Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 236 Breaking into the Longmai Qi Bureau of Changbai Mountain

Chapter 236 Breaking into the Longmai Qi Bureau of Changbai Mountain
"Why, do you think the word "protection fee" is not very nice?" Zhang Zhiwei said lightly.

"A little bit!" Guan Shihua nodded: "This is usually what the black dogs say in the fish and meat village!"

Black leather dogs refer to the patrols of warlords. Because they often collude with officials and tyrants to oppress the people in Yurou Township, they are called "black leather dogs" in the market.

"The opinions of outsiders are insignificant. They are all delusions imposed by the outside world. If you care too much, you will be manipulated by the outside world. In fact, whether it is protection fees or taxes, it is the same thing. As long as it is true Just do the real thing."

"Our Tianshi Mansion is located in Shangqing Town, and there are tens of thousands of acres of fertile land around Longhu Mountain, and the number of tenants is countless. We are the largest landlord in that area, but as long as we are not in Yurou Township, it doesn't matter if we are called landlords!"

Zhang Zhiwei said lightly, Longhushan's industry sounds exaggerated, but it is not an exaggeration at all. You must know that Tianshi Mansion was first established by warlords.

The grandson of the ancestor Tianshi Zhang Daoling, Zhang Lu, the third generation Tianshi, even led a group of bull-nosed people to occupy the entire Hanzhong for nearly 30 years during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the current Tianshi Mansion, only the one-acre land in Shangqing Town is left, so it can only be regarded as downcast, family members.

"Senior Brother Zhang is right!" Guan Shihua said hastily.

"By the way, where are we in Changbai Mountain now?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, and he basically never intervened in the matter of Shihua, the guide, after entering the mountain.

Guan Shihua said: "We have already crossed the snow line and entered the depths of Changbai Mountain. Brother Zhang, have you noticed that the surroundings are completely white now, and the snow on the ground must be at least half a meter thick, thanks to the power of this talisman horse. If it is an ordinary horse, I am afraid it will be difficult to move!"

"That's it!" At this time, Wang Ai came to pick up the topic again: "Brother Zhang's talisman horse is really good, not to mention this kind of snow-covered road, even a very steep cliff, you can run up it like walking on flat ground , Shi Huaer, you have to pay attention, this horse has no stirrups and reins, you must hold the horse's neck tightly, so as not to be thrown off!"

Wang Ai imparted experience to Guan Shihua thoughtfully. When he first started riding a horse, he suffered a lot in order to catch up with the three reckless men in front of him.

"You should worry about yourself. This difficulty is nothing to me. When I was young, I often went to the forest with the immortals to catch wild boars. It's so easy to use!" Guan Shihua said.

"Sure enough, there are only wrong names, no wrong nicknames, one pig, two bears and three tigers. If you catch a wild boar and ride it, no wonder you are called a tiger girl!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"It's all about my childhood, and it's thanks to the fairy family's pampering!" Guan Shihua said.

"Are you close to the Xian family?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"It depends on the person. Some fairy families are very close, and some fairy families are not close. However, maybe because of watching me grow up, the fairy families are very good to me, just like relatives!" Guan Shihua said .

Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful. Master often said that the world of aliens is not about fighting and killing, but about the worldly way. From this point of view, it is the real worldly way to cultivate a horse fairy.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei stopped talking and looked around at the scenery while walking.

The scenery of Changbai Mountain is very beautiful. Looking up, every section of the mountain has different colors.

The sky and the mountain peaks set off against each other, and the sense of majesty formed by it still makes people feel emotional.

But at the same time, the level of danger is also rising, and the further you go in, the more dangerous it is.

At this moment, they are galloping on a snow-covered slope of more than 60 degrees, thanks to the strength of the horses, if they are ordinary horses, they may have been turned over by themselves.

Turning up the slope, they came to the ridge of this hill. From here, they could see the higher mountains ahead, as well as the forest they had walked through when they came.

Guan Shihua gazed into the distance, pointed to the front and said:

"Look, the ancient trees in front of us are towering, but there is an area that is a bit sparse. It should have been cut down a long time ago."

