Chapter 231
Not long after, the shopkeeper came with three tributes.

Guan Shihua nodded, lit the incense sticks, prepared roast chicken and wine, then took a deep breath, made seals in her hands, and said "Bang Bing Jue" in her mouth:
"Sunset and western mountains darken the sky, the dragon leaves the long sea and the tiger descends to the high mountains, the dragon leaves the long sea to make rain, and the tiger descends to the high mountains to block the road..."

When Guan Shihua was reciting the mantra, Zhang Zhiwei looked at her with delusional eyes, and immediately saw the mantra on her body shining brightly and resonating.

Its central orifice is occupied by a large python.

The big python was sleeping, when Guan Shihua was chanting "Bingjue", the big python twisted a bit, opened its eyes and took a look, saw that it was not him, turned over and fell asleep again.

It's interesting... Zhang Zhiwei thought, this python seems to exist in Guan Shihua's body all the time.

Moreover, when Guan Shihua entered the inn just now, she was covered in black demon qi, but she didn't ask the immortal family to possess her at that time.

Zhang Zhiwei also remembered that in the story of Luo Tian Dajiao in later generations, Guan Shihua's grandson Deng Youcai was attacked by a monster with all sexes.

Deng Youcai didn't react at that time, and he didn't cast a spell to invite the immortal, but even so, he entered the state of protecting the body of the immortal in an instant, killing the opponent in one move.

In other words, even if the disciples of the Ma family do not invite immortals to their bodies, there will still be an immortal living in the acupoints of the body to protect the disciples of the Ma family from harm.

At the same time, the disciples of the Ma family can also use part of the power of this fairy family independently, which is somewhat similar to Renzhuli.

Just now when Guan Shihua rushed over, he used this kind of power.

But now, the reason why she wants to invite immortals may be that the immortal family in her body is not good at torturing information, so she is going to invite other immortal families to help.

What is the name of this fairy family that is somewhat similar to Renzhuli?Baojiaxian?It should be wrong, ask Guan Shihua later.

But if you think about it carefully, this mode is still very beneficial to Fatty Wang, and it can protect him from dying under unknown AOE.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, and a reliable immortal must be found, but considering the reputation of the Wang family, this should not be difficult.

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about it, when he suddenly felt the evil wind howling outside, and a cold breath approaching.

Looking up, he saw a huge shadow in the shape of a weasel, coming through the wall, pounced on Guan Shihua's body, and occupied a trick in her body.

In an instant, Guan Shihua's eyes changed, her pupils suddenly expanded, her entire eyes became pitch black, and the black energy all over her body radiated, making her look a bit permeable.

Not only that, but the shadow under her feet also shook for a while, and it was no longer in human form, but like a weasel standing upright.

"Little Shi Hua'er, what do you want me to do?"

Guan Shihua grinned and let out a shrill and sinister laugh, which made people feel a little creepy.

"What's going on here? How did Shi Hua'er become like this?" Wang Ai asked with a look of horror.

"This is an invitation to an immortal, and now the immortal family is taking over her body. Guan Shihua should have fallen asleep, and she shouldn't wake up until the invitation to an immortal is over!" Lu Jin said.

But the slap in the face is that just after Lu Jin finished speaking, Guan Shihua suddenly said in a normal voice:
"Master Huang has come all the way, so tired, Shi Hua'er has prepared some things for you to wash away the dust!"

Under normal circumstances, this kind of dialogue should be spoken by the two gods, because ordinary disciples who are sent out on horseback lose any consciousness after being possessed by the immortal family.

But Guan Shihua is obviously not included in this list, perhaps because of her high abilities and good relationship with the Xian family, after she is possessed by the Xian family, she can still have a part of her own consciousness.

"Yo yo yo, I even prepared something for this fairy, Xiao Shi Hua'er really has a heart!"

Guan Shihua finished this sentence in a treacherous tone, and when she lowered her head, she saw the three tributes in front of her. She reached out to pick up the bottle of red beam water, and drank it clean.

After drinking, she smacked her mouth, and said in a spy voice, a little unfinished:
"This wine is not bad. It's brewed with high-quality sorghum wine and wild ginseng. It's delicious, but it's a bit small, so it's not very satisfying!"

"You want to drink to your heart's content, then I will suffer from old crimes. I will send someone to get you some to send up the mountain some other day, so that you can drink to your heart's content. Now, I'd better ask you to come out and do me a little favor!"

"It's easy to talk, right, I asked this fairy to come out, so why?"

"Master Huang, this is the work of a Japanese pirate, please use your magical powers to pry something out of his mouth!"

"The secret work of Japanese pirates, these bastards are really lingering. The land in the northeast is everywhere. Even Liu Kunsheng, the old bastard, has stumbled a few times in their hands!"

"Master Huang, did Uncle Liu suffer? How is the situation?"

Guan Shihua said in her original voice, with shock in her voice, she has a lot of strength against Uncle Liu, and in the Northeast, there are not many things that can make him suffer.

