Chapter 242

The days in Changbai Mountain are very short, the sun has already set, and the lead cloud compresses the last ray of the setting sun into a bunch of red lines that undulate along the distant mountains.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the Alien Alliance was on the move. They gathered at the position due east of the Eight Banners Gonglong Qi and were breaking the formation.

Master Hu Tu, Master Gao, Master Lu and others looked at the mountain peak that looked like a flag in front of them.

Patriarch Gao said: "Master Hutu, the eye of this qi bureau is right in front of you, as long as it is broken, this qi bureau will be disintegrated?"

Blue ripples appeared in Master Hu Tu's eyes. As a sorcerer, the Qimen Imaging Mind Technique is a must, which allows him to see through the flow of Qi veins in the situation, and also see the true colors of things under the influence of the Qi situation.

Just like here, the hill that looks like a flag is not a mountain in the eyes of others, but a flag that reaches the sky, waving in the cold wind.

Under the banner is a huge horn-blowing camp. Countless Eight Banners soldiers gathered in the camp, killing them wave after wave.

But in his eyes, this mountain is just a mountain, not some ancient camp.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners who rushed over were not real soldiers, but clusters intertwined with each other, like messy qi.

However, as a normal warlock, Master Hutu can only see, but cannot directly intervene, unless he can control the 24 solar terms in his own structure.

Master Hu Tu shook his head and said: "It can't be disintegrated, but it can greatly reduce its power. After Zhou Sheng's reminder, I saw some arrangements. On the top of the mountain in front, there is a Eight Diagrams. In the middle of the Eight Diagrams , with a Japanese pirate's saber stuck in it."

"That should be a magic weapon for suppressing Fengshui. It is precisely because it is pressed here. On the qi game of the Eight Banners Arching the Dragon, there is another qi game of the sky sword arching the sun, which makes it more difficult for us to break the game. Now We just need to pull out the saber, and the rest will be easy!"

Before this operation, they had broken the formation many times around the Eight Banner Mountains, trying to destroy the arrangements inside the Eight Banner Mountains, but they all failed.

The reason for the failure is that the Qi Bureau itself is fierce, and the hanging sky knife is hard to guard against. It is very difficult to resist the pressure and rush to Qishan.

The second is that there are Japanese pirate soldiers ambushing in Qishan, and some Japanese pirates came to stop them.

The third is that these Qishan Mountains have been nourished by the Qi Veins for hundreds of years, and it is not easy to destroy the mountains.

Qi's effect on an item is very strong. Feng Baobao's Okamoto 0.01 was originally thin and brittle, but after she warmed it with Qi, it became extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud.

Although the qi in this qi bureau is far from comparable to Feng Baobao's qi, it has been warmed for more than 200 years, making the mountain as hard as pig iron.

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhiwei didn't use the Feilei Sword directly, it was too much effort and thankless.

In contrast, using some technical means to directly destroy its underlying structure is much simpler and less labor-intensive.

"Is it the magic weapon of the heavenly sword arching the sun on the top of the mountain?"

Patriarch Gao shook his head and said, "Your warlocks' methods are really treacherous. I am in this qi situation, and I can't even see the mountains, let alone the magic tools on the mountains. Lao Liao, have you found anything!"

"I didn't find anything. After the immortals were dispatched in person, the power I could invite was very limited. Just now I invited some small immortals to dispatch to find out the situation, but they all encountered unexpected events. This operation , I will listen to you, and I will be responsible for cooperating!"

Said a middle-aged man with a beard, round eyes, a headscarf wrapped around his head, and a big tattered padded jacket, holding a big cigarette bag in his hand.

This person is called Liao Huzi, born in a family of horsemen, he is an old Xianggen, and his ancestors have been disciples of the Ma family for more than ten generations.

More than ten generations and hundreds of years of worship have made the immortals behind him all ruthless characters, such as Liu Kunsheng.

So, don't look at this person dressed like a beggar.

But in this three-acre land in the Northeast, he can be regarded as an unambiguous master.

Even if it is the Wang family, the most powerful of the four major families, the head of the family has to treat him respectfully and politely when he sees him.

At the same time, he is also Guan Shihua's master, and he was the one who took Guan Shihua to the Lu family old man's birthday banquet last time.

When meeting Patriarch Wang, Patriarch Wang expressed enthusiasm and said that he wanted Wang Ai and Guan Shihua to get closer.

At this time, the head of the Lu family said: "Brother Liao is modest, there is a specialization in martial arts, although I didn't see it, but I used Ruyi Jin to explore it just now. There is really a Japanese knife inserted on the top of the mountain. I tried to use the wishful energy to get it out, but it failed, the distance is too far, I can't use it, and there is a strong qi around it to protect it!"

