Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 238 The Most Powerful Warlock of This Era

Chapter 238 The Most Powerful Warlock of This Era

"A place that turns ordinary people into aliens?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "What is your understanding of aliens?"

Wugensheng said: "A person who has obtained qi is a different person!"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head: "Then our understanding is biased. I think that only those who have mastered supernatural powers are considered aliens."

Zhang Zhiwei’s understanding of aliens, to give the simplest example, Wang Ye went to Wudang Mountain for summer vacation when he was young, Wudang Taoist Master Yunlong saw him well-behaved, so he taught him standing posture kung fu, and let him get qi.

In this regard, Xiao Wang also feels that it is the same as eating the new Gai Zhonggai, his waist is not sore, his legs are not painful, and he can go up to the [-]th floor in one breath, hey, it is not difficult.

But Wang also really controlled the supernatural ability after he joined Wudang after graduating from university and was taught by Master Yunlong.

"Senior Brother Zhang's plan is very big," Wu Gensheng said, "Senior Brother Zhang thinks that if there is such a place where ordinary people can get qi, it will be good or bad!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "That is of course a good thing!"

Wu Gensheng disagreed, and asked Lu Jin, Lu Ci and the others: "Have you experienced hardships when you stepped into the path of cultivation?"

Lu Jin nodded and said, "Of course I have experienced it!"

He still remembered the difficulty of becoming a foreigner, which was the double tempering of his body and mind.

When he was a few years old, he was only a small child, so he chopped firewood and picked water for several months in the lower courtyard of the Trinity Sect, before he finally succeeded in worshiping the Trinity Sect.

At that time, there were two other friends with him, one was Li Muxuan, and the other was a little fat man. He had been called Senior Brother Liu all those years ago, but it was only later that he remembered that this person should be the one who was sent to him by the Lu family compound last time. Challenging Liu Deshui.

Of these two, one was smarter than him, he was one step ahead of him in everything, and he could always think of things that he couldn't think of.

One with perseverance, the size of a pea dinger, can carry more than a dozen tanks of water and split more than a dozen bundles of wood.

But they all failed, only he succeeded in joining the Trinity School, which shows the difficulty of it.

This is because he is a child of the Lu family of a different family, and he is born with a talent for cultivation. If it were an ordinary person, it would be even more difficult, just like that Liu Deshui.

That's why Lu Jin was surprised to hear the place where people can become strangers directly.

Being a stranger is never easy.

"I was also severely tempered by my father when I was a child. It is really not easy to practice on a water tank full of oil!" Lu Ci also said.

"Me too, the level of Du Xianyuan almost made me almost die. At that time, I even saw my grandma waving to me!" Guan Shihua also said with a look of concern.

"I... I... I think it's quite easy. Grandpa took me to practice, and it's not too difficult to get Qi!"

When Wang Ai talked about his path of practice, he felt that he was a bit out of place, but he soon had a partner.

Only Zhang Zhiwei said lightly: "I don't have any difficulty!"

As a matter of fact, the Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, which is one of the orthodox religions, is by no means easy to cultivate. It also needs to chop firewood, carry water and hoe the ground, recite the rituals, and recite the Taoist scriptures...

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "I don't regard hoeing, chopping firewood, carrying water, and reciting Dao Zang as tribulations. Carrying water and chopping firewood can improve the body. Dao Zang contains the spiritual understanding of the sages. Every time I look it up, I will have a new understanding. , there will be new progress, how can it be called tribulation? Isn’t that when you are practicing?”

Wu Gensheng said: "People like Senior Brother Zhang are still too rare to see. In fact, in my opinion, anyone who becomes a different person through cultivation must have stepped on a path of unbearable pain for ordinary people."

"And every step on the road, after many years, is still engraved in my heart. If you don't grit your teeth and persist, you will want to give up every second and hone your mind. The boring and irritable during meditation will even let you People miss the pain in their muscles and bones."

"And if you don't go through these sufferings and let people go straight to the sky, the consequence is that you will lose your sense of reality, be like a dream, be in a cloud of mist, don't know what it means, be frivolous and arrogant, and do evil. This kind of place is not advisable!"

"There is no such thing as advisable or not in a place, only people are not advisable!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "It seems that some people have some talents in the practice of one way, and they feel the qi as soon as they practice, while others only feel it after standing for a year or a half. To Qi, this is not a reason to deny the former.”

"The reason why the latter have to go through these hardships is just the process they have to go through when they step into the path of practice, rather than stepping into the path of practice after going through these processes."

"It's meaningless to praise suffering. If you think that people have to endure some hardships to become noble and noble, this kind of thinking is very problematic!"

"Whether a person does evil or not is related to the person himself, but it has little meaning to the degree of hardship during the practice. It seems that some innate people, after awakening, think that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"And some acquired strangers who have achieved success through tempering think that I have endured so much hardship and finally acquired a whole set of skills, so I can't enjoy it?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked into Wu Gensheng's eyes: "Suffering, sometimes it can polish a person, and sometimes it can... distort a person!"

