Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 235 Saint Thief, The Law of Immortality

Chapter 235 Saint Thief, The Law of Immortality
The next morning the sky was clear and clear, and the sun hung blindingly white above the horizon.

Zhang Zhiwei and his party rode through the Changbai Mountains on the mighty talisman horses.

All of them were still wearing thick animal fur coats, animal fur hats on their heads, and black plush collars covering half of their faces, as if they were visitors.

These are all the outfits Guan Shihua prepared last night. Although Zhang Zhiwei has a strong personality and is not afraid of the severe cold, it is always good to be warmer.

"Shi Hua'er, the coat you prepared is really warm!" Wang Ai was at a loss for words.

"You're not talking nonsense! This is made of bear skin, can it be warm?" Guan Shihua said angrily.

Wang Ai pursed her lips, and continued to look for topics: "Shi Hua'er, what's going on with Xianyuan?"

"Xianyuan is the fate between you and the Xianjia. This is not up to us to decide, but to the Xianjia. If the Xianjia thinks you are destined, then you have it. If the Xianjia thinks it has no fate with you, then you don't!"

"Then I think, I should have a predestined relationship with the Xian family!"

"How to say?"

Wang Ai quickly talked about his heroic deeds: "We came to Liaodong by train. We killed a group of Japanese pirates on the way. When throwing the corpses, we met that... um... that Uncle Liu, we were I even greeted it, and it even glanced at us!"

"That's indeed a predestined relationship. Uncle Liu lived in Changbai Mountain for a long time, and he didn't come out easily. Once he was born, he unexpectedly met you, no..."

Guan Shihua looked at Wang Ai, and questioned: "Your cultivation base is so poor, how could Uncle Liu greet you!"

Wang Ai pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "It was Brother Zhang who greeted it, and it just glanced at me casually!"

Speaking of Senior Brother Zhang, Guan Shihua remembered the scene where Zhang Zhiwei frightened Master Huang away last night, nodded and said:
"So it's Senior Brother Zhang, no wonder!"

The topic is over again.

After a while, Wang Ai asked again: "By the way, Shi Hua'er, that Uncle Liu has grown so big, how many years has he practiced?"

"Some say that its old man has a thousand years of practice, and some say that his old man has a few hundred years of practice. I don't know exactly how much. I only know that after a few generations, his old man will be there!" Guan Shihua said.

"Thousands of years, it's really scary!" Wang Ai clicked her tongue, and said again:
"By the way, Shi Hua'er, my father said that a person who has qi and cultivated means is called a stranger. Animals who have acquired qi and cultivated means are called elves. Immortals are elves, but why can they live? Hundreds of years, but for different people, a hundred years is considered a long life!"

Guan Shihua glanced at him: "The fairy family in the northeast is different from the elves you mentioned. Except for the elves in the northeast, which elves in other places have you seen that can exist for such a long time?"

Wang Ai was taken aback: "It seems that there is no such thing? Then why can the immortals live for such a long time?"

Guan Shihua's eyes flickered, she pondered for a moment, glared at Wang Ai, and shouted:

"Okay, why are you talking so much, can you be quiet for a while? I still need to guide the way according to the compass. If you lead the wrong way, you are responsible!"

Wang Ai shrank her head, muttered and stopped talking.

Wu Gensheng watched this scene from behind, and said with a smile:

"This little fat man has been yelled at again. I just counted it. This is already the seventh time. Every time he is yelled at, he can manage it for about ten minutes, and then he will ask some boring questions again."

"Tsk tsk tsk... When I first saw this little fat man, he gave me a feeling of treachery and evil. Why has he become so clumsy now?"

"You said that the fat man is a big treacherous and evil?" Lu Ci turned to look at Wu Gensheng, "Your view is very different, why don't you look at me? How do you feel about me?"

"You?" Wu Gensheng stared into Lu Ci's eyes, and said slowly, "You have the eyes of a desperado!"

Lu Ci smiled, "You say I'm a desperado?"

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious, I really appreciate your eyes." Wu Gensheng said with a smile: "Many people think that desperado is a derogatory term, and they think it is a desperate mad dog. In fact, they underestimate the power of desperado." Strength, when there is no way to retreat, only desperadoes have the chance to blaze a trail."

"So, brother Bilian is praising me?" Lu Ci asked back.

"Of course I'm praising you!" Wu Gensheng said: "Sometimes, people feel that the actions of desperadoes are like moths jumping into a flame to seek their own death, but often such people also have a chance, like a phoenix. Reborn from the ashes like that."

