunks of beef floating in the bowl, and there was no coriander, he let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:
"Mr. Gensheng, without coriander, I..."

Before the word "win" could be said, a ferocious look flashed across Wu Gensheng's face, he raised the cannon in his hand, pulled the trigger, the firing pin hit the primer, and a dazzling tongue of flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun.


The head of Xiao Er in the stove room was smashed to pieces in an instant, the blood burst, and a bit of pale slurry splashed into the pot where the chicken stewed mushrooms were being cooked.

Hearing the gunshot, the shopkeeper of the restaurant was startled for a moment, and just about to make a move, he was also shot in the head, and blood sprayed all over the counter.

Yuan Guangxin stared at this scene in a daze, never expecting that this person would be so disrespectful of Bilian, disregarding martial ethics, not keeping promises, and contradicting his promises...

"Forgot to mention," Wu Gensheng grinned and said with a smile, "I don't eat beef!"

"Brother Gensheng, you really misunderstood. From their reaction when you looked at the gun just now, it can be seen that they are not aliens, they are just ordinary people, and they are your compatriots. You just because of your treatment of me A little doubt, just kill them indiscriminately?"

Yuan Guangxin suppressed the panic in his heart, and said pretending to be calm.

"Really? Mr. Guangxin is really eloquent, your talk is better than those bald donkeys!"

Wu Gensheng sat down, put the cannon flat on the table, looked at Yuan Guangxin, and smiled.

"What do you mean, Mr. Gensheng?"

Wu Gensheng continued: "Mr. Guangxin is really a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, so I won't play tricks on you. I have already seen through the tricks you thought were secretive!"

"From the time I came in, the shopkeeper and the waiter here have been watching me from the corner of their eyes all the time."

"During the period, I made eye contact several times. You are very smart. You know that this is the territory of the horse fairy. You are worried that the walls have ears, so you don't even whisper, and only communicate in secret words."

"As for the secret language? How to communicate?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Ever since I came in, you have been knocking on the table from time to time, and the shopkeeper has been knocking on the abacus to respond from time to time."

"Playing Morse code in front of me, bullying me for reading less?"

Wu Gensheng looked at him with a smile that was not a smile: "I don't understand your connection codes, but other things, do you want me to translate it for you?"

Yuan Guangxin's breath was stagnant, and he had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't think that this guy in front of him would know this thing.

Perhaps he was deceiving me... Yuan Guang still held a trace of luck in his confidence, forced a smile and said:
"Mr. Gensheng was joking, how can I know this thing, it's just pure irritability in my heart."

Wu Gensheng smiled: "At first you knocked on the table, you were telling them my ability, and you said that I am inhuman and invincible, it is best to send a few teams of well-trained snipers to shoot me from a distance. Killed by a sniper."

"Then you knocked on the table to remind them not to put coriander in the noodles. You said, am I right?"

Wu Gensheng looked at him with a half-smile.

Yuan Guangxin turned pale immediately, without a trace of luck, he knelt down on the ground and begged in a low voice: "Please forgive me this time, Mr. Gensheng. Next, I will definitely take you to the dragon vein of Changbai Mountain wholeheartedly. If there are two more Xin, I don’t need you to do it, I’ll kill myself by harakiri!”

When praying, he buried his head very low. Although his words were extremely humble, the maliciousness in his eyes was almost overflowing.

What is human is what is forbearance, "Three Kingdoms" said it well, you can bend and stretch, you can be a husband, I will save my life first, and only by saving my life can I be more loyal to the emperor... He admonished himself over and over again in his heart .

However, Wu Gensheng didn't give him a chance: "No one is dishonest, you are just a loyal dog!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of air-dried dog skin from his pocket, waved his hand, the dog skin opened, and wrapped Yuan Guangxin who was kneeling on the ground in it.

"Gensheng-jun, please forgive me this time, please..."

Before he finished speaking, the layer of dog skin that wrapped him suddenly shrank, and it became extremely fit to his body, and the dry dog ​​hair also became brighter.

