Chapter 239 Cognition Beyond Time

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhiwei and Wu Gensheng looked at each other, and saw their silhouettes in each other's eyes.

As for Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai, the three of them cheered up.

They knew that senior brother Zhang would not shoot the target for no reason, so they wanted to use the flying thunder sword technique to break the formation?Breaking this formation just like breaking that railway company?
Only Guan Shihua didn't know what was going on, and asked with a confused face: "Is there any? For a warlock of this level...Master Hutu of Shuzimen, with superb methods and first-class character, could it be him?"

"Withered bones in the tomb, sooner or later you will go crazy!"

This very righteous Hutu master finally went crazy while chasing the eight strange skills, just like Chen Jinkui, the tenth master of the Shuzi sect.

Guan Shihua was stunned for a moment, and said again: "The village head Zhuge, the descendant of Marquis Wu, has been passed down for dozens of generations, and has all the true biography of Marquis Wu, is it possible?"

"The chief of Zhuge village is stern and cowardly, he is always scheming, and he will do great things but spare his own life. He can't do it!"

Zhuge Village Chief of this generation is indeed tough on the outside, but cowardly on the inside. He promised Zhuge Yunhui to let his wife Tian Xiaodie go, but then secretly killed her.

Guan Shihua was stunned: "The two sect masters of the sorcerer sect are not good enough, so who else is there?"

Who else?Of course it was Senior Brother Zhang, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai. The three of them looked at each other and were about to speak.

But Wugen said with a smile: "Senior brother Zhang and I are the only ones who can break this formation today!"

Several people were taken aback.

Brother Bilian, why are you putting gold on your face?are you okay you?Lu Jin and the others complained in their hearts.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wu Gensheng curiously: "Why do you think I can?"

He asked himself, he didn't show much means in front of Wugensheng.

"Intuition!" Wugensheng said.

"You are very accurate at seeing people!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"If it's not allowed, I might have died long ago!" Wu Gensheng said lightly.

"So, Senior Brother Zhang, are you going to use the Feilei Sword to break the formation?" Lu Jin said excitedly.

Although I have seen Zhang Zhiwei use it twice, I still feel shocked every time I think of the scene of the big sword flying across the sky and rushing straight into the sky.

"The Feilei Sword is not easy to use here. This qi situation is many times bigger than the one we broke before. Breaking it directly from the outside world is equivalent to using one's own strength to compete with the qi of this world. This is not advisable. Yes!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Destroying a building and destroying a mountain are two different concepts, what's more, these eight mountains are guarded by strong qi.

"To break this qi situation, you need to contend with this world?" Lu Jin asked with a look of surprise.

"What do you think?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "One of the warlocks is to control the natural rules and use the natural rules. This qi game is one of the high-end operations."

"High-end operation? Brother Zhang, I'm a little confused. What's going on with this Qi situation?" Lu Jin asked.

Zhang Zhiwei had studied Qimen Dunjia last time when he went to Catch the Heart Ape in the inner scene, so he was no stranger to this qi situation, so he explained:

"The Qi Bureau itself is very simple. To sum it up, this world is made up of dead and living things, and no matter whether they are dead or living things, everything in this world is not static for a moment and is always changing. , but the dead thing only passively accepts the changes made to it by nature.”

"But living things are different. There is an innate qi in a living body, so you can choose to actively change and cater to the environment. Therefore, in my opinion, the difference between a living thing and a dead thing is that there is an innate qi in a living body. .”

"The birth of the qi bureau is to use dead objects to create a closed pattern similar to living things, and then introduce the innate qi of living things into this pattern, so that this dead thing can be activated to form a special pattern."

Zhang Zhiwei's explanation can be said to be quite simple and rude, and several people understood it in an instant.

"Brother Zhang means that the valley below is actually a living thing!" Lu Jin said.

Lu Ci said: "I also understand. What Brother Zhang means is that every creature is a complete closed pattern. When a creature acquires qi and uses it, it can produce supernatural powers in the pattern. And using dead objects to construct Form a pattern, let this pattern get qi, and give birth to supernatural powers, it becomes a qi pattern!"

"That's what it means!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, "There are different methods of different people, and there are naturally high and low points in the Qi Bureau. The low-end operation of the Qi Bureau is Feng Shui, which has little impact on people, and it is difficult to get immediate results. .”

"The high-end operation is the array, like the one in front of you, or the eight arrays arranged by Zhuge Wuhou, all belong to this category. Once you enter, you will be bombarded by the Qi Bureau. The effect of this bombardment is It is similar to the use of supernatural means by aliens."

"In addition to these two, there is also a kind of extreme operation, at a higher level, to obliterate and deny a person from the root!"

"Extreme operation, obliterating and denying a person from the root cause?" Lu Ci looked puzzled: "Brother Zhang, I understand the first two, but I don't quite understand this one!"

"Me too!" Lu Jin said.

At this time, Wu Gensheng said: "Senior brother Zhang said that the higher level should be the level beyond time."

"Beyond time?" Everyone was even more confused. Can time be surpassed? How can it be surpassed?

