Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 228 Zhang Zhiwei's Dao and Rootless Dao

Chapter 228 Zhang Zhiwei's Dao and Rootless Dao

"The all-sex demon...colluded with Japanese pirates..."

Lu Jin took off his suit jacket and threw it on the kang, rolled up his sleeves, and was ready to strike at any time.

"Senior Brother Zhang, take it?!"

Lu Ci stroked the front of the neck with his hand, reached out and took out a handful of ribs from the package.

He confiscated this thing from Colonel Ishikawa, and he thought it was useful, so he kept it.

Knowing the ability of Wugensheng, and knowing that Ruyijin is not easy to use, then this weapon is the best choice.

Even the shopkeeper in the inn took out a box cannon from under the counter.

It is impossible for someone who can open an inn in this kind of place to be a good person.

I didn't hesitate before because I was photographed by Zhang Zhiwei's qi machine.

Now that I've come back to my senses, don't worry about him, take out the pistol to defend yourself first.

The situation is a bit chaotic, and the ability is still a bit difficult to use, Wang Ai frowned, and retreated behind everyone.

Suddenly, the situation in the entire inn suddenly became tense, as if a storm was brewing.

However, the two in the middle of the storm were particularly calm.

"Hey!" Zhang Zhiwei teased, "Are you a full-sex demon who colluded with Japanese pirates?"

"What do you think, little celestial master?" Wu Gensheng replied with a smile without panicking.

"Looks like Quan Xing, but..." Zhang Zhiwei changed the subject, "It's not like colluding with Japanese pirates!"

"Although I just met, but the one who knows me is the little celestial master. By the way, I am not all-inclusive," Wu Gensheng said with a smile, "but I think the little celestial master is all-inclusive!"

"What bullshit!" Before Zhang Zhiwei could speak, Lu Ci quit, waving the ribs in his hands, as if he was about to go up and kill someone.

"That's right, who are you saying is a full-sex demon?" Lu Jin also said angrily.

The all-sex demons of this era are not the same as the all-sex demons under the corporate governance of later generations.

It is definitely a great insult to say that their well-known and decent disciples are full-sex monsters, and it is more serious than calling Nee to black people in the United States.

"Look at you, you're in a hurry!"

But Zhang Zhiwei didn't get angry, he waved his hands to the fans in the back, and said:

"He said integrity, but didn't say a monster. This is brother Bilian complimenting me, but I can't bear brother Bilian's praise."

"Total nature, if you pluck out a hair to benefit the world, you don't do it, and if you take a hair to harm the world, you don't do it."

"Don't pluck a hair, don't take a hair, let go of the many temptations of this vast world, let go of the whole world, what a shocking idea, I am an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will not be able to get involved in this way!"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and looked at Wu Gensheng: "What about you?"

"Me?" Wu Gensheng grinned, "I didn't plan to do this at first, but the little celestial master talked about it, I think... maybe I can... try!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei laughed. In this way, Wu Gensheng has not yet joined Quanxing, but this person really dares to think and do, and he is also an extremely arrogant madman if he wants to practice the way of a saint.

Both sides are transparent people, both are extremely people, and in just a few words, they have a little grasp of each other.

Zhang Zhiwei understands why Wu Gensheng later made friends all over the world and invited them to the 24th Tongtian Valley gathering together, why he was not included in it.

It's because of different ways, and they don't conspire with each other.

The fundamental and principled issue of "Tao" cannot be eased. The two sides can't urinate in the same pot. Now they can sit here and talk happily only because of the Liaodong incident as a bond.

Just like Lu Ci and Lu Jin, don't look at them as children, they grew up together, but in the original plot, the two don't talk about old age and death, but when they meet, they are only business-to-business in family relations. Private to private.

One of them despises the other for being too clean and too pedantic in doing things.One despises the other party for being too dirty and does things by hook or by crook.

But now, the reason why the two can bicker with each other like enemies, occasionally fight and quarrel, and occasionally call brothers and sisters is because of the bond of Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei is the "Tao" they all yearn for, so they are now fellow-men.

The reason why Zhang Zhiwei and Wu Gensheng could meet here is also because they are like-minded people in the case of Liaodong.

As for the differences in their own ways...the difference is like the choice of their internal cultivation methods.

He is following the path of looking at himself, regarding himself as a country, a sage inside and a king outside, the way is on himself, and he looks at himself with absolute sincerity, treats himself with sincerity, and is so sincere that his eyes are rarely projected to other places, so the master said he was defiant.

