Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 230 Guan Shihua Meets the Little Celestial Master

Chapter 230 Guan Shihua Meets the Little Celestial Master
That pungent voice just fell.


The door of the inn was opened, and the wind and snow poured in. A fat girl who was about the same size as Wang Ai stepped into the room. She was wearing a tiger fur coat, exuding black energy that seemed to be there, and a pair of tiger eyes.

The person who came was Guan Shihua whom Wang Aixin had been thinking about.

Although Guan Shihua and Wang Ai are similar in stature, their temperaments are very different.

Wang Ai is a sinister fat man with an ugly appearance, but Guan Shihua can be described as the eagle watching the wolf Gu.

Because if you look closely at her eyes, you will find that the shape of her eyes, even the eyes, are exactly the same as those of a tiger, so she has been nicknamed Huniu since she was a child.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment looking at this fat girl with a tiger head and a tiger brain and tiger eyes. He really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived. He just said that Wang Ai joined Guan Shihua's hall. The mother-in-law is here.

Did Guan Shihua only hear the last sentence, or did she hear all the previous ones? If she heard all of them, the fat man might not be able to join her... Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, he was also a little uncertain, because he didn't know the truth at all. Did not find Guan Shihua approaching.

The reason why he didn't discover it was not because Guan Shihua's latent ability was so good, but because Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay attention at all.

Most of his attention is on himself, and the outside world is disturbing. If it doesn't disturb him, he won't be distracted.

Of course, this does not mean that someone can assassinate Zhang Zhiwei. It is precisely because he focuses most of his attention on himself that he can have a more subtle insight into what happened to him.

If someone showed killing intent or deep hostility towards him, he could feel it even thousands of meters away.

When Guan Shihua arrived just now, he didn't show any hostility towards him, so he naturally didn't need to waste his energy paying attention.

Seeing Guan Shihua enter the inn, Wang Ai was shocked, spit out the ginseng in his mouth, and immediately sat up straight.

"Majiaguan Shihua, pay homage to the little celestial master!"

As soon as he entered the door, Guan Shihua's eyes were fixed, and he noticed Zhang Zhiwei, who was sitting in the first seat of Dama Jindao at first sight. Without him, Zhang Zhiwei's momentum was too full, coupled with his tall and straight suit and his outstanding height, he could not notice His, unless blind.

"Long time no see!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, although he and Guan Shihua don't have a deep relationship, it's not that they don't know each other.

Back then at Old Master Lu's birthday banquet, the juniors took turns drinking in circles. Guan Shihua, a big girl from the Northeast, drank like drinking water, so she was naturally the vanguard of circles.

Zhang Zhiwei is also very generous, and he drank a few times when he came and went, and he had a good conversation at that time.

However, why does everyone call him Little Heavenly Master? Some bastard spread the word, isn't that presumptuous?

Although he is now the direct successor of the Heavenly Master, a disciple with a fake surname, one of the candidates for the Heavenly Master, and the chief of the No.60 five generations of disciples in Longhu Mountain...

But if he yelled like this directly, if it reached the master's ears, he would have to be criticized again.

However, Zhang Zhiwei thought about it, and he heard it all over Liaodong. With Xiaotian, the director of the propaganda department, maybe all the vegetable sellers around Longhushan knew about it.

Come on, you can shout if you want, the mouth is on your face, you can't stop it if you want to, besides, master can really tie me to the flying sword and spiral up to the sky... Zhang Zhiwei thought silently.

"Long time no see, Young Master Lu!" Guan Shihua greeted Lu Jin again.

"Sister Shihua is still being polite, just call me Lu Jin!" Lu Jin clasped her hands.

The two also knew each other. Lu Jin was the host of the last birthday banquet. Basically, all the younger generations who attended the birthday banquet had nodding acquaintances with him.

After greeting Lu Jin, Guan Shihua didn't even look at Wang Ai, who was sitting upright with a worried expression on his face, and Wu Gensheng, who was buried in eating like a starved ghost reincarnated, but looked at Lu Ci in the corner of the inn, where The movement made is relatively large.

Lu Ci was giving Yuan Guangxin a killing stick. He stuffed Yuan Guangxin's mouth with dog skin, stepped on the soles of his feet, and then smashed Yuan Guangxin's fingers with the back of the knife. While smashing, he also reprimanded:
"Recruit or not, you fucking recruit or not!"

This operation directly stunned Guan Shihua, and laughed loudly:
"You gagged him, how can he recruit, Lu Ci, you are still such a motherfucker!!"

Guan Shihua was still very impressed with Lu Ci.

At that time in the Lu family compound, after Zhang Zhiwei slapped and cried Lu Jin, no one dared to go up to challenge, only Lu Ci went on stage like a calf who was not afraid of tigers, and even uttered wild words to tell Zhang Zhiwei not to hold back and use all his strength.

At that time, Guan Shihua felt that Lu Ci was a bully, and her temper matched her.

In fact, the personal relationship between these two people has been quite good in the following hundred years.

In the story Rust, Lu Ci also handed Guan Shihua a yin-yang paper love letter for Wang Ai, but Guan Shihua didn't even read it and threw it away.

