Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 237 The Way of Heaven Zhang Zhiwei, the Way of Humanity Has No Roots

Chapter 237 The Way of Heaven Zhang Zhiwei, the Way of Humanity Has No Roots

"Little Taoist priest, do you have a lot of research on Qi Bureau?" Master Hu Tu looked at Zhou Sheng.

"I don't dare to pretend to be very researched, but I just have a little knowledge of the art of dunjia!" Zhou Sheng said.

"Also a sorcerer," Master Hutu asked, "Which school did you come from?"

"Wudang, Wudang Zhou Sheng!" said the little Taoist.

"It turned out to be a master of Wudang," Master Hutu said, "You said that the people from the Japanese pirates had tampered with this qi situation? How did you find out?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Through feeling the changes of solar terms in the game, although it is very subtle, it still made me aware that this is an extremely complicated qi game. The person who arranges this qi game must be the same as the warlock on our side. There are countless connections."

"The inexhaustible connection?" Master Hutu said, "Tell me in detail?"

"Look!" Zhou Sheng pointed to the several flag-like peaks in front of the valley and said, "Fan Wencheng built the Qi Bureau of the Eight Banners Arching the Dragon to protect the imperial tomb. Logically speaking, the Qi between the eight peaks should be It is connected into one piece, guarding the imperial tomb in the middle."

"But now, there is a slight deviation. The core point of the Eight Banners is no longer the imperial mausoleum, but on the east and west sides, the movement of Qi in the bureau has changed from a circle to two poles!"

"The circle represents stability, and the two poles represent extremes. This is somewhat contradictory, so this qi situation must have been changed, and it has been changed very cleverly."

"The clever thing is that when the sun rises in the east, the qi at the east and west poles will be pulled up by the sun. When the sun reaches the exact center, the flow of qi in the entire qi bureau will change from guarding the imperial mausoleum to two wombs. Swords defend the sun!"

"By this time, the killing attribute of this qi bureau will be full. However, this change has both advantages and disadvantages."

"'Li' has become very dangerous in this qi situation, trespassers are close to death."

"'Disadvantage' at the extreme means instability, and the risk of breaking this qi situation will be greatly increased."

"These days, our people have been breaking the game during the day, which is equivalent to head-to-head with the opposite Qi game, which is really unwise!"

"Maybe we can avoid the edge and act at night. The soldiers are divided into two teams, led by the warlock, and go to the east and west sides of this qi bureau."

"I guess, there must be some strange arrangements in these two places, or strange buildings, or strange terrain, or strange magic weapons... This is the formation eye, as long as it is destroyed, the Japanese sword arching the sun The qi bureau will be broken!"

"At that time, it will be much easier to deal with the qi situation of the Eight Banners Arched Dragon, because it has been transformed, and this stable circle has something missing and is not perfect!"

Although Zhou Sheng was young, what he said was clear and logical, but it involved some knowledge of sorcerers, and the strangers around him were confused.

There is really no way to judge the level of different people's practice, but if you want to judge the difficulty of getting started, the warlock is the first.

However, Master Hu Tu, as the master of Shuzi Sect, understood it, and suddenly said:

"I see, that's the way it is. No wonder these days I have been unable to find the right way to break the law. I only look at the trend of the pattern and the flow of mountains and rivers, but I fail to notice the more subtle changes in the solar terms. I am ashamed, ashamed!"

"Seniors don't have to be like this!"

Zhou Sheng said: "At the end of the day, there is a reason for specialization in the arts. I practice Qimen Dunjia. Qimen Dunjia starts with deducing the 24 solar terms to control the seasonal changes in the game, and then deduces the Eight Trigrams, Sixiang, and Liangyi step by step. ... I am naturally particularly sensitive to changes in solar terms."

"The six-line money technique practiced by the predecessors is the opposite. You hold six coins, separate the yin and yang lines, and deduce from the yin and yang to the next. Every three lines are combined into a hexagram, and you can get Eight trigrams. If the two lines of yin and yang are the same, you can get eight or eight 64 hexagrams!"

"The change of the hexagrams depends on the changes of the lines. The interlacing of the lines and the results of the changes have the names of the hexagrams, such as Qian, Kun, Li, Zhen, etc. After deduction to this point, you can cast the gossip magic such as Tuheche. "

"That is to say, if you don't study solar terms at all, then you are naturally not sensitive to changes in solar terms in this Qi Bureau, and I am just the opposite."

"So, seniors don't have to worry about it. If you want to talk about the understanding of yin and yang, four images and gossip, the juniors are far behind!"

