Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 233 Conditions for Cultivating the 1st Dao of the Horse Immortal

Chapter 233 Conditions for Cultivating a Horse Immortal
"Morse code?" Guan Shihua was confused, it was the first time she heard this word.

This guy actually understands this... Zhang Zhiwei also looked at Wu Gensheng in surprise. He knew the Morse code, but he couldn't understand it either.

"Why, I want to learn, I'll teach you!" Wu Gensheng winked and said.

"I don't want to learn!" Zhang Zhiwei was not interested in such messy things.

"What, you teach me to try?"

Guan Shihua was quite interested, walked over and listened for a while, her tiger eyes got bigger and bigger, but her face became more and more wrinkled, her head shook like a rattle:
"What kind of bird language is this? I can't even understand it, and I can't learn a little bit!"

"Hahaha, it's normal not to be able to understand, if you understand it casually, won't you lose your job if you do those meticulous jobs?"

Wu Gensheng said with a smile, he didn't expect this big fat girl to learn it, the little celestial master probably could, but he wasn't interested.

Guan Shihua scratched her ears, looked at Zhang Zhiwei, and whispered:

"Little Heavenly Master, did you have a little conflict with Master Huang just now?"

"Have you found it?"

"Master Huang is in my acupoint, so I can naturally sense what's going on outside. The Xian family is arrogant and perverted, and they don't hide their emotions. If anything bumps into you, I will apologize to you for it!"

After Guan Shihua finished speaking, she bowed solemnly, picked up a bowl of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

Guan Shihua has a carefree and forthright temperament, and it is impossible for her to give in to ordinary people.

But in front of Zhang Zhiwei, she was a little cautious, there was nothing she could do, she was frightened before, so she couldn't be bold!
Just now she only told Zhang Zhiwei that she could feel the surrounding situation, but she didn't tell Zhang Zhiwei that she could still feel the emotions of the Xian family.

At that time, she clearly sensed Huang Ye's displeasure, and even thought of making Zhang Zhiwei hysterical.

Just as he was about to stop him, he found that Master Huang's displeasure had disappeared, and instead he felt a sense of anxiety and fear.

At that time, this directly frightened her into a stunned state. She couldn't believe it was true, and once thought it was an illusion produced by herself.

You know, Lord Huang is the great immortal Huang who has practiced for hundreds of years!
Although animals get qi, because they don't have all kinds of exercises, they may not be as good as humans in terms of means.

But those hundreds of years of cultivation can't be faked, who can stop it?
But now, she actually felt the fear of Zhang Zhiwei from a Huang Daxian who had practiced for hundreds of years.

That's right, it's fear. She is very familiar with this emotion, just like the emotion she was born with when Master raised the cigarette stick to smoke her forehead.

But how is this possible, how old is Zhang Zhiwei, and he doesn't even have a fraction of Huang Ye's practice time, will Huang Ye worry about being smoked in the head by him with a cigarette?Besides, I didn't bring a cigarette bag!
Guan Shihua secretly glanced at Zhang Zhiwei's big hands with sharp joints, and recalled in his mind the scene of Zhang Zhiwei slapping and crying Lu Jin.

Then, for some reason, the picture in his mind suddenly changed, the person who was slapped and cried changed from Lu Jin to Huang Ye.

Thinking of this, Guan Shihua quickly shook his head, expelling this somewhat absurd idea.

Master Huang took good care of her and could not be disrespectful to the Xian family.

"It's okay, just be more careful next time!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said, he's not angry at all, he won, why should he be angry.

"Little Celestial Master is open!" Guan Shihua laughed.

"You don't need to talk about a little celestial master, it sounds weird, just call me Zhang Zhiwei!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"It's a bit presumptuous to call you by name directly. I'd better learn from Lu Cina and call you Brother Zhang!" Guan Shihua said, "By the way, Brother Zhang, you can just call me Huniu, my friend. They all call me that!"

At this time, Hu forced Lu Ci to stab Wang Ai with his elbow, and whispered:

"Fatty, why are you standing upright here, go over and say hello!"

"I... I... what should I say?" Wang Ai whispered a little nervously.

In fact, he had rehearsed this scene many times in his mind.

He had a lot to say about his experience along the way, but after meeting him, he didn't know what to say.

The main reason was that he drank alcohol last time and was encouraged by Zhang Zhiwei to pluck up the courage to confess, but he was kicked and ate shit, which made him afraid to venture in again, for fear of offending Guan Shihua.

"You can say whatever you want, why, you still want to say something constructive, straighten your back, hold your head high, look at your bastard, who cares about this? Go over!"

Lu Ci gave Wang Ai a push, causing him to stagger and throw himself in front of Guan Shihua.