At the same time, Yuan Guangxin's cry of pain also turned into a "barking" dog barking. Under the effect of the dog's skin, his face was elongated, his ears became sharper, and he stood on all fours.
In an instant, it turned into a yellow dog.

"The things I got from the whole-sex demon who performed the nightmare technique last time are really useful!"

Wu Gensheng smiled, kicked the yellow dog, and kicked it sobbing and screaming incessantly.

"Next, just lead the way, otherwise, you will become a dog for the rest of your life!"

As he said that, Wu Gensheng went to the stove and had a look, there were a few good dishes that were about to be cooked, but some brains and blood were splashed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity, it's contaminated with a bunch of pickled things, so I can only change to another inn!"

Wu Gensheng shook his head and sighed, found a rope from the wine shop, put it around the yellow dog's neck, dragged it out of the wine shop, and stepped into the "wow" snowstorm.



On the other side, inside the inn.

A table of hearty meals ordered by Wang Ai has already been served. There are very classic stewed chicken and mushrooms from Northeast China, stewed pork vermicelli, ginseng and tiger bone soup, bear paws, deer antler, snow clams...

All kinds of precious wild game, which are hard to find outside, are served on a whole table, and the kitchen is still serving dishes.

It can be seen that the owner of this inn is a real person. Wang Ai asked him to serve up all the delicious food, and he really did.

However, Fatty Wang, who has the ability to make money, is not afraid, he is very arrogant, and he will accept everything the store dares to buy.

Lu Jin had a tiger bone in his mouth, and said as he gnawed, "Fuck, this place is small, but there are a lot of good things. Look at this tiger bone. If you were in the south of the Yangtze River, you would definitely not be able to eat it." Yes, no amount of money can eat it!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say a word, and buried himself in eating wild game. These things were too much punishment, and it was the first time he ate them. If they were left in later generations, they would have to sit in prison.

As the young master of the Lu family, Lu Ci ate a lot of wild game, which is not uncommon. He just wrapped his belly, and after eating some food, the heat in his stomach surged up, and after his whole body was warm, he slowed down his eating speed. Chatted with Lu Jin.

"Old Lu, you don't have to be envious. This is called relying on mountains to eat mountains, and relying on water to eat water. People here can't eat the things in the south of the Yangtze River either!"

"That's right, by the way, I think this tiger should be quite big. How did the inn hunt and kill it?"

Lu Jin waved the tiger bone in his hand, and asked Xiao Er, who was standing by and ready for orders at any time.

Generally speaking, inns do not provide this kind of service, but Wang Ai is a big customer.

Xiao Er bowed his head and smiled, "Go back to this master, I bought them from those participants!"

"Buy tigers from Canke?" Lu Jin was taken aback, "Didn't Canke dig ginseng? They also hunt tigers part-time?"

Lu Ci heard other meanings, and asked curiously: "Xiaoer means that the attendees are all masters, and they will kill the tiger easily?"

Xiaoer said: "That's natural. There are tigers and bears in charge in Changbai Mountain. They have no ability. Who would dare to be a visitor? Moreover, in this kind of unintentional place, it is common for black and white to eat black. Ordinary people, even if they are lucky." Well, if you dig up a thousand-year-old wild ginseng, you won't be able to keep it!"

"So, many of the ginsengers here are ruthless characters. Some dig ginseng, not for sale, but for their own cultivation. During this process, they will occasionally kill some tigers who don't open their eyes, blind bears or something. Our inn bought it."

After listening, Lu Jin nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case!"

"By the way, guest officer, I think you have extraordinary temperament, and you look like a great big shot. What are you doing here?" Xiao Er asked.

Lu Jin said casually, "We are ginseng visitors, and we are here to dig ginseng."

Xiao Er looked at Lu Jin who was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and said with a smile, "You are just joking, how can the attendant wear you like this?"

"Then what should the attendees wear?" Lu Jin asked.

"Should be dressed like that!"

Xiao Er pointed out the door.

Lu Jin turned his head to look.

The door of the inn was opened, and a young man walked in wearing a dog fur cap, wrapped in a bear fur coat, and leading a big yellow dog in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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