Master Hu Tu listened, pondered for a moment, and sighed: "Little Taoist priest, you are humble. There are talents from generation to generation. After the little celestial master in Longhu Mountain, Wudang also has a talented person!"

"I don't dare to take that!" Zhou Sheng shook his head and said, "Although I was not there at Lu Gong's birthday banquet, I have heard about it. I heard that the little celestial master, whether it is the attainments in the talismans, or the cultivation of life, or It’s a magic method, and it’s all top notch.”

"In the year of the weak crown, his strength is comparable to many strong men of the older generation. He only needs one move to defeat him. Even the famous Lu family's Shuangbi are not his enemies together."

"Afterwards, he even taught half of the younger generation's masters. He even taught Zhuge Yunhui, a genius of the Zhuge family, the unique art of evading armor. It can be seen that the other party has a wide range of research and many methods."

"As for me, I only have a little insight into the technique, but in other aspects, it's a mess. How can I compare with him!"

Master Hu Tu shook his head and said: "When there is no end in the world, how can a person be proficient in so many methods at the same time, they are all just copying what others say, in my opinion, you have already surpassed that little celestial master by appearing here today." Already!"

Master Hutu is a person who can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes. For the so-called righteousness, he can even execute his own son.

Including this trip to Liaodong, he also took his son Hu Haiwang with him, so he looked down on Longhushan who hid his chief disciple.

When Master Hu Tu said this, many people looked at the people in Longhu Mountain not far away, but they saw a few Taoist priests meditating there, and ignored the matter.

Among the older generation, no one answered his words. They actually understood the decision of Tianshi Zhang Jingqing very well.

It's normal for this kind of baby bump to be hidden and tucked in a little bit. If someone can bring a team of people over, it's already a face, and they can't push forward.

However, the older generation talked about the ways of the world, and the younger generation was more natural, especially those younger generations who did not attend the Lu family's birthday banquet. They had never seen Zhang Zhiwei's supernatural power, and they couldn't say they were in awe.

No, someone muttered in a low voice:

"Master Hu Tu is right, that little celestial master is so powerful, pointing this, pointing that, why doesn't he dare to come to Liaodong, pointing out Japanese pirates?"

"In the end, I'm still afraid. This is a battlefield. The opposite side of the valley is the core of the Qi Bureau. There are not only a large number of Japanese pirates and aliens, but also a fully armed Japanese pirate team. It's not a competition, it's for blood. of!"

"I only dare to be arrogant, isn't this the kind of person who inserts labels and sells heads?"

"Fuck your mother, what kind of bullshit are you talking about, and I will beat you into a pig's head!"

A young man with shofar braids on his head, a red dress and a gourd pinned to his waist, smashed the gourd on the man's face and cursed loudly.

"Fengping Fengping, calm down, calm down, master is still here, and there are so many seniors!"

"That's right, in this situation, it's not good to hit too many people directly. Let's bear with it first, and then slowly hit the sap afterwards!"

Two disciples of Huodezong held Fengping to prevent him from acting impulsively.

During this operation in Liaodong, many people came, and the people from Huodezong naturally also came. Fengping was brought here by Master Chu to practice.

"No, you have to be trustworthy and keep your word. If you say you beat him like a pig's head, you must beat him like a pig's head!"

Everyone in Huo Dezong has a violent temper, and Fengping is no exception. Zhang Zhiwei is his idol, and he has given him considerable guidance.

He once worshiped Zhang Zhiwei as a senior expert, how could he tolerate a little bum to laugh at him?
"Fengping, let me tell you, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. What happened today is endless!"

The person who was beaten touched the gourd mark on his face, and he also looked unwilling.

But at this moment, a white-haired young man with a gentle face appeared between the two of them, and said with a smile:
"Both of you, now that we are in the depths of the qi situation, and we are faced with a formidable enemy, we should cooperate sincerely. There is no need for such meaningless quarrels!"

While the white-haired youth was speaking, he looked at Master Hutu.

This move is a pun. On the surface, it seems to be persuading Fengping and the young man opposite, but it is actually speaking to Master Hutu.

Many people of the older generation could see it, but no one said anything. Everyone respected Hutu, but few really regarded him as a friend. He was too stern and selfless to leave. Too close, and the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Master Hu Tu didn't say any more, he didn't intend to embarrass Longhushan, he just spoke out, and soon he focused on observing the qi situation.

And the younger generation is saying: "Master Lu, you came at a good time. These days, your means are obvious to all. We all admire you. I heard that you fought against that little celestial master. You have seen through it." In the end, is he the same as the rumors?"