Zhang Zhiwei took a step back with a smile, the current Wang Ai, inexplicably, looked like a bad friend who forcibly pushed him in front of the girl he liked in middle school.

"Ah... hehe, Shi Hua'er, good... long time no see!" Wang Ai said a little at a loss.

Guan Shihua copied his hand: "Hey, young master of the Wang family, why are you here now? You are rich and precious, so you are not afraid of something happening. What's wrong?"

"Where will there be any mistakes?" Wang Ai said with a smile: "Shi Hua'er, you don't have to worry, I will be with Senior Brother Zhang, and it will be very stable!"

When he said this, Wang Ai remembered his experience of being swept into the bottom of the sea, and complained in his heart. When there is danger, Senior Brother Zhang is the most reliable, and when there is no danger, Senior Brother Zhang is the greatest danger.

"Senior Brother Zhang, Fatty seems to have misunderstood it. Is Guan Shihua caring about him?" Lu Jin whispered.

"Don't you think it, but the fat man thinks it's caring, that's it!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

For Wang Ai's pursuit of Guan Shihua, he is still very supportive. If it is really going to happen, with Guan Shihua's character, Fatty Wang must be a strict wife, and he probably won't have the heart to mess around in the future.

Of course, it's hard to say whether it will succeed or not, at least until now, he doesn't feel that Wang Ai has much hope, but who let the fat man think for himself.

Wang Ai's answer made Guan Shihua a little speechless. Could it be that the fat man couldn't hear her tone?
However, Guan Shihua only said this, and did not continue to ridicule Wang Ai.

After all, she didn't reach out to hit the smiling person, and Wang Ai didn't offend her, so the two chatted awkwardly for a while.

"By the way, Shi Hua'er, before we come here, let's go to Bincheng first!" Wang Ai said suddenly.

All of a sudden, the whole tavern was silent, and they all looked at him.

Several days have passed since the incident in Bincheng, and the shocking event there has naturally spread and caused a commotion.

The Japanese pirate major general Fujita died, thousands of railway guards were wiped out, and the Japanese pirates who stayed in the city were even more dead...

Everything is amazing enough, connected together, it is simply shocking.

Almost everyone is guessing who did it.

Some people say that the gods from the sky descended to the earth, some people say that the Japanese pirates encountered the Yin soldiers and collided with the Yin gods of the underworld, and ended up like this, and some people said that Maozi’s Cheka agents did it...

There are all kinds of theories. In short, the current Bincheng has become a place where all eyes gather and the center of the storm on the bright side.

At this time, Wang Ai said that the group of them came from Bincheng, which made people wonder what kind of role they played in the Bincheng incident.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci's complexion changed, it's too bad, this guy, Fatty, must have had a brain twitch, so he just said it out.

Although they believed in Guan Shihua's position, there were still a few outsiders at the scene, the shopkeeper of the inn, the waiter, and that guy named Wu Gensheng who didn't know the details.

If the word got out and the news leaked out, all the disguises they had done before, and the huge manpower and material resources spent by Jianghu Xiaozhan, would be in vain.

Zhang Zhiwei's face remained unchanged, sitting at the dining table and eating calmly.

Although he had painted cakes for Wang Ai before, he said that if Guan Shihua knew what he had done recently, he would definitely look at him with admiration.

But based on his understanding of Wang Ai, this sinister group of guys shouldn't be so stupid.

On the contrary, Lu Jin and Lu Ci are a little reckless. Just such a sentence, why did your expressions change so much?Mental quality is so poor?
Sure enough, I heard Wang Ai continue: "It's better to come here by chance. When we went, we happened to catch up with the Cheka agents. They made a mess of Bincheng. We also took advantage of the fire and killed some Japanese pirates." Woolen cloth!"

Speaking of this, Wang Ai also noticed the changes in the expressions of Lu Jin and Lu Ci.

Two brave and reckless men, he slandered in his heart. In order to enhance his persuasiveness, he dragged Wu Gensheng into the water and said:

"It's not just us, this brother named Wu Gensheng is also a righteous man. He also killed more than 50 devils in that incident, and even tied up this guy. It's really amazing!"

Wang Ai kicked Yuan Guangxin's body, and continued: "But, we are not bad, Shi Hua'er, let me tell you the details!"

Guan Shihua glanced at Wang Ai, thinking of the changes in Lu Jin and Lu Ci's expressions just now, knowing that some things that are inconvenient to disclose may be involved, she shook her head and said:

"I'm not interested. You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing, and you don't need to spread it!"

"Ah..." Wang Ai was stunned. He made up for a long time just now, and only picked out a few harmless scenes that could reflect his bravery, but the result was stillborn. What should I say next?He was momentarily stunned.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei was a little embarrassed to see Wang Ai, and the military adviser came to the rescue and provided a new topic:

"By the way, Huniu, how do you know we're here?"

