Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 226 The Collision Between Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Life

Chapter 226 The Collision Between Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Life
"You can wrestle with Senior Brother Zhang at this age, do you call this a guest?"

Lu Jin said with a look of disbelief.

"With this ability, who would dig ginseng? It's definitely not!!" Lu Ci said with determination.

An expert can tell if there is one as soon as he makes a move. From the speed that this person suddenly stretched out his chopsticks to pinch the bear's paw, Lu Ci dared to conclude that this person is by no means simple.

"Maybe it's just cold weather, wearing ginseng clothes!" Wang Ai pointed to the suit on his body, chewing ginseng, and said:

"Speaking of which, I also want to wear a similar outfit. The prudish outfit can't be used here!"

Lu Jin pursed her lips, and shifted her gaze from the wrestling wrists to Wugensheng's face.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this person is mysterious and unfathomable.

But for some reason, he had an indescribable emotion, just seeing him was very uncomfortable.

He knew that this kind of emotion should not be, after all, there was no grievance or enmity between the two sides, and there was no major conflict.

But he just couldn't help it, this person exuded an aura that he couldn't get along with him.



"Brother Bilian, you don't seem to be very good at it. Is there any trick that won't work? If you don't use it, you won't have a chance."

From the other party's behavior just now, Zhang Zhiwei naturally gave him a nickname.

While speaking, his face was relaxed, and the golden wrist was gradually increased, making the extent of the wrist's fall more obvious.

As I said to Lu Jin before, the showdown is over, and I don't want to pretend, so he revealed his identity and used the Golden Light Curse.

Unless there are special circumstances, Zhang Zhiwei doesn't like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. He likes a strong dragon to overwhelm a snake.

It is not necessary to be a fool if you have status. This is actually a wise decision, although there are Japanese pirates in the Changbai Mountain area.

But this is actually the territory of Chumaxian. Although Longhushan and Chumaxian don't have many friendships, they don't have any enemies. His identity as a disciple of the celestial master and false surname is still very easy to use.

Besides, isn't there Lao Lu, Fatty and Er Bi beside him?
Because there is a Northeast Gao family as the intermediary, the relationship between the four major families and Chu Maxian's lineage is very good. Last time, at the old man Lu's birthday banquet, Chu Maxian specially came to celebrate his birthday.

Not only that, Zhang Zhiwei's casting of the Golden Light Curse has another meaning. Although he has some guesses about the identity of the other party, it is just a guess and cannot be determined.

A layer of golden light is attached to the hand, which is helpful for judgment.

If the opponent can disintegrate the golden light in his hand, then the identity of the opponent will be confirmed.

Wrist wrestling continued, Wugensheng was struggling, and he assumed a waist-horse posture, and a huge mist of sweat rose from the pores of his body, but even so, Zhang Zhiwei's wrist remained motionless.

One hand holds the bear's paw, but the other hand has such great power. Could it be that the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain can not only protect the body, but also enhance the strength behind him?
It seems that normal arm wrestling is impossible, and we have to use some tricks... Wu Gensheng thought to himself, and immediately put the other hand into his pocket.

"No? Men can't say no, it's hard to say who will lose!"

Wu Gensheng bowed his body, put his knee against his elbow, found a support point for his wrist, and pulled it violently.


There are crows flying in the air.

There was no reaction, the big golden hand in front of him remained motionless, as unshakable as a mountain.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wugensheng's mouth:
"Little Celestial Master, you are very strong, be careful!"

After all, there was a burst of blue light on his hand. Compared with the golden light on Zhang Zhiwei's hand, this layer of blue light looked a bit plain and unpretentious.

But as soon as the two sides came into contact, the golden light collapsed at the touch, just like the ink dripping into the water cup, it quickly disintegrated and separated, turning into strands of blue qi and diverging.

This layer of blue light is like a comb, which breaks up Zhang Zhiwei's hairstyle that he had arranged with qi, and makes qi change into the form of qi itself, the most primitive form.

Jin Guang was disintegrated, this method... Sure enough, I guessed right, it really is this person, the world's number one shit-stirring stick, rootless, Feng Yao, who is suspected to be Feng Baobao's old man.

No one in the world can impersonate this kind of treacherous method. Zhang Zhiwei knows the identity of this person and knows the ability of the gods. In fact, the best way at this time is to distance himself from being "purified".

But Zhang Zhiwei didn't agree, he planned to experience the power of the gods for himself.

Although Zhang Zhiwei regards the heroes of the world as dung and doesn't take anyone seriously, he has an apprentice's heart when it comes to magic methods.

Moreover, the ability of the spirit of the gods seems to be somewhat similar to the origin of the body in the Eight Wonders.

He also wanted to see what merits there would be in the methods that his junior brother would come up with in the future.


After disintegrating the golden light, the blue light continued to spread. It moved up Zhang Zhiwei's wrist and invaded his body like no one's land. It was messy like a ball of wool that a cat had scratched.

In an instant, Zhang Zhiwei had the illusion of going back to the time when he first obtained Qi more than ten years ago.

Different people are divided into nature and nurture.

Xiantian Yiren is self-taught without a teacher, and he is born with qi. The qi in the body has a set of operation methods that are exclusive to him. According to this method of operation, the rituals are constructed, and the means constructed are the abilities of Xiantian Yiren.

As for the level of means, whether the operation method of Qi is efficient, and whether it can grow rapidly, that is a matter destined by heaven.

However, acquired qi is obtained through acquired learning, and after obtaining qi, this strand of qi circulates in the body in an aimless manner, without any means.

At this time, the importance of sects is reflected. According to the martial arts of each sect, to run this energy, build rituals, and build means, this is the growth path of Houtian Yiren.