Zhang Zhiwei said: "In ancient times, when building mausoleums and tombs, materials were usually obtained locally. What you mean is that we are already very close to the imperial mausoleum."

All they can use is a compass. Although there is a general direction, there are no details.

Guan Shihua nodded: "That should be the case. We didn't encounter any particularly difficult obstacles along the way. There must have been a large ancient project near here, so the mountain has been repaired. There should be no problem with the guidance of the dragon-hunting compass. The destination should be right ahead."

"But everyone, be careful. There are air bubbles under the snow below. It is not only thick, but also loose, and it is easy to slide and collapse. You must follow the team closely. If you get lost here, you will be in trouble, let alone this bad weather. , trekking on the snow is extremely dangerous even in weather with excellent visibility."

The group of people continued to move forward, and the snow became thicker and thicker, gradually changing from half a meter deep to more than one meter deep, and even submerged most of the horses.

This kind of thickness, if it is an ordinary horse, it is already difficult to move an inch. Even a rune horse needs to jump up from time to time, otherwise it is easy to be submerged in the vast snow.

Not only that, the wind is also getting stronger and stronger, the ears are full of the wind, want to say something, open the mouth, the cold wind pours straight in, even if they all put on bearskin coats, they still feel Arrived in the cold.

"Look, what's going on, why are there a bunch of footprints in the snow?"

Wang Ai suddenly pointed to the front and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at them together.

Sure enough, on the snow ahead, there were a series of footprints leading to the distance.

"Is there anyone in front of us?" Lu Jin said.

"What are you thinking, with such a heavy snow, even if there are people in front, the footprints should be covered by snow!" Lu Ci said.

"This series of footprints seems to have a special magic power, which makes me have an urge to follow!" Wang Ai said.

Wugen smiled and said: "When I came here, I heard some old visitors say that the snowstorm in Changbai Mountain contains the souls of people who died in the snow before. These souls are very lonely, and they want to leave more people to accompany them. They, so they will walk in front of people, leaving footprints, many people mistakenly think that someone is walking in front, and excitedly want to catch up, but they never come out again. Have we met these lost souls? "

Guan Shihua nodded and said: "This kind of statement sounds absurd, but there are indeed many visitors who say that they saw footprints while walking. At this time, you must not follow the footprints, you must choose another path, because when you follow If you go up, you will follow until you die, and that line of footprints will never end."

"This kind of situation..." Zhang Zhiwei has heard some scientific explanations, saying that people's legs are always slightly different in length, and they will involuntarily turn to one side.

You can't see it in a short distance. If you walk a long way, you will walk in a circle and return to the original place.

Those who are attracted by footprints to a dead end are actually seeing their own previous footprints.

He doesn't know if this scientific explanation is really scientific, but the current situation certainly cannot be explained by this.

They hold a compass in their hands, and it is impossible to deviate from it. Even if there is a deviation, it is impossible to deviate so much.

Since science does not make sense, there is only metaphysics.

Zhang Zhiwei opened his blind eyes, looked forward, and observed the flow of qi.

"Little Heavenly Master's eyes are so bright, what did you see?" Wu Gensheng said suddenly.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I saw the flow of qi in the air. It seems to be disordered, but secretly there are some rules. A very large vortex is vaguely formed, and we are on the edge of this vortex. This should be a qi situation. , when we came here, shopkeeper Liu once said that the Imperial Mausoleum is surrounded by a strong qi trap, and if there is no accident, we will be on the edge of this qi trap."

"This is a qi game?" Lu Jin's eyes lit up: "Isn't that Brother Zhang's forte? Brother Zhang's supernatural power is invincible, do it, and give it a shot!"

"Prudish, do you want Brother Zhang to fuck it, or fuck its mother!" Lu Ci teased.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

These two guys got a little off the hook and it's time for some banging.

Zhang Zhiwei flexed his fingers, and popped out two small golden beans, which made the two of them swell their foreheads and ran away with their heads in their arms.

Seeing this scene, everyone laughed.

After laughing for a while, Wu Gensheng said with great interest:
"Just now Lu Jin said that the qi game is the little celestial master's forte. Does the little celestial master have a lot of research on the qi game?"