Guan Shihua said: "Senior brother Zhang, since you became famous in the last battle with the Lu family, there are many legends about you in the world, and there are quite a few people who recognize you."

"One of my younger juniors admires you very much. He recognized you immediately after seeing your portrait, so he notified the Immortal Baoma family in Chuantang."

"Baomaxian's family notified me again, so I came over, Er Gouzi, what are you doing hiding up there, come down quickly, and meet Senior Brother Zhang!"

Guan Shihua yelled, and a boy and a half fell down from the upstairs, with an excited expression on his face, he clasped his hands and said, "Hello, senior sister, hello, little celestial master!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him, he had already noticed the other party.

Because as soon as he entered the door, this person was looking straight at him. He could naturally perceive this purposeful gaze, but after finding out that the other party was not malicious, he ignored it.


Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. He also saw a dormant fairy in this person's acupoint. It was a yellow skinned child. Judging by the strength of its qi, it was worse than the python in Guan Shihua's body. a lot of.

It's this kind of fairy family similar to Renzhuli... Zhang Zhiwei didn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly:
"By the way, Huniu, I have a friend who is very interested in the Ma family's way of cultivation. When you say pass on the house and repay the horse, do you mean the fairy family in your body?"

Hearing this, Guan Shihua was taken aback, and sighed: "Senior brother Zhang is really supernatural, he can even sense the fairy family living in the cave, but they are not passing on the hall to repay the horse, but protecting the body and repaying the horse."

"It's equivalent to our personal bodyguards. You can borrow part of their power at ordinary times. When encountering difficult things, you can also directly invite the upper body."

"As for Chuantang Baoma, their duty is to convey various instructions. Just now when my junior brother saw you, Senior Brother Zhang, he passed the news to Chuantang Baoma, and Chuantang Baoma brought the news to me, so I hurried Come here!"

"So it sounds complicated!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Yes, compared to others, the cultivation methods of our Ma family disciples are indeed quite complicated, and they cannot be explained clearly in a few words. By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, you said that you have a friend who is very interested in the Ma family's cultivation methods. Could it be..."

Guan Shihua glanced at the crowd, guessing that the children of the four families would not be able to cultivate horses, so he set his sights on Wugensheng:

"Could it be this brother?"

After burying his head in eating rootless raw meat for a long time, he spat out a chicken bone, grinned, and said familiarly:

"Speaking of which, I'm really interested in it, why don't you tell me, Huniu!"

Guan Shihua took a look at Wu Gensheng. Although she was not familiar with the other party, she somehow felt a kind of "virtue" in the other party, so she didn't dislike the other party calling her Huniu. She paused and said :

"This is not a big secret. Since you want to know, let me tell you about it. We disciples of the Ma family, also known as Dingxiang disciples, want to eat our bowl of rice. condition."

"First of all, you must be born with a strong horoscope, or have a special fate, such as a person with a stormy life and a boy's life, and a person who is not hard, can't open acupoints, and can't recite the fairy family, and will die prematurely."

"Furthermore, there must be a fairy fate. Without a fairy fate, everything is useless. What is a fairy fate, it doesn't matter if there is a fairy family looking for you to ask for a seal. However, this kind of fate is considered evil, and generally you ask someone to ask for it. Sealed ones are all wild immortals, they don’t have much ability, they usually only harm people, and if they follow them, they will be ruined for a lifetime, and even family members will be affected.”

"There are two kinds of serious fairy fate, one is the ancestors are the disciples of the horse, the old fragrant roots that have been handed down all the time, the so-called branching and spreading leaves to add new people, the old hall soldiers and horses, the old hall camp, the family and the immortal clan work together to cultivate the body and nature! "

"The second is to inherit the immortal fate through apprenticeship, but no matter what it is, it must be approved by the immortal family in the end, otherwise everything is useless!"

"Like me, it was the master who discovered that my horoscope was as hard as iron, and got the approval of the immortals, so I inherited the old incense root of the master and became a disciple!"

"Why, you also want to repair it?"

Guan Shihua looked at Wu Gensheng: "If it is a foreigner, the horoscope and fate must be sufficient. What is not sure is whether there is a fairy fate."

"If you want to try it, I can take you to meet the Xianjia and test how the Xianyuan is!"

"Me?" Wu Gensheng said with a smile: "I'm just interested in this, and I don't really want to be a disciple, but I think this fat guy is quite interested, or you can take him to the Cecexian edge?"

Fat brother... Guan Shihua looked at Wang Ai with a surprised face and said:

"You are not a good young master, do you want to be a horse disciple?"

(End of this chapter)

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