Zhang Zhiwei knew about the place Wu Gensheng said that ordinary people can get qi.

Qinling is in Shaanxi, and Wu Gensheng is from Shaanxi, the same place, it seems that he discovered this valley very early.

This valley is very magical. It was created by Zhang Boduan, the real person of Ziyang, so that everyone who enters the valley can get a sense of qi and step into the road of practice.

Who is Zhang Boduan? He is a master of Inner Alchemy, a master of both life and soul, and one of the founders of Quanzhen Sect. Although his reputation is not as good as that of Zhang Daoling, Bodhidharma, Zhang Sanfeng and other saints, but in terms of his cultivation, he is not inferior at all. .

However, as a holy and patriarchal existence, Zhang Boduan did not create his own orthodoxy, but created such a valley, which can be regarded as leaving his own inheritance in disguise.

Moreover, he suspected that he left some very important secrets there, from where the Baqiji was realized. As for the secrets in the valley, Zhang Zhiwei didn't know, but he guessed it had something to do with Tianshidu.

Because, when Luo Tian was married in the later generations, Zhang Chulan asked the old celestial master about the Jiashen Rebellion. The old celestial master was very sincere, and if he didn't play tricks, he would pass on his celestial master's degree and give him all the answers.

How could Tianshidu nearly 2000 years ago have something to do with the Jiashen Rebellion?

In the past, Zhang Zhiwei thought that his brother, the big-eared thief, ran away when the master taught him the degree of the celestial master. During this process, he spied a trace of the mystery of the degree of the celestial master from the master.

Then with a group of sworn brothers, he cracked the degree of the celestial master and got the things in it. Therefore, the eight strange skills and the methods of the Taoist sect highly overlap.

But now, he has a new idea, maybe it's not that they cracked the Celestial Master's degree, but they cracked the things left by Ziyang real Zhang Boduan.

And the reason why this thing has something to do with Tianshidu is because Zhang Daoling and Zhang Boduan are people of the same level, and what they left behind, in a sense, is also of the same level, and may even be the same secret.

As for this, with Wugensheng's ingenuity, he may be vaguely aware of it, or he may know it, but he has never explored it.

But as Zhang Zhiwei said, suffering will change and distort a person.

According to Jin Feng, Wu Gensheng's little fan girl, Wu Gensheng's temperament changed drastically when he was in Jiashen year.

He never pointed out the way for others, he only acted as a guide, and for the first time, he was a good teacher. He forcibly charted the way for the little girl Jinfeng, and drove her away.

Afterwards, he summoned 36 thieves to gather together in the 24th Festival Tongtian Valley, chatted happily and became brothers with different surnames.

After the banquet, the 36 thieves went back to their respective homes and looked for their mothers, but before they returned to their sects, a small masked man sent the list of sworn brothers to each sect.

At this point, the Jiashen Rebellion broke out, and the 36 thieves who had no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth, who were hunted down by various factions, turned into desperate desperadoes under another invitation from Wugensheng, and came again. In the 24th section of Tongtian Valley, eight miracles were performed.

Regarding the role of Wu Gensheng and his younger brother in this matter, Zhang Zhiwei didn't know, and he didn't want to speculate.

"By the way, you can invite me to visit such a magical place!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

It is related to the degree of the celestial master, so he is a little curious about the secrets in the Tongtian Valley in the 24th section, but only a little bit. If Gensheng invites him to go, he will go, but he will not deliberately look for it.

Since Zhang Daoling, Zhang Boduan, and Zhang Sanfeng can all get the secret, he needs to know, it's just a matter of time, it doesn't matter if he takes a shortcut or not.

Does he really believe there is? ...Wu Gensheng was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "If there is a chance, definitely!"

After that, the sled became quiet, no one spoke, and the surrounding wind sounded like a ghost crying, shrill and ear-piercing, and you couldn't hear it clearly unless you roared loudly.

Trekking in the snow is very dangerous even for foreigners. At this time, the temperature in Changbai Mountain may be minus 34 degrees, and they went deep into the Qi Bureau. The temperature here is undoubtedly lower, and they need to use Qi to lock the body heat.

After another journey, the golden sled climbed up the snow-capped mountain. It was all white, and it was hard to tell the sky from the ground.

"Senior Brother Zhang, did we go astray?!" Guan Shihua shouted.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the compass for her: "Follow the pointer, you can't go wrong!"

Guan Shihua said loudly: "The destination is fine, but the road is wrong. There was a canyon on the left side, it seemed that was the road, and we didn't take the usual road just now, turning over the ridge of the snow-capped mountain."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"You mean, I went astray, missed the way to join the big army, and cut directly into the depths of the qi bureau?"