Master Hu Tu waved his hand and said: "No problem, you can use the method of a warlock to break it in the way of a warlock. Just leave it to Brother Zhou Sheng to draw the sword. We are here to sweep the formation for them. Everyone pay attention, the Heavenly Sword Gongri's Heavenly Sword is about to come out."

Several people looked over together.

In front of them, people from the Alien Alliance marched in groups, attacking the battle formation.

In the formation of Eight Banners soldiers, the heat was steaming, Feng Ping held two fires in his hands, and kept rubbing the fireballs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Big fireballs with a diameter of more than two meters were bombarded one after another, like destructive, blowing a huge gap in the formation of the Eight Banners soldiers.

After being instructed by Zhang Zhiwei last time, Fengping no longer engages in fancy fire dragons and fire phoenixes, and concentrates on studying fireballs to make the fireballs more solid, violent, blazing, and faster...

After a long period of practice, while the power of the flame in his hands has greatly increased, the level of fire control has not decreased but increased, even faster than the previous special training on fire control.

This is what Zhang Zhiwei said, one method, ten thousand methods, when you can compress the quality of the flame and add various properties to it, the shape of the flame itself, isn't that pediatrics?
The current Fengping can be said to have greatly increased in strength.

Of course, it is not only Fengping who has greatly increased in strength, but also Dabi Lu Ren.

I saw that Lu Ren's whole body was shining with purple light, which was the external display of wishful energy. He made seals with both hands and slapped him suddenly.

In an instant, purple light rose from his whole body, from Lu Ren's back upwards, rising infinitely high, turning into a huge phantom that was six feet tall, enveloping him.

In the past, Lu Ren's wishful energy was very loose. After all, his use of wishful energy was to hide energy in the wind and ground, and use its unpredictable characteristics to hurt people.

But the last time Zhang Zhiwei approached against the face against the attack, slapped his head into the ground with a slap, and after receiving some pointers, he began to change.

As an elder brother, Lu Ren was much more mature than Lu Ci. He didn't confront his father with great fanfare, saying that he would stop learning and go to a new path. He was pretending to cater to his father while trying out his own new ideas.

Regarding his new ideas, Lu Ren had never shown them in front of his father, but now, he felt that the time had come, it was time to show them.

"Father, look after me, my Zhanliu dharma body!"

Lu Ren thought to himself, and then used all his energy to move the qi in his body, transforming it into wishful energy, and filling it into the huge phantom covering his whole body.

"Clang clang..."

In the air, there was a series of sounds of armor colliding. Under Lu Ren's continuous support, the loose Ruyi became like a substance. When they collided with each other, there was even a sound similar to metal colliding.

Immediately afterwards, the huge phantom, which was one foot six, turned into a real substance, and the flowing wishful energy even turned into armor pieces and a tight helmet that were connected to each other, wrapping Lu Ren's whole body, making him look like a Huge armored general.

"I'll go, brother Lu, what kind of look do you have?" Feng Ping looked at Lu Ren with a surprised face. Among other things, this huge figure of about five meters is enough to bluff people.

"You all have made progress, so naturally I have to!" Lu Ren smiled and said, "Come on, rush into the camp ahead, and send Daoist Zhou up the mountain!"

"Thank you, benefactor Lu!" Zhou Sheng said hastily, with a trace of doubt on his face. He is naturally higher than Lu Ren and others in terms of magic skills, but he is not as good as in fighting.

Zhou Sheng could tell without even using his hands or divination that he should have no way to break through the huge purple figure created by Lu Ren.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhou Sheng wondered how strong Lu Ren was, who was said to have been slapped to pieces by that little celestial master from Longhu Mountain in the Lu family compound.

Out of curiosity, he once did divination in the interior scene, but he didn't get the answer. A fireball appeared in front of him. If he opened it forcibly, it would seriously attack him, and even his life was in danger.

However, sometimes, there is no answer, but it is also an answer. You can't even do divination. This shows that the opponent's strength is far superior to him, and it has exceeded the limit of his skills. This is enough to show that the opponent has true supernatural powers. It's not about spreading rumors and gaining a false name.

Therefore, when Master Hu Tu belittled the little celestial master before and came to praise him, he didn't agree with him at all, and even clarified immediately.

"By the way, Daoist Zhou, you warlocks do a fortune-telling before doing something. What's the result of your fortune-telling?" Fengping asked suddenly.

Lu Ren laughed and said, "Master Hu Tu and Daoist Zhou have discussed it. Since you dare to do it, the result will be good!"

Zhou Sheng nodded, and said: "That's true. Master Hu Tu and I both calculated a hexagram, and the result we got is the ninth line of the Qian hexagram!"