"When you can overcome your fear and put your life on the gambling table calmly, you can unleash incredible power. This kind of person is actually the most powerful. Brother Hedgehog, you have such a look in your eyes."

Lu Ci grinned, although words like "desperado" and "mad dog" were a bit presumptuous, but he didn't mind, he liked these two words quite a lot.

"You have something, no wonder you can arm-wrestle with Brother Zhang, but if you say I'm a desperado, I think you are like it, even more like me!" Lu Ci said.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Wu Gensheng also grinned, Lu Ci is right, he is indeed a desperado, he was born.

Most people are very ignorant when they were young, and they don't even have memories of before the age of three.

But he is different, he is born with a pair of discerning eyes, let alone before the age of three, he even remembers the things in the mother's womb.

He crawled out of the belly of the dead.

After he realized that his mother was dead, he began to crawl out little by little.

In the end, dragging a long umbilical cord, he crawled out of his mother's womb, and was born into a place where starvation was everywhere and people were not as good as dogs.

It was Lantian, Shaanxi, which coincided with the great famine that year, and there were tragedies of Yizi cannibalism everywhere.

After he crawled out, he lay under his mother's body, staring wide-eyed, relying on his innate perception ability to look at the refugees fleeing famine along the way.

Occasionally, there would be wild dogs that gnawed on the corpse, came over smelling it, and wanted to eat him and his mother.

At that time, he would use his star-like eyes to drive back the wild dogs.

Finally, when an old Taoist priest with high cheekbones, small eyes and a sinister look passed by, he let out a loud cry.

The old Taoist came following the sound, saw him with a long umbilical cord under the corpse, cut the umbilical cord for him, buried his mother, and adopted him.

So far, he has a name, Feng Yao.

Over the years, he occasionally thinks of the scene at that time, and wonders, if he hadn't crawled out at that time, would he have gone with his mother, if he had been timid in front of wild dogs, would he have been eaten? I picked the wrong person, will I be eaten...

So if you want to talk about a desperado, he is the real desperado, since he was born in the womb.

Wu Gensheng raised his head and looked forward. The white wind and snow rushed towards his face. There were pine forests on both sides. The trees were covered with ice, forming foggy pine.

"Brother Bilian, you are quite accurate in seeing people, so what kind of person do you think Senior Brother Zhang is?" Lu Ci asked suddenly.

Wu Gensheng turned his head and glanced at Zhang Zhiwei.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was sitting astride the talisman horse, half-closed his eyes, as if he was practicing meditation.

"Can't see through, can't see through!"

Wu Gensheng shook his head, and said: "Sitting up, sitting up, lying down, he is practicing. I understand his life cultivation, why is it so terrifying!"

"Well, what the fuck, Senior Brother Zhang is practicing again? Is this going to give you a way to survive?!"

Lu Ci was startled, glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

I just went to listen to the conversation between Fatty and Bi Lian. Why is Lao Lu, who usually talks a lot, silent? Is he dumb?
Turning his head to look, he realized that Lu Jin was also practicing on horseback.

"One by one are really inappropriate!"

Lu Ci felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and he stopped beeping with Wu Gensheng. He clamped the horse's belly with his legs, adjusted his spine, and practiced the three-body pose on the horse's back.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei was not actually tempering his life, he was burning the power of faith with the real fire of samadhi.

Burn all kinds of emotions and thoughts attached to the power of faith, and turn them into strands of golden qi, which are integrated into the qi of the whole body.

These golden qi seem to be many, but when they are integrated into the qi of the whole body like thousands of rivers returning to the sea, they seem insignificant.

Even though Zhang Zhiwei absorbed a lot of power of faith these days, it only stained his whole body with an almost imperceptible golden tinge.

"This power of faith is still too little. If you can collect a lot, will all the qi in your body turn golden? What should this state be called? Consummation of merit and virtue? Become Buddha, immortal, or holy instantly... ..."

Zhang Zhiwei thought of wrestling with Wu Gensheng last night.

The rootless god spirit combed all the qi in his body into the most primitive form of qi.

This gave him a glimpse of something incredible—the essence of the power of faith.

He finally understands why, among the three religions, those saints who have attained the Tao are all seeking this thing one after another. Why, 50 years ago, the Taiping Heavenly King, who caused endless murder, wanted to set up a religion of worshiping God?
All of this is for the power of faith.

The power of faith is not as simple as the source of the power of the gods in the dharma lineage, it contains the ultimate pursuit of the aliens!

What is the ultimate pursuit of aliens?
It's not fighting and killing, and it's not a matter of sophistication, but immortality and attainment of Taoism.

In the world of aliens, everything can be qi, and human beings come from a mass of innate qi, which embodies the soul and limbs.

