Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 225 The Breaking Between Wu Gensheng and Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 225 The Breaking Between Wu Gensheng and Zhang Zhiwei
As soon as Zhang Zhiwei said this, everyone in the inn looked over.

On the table, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei with some doubts. They didn't understand what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but out of trust in Senior Brother Zhang, they supported him unconditionally.

Things like bear paws are rare no matter where they are, even in the Changbai Mountain area.

Few of the people who live here eat it for their appetites. After all, compared with pork, chicken, and beef, the price/performance ratio is too low.

But now, some people actually say that they don't mind them eating.

Then they are also willing to join in the fun.

"I really want to eat, do you want to give it to me?" Someone said loudly.

"Then I want to eat too, what should I do? Could it be divided into two halves?" You said humanely.

"If it is divided, what is it called bear's paw? Shouldn't it be called bear's finger?"

"I want, too……"


"Brother, look, everyone wants to, but you only have one bear paw, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, or you can just send us the ocean, and we can buy it ourselves, brothers, what do you say? no?"

"That's a good idea!"

"I think it's fine!"

"Me too!"


"Heh!" Zhang Zhiwei looked around, his eyes were unruly, star-like eyes scanned the whole process, his eyebrows were as cold as blades: "If you want to eat but find it difficult, then don't do it!"

As soon as the word "Don't do it" was uttered, the aura spread out, and a murderous aura swept the audience. If there were indescribable ghosts and gods crossing the border, the entire inn would be silent.

The few people who made a fuss were even caught by this aura, their faces turned pale under the shock, and the crotch emitted a foul smell, and they were so scared that they peed.

The others were not much better either, they were silent like cicadas, not daring to yell anymore.

"You piss your pants every now and then, look at you cowardly cowards, you deserve to eat bear's paws? Take a hammer!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the crowd, and restrained the divergent momentum.

In an instant, everyone felt that the pressure like a heavy boulder on their backs disappeared, and they relaxed one by one, looking at Zhang Zhiwei with horror on their faces.

In the moment just now, they felt a sense of despair as if they were facing an avalanche in Changbai Mountain.

This person was too terrifying, it was like a natural disaster, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and fled the tavern one by one.

Even the boss was terrified and sat slumped behind the counter. He knew that the fat sheep he met this time were ruthless.

At first, he wanted to kill them hard. Look at this posture, will they give money later? The boss felt uneasy, and wanted to get up and call the backstage, but his legs felt weak.

On the contrary, the mistress who had been waiting beside Zhang Zhiwei and his party was not affected, and was surprised.

However, even if he was not affected, judging from the reactions of everyone, he knew that the group of "fat sheep" he served was very unusual.

At this moment, only Zhang Zhiwei and his party and Wu Gensheng and his dog were left among the guests in the entire inn lobby.

"Want to eat?" Zhang Zhiwei waved the bear's paw on his chopsticks at Wu Gensheng.

"Of course you have to eat!"

Wu Gensheng didn't seem to be affected by that energy, Shi Shi ran to the table, tilted his buttocks, squeezed Lu Jin a little, and sat next to him, which was opposite to Zhang Zhiwei.

"I really want to eat this bear's paw, but how should I eat it?" Wu Gensheng said with a smile, "I wouldn't just grab it with chopsticks, it would be disgraceful!"

Having said that, he still stretched out his chopsticks, and quickly grabbed the bear's paw, but when he was about to succeed, Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand, and he caught nothing.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at him with a half-smile: "You... don't want Bilian, brother!"

"Damn it, you're going back on your word!"


"Not keeping promises!"

Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and the others were half a beat behind, and after they realized it, they all reprimanded angrily.

They were angry for two reasons.

One is that this young participant doesn't talk about martial arts ethics, and engages in sneak attacks.

The second is that this person attacked very quickly, and they didn't react at all.

"Test this brother's reaction speed, it seems that it is really not easy to grab it directly, let's make a bet!"

For the accusations of the crowd, Wu Gensheng was neither angry nor embarrassed, and said with a smile.

In fact, his heart was also very uneasy. He almost succeeded just now, but just when his chopsticks were about to touch the bear's paw, the other party suddenly lifted it up.

