Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 224 The first meeting between the No. 1 in the world and the top 3 in the world in the futur

Chapter 224 The first meeting of the future number one in the world and the top three in the world

The door of the inn was opened, and the cold wind blew in, causing the two tables of guests who were drinking and punching at the door to shiver.

The people at the two tables looked over in displeasure, and were about to yell at him, when they saw the man with two pistols pinned to his left and right waists.

The curse that was about to be blurted out was swallowed back by them.

These days, the deterrent effect of guns is still very sufficient.

This kind of bullet has a lot of bullets and can be fired in bursts. It can be used as a box gun for a small submachine gun, and it has more deterrent effect.

This person actually left two hands, not easy to provoke, not easy to provoke, most of the people who come to this area have good eyesight, and started drinking like a normal person.

"Little Er, drink up!"

The young man who came in patted the pistol on his waist in a demonstration, lifted the yellow dog he was holding in his hand, looked at Zhang Zhiwei's waiter at the table, and said loudly.

Xiao Er ignored him.

Xiaoer is busy taking care of big clients.

The big customer Wang Aifeng slept in the open for a few days, his body fat was hungry and shrunk, and he didn't have time to watch a passerby, who was eating like a wind and a cloud.

Zhang Zhiwei was also in the wind. He was concentrating on eating these very "criminal" game and was indifferent to the newcomers.

Not to mention this kind of stranger, even if the master came, he would have to give him a few quick mouthfuls before going up to him.

On the other hand, Lu Jin and Lu Ci, who had about the same amount of food, looked at them curiously, wanting to know what was so serious about the ginseng that the little boy said.

However, the emphasis of the two observations is also different.

The first thing Lu Ci saw was the yellow dog that the young Canke was holding.
Because, he felt that this yellow dog was a little too human.

Especially its eyes, nothing like a dog's eyes.

A dog's eyes have large pupils and very little white, but this yellow dog's eyes, pupils and whites are evenly distributed, which looks just like human eyes.

Could it be that this dog is supernatural, so it can lead ginseng to find ginseng?

Lu Jin was different from Lu Ci, the first thing he saw was not the dog, but the person leading the dog.

"Is this the participant you mentioned? It doesn't look like a bluff. It's the same size as Zhang... Compared with my boss, it's far behind..."

Halfway through Lu Jin's words, the young participant turned his head and looked over. It wasn't him, but Zhang Zhiwei who was next to him.

Just staring at him, seeing that Zhang Zhiwei was eating seriously, he ignored him, so he withdrew his gaze and looked at Lu Jin who was staring at him beside him.

The two looked at each other and their eyes met.

The young participant with a dog, wearing a bearskin coat, a dog fur hat on his head, and a little bit of wind and frost on his face, looked a bit embarrassed, but his eyes were bright and bright, just like him. Like car headlights.


Lu Jin swallowed his saliva, feeling that his eyes were pricked by needles. He had only seen this kind of scorching star-like eyes from the staring senior brother Zhang, but most of the time, senior brother Zhang squinted slightly. On the eyes, it doesn't look very aggressive.

But now, he actually saw it in this participant.

Xiao Ercheng didn't lie to me, this visitor was not easy, Lu Jin thought to himself, and subconsciously wanted to look away.

But his pride did not allow him to act so cowardly, so he continued to puff up his eyes and forcibly looked at each other.

This is actually easy to understand. Although Lu Jin looks gentle on the surface, he is actually very rebellious in his heart.

As the direct son of the Lu family of the four major families and the direct disciple of the head of the Trinity Sect, he has a bright future and a dragon and phoenix among the people. How can such a person not be rebellious?How could it be so easy to admit defeat?

If he would admit defeat, in the original plot, he would not run to Longhu Mountain every three to five times in the past 100 years, to get back to the place where he was slapped back then.

Lu Jin stared at Wu Gensheng's eyes, and Wu Gensheng naturally had no reason to move away.

His real name is Feng Yao, and the reason for his name is because his eyes were as dazzling as stars when he was born, so the old Taoist priest surnamed Feng who adopted him named him Feng Yao.

Since he was born, few people have dared to stare into his eyes like this.

After looking at each other for a while, seeing that the eyes of the other party were bloodshot, Wu Gensheng also felt that his eyes were a little dry, so he said:
"What are you?"

"Look at you!"

Lao Lu, who has only played in the peak game all his life, doesn't know why, but he feels very uncomfortable when he looks at this person, and he can't help but want to choke him.

"I don't think you've ever been beaten!"

Wu Gensheng also felt the same way. This white-haired fake foreign devil in a suit was at odds with him.

The atmosphere in the inn suddenly became tense.