Guan Shihua nodded, then widened his eyes, pointed at the dragon patrol compass, and said with a look of surprise:

"Senior brother Zhang, hurry up, look at the compass, the pointer of the compass!"

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Zhiwei stopped the golden sled, took it over, and saw the pointer on the compass spinning rapidly.

This compass was given to him by Liu Wei to make it easier for him to go to the imperial mausoleum to find the large army. Now that this situation occurs, it should be because the destination has already been reached.

"What's the situation?" Wu Gensheng asked.

"The strength is too strong, and I ran too far!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Everyone was speechless.

"Then what should we do, let's go back first?" Guan Shihua said.

Zhang Zhiwei looked forward, his eyes suddenly sank, his eyes flickered, and he saw that the breath in front of him was disordered, and clusters of energy were tangled together like strings, entangled and lingering, dense like a sea of ​​smoke, mighty and mighty.

"It's all here, go and have a look!"

Zhang Zhiwei slowed down, urged the sled to move on, and when he crossed the ridge, he saw a white valley ahead.

In the valley, there are eight small peaks that look like flags standing abruptly.

The reason for the abruptness is that these eight small peaks have no snow, and the whole body is black and scorched black, as if they have been struck by lightning.

As soon as a few people approached, the sky was covered with overcast clouds in an instant, and only heard drums and horns contending between the sky and the earth, strange wind whistling, and all kinds of shouts and killing sounds filled the ears, as if thousands of troops and horses were fighting together.

Wu Gensheng stared at the front, and said: "There are eight strands of extremely strong qi in front, you should have noticed the abnormality!"

"I also felt it. Not only that, I also heard the sound of horses' hooves, shouts of killing, and the sound of armor colliding. It's like being in a battlefield!" Guan Shihua looked surprised.

"Me too!" Wang Ai said.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't speak, and was looking solemnly at the valley below. In the eyes of others, the valley below was just a vast expanse of whiteness.

But in Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, it was the turmoil of Qi, the meeting of winds and clouds, the black clouds pressing down on the city, one banner after another was erected towards the sky, and countless Qing troops in armor of the Eight Banners lined up below, with murderous aura blowing their faces, and the ground was scorched. A cloud of gloom.

The reason for this phenomenon is that he has reached the realm of inner sage and outer king. In this realm, he has clearly understood his own structure, understood the small world of the human body, and built his own structure as a kingdom.

And these qi outside are like invaders who want to attack his country. This kind of scene is the product based on this.

"What's the matter with the sound of drums and horns and shouts of killing? Just now I probed with Ruyi Jin, but I didn't feel anything." Lu Ci said.

"Because it's qi that makes those movements, so naturally you can't feel the entity!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Is it because of the Qi Bureau? In my understanding, the Qi Bureau is the same as Feng Shui, but why is there a sound in Feng Shui?" Lu Jin asked.

"Fengshui is just a very small application of the Qi Bureau, and there is another application of the Qi Bureau, which is called formation!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Array?" Lu Jin was puzzled: "Is it an array of troops?"

"Arranging troops is too low-level, it should be a higher-level formation!" Zhang Zhiwei said: "Have you heard of Zhuge Wuhou's eight formations?"

"I've heard of it, but isn't this a legend?" Lu Jin said.

"It's not a legend, it's true!" Wu Gensheng explained: "On the riverside of Kuizhou Mansion in the Sichuan-Chongqing area, that is, in the Baidi City of Liu Beituogu, Zhuge Wuhou piled up rocks in order to resist the Eastern Wu navy. To form a stone array, according to the armor, it is divided into life, injury, rest, du, scene, death, shock, and open eight doors, creating a dynamic situation that can block hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers."

"It is said that those who entered the formation suddenly felt a thick fog appear, and then thousands of troops and horses appeared in the formation, and they lined up in front according to the power of gossip. Anyone who trespasses, no matter how many, will die without a place to bury him. Zhuge Wuhou relied on this formation to block Soochow's offensive, Senior Brother Zhang means, the following qi formation is actually the eight formation diagram?"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head: "Probably not. The Eight Arrays can hold back a hundred thousand elite soldiers. After unfolding, they can lock the Yangtze River across the Yangtze River and block the army of the Eastern Wu. This should be just a counterfeit and shoddy version, but even so, it is quite extraordinary. This should be a It was created by an extremely advanced warlock, no wonder our Alien Alliance is trapped here."

"A sorcerer with a high level of cultivation?" Lu Jin said, "Could it be that Fan Wencheng who helped the Manchu Qing rule the country and the world?"

"Who else but him?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Fuck, that's the end of it. Even if this person is not as good as Zhuge Wuhou, he can rule the country and the world. How can he be so weak? Among the magicians of this era, there is no such level at all. Exist!" Lu Jin said with a mournful face.

"Who said no?"

"Who said no?"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

The speakers were Wu Gensheng and Zhang Zhiwei.

(End of this chapter)

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