Even later, when the old heavenly master went down the mountain and distributed lunch boxes to Quan Xing, the shopkeeper of the Jianghu Inn proposed to abolish the old heavenly master.

Lu Ci threw the table in a rage, everyone was astonished at that time, only Guan Shihua laughed and was the first to support Lu Ci's decision.

Lu Ci glanced at Guan Shihua, greeted her, and then explained the reason of the matter and why he did what he did.

"Killing power stick? This method is really yours," Guan Shihua laughed loudly and said, "However, won't this be too much trouble? Moreover, if the other party deceives you with nine truths and one falsehood, then there is no other way." Isn't it a test?"

Lu Ci smashed Yuan Guangxin's fingers with the back of his knife: "There is no way to do this. Things in thinking are not so easy to spy on. It is always good to get some news!"

"In the final analysis, you are still not professional enough. Let the professionals handle this kind of thing!" Guan Shihua said.

"I'm not professional enough?" Lu Ci smiled first, then stared, "I'm a professional when it comes to doing this, even Senior Brother Zhang says I'm a professional!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

I complained in my heart, I said that you are professional in torture, but I didn't say that you are professional in interrogation, but if you want to talk about professionalism, the Lu family who got both hands later is really professional.

Guan Shihua was not afraid of Lu Ci at all, she stared fiercely, and waved her hand: "You are a professional fart, hurry up, get out of the way, don't play this pirate to death, and then I will show you what professionalism is! "

"You?!" Lu Ci looked doubtful, looked Guan Shihua up and down, then looked behind Zhang Zhiwei, and asked his opinion.

"She said she was professional, so let her try it, and let us have a look at the tricks of the Majia family!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Know the importance, don't play to death!" Lu Ci instructed, returned to the table, glanced at the fat man with a worried face, and said, "It's not that you don't care, what is your expression?"

Wang Ai stammered, "First... I didn't care about it before, but now that I see it, I... care about it again!"

"If you care, go up and say hello, what are you afraid of, why don't you dare to fight with her!" Lu Ci hated iron for not being steel.

"Do... a fight?" Wang Ai looked at Lu Ci puzzled.

"He didn't dare!" At this moment, Wu Gensheng, who was buried in eating, suddenly raised his head and said.

Zhang Zhiwei also made up his sword and said, "I can't do it even if I dare!"

This is true, in the current year, the Wang family has not yet got the Juling dispatcher, Shentu is by no means outstanding in combat, and Wang Ai's cultivation is not yet at home.

The most important thing is that the fighting power of the disciples of the Ma family is unreasonable. Guan Shihua is young and already established.

What is Tangkou is equivalent to establishing a sect.

Of course, the founding of the sect of the Immortal Immortal lineage is different from the founding of the sect in the traditional sense.

The establishment of Guan Shihua's hall does not mean that Guan Shihua is the master of the sect. It can only be said that the fairy family behind her is a master. She, stand up for him.

For example, in the Luo Tian Dajiao in the plot of later generations, Deng Youfu once invited out the super existence of Liu Xianzhong-Liu Kunsheng.

And Deng Youfu is Guan Shihua's grandson. From this, it can be seen that there is definitely Liu Kunsheng among the great immortals at the entrance of Guan Shihuatang. As for whether there are other very powerful five immortals, it is unknown.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Ai to defeat Shihua. Among other things, even if she only borrowed [-]% of Liu Kunsheng's strength, it would be enough to beat Wang Ai.

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei say that he couldn't beat him, Wang Ai shrank his neck and said to himself: "Even if you have done it before, you can't do it!"

"is it?"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled. In the plot, Guan Shihua seldom participated in the Ten Guys Conference, and rarely went south. Whenever he met, he complained about Wang Aihe and the world would be born.

Among them, I am afraid that there is also some entanglement, because of love and hate?

However, at least the current Wang Ai doesn't have this idea.

the other side.

Guan Shihua called to the innkeeper: "Go and prepare some crooked neck little phoenix, red beam water and a few yellow strips."

This is the common saying of the fairy family and the jargon of the Ma family. The little phoenix with a crooked neck refers to the roast chicken, the red beams and fine water are sorghum wine, and the yellow sticks are incense.

A set of these three things is usually a common tribute to the immortal family from disciples who go out on horseback. Obviously, Guan Shihua is going to invite immortals.

"My lord, I'll go right away, I'll go right away!" The shopkeeper stuffed the box cannon back into the counter, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to get busy, which was enough to show how much he attached importance to Guan Shihua.

This gathering place is actually the territory of the Ma family, they are all under the protection of the Ma family, and Guan Shihua is a genius of the Ma family, so he can't help but not take it seriously.

"I said, it's so troublesome to ask for something, what should you do if there is an emergency?" Lu Ci asked with folded arms.

Guan Shihua said lightly: "Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome. I can invite you if I think about it. This is because the Xian family has a good relationship with me."

"But no matter how good the relationship is, it needs to be maintained. The immortals say you're welcome, but I can't really be rude."

"There is no way to deal with emergencies, but in normal times, the etiquette that should be given is still given, and the same is true for being a human being!"

(End of this chapter)

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