It's not that the opponent is dodging as soon as he makes a move, but that the opponent only dodges when he is about to succeed.

What does this mean?It means that the other party seems to be very comfortable, it means that the other party is playing with him, when he thinks in his heart that he is about to succeed, click, the bear's paw in his hand flies away.

Since it is not easy to win in the opponent's way, he is going to turn the other side and use a way that is beneficial to him to win this bear's paw.

At this age, there are not many people in the world who can almost snatch food from me. Could it be that this person... Zhang Zhiwei continued with a smile that was not a smile:
"What bet, let's hear it?"

"Simple!" Wu Gensheng stretched out his wrist to Zhang Zhiwei: "Let's fight for peace, let's just break our wrists. If you win, I will pay for the table dishes. If you lose, the bear's paw will belong to me." !"

After finishing speaking, Wu Gensheng took a look at the table full of dishes, felt that he had been careless just now, and added another sentence:
"Not just bear paws, I want to eat everything else!"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand: "Come and shout to start!"

Regarding the identity of the other party, Zhang Zhiwei had some guesses in his heart, but he was not afraid.

His inner elixir skills have reached the realm of inner sage and outer king, and he has made some achievements in sorting out the five elements of the human body. It was a lump of steel in his hand, and he could knead it like plasticine.

"Find an empty table, this table is a good dish, don't waste it!"

Wugen said with a smile, he already regards these things as his own.


Zhang Zhiwei originally wanted to say that he didn't have to worry about spoiling the food and drinks, no matter how violent the pull was, he could use the golden light spell to protect him, but thinking of this person's possible identity and possible means, he agreed.

Wu Gensheng came to the empty table next to him, sat in a corner, stretched out his wrists, and put on airs. He was a man with a reputation, and from the short trial just now, he knew that the other party was a ruthless character.

Enough respect should be given to the strong, so even though he had the powerful ability to restrain all other people, he did not despise him.

Zhang Zhiwei also came to the next seat with the bear's paw in one hand. He replaced the bear's paw with his left hand. His right hand was covered with a layer of golden light, and he held Wugensheng's wrist.

"You shout to start!"

"Golden Light Curse, Dragon and Tiger Mountain, little celestial master, you really deserve your reputation!" Wu Gensheng laughed.

When he first came in, the reason why he frequently looked at Zhang Zhiwei's group and wanted to eat the bear's paw was not because he was full and looking for trouble, but because he recognized someone!

"You know me?" Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised, "I'm famous?"

"The Lu family compound swept the younger generation by one person, and was hailed as No. 1 of the younger generation. Of course, there is... a start!"

Wu Gensheng's eyes flickered, blue veins burst out on his arms, and he burst out with tremendous force, but found that the opponent's golden hand was as stable as Mount Tai, and he didn't even move it.

Such a strong cultivation... Wu Gensheng was amazed in his heart, his ability to sort out the technical Qi into its original appearance always made people ignore his powerful life cultivation.

But in fact, even if he doesn't use his abilities, he is still one of the best masters in this generation, and few can beat him.

But the person in front of him was obviously one of them, and his sudden attack did not achieve any effect.

The two were wrestling with each other, the table couldn't bear it, and it collapsed directly, even the floor tiles under their feet were shattered.

Without the table, the arms of the two are hanging in the air, but they are still competing.

"I cast the Golden Light Curse, don't you want to cast some ability?"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled slightly. He was wrenching his wrist with one hand and holding the bear's paw in the other.

Compared with his calmness, Wu Gensheng's face was full of veins, but it still didn't help. Even his arm was gradually pressed to a rather obvious angle, and he was about to lose.

In the room, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai watched this scene with fixed eyes, but there was a huge wave in their hearts.

How could it be possible that this person was able to wrestle with Senior Brother Zhang.

Although the disadvantage was obvious and he was about to lose, it was also appalling.

If the three of them played instead, they would be defeated in an instant.

What is the origin of this person? Any random visitor in Changbai Mountain has this kind of ability?

[Recently, I have been very busy at work, I didn't want to break the chapter here, but I don't have enough time, please forgive me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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