Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 240 I have controlled all changes in the world, I am the king

Chapter 240 I have controlled all changes in the world, I am the king
"Brother Bilian, I know what you mean, you want to ask me if I have cognition beyond time?"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and glanced at Wu Gensheng, smiled, and said:

"Then let me tell you, there is definitely no such thing, at least not for the time being. If you want to have a cognition beyond time, and want to see the whole world clearly, you need to practice the law to the extreme, and you have to be an outsider." Observation."

Zhang Zhiwei made a small gesture with his index finger and thumb: "I admit that I have achieved a little bit in the way of observing the law, but what I practice is the method of observing myself. Before I can see the whole world clearly, what I need to see clearly is myself."

"In that case!" Wu Gensheng asked, "Brother Zhang, if you get into this Dragon Vein Qi situation, are you afraid?!"

His way of seeing is similar to that of Ding Zhuan, one of the two heroes of the later generations. They are both ways of looking at things from the outside, so it can be seen that Zhang Zhiwei has a way, but he is not omniscient and can't see what the specific way is.

"Why am I afraid? Brother Bilian, it's small, it's small!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked down at the Qi situation below, and said without raising his head: "What can be done by observing the external objects, why can't the observation of oneself be done?"

"Looking at things outside is to see the whole picture of the world clearly, and finally seek the ultimate truth in the world, while looking at oneself is to regard 'fate' as the country, and use 'nature' to look after the world like a holy king."

"Human beings are one of the most sophisticated and complex patterns, so they will be impacted by the solar terms in the extreme Qi situation, distorting their own changes, thus erasing the past, but... what does this have to do with me?"

Zhang Zhiwei spread his hands: "I have mastered all the changes in my own structure. I can be the king of my own structure, or I can lead Zhou Tian innately, cover the changes of Zhou Tian, ​​and become the king of Zhou Tian!"

"This is turning me into a king. If you are so domineering, you deserve to be Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci looked at Zhang Zhiwei with burning eyes, and became more and more admirable.

"By the way, the impact of the Qi Bureau is to distort one's own changes. Brother Zhang said just now that he has controlled all the changes in himself, so isn't Senior Brother Zhang afraid of the impact of the Qi Bureau?" Lu Jin asked with a look of surprise.

"It's not just that it can't be shaken, Brother Zhang seems to mean that he can turn against the guest and control the dragon's energy?" Guan Shihua said.

"Senior Brother Zhang is awesome!" Wang Ai paused, "Shi Hua'er is right!"

Guan Shihua looked at Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai curiously, and felt that the three of them admired Zhang Zhiwei too much.

She has only felt this kind of admiration from the devout believers of the fairy family.

Do they have the same admiration for Zhang Zhiwei as those believers?Isn't this a bit too exaggerated.

And the fact is exactly what she thought.

This kind of admiration, wrapped in the innate Qi that Lu Ci, Lu Jin and others radiated all the time, formed the power of faith, and absorbed it into Zhang Zhiwei's body.

Regarding this situation, Zhang Zhiwei did not intervene in any way, which was not a bad thing for Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others.

Human beings are exuding innate qi all the time. Instead of returning to nature, it is better not to let the fat and water flow out to outsiders, but to use it for other people.

As for Wugensheng, he was in shock at the moment, and was looking at Zhang Zhiwei in disbelief.

He claims to be born with spiritual roots, carefree, carefree, temperamentless, rootless, past without beginning, and future without end. Anyone who sees him will call him a madman.

He originally thought that he was already crazy enough, but since he joined Zhang Zhiwei's team, he knew what it means to have someone beyond others and a sky beyond the sky.

Compared with Zhang Zhiwei, I'm still called a fart madman, just call me Xiao Wu, Wu Gensheng complained in his heart.

The reason why this idea was born is that Zhang Zhiwei's idea is too appalling!
You know, the Qi Bureau represents a small piece of heaven and earth. Isn't it an act against the heavens to enter the game alone and use your innate talent to attack Zhou Tian?
This simply violates the basic concept of the way of the sorcerer. What the sorcerer believes in is to measure good and bad, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, follow the way of heaven, and be the pusher of the general trend of the world.

