Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 227 Two People Conversing, Sudden Changes

Chapter 227 Two people talk, a sudden change

In the middle of the inn.

Wu Gensheng panted heavily and lay on his back on the ground.

Zhang Zhiwei stood, condescending.

Not far away, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai were cheering.

Although they believed in their hearts that Senior Brother Zhang was undefeated in the myth, they still sweated hard for Senior Brother Zhang because they were emotional and rational.

"Senior Brother Zhang is amazing, in terms of strength, you can always trust Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Jin danced excitedly.

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, he is still invincible even if he doesn't use magical means," Lu Ci sighed. At this moment, his respect for Senior Brother Zhang increased even more.

"As a stranger who practices qi, I can't use qi, but the opponent can use tricks and talismans. I can't even think of how to win, but Senior Brother Zhang actually won. He is really a god!" Wang Ai also looked admiring.

the other side.

On the ground, the talisman on Wu Gensheng's wrist suddenly ignited without wind, turning into black ash all over the ground.

The force of that pull just now exceeded the limit of what this Xiling Hercules Talisman could carry... Wugensheng was shocked beyond words.

He got this Xiling Lishi talisman from a group of tomb robbers who dug graves. The organization of those tomb robbers was called Xiling Gate, and the tomb robbers inside the gate were called Xiling Lishi.

The reason for this name is that they have a means of protection called Xiling Lishi Talisman. After affixing this talisman, it can be powerful, opening mountains when encountering mountains, and unloading mountains when encountering mountains.

Relying on this method, the tomb robbers of this genre are not particular about it. They don’t care about Feng Shui, lighting candles in the southeast corner, stick a talisman on it, pick up a shovel and dig hard.

Wu Gensheng felt that this thing was very useful, so he got some talismans. Just now he used qi to resolve Zhang Zhiwei's method, and then pasted the Xiling Lishi talisman, thinking that it would be safe.

Unexpectedly, when the other party exploded, relying solely on physical strength and not relying on any magical means, not only did he pull his wrist, but even force it violently, knocking his whole body to the ground, even Talismans are all scrapped.

With so much strength, who is this?Could it be that this is not a person? This is a humanoid monster...

Wu Gensheng has always been a person who has a thorough understanding of himself. He knows that he has a high level of cultivation and a high talent.

Because he practiced, he didn't even need to put on a posture with five hearts facing the sky. No matter whether he was moving, sitting or lying down, he only needed to calm his mind, and all kinds of thoughts would quickly fall off and enter the state of cultivation.

But even so, compared with the humanoid beast in front of him, it is still far behind.

Wu Gensheng complained hard in his heart, moved his wrists non-stop, and sighed:

"There is nothing in vain under the reputation, little celestial master, your life cultivation is too terrifying, it is much better than many Quanzhen Taoist priests who only focus on cultivating their lives!"

"It's just a small achievement!"

Zhang Zhiwei said lightly, while speaking, with a thought, he expelled the rootless qi in his body, and then reorganized himself.

He has an extremely high degree of control over himself. Within a few breaths, the qi that had been disturbed by the spirit of the gods returned to its position, rerunning to the track it should run, and regaining the state that was interrupted before.

Trying to use the golden light mantra, with a thought, a golden light appeared on the fingertips, like an arm, without any obscurity, Zhang Zhiwei was relieved, as he had expected before, there was no sequelae.

After this contact, he also has a more comprehensive understanding of the method of the gods and spirits. It is indeed very extraordinary. Apart from crushing all the methods composed of qi, he can't think of breaking it for the time being Methods.

"Little Heavenly Master has a good method, he sorted out the qi in his body so quickly."

Wu Gensheng said in amazement, he has tried many times, ordinary people have fallen into his ways, and none of them can recover the time.

But the person in front of him actually sorted it out in just a few breaths. Among other things, the ability to control the qi alone is shocking.

"Basic operations are not as amazing as your methods!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "What do you call them?"

"There are scattered people in Jianghu, Wugensheng!" Wugensheng stood up from the ground, patted his buttocks, and laughed.