The white-haired young man paused and said in a deep voice:
"It's worse than worse, I can't hold a move in front of him!"

"You...can't last a move? This...how is this possible?"

The man looked horrified and muttered to himself.

He didn't know the little celestial master in the legend, but he knew the white-haired young man in front of him.

The eldest of the two Bibis of the Lu family, the young master of the Lu family, and the future Patriarch of the Lu family, is extremely powerful. Few of the younger generation present can match him.

He asked himself, if he confronted him, he might lose with one move.

But now, this person who can defeat himself with one move is saying that if he confronts that little celestial master, he will not be able to take one move.

What kind of concept is this? !We are all of the same generation, so the gap is so big?

"This is outrageous, I don't believe it, it must be Young Master Lu, you are being modest!" the man said.

Lu Ren shook his head and said: "I've said it very conservatively. Believe it or not, anyway, it won't be long before you can see it with your own eyes!"

"Seeing it with your own eyes?" The man was a little puzzled: "How do you say?"

"Because, the little celestial master you mentioned who inserted the bid and sold the head has already come to Liaodong!"

When Lu Ren said this, there was no expression on his face, but a trace of heat flashed in his eyes.

If his father hadn't asked him to come here, he would have also wanted to go to Longhu Mountain like his younger brother Lu Ci, but he didn't expect Zhang Zhiwei to come here. I don't know if my improved Ruyi Jin can block his slap.

"What, Brother Lu said Senior Brother Zhang came to Liaodong? When did it happen?" Feng Ping almost jumped up when he heard the news.

Lu Ren glanced at Fengping, and said: "It was the messenger from the Tianshi Mansion, saying that Brother Zhang took my younger brothers Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai to exterminate the monsters of all sexes, and they ended up suppressing them. The Northeast is here, and it is estimated that they will come to Changbai Mountain in the next few days!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...you are indeed Senior Brother Zhang. He is here. I must ask him again and show him my progress these days!" Feng Ping said. The face said happily.

"Is it really so evil? I heard that the little celestial master is a good teacher. Then I have to ask him to see how good he is?" said the unruly young man.



"Little Celestial Master, do you know? It is said in the world that you are a good teacher and like to give advice to others."

On the golden sled, Wugen said abruptly.

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and glanced at him: "I'm not good at being a teacher, I'm just more 'sincere', you are willing to come up to me for advice, if I like you, I will give you advice, it's that simple!"

"'Cheng'..." Wu Gensheng paused, and said: "So that's the case, I was reckless, that little celestial master, I want to ask you to help me solve my confusion!"


Wugen said with a smile: "What is 'sincerity', what is 'human'?"

Zhang Zhiwei took a look at Wugensheng. These two words can be regarded as Wugensheng's life creed.

Later, in the Tongtian Valley in Section 24, 36 thieves became sworn brothers, just to see who can decipher these two characters first.

It can be said that the rootless life runs through the word "person".

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, and said: "These two words are simple to say, but they are quite complicated. This'human', people are complicated, three thousand troubles, three hundred Yin gods, easy to know but difficult to do, we know There is a gap of thousands of miles between it and the realization, and you must be more thorough than me in understanding 'human', I have nothing to say, but I don't want to ask you what 'human' is!"

"I'll just tell you about the word 'sincerity'. In my opinion, honesty means faith. Sincerity is the way of heaven. The way of heaven will not discuss with others. There is no room for maneuver in the way of heaven. to a word 'sincere',"

"In short, 'sincerity' is a state of heaven and man in which there is no self-deception, no concealment, and transparency. Those who come will not be rejected, and those who go will not be kept."

"This state is all the attributes of human nature. The true self is one and the only way. Be honest with others and yourself. What you do is what you think, 100% implement yourself."

Hearing this, Wu Gensheng pondered for a moment, and said: "I understand, the little celestial master is very 'sincere', so if they teach you, you give them advice, and you state what you think in your heart to others, it is right here Well, it doesn’t matter if you are wrong, it is harmless to yourself, if you are right, others will recognize you more, if you are wrong, then he can find a more effective method.”

"Almost!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

"Brother Zhang doesn't understand 'people', but he implements 'sincerity' so thoroughly," Wu Gensheng sighed: "The sincerity is the way of heaven, and the heart and nature are in harmony with heaven and earth. Brother Zhang is really a man of heaven, no wonder there are people like this." Accomplishment!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say anything, if what he implements is "sincerity", then what he implements without roots is "human".

Wu Gensheng said again: "Brother Zhang, I want to ask you, if there is a place, a place that can turn ordinary people into extraordinary people, how do you plan to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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