Therefore, the Warlock's attitude towards the Qi Bureau is more to find the rules of the Qi Bureau by observing the flow of the energy veins, and then use the loopholes in the rules to perform methods.

Even if he possesses the spirit of a god, he only relies on his ability to walk through the Qi situation, find out the rules like a blind man figuring out an elephant, and use them. Anyway, he never thought of replacing them with his own pattern.

But now, Zhang Zhiwei actually wants to turn against the guest and use his own structure to impact the qi situation in the world. Not only does he not abide by the rules, he even wants to make his own rules.

What kind of monster is this?

He wanted to say one more thing, you are shaking the big tree with mayflies and looking for your own death.

But looking at Zhang Zhiwei's eyes shining like big stars, he immediately knew that Zhang Zhiwei's words were not missed for no reason, he really intended to do so.

"Senior brother Zhang, are you... really... a warlock?" Wu Gensheng asked.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Although I only have a little understanding of the art of magic, I can not only enter the interior scene, but also open the game, so I should barely be regarded as a warlock!"

"Barely count?" Wu Gensheng said: "Speaking with conscience, are you called a warlock in this way? You have to cover the changes in the sky and turn me into a king, and you can also be called a warlock? You are God, so God, we When are you going to try?!"

Originally, he wanted to rely on his own ability to clear the way for everyone, but now, he wanted to see how Zhang Zhiwei turned me into a king.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled: "Try it!"

Hearing this, Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others cheered up. If Senior Brother Zhang does not give up, even if there is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den in front of him, they are willing to follow.

Guan Shihua said: "Brother Zhang, don't we go back and join the army?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "It's all here, there's no reason to back off!"

After all, from the ridge of the snow mountain, he jumped into the game.

"Wait for me, Senior Brother Zhang!"

"I don't even need to remind you, just jump as you say, and I'll do it!"

Lu Ci and Lu Jin yelled, but without any hesitation, they also jumped down from the ridge of the snow-capped mountain.

The ridge of the snow-capped mountain is hundreds of meters high from the valley below. An ordinary person would be crushed to pieces if he jumped down like this.

But Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid, his arms were wide open, and the golden light enveloped his whole body, drumming and flying, and he seemed to be riding the wind away.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci, who followed closely behind, were not so chic.

Lu Jin is an iron reckless man, so he jumped when his brain got hot. After he jumped into the air, he realized that he couldn't fly. superior.

Then, Lu Jin fell against the mountain wall, because the mountain wall was covered with a lot of white snow, Lu Jin slid all the way down the mountain.

Lu Ci also used a similar method, but he was more cautious than Lu Jin. He directly put Ruyi Jin on the soles of his feet and walked all the way down the snow. This was not difficult for him, he could even step on water .

"Shi Hua'er, let's go!"

Fatty Wang called out, and without waiting for Guan Shihua to respond, he turned over and jumped onto the Fuma, and with a "drive", the Fuma leaped and stepped on the mountain wall all the way down.

"Huniu, are you afraid of getting into this qi trap?" Wu Gensheng looked at Guan Shihua who was still standing on the ridge and asked.

Guan Shihua looked at Wang Aiyuan's back below, twisted his tiger eyes, and grinned: "They are not afraid, but I am afraid of his grandma's legs!"

After all, get on the horse and get off the horse.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's hot, everyone is so natural, it's not a good thing to stay with these reckless people for a long time, they will become unwise!"

Wu Gensheng glanced at Lu Jin, who was gliding with difficulty while his twins supported the ground, and also got on his talisman horse and rode off.

When Zhang Zhiwei jumped, he left the Fu horses that pulled the sled on the mountain. There were six horses in total, and now there are three horses left.

On the mountain wall, the Fuma's speed was a little faster than the Jiama's, which was naturally faster than Lu Jin's skating. Within a few breaths, Wang Ai surpassed Lu Jin.

Lu Jin looked at the back of Wang Ai riding a horse, patted his head, and said angrily:

"Fuck, I was reckless, why didn't I think of this!"

And when Wang Ai surpassed Lu Ci, Lu Ci also patted his head annoyedly, and then, with a leap of his body, he jumped directly behind Wang Ai and rode the same horse with him. .

"Hey, why didn't I think of this!" Lu Jin's eyes lit up, and he turned his head quickly, only to see Guan Shihua galloping off his horse, he opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak.