But those who are born without roots are looking at things outside, and his way lies in others, so he later joined Quanxing, to save those monsters of Quanxing, and to understand his own way for those monsters.

And in this process, Wugensheng is also borrowing other people's way to reflect his own way.Ruo Zhang Zhiwei looks at himself and treats himself with absolute sincerity.That rootless life is to face up to and treat others with an attitude of absolute sincerity.

This is also the reason why so many Tianjiao are willing to make friends with Wugensheng.



"As soon as I said, you plan to join the whole sex test?"

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly thought of a possibility: "If you join Quanxing in the future, you shouldn't spread the word that I let you join!"

"That's necessary, otherwise, in this situation, everyone is staring at me, and no one is backing me up, wouldn't I be in danger?!" Wu Gensheng pointed at Yuan Guangxin and said.

At this moment, Yuan Guangxin was naked, knelt down on the ground with his buttocks pouted, kowtowed his head vigorously, and said in tears:
"Little Celestial Master, don't be fooled by this man's rhetoric, he is a full-fledged demon who has mastered many demon techniques, just like making animals, just one of them!"

"He took refuge with the Japanese pirates, and this time he went to Changbai Mountain to bring some secret information to the Japanese pirates. I accidentally saw him through and was caught by him."

"Because it's a long way to Changbai Mountain, he was worried that there would be no food on the way, so he turned me into a dog by making animals, thinking that he was hungry on the way, so he ate dog meat directly."

"On the way, I saw him eat several of them with my own eyes. They were all transformed by humans. Such deeds are simply outrageous!"

Little Heavenly Master, you are a member of the righteous sect, you use righteousness to drive away evil, and you use unity to rule all, I beg you to be the master for me, and kill this thief as soon as possible..."

At this moment, Genkoshin's IQ even surpassed that of Einstein, and he edited it directly on the spot, telling a story that was seamless and logical.

On the Japanese pirate side, there are investigations into the foreign forces in China. Of course, Yuan Guangxin is no stranger to the Quanxing sect.

This is a loose organization, the public enemy of the rivers and lakes, everyone can be punished, it is said that as long as you dare to call yourself the whole sex, then the whole sex will dare to accept you, the biggest rule is that there are no rules.

Holding the idea that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, they even sent people to deal with people of all genders, and the results they got were different.

Successfully bought some whole-sex demons to work, and some all-sex demons turned to swords when they heard their identities.There are also full-sex monsters who don't talk about martial arts, take advantage of it and don't do anything...

After many times, they came to the conclusion that this is a group of shit stirrers, they can't do anything, but they are the best blamers, anyway, if there is any shit pot, just put it on their heads, so he put the helpless Gensheng is called a full-sex demon.

Yuan Guangxin's words made all the innkeepers shake their hands. If this guy really said it, then that young man in a bear jacket is really a heartless bastard.

Lu Jin also gritted his teeth when he heard this, but the old Lu was just careless, a little reckless, definitely not a fool, and soon discovered the blind spot, and bent Lu Ci hard with his elbow, saying:
"Hedgehog, this person said that the guy named Wu Gensheng took refuge with the Japanese pirates, but the corpse of the Japanese pirates we met when we left the city was obviously the one who did it. He killed his own people?"

Lu Ci weighed the gap in his hand, and said with a sneer, "So, this guy is lying. Besides, this person's accent is too correct, not to mention the correct accent, and he doesn't have the smell of a big deal!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ci's body hurt a little, and he felt that he was at a disadvantage, so he stabbed back with his elbow.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" Lu Jin said angrily, "Did I push so hard?"

"Do you still need a reason for doing it to you?" Lu Ci rolled his eyes at him: "Nine out of ten and thirteen out, never heard of it!"

"You're thirteen, right? Then I'm sixteen!" Lu Jin was not a loser, so he wanted to fight back.

"Stop, stop, stop making trouble, and don't look at what's going on?"

Wang Ai, who retreated behind the crowd, quickly grabbed the two of them. When is it? They are still making trouble. If there is a fight later, he can't stop it.

"Fatty, what are you in a hurry for?" Lu Jin said, "You see, Senior Brother Zhang is not in a hurry!"

"Brother Zhang must have deep meaning in doing this!" Lu Ci also said.

"Is it profound?" Wang Ai thought for a while and said:

"The guy who jumped out of the yellow dog probably didn't know that we knew that Bilian had killed a group of Japanese pirates, so I whispered that even though he was turned into a dog, he certainly didn't have the hearing of a dog. "

"But that Bilian must have heard it. When I said this, he glanced at us this time, and I noticed him!"

