Chapter 234

"Yes, yes, this time I went north, I felt more and more shallow, and wanted to improve myself, so I wanted to try to practice this skill!"

At first, Wang Ai was still a little apprehensive about whether to practice horse riding, but as soon as Guan Shihua asked, he answered without any hesitation, and Lu Jin and Lu Ci were stunned.

"Isn't this guy afraid?" Lu Jin tilted his head, pressed it to Lu Ci's ear, and whispered.

"He's afraid of a hammer. I can see it. This guy has two guts. He is as courageous as a mouse when he encounters troubles, and he is as bold as a mouse when he encounters color. I really can't figure it out!" Lu Ci also whispered.

"Be careful with your words, hedgehog, don't gossip about people behind their backs, it's not good for people to hear!"

Lu Jin paused, and then said: "This may really be in line with the old saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

"Hehe, you are a prudish!" Lu Ci said.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the two of them speechlessly, there was no doubt that these two guys were definitely bad friends.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if Wang Ai went out of the way of the horse, it would not be too far-fetched, because this is the way he took in the original plot.

It's just that what he cultivates is to arrest the spirit and send generals, which is much more powerful than the simple skill of dispatching horses.

However, it is useless to detain the spirit and send generals to be powerful, but if there is no strong enough spirit to detain them.

"Do you want to try it?" Guan Shihua was a little surprised, and immediately reminded him solemnly:
"I said, Young Master Wang, cultivating the skill of riding a horse is not a child's play. If you want to be successful in cultivation, you can't just talk about it. You can do it by cultivating acupoints. In addition to being immortal, you must also polish your heart. Life and death are the key to success."

"Go and ask any old hall, the disciples there have at least passed through the gate of hell once."

"Only after experiencing the taste of it can you sharpen your mind, and then you can cultivate your body and mind with the immortals, and get blessings together. Are you sure you can bear it?"

Wang Ai was taken aback when he heard this, he thought it would be easy to cultivate a horse fairy, but from Guan Shihua's mouth, it seems that this is not the case.

Grind your mind, and cross the threshold of life and death... Zhang Zhiwei thought of Yu Guyu (Lu) Huizhong, one of the ten members of the Tang Sect, in the original story Rust Iron.

It's the woman who is similar to Xiao Zizai, whose mantra is that killing people is a livelihood, and bullying talents is fun.

After this person came out of the hole through the sky, he went crazy for no reason and had a splitting headache.

If there is no accident, she should have a fairy fate, and the great fairy here is following her, and she is polishing her heart.

If she can pass this level, then she will probably be able to practice horse skills.

Wang Ai pondered for a moment, and said with a firm face: "I want to try, isn't it just a walk before the gate of hell, as if no one has ever walked through it?"

Wang Ai looked bold: "Before I came here, I walked in front of the gate of hell in Bincheng, which was surrounded by Japanese pirates. Thanks to Brother Zhang's rescue, I was able to save my life, but that time, I I also had a good experience of what it means to have great terror between life and death, and I don’t think it’s difficult to get through it.”

"Have you experienced life and death in Bincheng, the base camp of Japanese pirates?" Guan Shihua said in surprise.

"That's natural. We were in the hotel at the time, and we encountered a large-scale search by Japanese pirates. There was no way to retreat, but a bloody battle. At that time, Lu Jin was holding two shell guns and charged forward all the way. Lu Ci used Ruyi Strength to contain the enemy. As for me, relying on my family's secret technique, God Tu, to hide in the painting, fight steadily, and control the painting spirit to fight..."

Seeing that the opportunity had come, Wang Ai quickly blew out the absurdity of the stillbirth.

Although there are some magical changes in the content, for example, he said that he was dormant in the painting, but he did not say that he was hiding in a picture of a half-naked lady with a jade bowl turned upside down.

But these are all things he has experienced personally, nine truths and one falsehood, so most of his bragging is right. Anyway, Guan Shihua was stunned for a while, and Guan Shihua even had a different attitude towards him. changed a little.