The power of faith comes from life, so it is naturally Qi.

Therefore, it can be used by advocates, and can also be sorted into the most primitive form by the gods and spirits.

And the power of faith, after combed into the most primitive form by the gods, was divided into several strands, one of which was the milky white qi, which turned out to be the innate qi.

That's right, it's the Trinity sect where Lu Jin belongs, the kind of innate qi that he wants to practice back in his dreams.

Qi is a term in the world of aliens. The Qi in the human body is divided into the innate Qi and the acquired Qi.

To become an alien, one must first obtain Qi.

The so-called gaining qi refers to feeling one's own innate qi, and then mobilizing the innate qi to establish the circulation of qi in the body.

The five qi are towards the Yuan, the clouds are steaming and the rosy clouds are flourishing, and the qi of the future heaven maintains the qi of the innate, this is practice.

So practice is actually the acquired qi of cultivation.

As for the innate qi, this is the original energy that a person carries from the womb. It is predestined and cannot be supplemented or replaced by the day after tomorrow, but it will continue to be consumed.

This process of consumption is the process of people slowly aging and dying.

In short, one innate qi is lifespan, and for ordinary aliens, it is only the acquired qi that grows through practice, which cannot supplement the innate qi, so they cannot escape death.

At the beginning of the plot, why did Zhang Huaiyi, the big-eared thief who had been dormant for decades, come out suddenly and kill all directions?

It is because he has already noticed that his innate qi is about to be exhausted, so he wants to stud before he dies.

And the Sany School's rebellious third level, why is it against the sky?

It is because of practicing to a high level, you can return to your innate nature from the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, Zuo Ruotong is still like a young man when he is old.

From this we can see the importance of innate one qi.

Human beings are formed from the innate qi, but they consume the innate qi every moment, and these consumed innate qi return to the nature of heaven and earth.

The method of absorbing natural energy is called the way of saints, also called saints stealing, which means that even saints can't help but want to steal.

The sage steals the Liuku fairy thief in the Eight Miraculous Skills, let alone its side effects, why does it allow people to live forever?

It is because it absorbs the innate qi in the natural energy to make up for its own consumption, so it will not die of old age naturally.

"No wonder the last time I had a drink with my master, he said that the power of faith is a kind of profound sage stealing. It turns out that it steals the innate qi that believers have spilled into the heaven, earth and nature!"

Zhang Zhiwei also thought that no matter in ancient or modern times, in China or abroad, no matter what religious sect, fanatical believers all claim to dedicate their body, mind and soul to the gods.

How do you offer this? !
Many people think that the gods they believe in will take away his soul and bring him to the Kingdom of God to enjoy the blessings.

Now it seems that I am thinking too much. There is a fart kingdom of God. The so-called belief means that when you believe in the gods, the innate energy that you spill out all the time will be coerced by your pious beliefs and turned into beliefs. The power is owned by the gods.

And the innate qi, doesn't it contain life and soul?
Zhang Zhiwei has done a lot of things recently, made a lot of legends, and harvested a lot of power of faith.

After these powers of faith were refined and purified by him, they were absorbed into his body, and the innate qi that was consumed in the past was replenished a little, so he felt that his body had changed.

It's just that the power of faith harvested is still too little, and the innate energy inside is very small.

Even he was so young that he couldn't explore the root cause, so he assigned Houzai a task to investigate.

Originally, in the current state, it may take a period of time before one can clearly feel the changes in the innate energy.

But after an interruption by Wugensheng, the process was advanced.

No wonder these big fairies in the Northeast can live so long.

It's no wonder they are all full and are going to recruit some disciples to go out.

In fact, the essence is to harvest the power of faith, but I don't know what method they use to purify it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes and looked at Guan Shihua: "Huniu, how do you charge when you go out?"

Guan Shihua said: "Serious horses and immortals will not charge a lot of money. Like the old rules in the past, one meal is full, and then incense is used to enshrine the immortal family tablet. The full meal belongs to us, and the incense belongs to the immortal family!"

"But recently, thinking about the difficult life of the disciples who go out to horses, and fearing that they will starve to death when there is no business, the immortal family also allows fees, but generally it will not exceed two oceans. It is said that if they charge too much money, it will affect the incense of the immortal family."

"However, there is still no charge for my hall, but we can use other ways to make a living. For example, the venue before is a piece of our hall, and we will take part of it!"

"Just collect the protection fee!" Zhang Zhiwei said concisely.

"Emmm..." Guan Shihua pondered for a moment, "Senior Brother Zhang is right in saying that!"

(End of this chapter)

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