"That ability just now, innate means?" Zhang Zhiwei asked,
When he asked this question, he thought of the origin of the Eight Miraculous Skills that his younger brother developed in the future. The origin of the Qi body is said to surpass the gods and spirits. Judging from Zhang Chulan's use in the plot, it also takes into account the abilities of the gods and spirits.

Wugen smiled and said: "Is it innate, I can't say, I was reading a book that day, and suddenly felt a burst of liveliness, and I got qi from it."

"As for the displayed ability, I only realized that my qi can sort out the strange-shaped qi created by others into their original appearance only after I started working with others."

"In my case, if it is considered natural, but I have also practiced some other methods of qi, and it is not as difficult to get started as other innate people."

"It's the day after tomorrow, but my whole body is obtained from the Lingtai's square inch, the oblique moon and three stars, and I haven't done any special cultivation."

"Say no, say no!"

There is no need for Wugensheng to hide these things.

In fact, he is not a liar, treating people with sincerity is one of his beliefs in life.

For Zhang Zhiwei, he had no ill feeling when they met for the first time, including Lu Ci, Wang Ai, and even Lu Jin, who made him feel that his characters were contradictory.

After all, at this juncture, the strangers who dare to come to Changbai Mountain are basically righteous men.

Wu Gensheng has always given enough respect to the righteous.

The play just now was just to find an excuse to make friends. He really likes to make friends.

After listening to Wu Gensheng's words, Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful. The square inch of the Lingtai refers to the position of the heart, and the oblique moon and three stars are the heart characters. Wu Gensheng means that all his abilities come from his own enlightenment.

And during the conversation between Zhang Zhiwei and Wu Gensheng.

Something happened to Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai.

Lu Jin was about to congratulate Senior Brother Zhang, but Lu Ci stopped him.

"Prudish, look over there, look at that dog brought by that man!" Lu Ci reminded.

"The dog that didn't want Bilian to bring?" Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, then followed the sound to look, and just in time, the dog also looked towards him.

The two looked at each other, and he actually saw all kinds of complicated emotions in the dog's eyes.

"Fuck, these are human eyes, there is a problem, there is a big problem, could it be..."

Lu Jin rubbed his chin, as if thinking of something.

But Lu Ci walked over directly, without saying a word, reached out and grabbed the yellow dog's head, the yellow dog struggled a few times, Lu Ci gave it a few big ears, and the other party became honest.

Afterwards, Lu Ci drove Ruyi Jin into the dog's body, groped a bit, found the joint of the dog's skin, grabbed both sides of the dog's skin, and pulled it hard.


Like tearing apart the cloth, the dog's skin was separated from the top of the head to the back.

The skin is open but there is no flesh, not even a bit of blood, and there is no fascia of flesh and blood under the fur, but another layer of skin.

Judging from its skin texture, this is human skin.

Lu Ci didn't stop his hands, he pawed hard and tore off the dog's skin, only to see a naked man roll out of it.

"It turned out to be a nightmare technique!" Wang Ai was a little surprised. He had something on his mind, and he was hungry, so he was too busy eating, so he didn't pay attention.

"As expected!" Lu Jin looked at Wu Gensheng.

The innkeeper and the waiter in the inn were all shocked, they had never eaten pork, and hadn't seen a pig running?

Those who work in their line of work have never heard of this sorcery, and those who know it are all demons.

Sure enough, in the next second, they heard the man who got out of the dog's fur, shouting in a fluent northeast accent:

"Help, help me, he is a full-sex demon, colluded with Japanese pirates, and wants to go to Changbai Mountain to murder the anti-Japanese righteous, little celestial master, hurry up, kill him!"

Yuan Guangxin didn't know Zhang Zhiwei, but he saw the scene just now completely.

From Wugensheng's mouth, he also knew the title of Zhang Zhiwei's little celestial master.

At the moment when Lu Ci released him from the dog's fur, he had an idea and wanted to beat him up.

(End of this chapter)

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