In fact, Guan Shihua hates Wang Ai, not because she thinks Wang Ai is fat and ugly.She still has self-knowledge. In terms of appearance, she is no better than Wang Ai.

The reason she hates Wang Ai is that he is a spoiled, selfish second-generation ancestor.

But now, this selfish second-generation ancestor would risk his life and come to the perilous Liaodong to punish the Japanese pirates. This was something she never expected.

What made him so brave, dare not be afraid of Japanese pirates, break into Liaodong, and walk through life and death?

Is it because he followed the little celestial master all the way, heard and saw, was infected by the little celestial master's virtue, and changed his nature? ...

Guan Shihua was very restless, and silently glanced at Zhang Zhiwei next to him.

But Zhang Zhiwei clasped his hands, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was unpredictable.

Seeing this scene, Guan Shihua came to the conclusion in her heart that it seemed that she was indeed infected by the little celestial master's virtue.

But what she didn't know was that the little celestial master at this time was not a mysterious image at all.

He was holding back his smile with a sullen face, and he was still thinking in his heart that he had been strictly trained, no matter how funny it was, he would never laugh unless he couldn't help it.


"Jie Jie Jie..."

It wasn't Zhang Zhiwei who couldn't help it, but Lu Ci and Lu Jin who couldn't help it.

These two guys, hiding at the back, are embracing each other at this moment, each burying their heads in the other's neck, covering their faces, and laughing like a barbell. The devilish villain laughs.

Lu Ci smiled, and whispered: "I can't, I can't. As soon as the fat man talked about it, I remembered what you said about the jade bowl being turned upside down, Kukuku..."

"Please don't talk about it, I get goosebumps when I think of the picture of the fat man getting out of the lady's picture at that time... But... the fat man is really fucking funny, adding so much drama to himself, jerk Jie Jie..." Lu Jin smiled and almost burst into tears.

"What are you two laughing at?" Guan Shihua suddenly tilted his head and looked at them: "Is what Wang Ai said funny?"

"No, no, we just remembered something happy!" Lu Jin shook his head quickly.

"What a happy thing, tears are coming out of laughter!" Guan Shihua looked suspicious.

Lu Jin's eyes rolled: "I just had an epiphany, and I cried with joy!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Fatty's jade bowl turned upside down, experience of magic reform, funny level: 20%
The two bad friends buried each other in their necks and laughed, funny level: 50%.

Lao Lu wept with joy, funny level: 100%.

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head away silently, and looked up at the ceiling of the inn. He was almost a head taller than the others. From this angle, no one could see his expression.

Wang Aixu looked at his two bad friends and cursed in his heart, wouldn't this demolish him?If he couldn't beat him, he would have to be like Senior Brother Zhang, beating these two guys to the point of "crying with joy".

"Then what are you laughing at?" Guan Shihua looked at Lu Ci.

Lu Ci said: "I also had an epiphany just now, I was so happy, I couldn't hold back!"

"You two...suddenly realized?" Guan Shihua stared at them with tiger eyes, thinking she was an idiot.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The two nodded, covering their faces and smiling for a while.

Lu Jin felt that what he said just now was inappropriate, so he explained: "It's not a sudden enlightenment, it's because we both communicated and realized something at the same time!"

"That's right, that's it, that's it!" Lu Ci nodded quickly.

"The two of you learned different things, and you can realize something at the same time?" Guan Shihua didn't believe it at all.

"Why is it different? Although our masters are different, our teachers are all the same. Usually, we can't break a move when we practice together. It's really normal to be enlightened at the same time!" Lu Jin forced it with a sullen face. Said.

"The same teacher?" Guan Shihua looked at Lu Jin like a fool.

Lu Jin was eager to gain wisdom and said: "As the saying goes, there must be a teacher, a good teacher and a good friend. Brother Zhang is not only our good friend, but also our teacher. Along the way, he gave us a lot of guidance in practice!"

"Really, true or false, then I am also curious about what you have realized, can you tell me?" Guan Shihua broke the casserole and asked.