Congenital and different people rely on God's rewards to eat, and those who are unique have great uncertainty.

Houtian Yiren relied on his master's back, and through generations of master's predecessors, he has continuously perfected the exercises. It has been passed down to the present, and it is already unknown how many versions have been updated.

As the crystallization of the wisdom of so many generations, the effect it exhibits is naturally beyond comparison.

Therefore, most of the top experts among aliens are acquired aliens.

Zhang Zhiwei is an acquired stranger. Since he got the qi, the qi in his body has been operating according to the trajectory of the golden light mantra under his deliberate guidance.

Because he is the dragon and tiger mountain scroll king, he practiced Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. This trajectory of qi movement has been maintained, and he is tempering his life all the time.

But now, it has stopped, and the qi in the body has become pure qi balls, and they can no longer be used for anything. Although Zhang Zhiwei can still control these qi balls, pure qi balls are meaningless.

Feng Baobao's Awei Eighteen Stances, those tricks such as "Cream Out", "Consecutive Creampie", and "One Shot into the Soul" are good examples.

No matter how big the qi ball is, it's only thunder and rain, and the strength is ordinary, and it can only fly the cans.

Zhang Zhiwei reckoned that in his own situation, using these qi balls, he could break a stubborn rock at most, which was nothing compared to Jin Guang and Lei Fa.

This made Zhang Zhiwei a little uncomfortable, but he was not in a hurry, it was only temporary, and this situation would disappear after the rootless qi was expelled.

However, he was not in a hurry, but the "national teacher" in his body was in a hurry.


In the small world of the human body, the heart is rolling all over the ground anxiously, its beard and hair are all stretched out, it is combing the five elements of the human body, and a sudden force breaks up the qi of the five elements.

Whether it is the heart-fire qi that grows from the heart, or the lung-gold qi that grows from the lungs, they all turned into a mass of blue-white ordinary qi, which made it very confused. What did this big-faced thief outside do? , quickly "squeaked" contact Zhang Zhiwei.

"Don't worry, it's normal, it will be fine in a while!" Zhang Zhiwei comforted him, and was about to end the arm wrestling competition first.

Suddenly, Heart Ape screamed loudly, and it was telling Zhang Zhiwei that there was something wrong with the power of faith.

Zhang Zhiwei followed the sound, and found that under the influence of the gods and spirits, it was not only the heart fire qi and lung gold qi, but also the faith he absorbed after transforming himself into a god. force.

These powers of faith were originally colorful, but after being purified by the real fire of samadhi, they turned into bright golden qi, which melted into every part of the body.

Now, under the combing of the gods and spirits, these golden powers of faith have also turned into the original form of qi, and this original form actually contains strands of milky white qi.

Zhang Zhiwei felt it for a while, and suddenly his mind was shocked: "So that's the case. No wonder after absorbing a large amount of faith last time, I felt a little more in my body. The feeling of unknown reason, the way of saints, the robbers of saints, it's no wonder that among the three religions Those saints who have obtained the 'Tao' must plan the power of faith, it turns out..."

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from his wrist.

His thoughts were interrupted, Zhang Zhiwei looked up, and saw a yellow talisman stuck on Wu Gensheng's wrist at some point.

This caused his arm with bulging veins to suddenly burst out with a force like a wave, and the wrist that had been crushed and almost fell down was pulled back little by little, and even overtook it.

Zhang Zhiwei grinned: "sticker?"

Wu Gensheng raised his eyebrows: "Little Heavenly Master is not convinced, you can post it!"

"Bi Lian, where's Bi Lian? Break your wrist and stick a talisman on it, I'm pissed!"

Old Lu cursed loudly, he finally knew why he didn't like this person, how could such a person who doesn't shake Bilian be pleasing to the eye.

"Senior Brother Zhang may not be able to stick the talisman. Did you find out that the golden light on Brother Zhang's wrist disappeared when the blue light appeared on that person's hand?" Lu Ci said with a sullen face.

Regarding Zhang Zhiwei's golden light, among the few people here, no one knows better than Lu Ci. In the Lu family compound, he was carried like a chicken, and his hands were beaten softly. The golden light did not even tremble. , but now, the golden light was broken, he thought of the scene he encountered when he first left Bincheng, and it actually happened.

"This person should be the innate alien who killed that group of devils, the person who has the means to disintegrate and turn the spell into primitive qi!" Wang Ai said.

"It's him, the shit-stirring stick Senior Brother Zhang was talking about?" Lu Jin reacted and said angrily, "He can invalidate spells, so he also asked Senior Brother Zhang to stick a talisman on it, and put a hammer on it!"

Wang Ai swallowed his saliva, a little afraid to believe it: "Brother Zhang got into his trap with the other party's method, don't lose this time, okay?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Lu Ci and Lu Jin said without hesitation:

"Don't fart!"

Although the situation seems to be unfavorable to Senior Brother Zhang, they somehow trust Senior Brother Zhang.

Wang Ai shrank her head: "I think so too!"

"Hey hey, it's easy to attack and defend, little celestial master, you want to..."

Wu Gensheng stared at Zhang Zhiwei like a lone wolf, their eyes met, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, he tried his best, the talisman on his wrist flickered, and he pressed down hard.


In the next second, with the wrist as the fulcrum, the whole body was lifted up, and fell to the ground with a "bang", causing a wave of air and dust.

"You can break my qi!"

Zhang Zhiwei stood up straight, shook his hands, and a domineering aura spread out, reaching infinite heights.

"But my majestic life foundation, have you broken it?"

(End of this chapter)

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