"What does this hexagram mean?" Lu Ren asked.

Zhou Sheng explained: "The ninth line of the first day is the beginning of everything, and the Qian hexagram uses a dragon as an image, so the ninth line of the first day is "Don't use the hidden dragon". Auspicious."

"However, although it is an auspicious sign, there are also twists and turns. It is unlucky for the dragon star to disappear at the autumnal equinox. This shows that we must beware of danger at night. However, there will be no disaster in the end. Therefore, our operation this time should be success!"

Lu Ren looked at the dimming sky, then at the camp in front of him, and at the soldiers of the Eight Banners who were pressing down in formation, and said with a smile:

"Since we came to break the formation at night, we must beware of the danger at night. What kind of twists and turns is this? This is auspicious. Brothers from the four families, follow me. Everyone rush in. Tomorrow morning we will eat snow in Changbai Mountain." chicken!"

After all, Lu Ren took the lead and took the lead in charging. He controlled Zhang Liu's Ruyi Jin Dharma Body, waved a nearly ten-meter-long spear, and slashed at the Eight Banners soldiers who rushed over.


Flying vigorously, Lu Ren raised the spear in his hand and set off a series of huge explosions in the formation of the Eight Banners army. He drove the six-foot-high dharma body and pierced through the formation of the Eight Banners soldiers. before camp.

Thanks to him, the aliens from the four families who followed him, as well as aliens from other schools, also followed suit.

"Let's climb up to the camp and go to the flag mountain!"

Lu Ren yelled, but as soon as the words fell, Lu Ren felt the hairs on his back stand up, and subconsciously took a step back.


I saw a huge Japanese sword with a length of tens of meters falling from the sky, and slashed at the position where he was standing just now.

This is the "Heavenly Sword Arching the Sun", which was personally arranged by Omiyaji of the Shinto Ise Shrine in order to prevent the Qi situation of the Eight Banners Arching the Dragon from being broken.

There are two heavenly knives, which stand on the east and west sides of the qi bureau. Anyone who approaches the camp formed by the eight flag mountains will be attacked by these two heavenly knives.

They have been unable to win this qi game before, and these two heavenly knives are a big obstacle.

However, when Zhang Zhiwei went to break the game, he was not attacked by the Heavenly Sword.

The reason for this is that Zhang Zhiwei never approached Daying at all, and there was no triggering condition.

The second is that he directly covered that area with a strange game, led Zhou Tian with innateness, rotated the solar terms, moved the four discs, and forcibly changed the underlying rules of that area.

The rules at the bottom level have all changed, which is equivalent to the fact that the foundation is gone, and the Eight Banners soldiers and sky knives that appeared based on it will naturally cease to exist.

However, compared to the ease of Zhang Zhiwei's side, this side is much more troublesome. They are working hard under pressure.

Missing Lu Ren, the Heavenly Knife rose into the air, and slashed over aggressively again. This time, the Heavenly Knife targeted everyone.

"Everyone spread out!"

Just as Lu Ren shouted, several golden lights suddenly spread out, forming a huge mask above everyone's heads, blocking the blow.

"The Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain, block it!"

As soon as Lu Ren turned his head, he saw that behind him, a group of Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain unleashed their kung fu, and the golden light transformed into a giant shield, blocking the attack.

The leader was a tall, thin old Taoist priest covered in golden light.

The name of this person is Zhang Shoucheng, the leader of Longhushan's operation this time, and the younger brother of Zhang Jingqing, the celestial master. Zhang Jingqing sent them here because of the momentum of the defense.

"What Zhou Sheng Xiao Gaogong said is indeed correct. At night, the power of the knife-arching day will be greatly reduced. It is not difficult to defend yourself. Master Lu, you just move forward, and leave the rest to you." old way!"

After Zhang Shoucheng finished speaking, the Taoist priests with the three schools of talismans stepped forward, facing the Eight Banners soldiers who were overwhelming the sky like locusts.

A group of well-prepared Taoist priests of the Talisman Sect played the Talismans one after another in their hands.

All of a sudden, the wind, thunder and golden light moved the sky, and this group of people were like mighty heavenly officials.

Numerous soldiers of the Eight Banners rushed forward one after another, and disappeared together in the golden light of thunder and fire.

"The Daoists of the Zhengyi Sect have all started, so let's do the same!"

After Patriarch Gao finished speaking, he pinched a magic formula, touched his chest, palms and soles of feet, and then crossed his legs and sank into a deep stillness.

In an instant, a huge phantom rose from the ground, grabbing the sky knife that was cutting vertically and horizontally in the air.

This is the release of the Yang God, and it is a method for those who have advanced their 'sexuality'. Only when they get rid of the shackles of the physical body can they use more methods.

(End of this chapter)

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