"I've been talking about it for a long time," Lu Jin stabbed Lu Ci's waist with an elbow, "tell me!"

He is a loyal and honest person, and he is really not good at this kind of live editing.

Lu Ci rubbed his waist, he wrote down this grudge for now, pondered for a moment, and said:
"Such things as epiphanies are realized through experience step by step. Empty talk can easily become false, big, empty, practice, and finally come to fruition. Let me let you experience what I just said... ...the reason for laughing, listen carefully!"

Lu Ci stretched out his hand and shook it violently.


There was a deep and subtle sound in the air, as if the reverberation of thunder in the sky was slowly rolling by.

"This is?"

Guan Shihua was puzzled, and stared carefully at Lu Ci's hand, only to realize that the voice came from Lu Ci's hand.

However, it's not that the hands are shaking, but the blood, bones, and fascia in the hands are vibrating.

These vibrating sounds were connected into a small piece, and finally converged into this muffled and deep sound.

Zhang Zhiwei lowered his head looking up at the sky, looked at Lu Ci, and felt a little relieved, it really worked, and his practice was worth it!

Although a little too weak and only practiced with one hand, he is still Lei Yin after all. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once you take the first step, the road ahead will be easy.

Guan Shihua's eyes widened: "Although it sounds like a mosquito, but it is...the tiger and leopard Leiyin is undoubtedly, but the tiger and leopard leiyin is the ability of those martial arts masters who specialize in training muscles, bones and skin. , is the symbol of a martial arts master, your family's Ruyijin mainly trains qi, how could it be possible to use this technique?"

She had an unbelievable expression on her face. She was naturally aware of this famous method, but it was precisely because she knew that she was so surprised.

"This is what Brother Zhang taught me!"

Lu Ci raised his head and said proudly: "Ordinary people practice tiger leopard thunder from the inside out, but I learned from Senior Brother Zhang's method and practice from the outside in against the inside. The direction is different, and the effect is naturally different! "

"Although I'm a little weak at the beginning, but I have the effect that I should have. When I polish my body and train this tiger, leopard and thunder to my whole body, then I will be a martial arts master."

"If Lian Qi goes one step further, then I am a grand master with two methods, tell me, should I laugh!"

As he said that, Lu Ci bent his elbow and stabbed Lu Jin hard:
"Should he cry with joy!"

In fact, this method was understood by Lu Ci after watching Zhang Zhiwei's martial arts performance at sea that day.

It's just that he felt that Lei Yin, a tiger and leopard with a common mosquito name, was too difficult to handle, so he didn't show it all the time, but now for Fa Xiao's happiness, he can only go all out.

Guan Shihua was stunned for a moment, and sighed: "Embracing two methods... the great master... that should really be weeping with joy, I thought it was Wang Aizai... it's because I'm too small, too small!"

She was frightened. What is the concept of a grandmaster? It can establish a sect, but many elder masters can't afford this title.

Because their headship is inherited, not created by themselves.

But now, Lu Ci told her that he might become a grand master with two methods in the future, which is simply shocking.

Although I don't know Lu Ci's future achievements in practicing qi, but in terms of martial arts, he has indeed won the ticket of the master!

And such a future master was actually taught by the little celestial master, so what will the future of the little celestial master be like?

Guan Shihua took another look at Zhang Zhiwei, who was still unpredictable, and asked Lu Ci:
"Is this really what Brother Zhang taught you?"

"Where is there a lie?" Lu Ci said with a face of reason: "The last time the Lu family compound performed martial arts, Senior Brother Zhang taught so many people, didn't you get taught?"

Guan Shihua blushed, she didn't play, and of course she wasn't taught.

It's not that she was cowardly, but that if she wanted to compete with Zhang Zhiwei at that time, she would definitely have to summon the immortal family to fight.

She suffered a few big blows, and it was harmless, but what if the Xian family suffered?The Xian family is the most vengeful.

In order to protect the face of the Xian family, she didn't play. Now that she saw Lu Ci, she almost regretted it. She was really stupid at that time, really.