Zhang Zhiwei gestured with his index finger and thumb: "Just a little bit!"

"A little bit?" Wu Gensheng expressed disbelief, "Can a little bit break through the qi?"

"It's just breaking the situation violently. It's not a big deal. Moreover, this qi situation is huge. It's hard to say whether my method will work. You have to go in and have a look first to find out!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the direction of Qi flow, and said: "From now on, I will walk ahead, you should pay attention to keep up with my pace, and don't fall behind. If anyone accidentally falls behind, stay where you are, don't walk around, and wait for me try to find!"

"Then what happens if you say you're left behind and keep wandering around?" Lu Jin rebelled.

"It's hard to say what will happen," Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him, and said angrily, "But I'm sure, he will be struck by lightning!"

Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized: "Brother Zhang, what you mean is that the triggering of this qi round has something to do with Thunder?"

Lu Ci also said: "If you will be struck by lightning if you go the wrong way, then this qi situation will undoubtedly be terrifying!"

"Hehe, you may have misunderstood, the meaning of the little celestial master is not that this energy situation has something to do with the thunder!" Wu Gensheng said with a smile: "It's that if you are lost and still running around, he will strike you with lightning! "

Lu Jin: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."

"Are you the roundworm in my stomach?" Zhang Zhiwei gave Wu Gensheng a thumbs up, that's what he meant.

"Who told me to hit it off with the little celestial master," Wu Gensheng said with a smile, "this is called a confidant!"

Lu Jin touched the red mark on his forehead, feeling a little apprehensive, and secretly made up his mind to keep up with Senior Brother Zhang and avoid being struck by lightning.

Lu Ci also thinks the same way. Although he really wants to see Zhang Zhiwei's Lei Fa, what he wants is to learn during the school examination and guidance, not simply to be abused.

"Is this still Lu Ci's bully?" Guan Shihua sighed, "Senior brother Zhang is very majestic!"

"Of course, Shi Hua'er, let me tell you something about the road. Lu Jin was hit with a 'gourd' on his head when he was doing something before..."

In order to win Guan Shihua's heart, Wang Ai decided to stab the two of them in the back.

As a result, before the words of the backstab were spoken, two arms, one left and one right, wrapped around his neck, and two fists, one left and one right, pressed against his temples.

"There is no humanity in the opposite sex, right?"

"Focus on sex and despise friends, right?"

The two people who had just hurt each other didn't need to discuss at all, and reached a united front with just one glance. Before Wang Ai begged for mercy, they drilled hard at his temple, and Wang Ai screamed again and again after the drill.

Guan Shihua stood aside, laughing loudly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the end, this farce ended with three big bumps popping up on the three people's heads.

Zhang Zhiwei shook his hands: "I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to argue with you today, let's go, it's time to go into the mountains."

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, I have an idea. In our winter, the sled is actually the most convenient tool. We can make a sled and pull it with a talisman. Everyone is on the sled, so we don't have to worry about walking." Lost it!" Guan Shihua reminded.

"This can be!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded, thinking that this idea is good, the qi game is no small matter, it is better to be more stable.

"Then let's get local materials and make one!" Guan Shihua said.

"Why bother?"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, golden light took the shape of Qi and spread from his fingertips.

Swipe your fingers, and the golden light quickly outlines in the air.

In a few breaths, the lines of golden light gradually formed a sled.

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, he has such a strong ability to control, this kung fu of transforming into form with qi is simply amazing!" Guan Shihua exclaimed.

It was the first time she had seen Zhang Zhiwei show this skill. Before that, she only knew that Zhang Zhiwei was strong and slapped people one by one. She didn't expect that he would not give way in the details.

Others are not surprised,

I've seen all the ups and downs, so what's this?Don't be six in basic exercises.

"Get in the car, let's go!"

With Zhang Zhiwei's order, everyone jumped onto the sled, and with a thought, the Fuma ran wildly, dragging the sled into the Qi Bureau.



at the same time.

In a valley deep in Changbai Mountain.