Until then, Zhang Zhiwei, who was buried in cooking, held a bear's paw in his mouth, and looked up at Wu Gensheng, his eyes as indifferent as a tiger.

Wu Gensheng's eyes were bright, looking back at the past.

But just looked at each other.

"The wine is here, the wine is here, my lord, the wine is here, please this way, please!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the shopkeeper of the inn hurriedly smiled and came to Wu Gensheng.

Although he has a good background in this gathering place, in business, harmony makes money.

Look at this posture, if there is a shootout in the inn, it will not be very good.

Especially the one in the conflict is Fat Sheep. If Fat Sheep was shot to death by those two box cannons, wouldn't he lose a lot of money?

Wu Gensheng glanced at Zhang Zhiwei who was eating the bear's paw, then at the shopkeeper, pulled his bearskin coat, and said:

"I want to eat bears, and then serve good wine and good food," he pointed at the yellow dog beside him: "and good bones!"

"Okay, this way please!"

The shopkeeper took Wu Gensheng to another kang table and sat down, and at the same time called the other waiter to come over to refill tea and water.

"I said, Lao Lu, why are you so irritable today?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

He chewed the bear's paw, and at the same time he was thinking, the man's eyes were so bright just now, this is a sign that the spirit is too full, so full that it is overflowing.

This kind of people often have a high level of "sex" and a relatively strong soul. As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of the soul. Lu Jin's "sex" is not as good as others, and he even competes with other people's eyes. Isn't that true? Are you asking for trouble?

Lu Jin rubbed his dry eyes: "I don't know, I just feel irritable!"

"Eat something, you won't be irritable if you eat something!"

Wang Ai muttered, his mouth was full of food, and while eating, he picked up a wild ginseng from the tiger bone soup, frowning.

This thing is actually not delicious, but thinking that this thing is very nourishing and good for cultivation, I gritted my teeth and chewed it in my mouth.

"Senior Brother Zhang, that dog's eyes are a bit special!" Lu Ci said suddenly.

Dog eyes special?Zhang Zhiwei held the bear's paw in his mouth, and glanced at the young man in the bearskin coat again, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he saw that there was a person buried under the fur of the yellow dog beside the young man.

Animal making, nightmare art, monsters...

In an instant, a series of words appeared in his mind.

The so-called nightmare technique, commonly known as daxuba, is called pulling Xuba in the south of the Yangtze River. Because this technique can turn people into animals, it is also called the technique of making animals.

The art of making animals has a long history, and it is an extremely insidious and evil method. It is usually used by human traffickers. They often use this technique to turn children into livestock. They are either dragged to the streets to perform for money, or they are sold directly as animals.

In this day and age, human life is not as valuable as pigs, cattle and sheep. Some uninformed people bought mutton from street vendors and stewed it. After boiling it, they found that the pot was filled with human flesh. This can be seen in the degree of horror.

Therefore, if the evil heretics who use this technique are caught, they will not end well in all dynasties.

As stipulated in the previous dynasty, those who build livestock will be hanged, and those who live together without knowing it, as well as those who know and do not correct Lizheng, Fangzheng, and Village Zheng, will all be flown for three thousand miles.

If there is an amnesty, the animal maker, family members living with him, and those who ordered the decree are not included, and they will still be exiled for three thousand miles. This crime is not trivial.

Is it a monster who uses the art of animal creation? No wonder Lao Lu, who has had no time in his life, confronts him... Zhang Zhiwei grinned, and continued to eat the bear's paw without directly making a move.

He was not a crow, he would flip the table up at every turn, and if he wanted to flip the table, he would only flip it up when he was full.

On the other side, Wu Gensheng also started to serve food. In response to his request to eat bear meat, the first thing served was a stewed bear head.

This should be marinated by the boss in advance, and it can be served directly when needed.

Seeing Xiongtou, Wu Gensheng took a gun and slammed the table:
"I want to eat a bear's paw!"

"There's only a bear head!" The shopkeeper said with a sulky face, didn't this person come to find fault?Do you want someone to treat you?
"Obviously there are bear's paws!" Wugensheng said loudly.


Everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei with half a bear's paw in his mouth.

A bear is just a few bear paws, all at his table, one for each person.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci's had already eaten, and Fatty Wang was crazily eating ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and other medicinal materials, so there was only one left.

I was thinking about how to deal with you, and you delivered it to your door... Zhang Zhiwei grinned.


The bear's paw on the mouth fell into the bowl.

He stretched out his chopsticks, picked up the last bear paw, and said with a smile:

"This bear's paw is fat and big. I just bought it by chance. If anyone here wants to eat it? I don't mind at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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