Lao Lu wanted to save face very much, but in the end he didn't lower his face, and proposed the idea of ​​riding a horse with Guan Shihua, and watched Guan Shihua gallop past him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Wu Gensheng approaching on horseback, and hurriedly waved, "Brother Bilian, give me a lift!"

Wu Gensheng glanced at him, with a smile on his face, and extended his hand to him.

Lu Jin's face brightened. Although Bilian was not happy to see this, others still blamed her.

He quickly reached out to grab it.


There was a crisp clapping sound, and Wu Gensheng and Lu Jin clapped their hands once. The Fuma under him swung its hoofs and jumped over Lu Jin's head, leaving only a series of mean laughter.

Not only that, when the horse's hoof fell and stepped on the snow, a large handful of snow was splashed, which directly smeared Lu Jin's face.

"Damn it, Bilian, Bilian, you're really nothing, I'm not at odds with you!"

Lu Jin wiped off the snow from his face, and couldn't help cursing in anger. He finally knew why Wugensheng was not pleasing to his eyes, and he didn't like Bilian so much.

In the end, he was the second to jump off the snow mountain, and the last one to slide into the valley.

"Old Lu, let me tell you, what did you do? You don't have a horse to ride, and you want to be in such a mess!?"

As soon as he came down, Wu Gensheng winked and said before he asked his teacher to ask for his crime.

"I suggest skating," Lu Jin snorted coldly, "Do you understand skiing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a brutal bloody aura that only belonged to the cold weapon battlefield. It rushed over and made him suddenly feel like a black cloud was overwhelming the city.

When I looked up, I saw one banner after another erected towards the sky, and countless soldiers in bannerman armor, with murderous aura rolling in, overwhelming mountains and seas.

And under his feet, it was no longer a snow-capped mountain valley, but a battlefield full of scorched earth and corpses.

"Is this the high-end operation that Senior Brother Zhang said? It's too high-end!" Lu Jin said to himself.

Previously, they were outside the core of this qi game, and they didn't have the mind of Qimen Manifestation, so they couldn't see through the situation inside the game.

However, when they entered the game and were in the game, these terrifying scenes manifested.

At this time, Wu Gensheng said: "It's not very high-end, it's just like the effect of a ghost hitting a wall. Those armies you see are actually made of qi, and they are all fake. If you don't believe me, take a look!"

A few soldiers of the Eight Banners with blurred faces came and slashed at Wu Gensheng's body with long knives. Nothing happened to Wu Gensheng, but the soldiers of the Eight Banners disappeared in smoke.

Wu Gensheng raised an eyebrow at Lu Jin: "Why don't you try?"

"Just try... I'll try your grandma's leg, don't want Bilian, you really think I'm a fool, don't think I don't know your ability!"

As Lu Jin said, gathering Qi in his hands, he ran across the neck of an Eight Banners soldier with a knife in his hand, and threw a head high, and then, it turned into a ball of Qi and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"Sure enough, there is a body, but the strength is not strong, and it is about the same as ordinary people!" Lu Jin said.

"It is indeed similar to ordinary people, but they are made of qi. Even if you kill them all, they can be reborn. If you don't break the formation of qi, they can't be killed!"

Wu Gensheng said as he walked through the boiling battlefield, he was as graceful as a dragon, and his whole body was like an eraser, wherever he went, the soldiers of the Eight Banners would be wiped away.

However, even so, it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, because every time he erases a part, a new Eight Banners soldier will be born.


Wugen let out a sigh of relief, and said: "This thing is really not done by humans. If you charge and kill a few times, you will have to lose your strength!"

I have been charged several times, but if I have no roots, I will not rush to kill.

He has the ability of gods and spirits, and these Eight Banners soldiers made of qi can't hurt him at all.

He didn't need to thankfully release his qi to erase them.

Simply watch the battle and see how Zhang Zhiwei does it.

But at this moment, far away from the front of the mountain wall, bright golden light shot up into the sky, and Zhang Zhiwei's whole body was like a cast of gold.

I saw him stepping on a foot, centered on a certain unit in the Eight Banners Army formation, a huge pattern of strange gates unfolded, and a blue compass pattern suddenly appeared on the ground.