Wu Gensheng explained: "This is just a point of view. The powerful qi game that senior brother Zhang said is extremely manipulated, and the impact on people starts with time!"

"Time is a wonderful thing. From the perspective of time, you are not only the present you, you are the sum of the past, present, and possible future."

"If you mistakenly enter the qi game of the extreme operation, this qi game will not directly generate lightning flames and other supernatural means to attack you, but it will kill you from the time level."

"That is to say, the moment you step into that kind of qi game, what conflicts with the qi game is not the current you, but the you every moment since you stepped into the qi game!"

"Qi Bureau will distort you and deny you from your past. In short, after entering, your past will be gone."

"Without the past, how can there be present and future? Destiny is a line, and the future is the product of inertia and advancement based on the sum of past and present."

"Although the practice of our practitioners is to get rid of the inertia of the past through a complete grasp of the present, so as to create the future independently."

"But the past is still the foundation of the future. Even if only a small part of the past is destroyed, then the fate of this person will come to an end."

"Because once the thread of fate is broken, this person will no longer have the ability to control his own destiny. He can only passively accept the arrangement of good fortune and wait for the end of fate."

After hearing Wu Gensheng's explanation, everyone was even more confused. It's not that they didn't understand, but they didn't understand why such a terrifying effect would occur. It's time and fate. It's too mysterious, okay?

Everyone subconsciously looked at Zhang Zhiwei, and wanted to ask Senior Brother Zhang what he thought. They trusted Senior Brother Zhang more than Wugensheng.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and said: "The truth is indeed such a truth, but let me briefly summarize it. Time is a concept given by us, and the essence of time is actually change."

"And the smallest unit of change in the pattern is the 24 solar terms. Therefore, it is not so much at the level of time, as it is at the level of change, at the level of solar terms."

"Whether it is a low-end operation or an extreme operation, the essence is a closed and fixed pattern formed by Qi within a certain terrain for a period of time, so everything here is not open, it is self-contained."

"The level of operation is determined according to the fineness of the Qi Bureau. The higher the operation, the more refined the Qi Bureau, and the more complete the system of the Qi Bureau. It is even so complete that its solar term changes are different from those of the outside world."

"This kind of qi bureau, which even has its own system of solar terms, is an extreme operation, and once there is a new qi body pattern, breaking into this extreme qi bureau from the outside, it will inevitably be affected by the solar terms."

"And the more sophisticated and powerful the structure of the Qi body, the more it will be impacted by the structure of the Qi Bureau, and human beings are precisely one of the most sophisticated and complex structures."

"So, after a person enters this kind of qi bureau, the influence of the qi bureau on people starts from the solar terms. There are 24 solar terms in a year, and there are 24 solar terms in a day."

"Suppose, you enter the Qi Bureau of extreme operation at 'seven o'clock' in the morning. At 'seven o'clock', the solar terms corresponding to your body structure should be in 'Qingming'."

"As for the qi bureau operated by Jue Ding, because it is self-contained, its solar term changes are different from those of the outside world. It may be in the 'Lixia' at the 'nine o'clock'."

"When you step in, the impact from 'Lixia' will distort your 'Qingming', and the result is that you at seven o'clock are gone and disappeared."

"When you continue to walk in the qi circle, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds... all the way back, you will be distorted and disappear."

"Humans have a very precise pattern, just like dominoes. When distorted too much, the pattern of the human body will collapse completely. At that time, there will be five decays of heaven and man, and there will be no cure for medicine and stone."

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, everyone was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized.

"Senior Brother Zhang's understanding of the Qi Bureau is really high!" Wu Gensheng couldn't help but sighed.

"So, that's what Brother Bilian said about time and fate!" Lu Jin sighed.

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, any mysterious and incomprehensible things can be easily understood after Senior Brother Zhang's explanation!" Lu Ci also sighed.

"Senior Brother Zhang's explanation is really simple!" Guan Shihua understood why Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others followed Zhang Zhiwei wholeheartedly.

The mysterious and incomprehensible things like the Qi Bureau, in the hands of Senior Brother Zhang, become the most simple way.

Then if you go to ask for other methods, under the guidance of Senior Brother Zhang, can you get through without even a little bit?
I really envy the group of Taoist priests in Longhushan. Guan Shihua has mixed feelings in guarding such a capable and willing to teach Dajinshan.

"Self-contained system, independent time, by the way, Senior Brother Zhang, does the extremely manipulative qi bureau you mentioned really exist?!" Guan Shihua couldn't help asking.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Nature exists, both natural and artificial."

"Artificial? How is it possible? If you want to make this kind of pattern artificially, wouldn't you be a god?" Guan Shihua said with a look of shock.

"You're right, you really need to live a god to create it!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wu Gensheng: "Brother Bilian, have you ever seen this kind of qi situation?"

"I'm lucky to have seen it once!" Wugen said with a smile, he treats people with sincerity, and he doesn't even bother to lie.

The 24-section Tongtian Valley in the Qinling Mountains is one such extreme Qi situation.