Although Wang Ai looks like a foolish son, he is not stupid at all, and he should be noticed, and no one is left behind.

"Really? So that's the case, no wonder this person is confident in front of Senior Brother Zhang!"

Lu Ci suddenly realized, and immediately turned his attention to Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Hey, brother Bilian, what this person said sounds reasonable. Do you have anything to refute?"

"Of course I have something to say!" Wu Gensheng didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "This is a Shinto priest, and his status is not low. According to him, he is only a little worse than the great priest Watanabe in Bincheng. .”

"He was stationed at Shizikou and followed the commander there. This time it was because something happened in Bincheng. He went to investigate, but this guy was not lucky. He met me halfway and was arrested by me. Living."

"Different from ordinary Japanese pirates, this is a soft bone. After I threatened him, he stopped calling himself and told a lot of news before he was tortured."

"However, I think there are nine truths and one falsehood in these news, and many key things are false. Otherwise, you, little heavenly master, go and interrogate. After getting the result, we will check it again and see if it is right. ?”

"The people who follow the admiral in Shizikou should know a lot," Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, "It's just right, torture, we have professionals here!"

Hearing this, Wu Gensheng turned his head to look at Yuan Guangxin, winked, and copied a general's accent: "Mr. Guangxin, there is an old saying in China that says Xixi Wuze is a gentleman!"

"I advise you to be a hero again. It's pointless to play small tricks. The group of people you have to face are not as easy to talk to as I am."

"Look at this guy in front of me, look at this attire, a thug in a suit, look at this height, I wish I could be two heads taller than you, you can't even fit your teeth between the food and drink!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Sure enough, there is absolutely nothing wrong with not giving up the nickname Bilian. If this big voice didn't know his details, he would have to be killed.

Wu Gensheng said again: "Look at this master again, he is also a thug in a suit, or a white-haired devil, with his coat off and his sleeves rolled up, ready to fuck you anytime!"

Lu Jin's face darkened, and he said in his heart that I was going to fuck you, and who the hell is the white-haired devil?Will you speak?Shut up if you don't speak.

Lu Ci was snickering at first, but soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Look at this thug in a suit again, his hair is standing on end, and he is furious, and then look at this savage little eyes, with a knife in his hand, even I am terrified, aren't you afraid? I'll cut your corpse into thousands of pieces in minutes gone."

Lu Ci tightly grasped the ribs in his hand, and gave him a hard look, if there was a possibility that he could not be beaten, he would have to be cut.

Wu Gensheng kept on talking, but Zhang Zhiwei stretched out the chopsticks in his left hand, and stuffed a bear's paw into his throat, interrupting the spellcasting:
"Eat your bear's paw, don't beep, Erbi, I'll leave this to you!" Zhang Zhiwei pointed to Yuan Guangxin.

"Okay, I ate too much just now, and I happened to exercise after dinner to digest the food!" Lu Ci raised the ribs in his hand, walked over, and patted Yuan Guangxin's face with a knife: "Did you hear that Xixi Wuze is a gentleman?" , Tell me everything you know!"

"Sir, I've said everything I need to say, don't slander good people!" Yuan Guangxin looked extremely wronged.

"Are you still pretending?" Lu Ci slapped him on the forehead with a knife, and said with a sneer, "You said he was in league with Japanese pirates, so why did he kill a group of Japanese pirates on the official road outside Bincheng?"

"He, he is a full-sexed, full-sexed monster. It is not surprising to do anything. They all kill themselves, let alone..."

Yuan Guangxin hadn't finished speaking, Lu Ci didn't want to listen anymore, grabbed his ass, stuffed his mouth, used Ruyi energy, and beat his head and face.

"Damn it, can you tell me, can you tell me?"

Lu Ci used his usual method, which is called the killing power stick, the purpose is to break the opponent's will first and prepare for the next torture.

On the other hand, Wu Gensheng was already familiar with himself. He sat at Zhang Zhiwei's table and began to feast on it. He lost. He had to pay for the dishes on the table. How could he do it if he didn't eat some?

Wang Ai stretched out his hand to pick up the ginseng, but Wu Gensheng preempted him. He was a little dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

"I said Fatty, what is your dream?" Wu Gensheng asked.

[It's late again, it's the end of the month, I've been so busy recently, I'm writing the next update, I stayed up all night to write, readers, please forgive me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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