This compass is divided into four plates of heaven, earth, man and god. Inside the plate are the gossip and heavenly stems that rotate clockwise, and outside are the earthly branches and 24 solar terms that rotate counterclockwise. dizzy.

Zhang Zhiwei took a step forward and rushed into the Eight Banners soldiers who could not see the end at a glance. The golden light spread out and exploded a huge air mass. Under the huge impact, a group of Eight Banners soldiers were blown to ashes.

He stood in the very center of this strange gate pattern, and said to himself: "The middle palace is the most convenient place to move the four dials."

"But for ordinary Qimen Dunjia, if you want to open a Qimen game, you must have the target as the final decision in the middle palace, and you can't decide the conclusion by yourself."

"It's really troublesome. After the end, I still have to grab the middle palace. I have to find some time to see if I can improve it, change it to something like Wuhou Qimen, and use myself as the middle palace!"

Last time Zhang Zhiwei tried to catch the ape in his heart, but he practiced the magic method secreted by Longhushan-"Secret Treasure Tongxuan Transformation Liuyin Cave Micro-Dunjia Sutra".

Although the method of this technique is a little low-level at the beginning, not as convenient as Wuhou Qimen, but in other respects, it is not bad at all, such as Kunzi Tuheche, Lizi Fire Meteor and other techniques. Law, everything you need.

However, Zhang Zhiwei does not intend to use these strange techniques now, these methods are too low-level, he wants to show the superb operation of the technique.

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the four compass-shaped plates under his feet were moved and spun crazily.

"Brother Bilian, you said before that warlocks are deduction, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, following the way of heaven, but in my pattern, I am the position, I am good and bad, and I am the king!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, didn't cast any spells, didn't even hit any visible qi, but it seemed like he gave an order.

The moment the order was issued, the Qi flow in the air suddenly became disordered, turning into a breeze and blowing.

As the breeze blew, the bannerman armors of countless Eight Banners soldiers scattered like fallen leaves, and they were wiped out together with ashes.

This scene was like a miracle.

Zhang Zhiwei is like the king in this pattern, the master of this pattern.

With a thought in his mind, everything in the layout is a knife in his hand, and he must follow his will.

The breeze scattered like a hurricane, sweeping all the Eight Banners soldiers in this area.

These Eight Banners soldiers seemed to be hit head-on by a torrent of steel, and they dissipated in an instant, turning into clear air and diverging.

Before, the Eight Banners soldiers who were killed would turn into qi, and under the action of the qi bureau, the soldiers would come back again.

But not this time, if you die, you will really die, and become a pure qi, with no tendency to gather again.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang is too, Mrs.... so fucking handsome,"

Lu Jin looked at this scene with a dull face, and muttered to himself: "When can I be so chic!"

"Yes, yes, yes... this is what I pursue, this is my goal, natural disaster, this is simply a natural disaster!" Lu Ci was incoherent with excitement.

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang!" Wang Ai also murmured.

They have seen Zhang Zhiwei make shots many times, and the threshold in their hearts is very high.

But Guan Shihua and Wu Gensheng hadn't seen each other a few times, Guan Shihua was frightened and froze in place, dumbfounded.

And Wu Gensheng was also dumbfounded, whispering in his mouth:

"Feather fan and scarf, while talking and laughing, the mast and scull were wiped out. Could this guy be the reincarnation of Marquis Wu?!"

"Throughout the ages, Marquis Wu is the only magician who has gone against the general trend of the world and changed his destiny against the sky!"

"No, Marquis Wu wouldn't be so reckless, this guy is really a monster."

"By the way, have I been too slack in my practice these years?!"

When Wu Gensheng introduced Zhang Zhiwei, he once said that he didn't know whether he was born or acquired.

The reason for saying this is because as long as he calms down, he can enter the state of meditation in any posture, and the progress is faster than that of ordinary people who specialize in meditation, so he has never specially practiced.

Like Feng Baobao, he adopts a free-ranging mentality in the practice of qi.

To put it simply, I lie flat, and you should be more energetic with Qi, and turn around by yourself.

Wugensheng refers to this phenomenon as the natural spiritual root.

But now, after seeing Zhang Zhiwei, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Do you want to work harder in the future? !

(End of this chapter)

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