"Don't worry, it's just a small injury, it doesn't matter. That old guy is very solid. He has a thousand years of cultivation, even if he is cut in half, he won't necessarily die. Day, seven or seven or eight is already good!"

"Since Uncle Liu is fine, I can rest assured Shi Hua'er, Master Huang should show off his supernatural powers quickly!"

"Okay, okay, let's go out and show off!"

Guan Shihua gave a sad laugh, stretched out his hand to tear off the dog skin on Yuan Guangxin's mouth, and was about to do it, Yuan Guangxin hurriedly shouted:

"Immortal, may I ask which fairy mountain you practiced in? A few days ago, our Omiya Secretary had discussed with you, do you know? Many fairy families have reached an agreement with them not to interfere in these matters, you Don't hurt yourself by mistake!"

"Huh?! Hehehe, your own person? Who the hell is your own person? What kind of shit palace secretary, I don't know you, Mr. Huang!"

After all, without waiting for Yuan Guangxin to speak, Guan Shihua's tiger eyes instantly turned green and gloomy, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of black energy.

The black qi was entrenched in the air, and the qi spread out, turning into small black snakes, which got in through the seven orifices of Yuan Guangxin, and the scene was a bit frightening.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what kind of supernatural power is this Master Huang invited by Shi Hua'er to display? Why does he feel a little panicked!" Wang Ai said with some trepidation.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Foreigners who have cultivated qi will have their own abilities, and these great immortals are the same. Like the white immortal among the five immortals, they are good at curing diseases and saving people."

"As for this Yellow Immortal, he has a unique ability. He is good at running, and can cause hysteria, insanity, and turn people into lunatics."

"It's hysteria, but at its root, it's a mental attack on 'sex', so it's indeed a wise choice for Huang Xian to torture him."

Sure enough, after being cast by Huang Daxian, Yuan Guangxin's eyes began to become chaotic, his expression gradually became silly, one eye slanted upward, the other eye slanted downward, eyes crooked and mouth slanted, as if he had become A child with cerebral palsy.

"Yo yo yo, this person's soul is very powerful, and there are some demons and ghosts in his soul. This person should also have some shaman-like moves. On the Japanese pirate side, it seems to be called Shintoism, right? However, with Compared with your grandfather Huang Daxian, it is far behind, Shi Huaer, what do you want to ask, ask quickly, if this state has been maintained for a long time, this little devil is really crazy!"

After all, Guan Shihua put away the treacherous expression on his face, and the Xianjia returned the control of his body to Guan Shihua.

However, her shadow was still in the shape of a weasel, which meant that the Yellow Immortal hadn't left just now, but was dormant in the hole.

"What do you want to ask?" Guan Shihua turned around and asked.

"Isn't there a big qi trap shrouded in the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain? Ask him how he entered?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Say it!" Guan Shihua touched Genguangxin's forehead.

Yuan Guangxin's eyes were crooked, and while drooling, he said: "I don't know, only Prince Su knows the way to get in there, and he is the one who leads the way every time. With him being a slave of the Qing Dynasty, how can he be worthy of cooperating with us?"

"What should I do?" Guan Shihua turned to look at Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and asked: "What actions did your people take against the dragon veins there in Changbai Mountain?"

Yuan Guangxin said indistinctly: "We use the method of moving feng shui to graft part of the dragon's energy into the mainland to strengthen our own national destiny. At the same time, in order to better control this place, we plan to use this to support a puppet dynasty!"

Sure enough, it was as I expected... Zhang Zhiwei thought.

When Guan Shihua heard this, she frowned and said in shock, "The Japanese pirates have such wolfish ambitions?"

"You're here, don't you know?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"I don't know the details, my master won't let me interfere in this matter!" Guan Shihua paused, and then said: "I would like to intervene, but the gods of the immortal family have already stepped in for this kind of matter, I will go, It’s superfluous!”

Zhang Zhiwei nodded to express his understanding. The Ma family is capable, and more than [-]% of them are in the Xian family. The Xian family is actually dispatched. They will do some logistics behind, just wave the flag to cheer.

"By the way, how many people do you have in Changbai Mountain, and what is the staffing like?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.

Yuanguang Channel: "The matter in Changbai Mountain is handled by the army with full authority. I have been stationed in the navy. The news from both sides is blocked. I don't know very well. I only know that there are a lot of people!"

Damn it, navy red deer... Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart, and then asked: "How many human laboratories do you have here, the kind that refine people into ghosts!"

Yuanguang Channel: "There is only one, under the railway company in Bencheng!"

Hearing that there was only one, Zhang Zhiwei immediately felt relieved, and then thought of the black reagent containing the blood of Shuten Doji, and asked:
"Where did the black reagent that can refine fetuses into ghosts come from?"

Yuan Guangxin's face twisted, he struggled a bit, and finally lost to Huang Daxian's hysteria, sticking out his tongue, drooling, and said vaguely:

"This is all done by the people of the Tuyumen family. When they participated in the grafting of dragon veins, they found the corpse buried in the imperial tomb. The influence of Qi has become very unusual, so they took the corpse for research, and the black reagent is one of the research results!"

(End of this chapter)

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