Don't look at how many people entered it later, but they all knew the route. If they didn't know the route and broke in without thinking, the end would be extremely miserable.

During the Jiashen Rebellion, Biantong, one of the 36 thieves, led a group of masters from the Natural Gate to find the 24-section Tongtian Valley, but the entire army was wiped out.

"What, Brother Bilian has seen this kind of qi situation before. It's a good thing you didn't break into it, otherwise it would be the end of the calf!" Lu Jin sighed.

Although he didn't get along well with Wu Gensheng, and he was a little upset, but he wasn't vicious enough to want him to die.

"Hey, that's not right, isn't the time of this kind of qi game different? Time is such a thing, it's hard to see from the outside, brother Bilian, if you don't go in, how do you know the details of this kind of qi game?" Lu Ci Obviously be smarter.

"Who said I didn't go in, if I didn't go in there, how dare I come here?" Wu Gensheng laughed.

"What do you mean?" Lu Jin and the others were startled and asked in disbelief.

Wu Gensheng pointed to the front and said with a smile: "It is because I have been in contact with it that I understand some of the principles. In my opinion, the dragon vein below the imperial mausoleum, the qi pattern formed by the hair is a natural The ultimate qi game, right Senior Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "That's true. The current qi situation where the army is shouting to kill the sky is just an appetizer. The dragon vein itself is the hard nut to crack."

He looked into the distance with a solemn face. These wars have caused a large number of aliens from China to wither. No one can solve this level of Qi situation.

Therefore, this operation, if there are no accidents, should have failed in the end, and the puppet Manchukuo was finally established, which is the proof.

However, fate is really a wonderful thing. The world is not static for a moment. The sum of individual changes is the change of the whole world, but the degree to which individual changes affect the changes of the world is not the same.

Some people work hard all day long, but they can't make any waves, while some people turn the world upside down because of a single thought.

This is caused by the different weight ratios of fate that individuals occupy in this world, and Zhang Zhiwei's trip to Liaodong changed the fate of many people.

The railway company that would have existed forever was destroyed, and the railway garrison, the predecessor of the Japanese pirate flower, was wiped out.

And the indirect consequence of this is that Yuan Guangxin, the priest from the Shizikou Military Port, came to Bincheng to check the situation, but he ran into a shit-stirring stick without root.

Wu Gensheng caught Yuan Guangxin, learned what happened here from him, and rushed over without stopping, and bumped into Zhang Zhiwei on the way, which contributed to the current situation.



"Is the imperial tomb a Qi bureau like this?" Lu Jin asked incredulously, "Brother Bilian, what do you mean, that guy named Fan Wencheng can create a Qi bureau of this level?!"

Wu Gensheng glanced at Lu Jin: "I said old Lu, your name is Lu Jin, why are you not serious at all, you said it is natural, how could it be created by Fan Wencheng?"

"Fan Wencheng has this ability. Wouldn't it be good for him to bury his ancestral grave there? Why did he have to bury Nurhachi? The reason why he buried Nurhachi was because Nurhachi found the dragon's vein by chance and got the blessing of the dragon's vein."

"Fan Wencheng just helped Nurhachi fix the dragon's veins, and built the imperial mausoleum on this basis. On top of the dragon's veins, he built a very auspicious Fengshui bureau!"

After being teased by this stinky guy who didn't fit her character, Lu Jinqiao blushed and said falteringly:
"I'm just occasionally careless. Most of the time, I'm cautious, okay?"

At this time, the bad friend Lu Ci silently made up the sword: "Reverse and reverse, you are reckless most of the time, only occasionally cautious!"

The bad friend Wang Ai added another knife: "When you are doing things seriously, you are an iron reckless man. Only when you are being serious, you are very cautious, as if you are making concessions, seniors are polite, thank you, how dare you!" When it comes to such scenes, you should be cautious!"

Zhang Zhiwei silently gave Wang Ai a thumbs up. As expected of a child, his understanding is very good!

"..." Lu Jin took a deep breath. In this scene, he didn't bother to argue with these two idiots, so he quickly changed the subject:

"Then how can we find the right way to break the situation if we are not blessed by the dragon veins?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I guess, if this person can have a way of cognition that transcends time, that is, transcends change, he should be able to see clearly the rules of this kind of energy situation!" Wu Gensheng said when he said this , glanced at Zhang Zhiwei.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Jin said again: "Brother Bilian, you just said that you have entered that kind of extreme qi game, and then you came out, do you have a cognition that transcends time?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Wu Gensheng in astonishment, wouldn't Bilian still have this ability?

Only Zhang Zhiwei looked calm.

"Cognition beyond time, I am naturally..."

Wu Gensheng paused, and said with a smile: "I don't have that ability, but don't forget my methods."

"No matter how subtle the qi game here is, it's still qi after all. As long as it's a method of qi, it's useless to me, so no matter what kind of qi game it is, it's like a fake to me."

"This is also the reason why I boasted before, saying that there is no existence of this level."

"However, I dare to say that because of my special ability!"

Wu Gensheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhang, how about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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