At the same time, she also believed what Wang Ai said, that a bully like Lu Ci can make such progress, and Wang Ai improved a little, that's really normal.

Wang Ai also noticed the change in Guan Shihua's expression, silently gave Lu Ci a thumbs up, and then said:

"By the way, Shi Hua'er, when will you take me to meet Xianyuan?"

Guan Shihua came back to her senses, glanced at Wang Ai, and thought about it, her hall must have the best talents if it wants to develop.

Wang Ai is talented enough and has a good background. With his participation as the son of the four royal families, it will be much easier for him to develop in the future.

The most important thing is that this person's virtue seems to have changed, he is not as arrogant as usual, but he can be given a chance to join.

Thinking of this, she said in a deep voice: "It's not impossible to see Xianyuan, but you have to wait. After all, the great immortals in Tangkou are busy with the affairs of Changbai Mountain, and have no time to test Xianyuan!"

Hearing this, Wang Ai immediately smiled, and his heart was full of joy. Brother Zhang is really a good military advisor. If you don't deceive me, he will not only become stronger, but also have a better relationship with Shi Hua'er.

"By the way, speaking of the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain, I came here this time for this purpose. I also came here to rest and prepare some supplies. I'm going to go into the mountains to find the dragon veins tomorrow morning!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Does senior brother Zhang know the location of the dragon vein?" Guan Shihua asked.

"I don't know, but I have this!" Zhang Zhiwei took out the dragon-hunting compass: "It records the coordinates of the land of dragon veins in it, and it will guide me in the direction!"

"Compass? The terrain of Changbai Mountain is complicated, and there will be avalanches from time to time. How can you rely on the compass alone? You must need a living guide. I have been in and out of Changbai Mountain since I was a child, and I am very familiar with this place. Let me show you the way!"

Guan Shihua didn't pretend to be false, and even said it bluntly.

Last time in the Lu family compound, she missed the opportunity. This time, she doesn't want to miss it again. She really wants to improve.

Hearing that Guan Shihua also wanted to go together, Wang Ai desperately gave Zhang Zhiwei winks, and agreed, Senior Brother Zhang, agree quickly!
"Didn't your master not let you go?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"If I listen to Master like that, I won't be called Huniu anymore!" Guan Shihua laughed.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin and Lu Ci looked at each other, laughed loudly and said:
"Fellows, then add you!"

"Senior Brother Zhang is really open-minded. I will arrange the materials for going into the mountain immediately, and I will pay for everything today, Guan Shihua!" Guan Shihua patted his chest and said boldly.

"Open and bright, everyone is open and bright!"

At this time, Wu Gensheng, who had been eating and drinking while hiding behind his back, heard that someone was paying the bill, so he patted the table happily, gave a thumbs up, and said loudly.

It's just you who don't want Bilian to be the most open-minded, secretly eating all the good things... Wang Ai glanced at the table and complained a few words in his heart.

But now is not the time to worry about this, he stepped forward and went to the shopkeeper to pay the bill with the money:
"I can't let Shi Hua'er spend money on you, I buy it, I pay the bill, I have..."

"What do you have? I said I want to be a landlord, what are you doing, do you look down on me?" Guan Shihua stared.

"'s me, I'm...I..." Wang Ai quickly explained.

Before he finished speaking, Guan Shihua pulled him aside:
"What are you, you buy a der, go aside, tell me I bought it, don't tear it up for me!"

Guan Shihua walked to the counter and said to the innkeeper, "Just charge me the account!"

And Wang Ai shrank behind like a little daughter-in-law.

"Could the fat man be a little too cowardly, how can he let a woman pay the bill?" Lu Jin is still a loyal person.

"That's right, it's embarrassing, not manly at all!" Lu Ci agreed.

"With Guan Shihua's posture, Fatty is going to rush to pay the bill. They probably can have a good fight here!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What, a fight?" Lu Jin was stunned, "Is it dangerous to compete with people from the Northeast for the bill?"

(End of this chapter)

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