Three talisman sects, three Putuo temples, four major families... People from all sects and sects gathered here to discuss countermeasures.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a square face and a serious face in a black robe looked at the Liuyao money in his hand and said:
"I have been stuck here for a long time. The architectural layout of this imperial mausoleum is a bit weird. Is it really the masterpiece of Fan Wencheng, the descendant of Fan Zhongyan?"

This person is the master of the Shuzi Sect, Hu Tu, one of the famous people in the alien world, not only is he superb with the six-yao money technique, but he is also upright and selfless, so people in the world respect him A Hutu master.

It is worth mentioning that it was he who set off the complete outbreak of the Jiashen Rebellion.

At that time, the heads of various sects, after knowing that their disciples were sworn brothers with the heads of all-sex monsters, they began to gather together to discuss countermeasures.

The original idea of ​​the leaders of each faction was to catch them back to the door and deal with it by themselves after closing the door.

But Master Hutu was an exception. He couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes, so he brought the body of one of the 36 thieves - Hu Haiwang directly to the venue.

Everyone fell silent when they saw the corpse.

Because, Hu Haiwang is the son of Master Hutu.

He actually took the lead in executing his own son.

At this point, the Jiashen Rebellion officially began.

In order not to completely destroy the anti-Japanese alien alliance, Hu Tu could personally execute his son. Now that the Liaodong incident happened, he naturally has no reason not to come.

Standing next to Master Hutu was the initiator of this operation, the head of the Gao family among the four major families.

Patriarch Gao was wearing a mandarin jacket, with an inch-cut head, tall and burly, with a handsome face with a circle of beard, and eyes shining like candles.

Patriarch Gao frowned and said: "Accordingly, this is indeed Fan Wencheng's handwriting. This person's name is Xiandou, his name is Huiyue, and he assisted four kings."

"I don't need to say much about his ability. It's not too much to say that he was the founding father of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, 'Liu Bowen'. His skills and methods are still quite high!"

"The reason why his reputation is not obvious is mainly because the Tartars can't tolerate Han people. Even if he made such a great contribution, he was classified as an insulting second minister by Kangxi after his death."

"However, the Tartars can underestimate him, but we can't underestimate him. How can we solve the qi trap set up by this person? Master Hutu, do you have the means to break the trap?"

Master Hu Tu pondered for a moment, and said: "Through these days of probing, I still found out some details. This imperial mausoleum is located in the southeast of Changbai Mountain, on the source of the Songhua River, Tumen River, and Yalu River. Low, as the saying goes, Jilong absorbs water, and wind produces everything, this is the famous Fengshui bureau, the place where dragons prosper, but..."

"This place was originally a qi bureau to suppress Fengshui dragon veins. It shouldn't have such a treacherous ability. Several kings of the Qing Dynasty have rebuilt this place, and added several layers of qi bureaus to this qi bureau. Patriarch Gao, look in that direction!"

Master Hutu pointed to the distance, where several mountain peaks stood, shaped like flags.

"These peaks are not formed naturally, they should be artificially created. We can only see part of them in this direction. If my guess is correct, there should be eight of these peaks. The Qi bureau is called, Eight Banners arching the dragon!"

"If you want to break the qi situation here and enter the imperial tomb, these eight peaks are the key!" Master Hu Tu said.

"Fucking bastard, let's go down the mountain to get a few batches of detonators and blow up these broken mountains!" An old man from Northeast China said angrily.

"That's right, how can you tell the Japanese pirates to show off their power in our place?"

"These mountain peaks are not easy to blow up. They are not small, and they are surrounded by qi bureaus. It is difficult to deal with!"

"I think Master Hutu must have a way to deal with it."

Everyone was talking, and a young voice broke in.

"Whether it's the Zhenlong Fengshui Bureau or the Eight Banners Arched Dragon, it's not the key. There is also a Fengshui Qi Bureau hidden in the dark. This should be the work of the Japanese pirate's Omiya, it is the most important thing." !"

The one who spoke was actually a little Taoist with small eyes, disheveled hair, worn clothes, and a little bulging chin.

"Zhou Sheng, Zhou little monkey, seniors, do you have a chance to speak?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged Taoist priest scolded angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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